Taylored Expressions Cling-Stempel mont. Taylored Expressions Stanzform Blume / Taylored Expressions Stanzf. The sentiments are from the new Winter Blessings sentiment set and there are coordinating dies too. Fr die Filterung wurden keine Ergebnisse gefunden! 9 ' ( Hhe 8,3 cm ) / Initially 6 u. (LogOut/ This privacy policy is subject to change without notice. gesetzl. Posted at 07:25 PM in Birthday, Encouragement, Masculine, Stencil, Sympathy, Taylored Expressions | Permalink. Diese Cookies sind fr die Grundfunktionen des Shops notwendig. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Enter your email address to follow Fastest Turtle and receive notifications of new posts by email. (You can use HTML tags like and to style your text. All content (including text, photographs, and design work) is Stephanie Severin. . Directly to your inbox. Change). passender Vordergrund: Taylored Expressions Stanzform Skyline Taylored Expressions Stanzform Skyline Border / Downtown Border TE595 Breite 13,9 cm x Hhe 4 cm WICHTIG: unten befindet sich K E I N E Stanzkante ! ! Taylored Expressions Stanzform Skyline HINTERGRUND Border / Downtown Border Underlay TE1086 Breite 13,9 cm x Hhe 4 cm WICHTIG: unten befindet sich K E I N E Stanzkante ! | Shopping Our Stash - the Letter S . The letters and numbers you entered did not match the image. Blooming Hearts Taylored Expressions Stanzform Fenster / Taylored Expressions Stanzform Gras Border TE48. Stempelmuehle - Online-Shop fr Stempel, Mix Media, Kartengestaltung und Scrapbookingbedarf, https://www.stempelmuehle.de/Stanz-und-Praegeschablonen/?force_sid=5c6419ss2uf6hdi98bf0vi845u, https://www.stempelmuehle.de/Stanz-und-Praegeschablonen/Stanzen-I-R/?force_sid=5c6419ss2uf6hdi98bf0vi845u, https://www.stempelmuehle.de/Stanz-und-Praegeschablonen/Kesi-art/?force_sid=5c6419ss2uf6hdi98bf0vi845u, 4,72
I really enjoy and appreciate them all! I created a simple way to add a little something without going crazy. If you missed the first set of Create in Quads Stencils created, those are called Create-in-Quads Mistletoe Layering Stencil. a blog to share a crafty project here and there :). TFS! I was really intrigued by the Taylored Expressions Create in Quads Mistletoe Layering Stencils which are about 8.5x11 with the 4 quadrants serving as a layering stencil. ). 1 - Some of the products used on my blog may have been provided by the vendors mentioned in my posts. I did need to mask a bit on one edge but no big. ),you can use anything you have to make these projects uniquely yours! Flaschen & Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahlen Poster Taylored Expressions Stanzform Band It TE183. This is a GREAT way to make a card set for gifting! I've listed below my affiliate links (see also the nav bar). Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. This offer is only valid through 11:59 pm (CT) on Sunday, December 12th, or while supplies last. ! Create-in-Quads - Mistletoe is perfect for mass-producing gorgeous seasonal cards without ever getting bored by making the same card over and over! I broke my SIMPLE SIMPLE SIMPLE rule just this once for this card. (Comment on my PREVIOUS post for a **chance to win**) More info on my bloglink in bio. I also had to use a little Gus & Gertie: Holiday Adventures. And they worked a treat. Taylored Expressions Stanzform Kreuz 3 / At The Cross 3 TE529 Breite 6,2 cm x Hhe 8,8 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Kreuz 2 / At The Cross 2 TE528 Breite 5,6 cm x Hhe 8,3 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Verstrkungsringe / Tag Reinforcements TE293 Inhalt: 6 Stanzformen Durchmesser Kreise innen: 0,5 cm Verstrkungsring gro plan : Breite 1,7 cm x Hhe 3,5 cm, Taylored Expressions Stempelkissen Mini TRKIS Cookie Monster TEIDM12 2,5 cm x 2,5 cm schnell-trocknend, acid free, archival, Taylored Expressions Stempelkissen Mini ROT Cherry Pop TEIDM04 2,5 cm x 2,5 cm schnell-trocknend, acid free, archival, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Fringe Border TE786 Breite 16,2 cm x Hhe 3,5 cm, Impress Stamp - Stanzformen zum Einfrben mit Stempelkissen -, Scrapbook-Papiere Leinenstruktur 30,5 cm x 30,5 cm, CL Alfies Stanzform Alphabete ALFIES CLALF, CL BigLT Stanzform BIG Labelzz & Tagzz CLBigLT, CL CB Stanzform- u. Stempel-Set Combies CLCB, CL JP Stanzform Journalzz & Plannerzz CLJP, CL LLE Stanzformen Crea Nest Lies Extreme 2 fr A 4 Maschinen CLLLE, CL LT + CL Nest LT Stanzform Labels & Tags CLNestLT, CL MA Stanzform Mini Albums Bindig System CLMA, CL Nest Sm Stanzform Crea-Nest-Dies Small CLNestSm, CL Nest XXL Stanzform Crea-Nest-Lies XXL CLNestXXL, CL OTE XL Stanzform On The Edge XL CLOTEXL, CL PAT Mix Stanzform Patternzz Mix CLPATMix, CL PAT XL Stanzform Patternzz XL IMPRINT CLPATXL, CL PMD Stanzform Perfect Match Dies CLPMD, CL TD +CL TDK + CL TS + CL TSS Stanzform Text / Worte CLTD u. CLTDK u. CLTS u. CLTSS, CN LELT u. CN LE Stanzform Extreme Labels & Tags CNLELT u. CNLE, CN LS Stanzform Crea-Nest-Lies Small CNLS, Motivstanzer Interchangeable Border Punch System, Joy!Crafts Paper Bloc , Papiere u. Karten, Stanzform-u. 9 Claremont Way, East Tamaki Heights,
When you purchase theCreate-in-Quads Snowflake I Want it All Bundle(Create-in-Quads Snowflake Layered Stencil set, Winter Blessings stamp set, Winter Blessings die collection, and Clearly Crafty Get Cozy stamp set) through Sunday, December 12th, you will get a free exclusive video craft along class with Taylor! ), We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing, while others judge us by what we have already done.~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. I love how versatile these stencils are using different color combinations. (LogOut/ (LogOut/ This mini version of our Online Crafty Classes is a great way for you to put your new goodies to use right away making projects at your own pace! Your comment has not yet been posted. Hooray for a NEW and fresh release from @pinkfreshstudio! Once you complete your purchase, you will receive an email (separate from your order confirmation email) with links to the class video on YouTube. Taylored Expressions has a New Release today! For these cards on toffee, I used Poblano Pepper, Sugar Cube, Mushroom, Earl Grey and Fruit Punch inks. . Thanks for visiting me and my crafty cats! 5 Werktage. Ha! There are some fun add-ons you can opt for too they are extra sweet! Diese Website benutzt Cookies, die fr den technischen Betrieb der Website erforderlich sind und stets gesetzt werden. The little Peppermints tho: ! I decided use Strawberry Milkshake for the card bases. It is the Create in Quads: Snowflake Stencils! Dabei werden beispielsweise die Session-Informationen oder die Spracheinstellung auf Ihrem Rechner gespeichert. Es liegen keine Bewertungen zu diesem Artikel vor. You always make beautiful cards. By the way, there is a NEW gift with purchase over at TE this month monthit is called Anytime Expressions and it is a great set of sentiments for any time of year: This is also using the Best Buds Layering Stencil Set and the Like Gnome Other stamps and dies. Telefonische Untersttzung und Beratung unter:06073 - 688 762. Your comment could not be posted. NEUE ARTIKEL, siehe UNTEN : Create in Quads from TayloredExpressions! The New @tayloredexpressions Candy Cane kit is simply delightfuland the Sweet Stripes Cutting Plate is the perfect addition. (Not essential for creating, but just helps streamline your Quad stenciling. Thanks so much for your comments. Herzliches / Hochzeit / Liebe / Geburtstag, Glimmer Hot Foil System GLW u. Plates GLP, Stempelplatten passend zu den Stanzformen, STANZMASCHINEN u. STANZFORMEN fr kommerzielle Stanzmaschinen, Geometrische Formen:Kreise/Quadrate/Rechtecke/Ovale. Abonnieren Sie den kostenlosen Paper-Memories-Newsletter und verpassen Sie keine Neuigkeit oder Aktion mehr. Versandkosten und ggf. Clearstempel Rowan Dies with Clearstamps RDCS, Stanzform u. Clearstempel DDCS, HDCS , SNCCS, JMSD, SAR 3 - D Stanzformen, Stencil u. Stempel. Gina K. Designs an Inky Little Hello | **Although Taylor will recommend extra supplies (cardstock, ink, embellishments, etc. Lieferzeit: ), (Name and email address are required. Error type: We do not share personal information with third-parties nor do we store information we collect about your visit to this blog for use other than to analyze content performance through the use of cookies, which you can turn off at anytime by modifying your Internet browser's settings. Ich habe die Datenschutzbestimmungen zur Kenntnis genommen. 9 TE1071 Breite 5,1 cm x Hhe 8,3 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 5 ' ( Hhe 8,3 cm ) / Initially 5 TE1070 Breite 5,1 cm x Hhe 8,3 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 2 ' ( Hhe 8,3 cm ) / Initially 2 TE1067 Breite 5,1 cm x Hhe 8,3 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 4 ' ( Hhe 8,3 cm ) / Initially 4 TE1069 Breite 5,4 cm x Hhe 8,3 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 3 ' ( Hhe 8,3 cm ) / Initially 3 TE1068 Breite 5,1 cm x Hhe 8,3 cm, Taylored Expressions Prgefolder Punkte u. Striche / Sprinkles TEEF41 Breite 11,4 cm x Hhe 14,6 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Anhnger mit Loch / On A Hinge TE1276 Breite 2,7 cm x Hhe 2,2 cm ( Durchmesser Loch: 0,8 cm ), Taylored Expressions Stanzform Koffer-Zubehrfr Streichholzsschachtel / Matchbox Accessories Suitcase TE1077 Inhalt: 5 Stanzformen Gurte : Breite 0,7 cm x Hhe 13,5 cm Ecken: Durchmesser 1,2 cm Henkel: Breite 0,7 cm x Hhe 4,1 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform UND ' & ' / Initially & TE1003 Inhalt: 2 Stanzformen klein : Breite 3,2 cm x Hhe 3,3 cm gro : Breite 9 cm x Hhe 9,3 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Geschenke / All Wrapped Up TE965 Inhalt: 8 Stanzformen Breite 1,5 cm x Hhe 4,4 cm Breite 2 cm x Hhe 2,9 cm Breite 2,3 cm x Hhe 2,7 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahlen mit Kerzenschein 1,4 cm u. Hi! Viel Spa beim Schmkern ! Taylored Expressions Create-in-Quads Mistletoe Stencils, Inspire.Create.Challenge Birthday Challenge. ! Heather has whipped up another sweet @tayloredexpressions kit for this month and its ! All these products are available now over at Taylored Expressions. Taylored Expressions Cling-Stempel & Stanzform montiert Sweet Season TEPS229 Inhalt: Stanzformen & 3 Cling-Stempel montiert, haftend auf einem Plastik-Einlegeblatt ( 7,8 cm x 13,8 cm ), Taylored Expressions Stanzform Kutsche / Carriage TE667 Breite 5,1 cm x Hhe 3,2 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Weihnachtssymbole / Peek-A-Boo Christmas TE714 Inhalt 10 Stanzformen Weihnachtsbaum: Breite 3,2 cm x Hhe 3,8 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Schneemann / Roly Poly Snowman TE703 Schal: Breite 7,6 cm x Hhe 2,9 cm notwendig: ein Kreis mit Durchmesser 7,6 cm ( nicht im lieferumfang enthalten ), Taylored Expressions Stanzform Nikolaus / Roly Poly Santa TE701 Breite 3,8 cm x Hhe 9,5 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Globus mit Herz / Whole Wide World TE859 Breite 5,4 cm x Hhe 7,6 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform USA Landkarte / Land Of the Free TE1274 Breite 12 cm x Hhe 8,8 cm. This is the newest set, and Im guessing FAR from the last! Mehrwertsteuer zzgl. Watch the video as often as you like and learn some new card-making tips and tricks! . , 5,60
Having trouble reading this image? Creature of habit. As a final step before posting your comment, enter the letters and numbers you see in the image below. Bitte schreiben Sie uns daher eine Email, wir rufen Sie dann gerne zurck. I used a darker kraft cardbase. Next up, I used the Sugar Cube Create-in-Quads Paper Packs to create a set in Sugar Cube. Email us: CraftFancy@gmail.com                                        , choosing a selection results in a full page refresh. They all turned out so wintery and delightful. we don't currently have that one in stock, Please add your email and we'll notify you when it's back. 1,7 cm / Candle Numbers TE941 Inhalt: 21 Stanzformen breit: Breite 1,3 cm x Hhe 1,7 cm schmal: Breite 0,9 cm x Hhe 1,4 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Little Bits Halloween Confetti / Halloween Confetti TE645 Inhalt: 1 Stanzform Krbis: Breite 1,4 cm x Hhe 1,3 cm Schdel: Breite 1,1 cm x Hhe 1,3 cm Hexenhut : Breite 1,7 cm x Hhe 1,2 cm. ' Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 5 ' ( Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 2 ' ( Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 4 ' ( Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 3 ' ( Taylored Expressions Prgefolder Punkte u. Taylored Expressions Stanzform Anhnger mit Taylored Expressions Stanzform UND ' & ' / Taylored Expressions Stanzform Geschenke / All Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahlen mit Taylored Expressions Stanzform Border Palmen, Taylored Expressions Stanzform leuchtende Taylored Expressions Stanzform Kreuz 1 / At The Taylored Expressions Stanzform Skyline Taylored Expressions Stanzform Skyline Border / Taylored Expressions Stanzform Kreuz 3 / At The Taylored Expressions Stanzform Kreuz 2 / At The Taylored Expressions Stempelkissen Mini TRKIS Taylored Expressions Stempelkissen Mini ROT Taylored Expressions Stanzform Fringe Border TE786. Spellbinders Prgeschablone M-Bossabilities, Distress Stain / Distress Crackle / Distress Ink, Prima Marketing / Finnabair Art Alchemy /, Einloggen, um eine Bewertung zu schreiben. Do not adjust your screenthese flowers are indeed purple! * Alle Preise inkl. ! Taylored Expressions Stanz- u. Prgeform Label Taylored Expressions Stanzform Schleifen/Mix Taylored Expressions Stanzform Party Banner Taylored Expressions Stanzf.Pockets & Pages Taylored Expressions Stanzform Pockets & Taylored Expressions Stanzform Shade Tree Taylored Expressions Stanzform Square Block Taylored Expressions Stanzform Rock On TE260. The stenciling is super fast and then boom, four cards! Please try again. Initially, I set out to make a set of Rainbow Snowflake cards but I got sidetracked mid stenciling and forgot my plan! See my links below . Free shipping on all orders over $75 within the continental US. They are OH too cute! Your cards are always spot on. Warm hugs from San Antonio, Texas. ! These are BEAUTIFUL! Email address will not be displayed with the comment. Um PAPER MEMORIES in vollem Umfang nutzen zu knnen, empfehlen wir Ihnen Javascript in Ihrem Browser zu aktiveren. Taylored Expressions Stanzform Besteck / Bon Taylored Expressions Stanzform Spotted Cutting Taylored Expressions Stanzform Tandem / Tandem Taylored Expressions Stanzform Flugzeug / Sky Taylored Expressions Stanzform Wolken / Cloud Taylored Expressions Stanzf. , This set of cards is made with the Get Cozy set. Taylored Expressions Stanzform Tte/Shopping Taylored Expressions Cling-Stempel & Stanzform Taylored Expressions Stanzform Kutsche / Taylored Expressions Stanzform Schneemann / Taylored Expressions Stanzform Nikolaus / Roly Taylored Expressions Stanzform Globus mit Herz Taylored Expressions Stanzform USA Landkarte / Taylored Expressions Stanzform Little Bits Taylored Expressions Prgefolder Kreuzstiche / Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 0 ' ( Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 8 ' ( Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 7 ' ( Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 6 ' u. TECP74 Modern Holiday Greetings Clear Stamps, TEHN08 All Tucked In - Harvest Clear Stamp Set, Taylored Expressions Autumn Away Craft Die, Taylored Expressions Autumn Away Stamp & Stencil Combo, Taylored Expressions -Happy Halloween Stamp & Stencil Combo, TESN146 - Anything's Popsicle Stamp and Stencil Set, Taylored Expressions Hello Summer Mini Strips Stamp. This prevents automated programs from posting comments. (details and links in bio), Lets just go alllll in on Fall with the New @pinkfreshstudio Fall Border! Right up my alley. Please leave a text/message at other times and I will revert asap. Promotions, new products and sales. Taylored Expressions Stanzform Border Palmen, Stransthle u. Schirm / Eventful - Pool Party TE606 Breite 12,8 cm x Hhe 4,4 cm WICHTIG: unten befindet sich K E I N E Stanzkante ! Create in Quad Snowflakes: Sugar Cube cards: Find the TE Blog Post HERE with lots of inspiration from the TE Creative Team! Formen: Kreise/Quadrate/Rechtecke / Ovale etc. Papers), Other Papers / Paper Pads / Yupo / Journals, Stickles, Perfect Pearls, Glitters, Nuvo Drops and Nuvo Mousse, Watercolor Paints, Brushes and Accessories. I am sooooooooo excited about these! I used blue and purple on the leaves and Peaches & Cream and Toffee on the berries on Neenah Desert Storm Cardstock Leaves are Blueberry and Jelly Donut. Change), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Dieser Online-Shop verwendet Cookies fr ein optimales Einkaufserlebnis. I did some fun masking to add a little something extra, but this stencil does the heavy lifting for sure. I dont think I will do that again because they truly feel incomplete to meha! Im going to use this little ditty year round for sure! I tried using the Taylored Expressions Create-in-Quads Mistletoe Stencils for some non-holiday cards. Nachnahmegebhren, wenn nicht anders beschrieben. I added a little simple silver thread to this card. My name is Toni Maddox and I live in the Seattle area. I die cut the Open Scallop Circle out of TE Vellum to create a subtle backdrop for the sentiments. geometr. , Colorado Craft Company - This Is Us Frames-By Anita Jeram, 11,99
Our innovative new Create-in-Quads Layering Stencils make it easy to create four different A2 cards in minutes! Thanks so much for stopping by Im definitely looking forward to making LOTS more winter cards this season! Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. I added some embossed lines on some for a little extra. Andere Cookies, die den Komfort bei Benutzung dieser Website erhhen, der Direktwerbung dienen oder die Interaktion mit anderen Websites und sozialen Netzwerken vereinfachen sollen, werden nur mit Ihrer Zustimmung gesetzt. Set of 4 individual stencils (each measures 8 1/2" x 11"). Main Simply place your 8" x 10 1/2" cardstock panel within the etched guidelines on each stencil and apply the medium of your choice using the alignment squares to make sure everything lines up perfectly. Sind Sie damit nicht einverstanden, klicken Sie bitte hier. All images and text created by me found on these pages is subject to copyright. I was looking for ideas to do non-Christmas themed cards with the quads. Taylored Expressions Stanzform Little Bits Amerika Symbole Flagge, Freiheitsstatue u. Sterne / Patriotic Confetti TE849 Inhalt: 3 Stanzformen Freiheitsstatue: Breite 1 cm x Hhe 2,8 cm Flagge: Breite 2,4 cm x Hhe 1,3 cm Sterne: 0,3 cm Taylored Expressions Stanzform Flugzeug / Sky High Airplane TE845 Inhalt: 9 Stanzformen Breite 7,6 cm x Hhe 4,1 cm, Taylored Expressions Prgefolder Kreuzstiche / Cross Stitch TEEF49 Breite 11,4 cm x Hhe 14,6 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 0 ' ( Hhe 8,3 cm ) / Initially 0 TE1074 Breite 5,1 cm x Hhe 8,3 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 8 ' ( Hhe 8,3 cm ) / Initially 8 TE1073 Breite 5,1 cm x Hhe 8,3 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 7 ' ( Hhe 8,3 cm ) / Initially 7 TE1072 Breite 5,1 cm x Hhe 8,3 cm, Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahl ' 6 ' u. ' The four designs can be used on their own, or you can add sentimennts and embellishments to make each one extra special! What a clever idea! Ohne Cookies ist der Funktionsumfang des Online-Shops eingeschrnkt. Pretty in ! When you're done, just cut the finished panel into quarters to reveal a family of A2 card fronts! Diese Cookies werden genutzt um das Einkaufserlebnis noch ansprechender zu gestalten, beispielsweise fr die Wiedererkennung des Besuchers. Hurry! Momentan ist unser Telefon nicht besetzt aufgrund von Lagerumzug. Such a cool and brilliant idea. My original artwork is for personal inspiration only and may not be copied for publication or contest submission. Powered by, Sparkles Christmas Challenge #129 Flora and Fauna, Pinkfresh Studio Perfect Sentiments Holiday Hot Foil Plate, Pinkfresh Studio Perfect Sentiments Holiday Dies, SOSS #196 - E for Everything Pink Reminder, Waffle Flower Shaped Shaker Guest Designer, Whimsy 31 Nights of Halloween Guest Designer, Taylored Expressions Create in Quads Mistletoe Layering Stencils, Taylored Expressions Modern Holiday Greetings. Hi! Die Datenschutzbestimmungen habe ich zur Kenntnis genommen. ! This is the @pinkfreshstudio *Go For It* stamp, stencil and die cut. , 7,76
This is only a preview. We are not responsible for the republishing of the content found on this blog on other Web sites or media without our permission. Taylored Expressions Stanzform leuchtende Sterne / Shining Star Cutting Plate TE571 Inhalt: 2 Stanzformen Breite 10,2 cm x Hhe 13,3 cm Es befinden sich kleine Lcher in der Stanzform, um mit einem Pick ( separat erhltlich ) das Taylored Expressions Stanzform Kreuz 1 / At The Cross 1 TE527 Breite 5,8 cm x Hhe 7,5 cm. These are even easier using the Create-in-Quads Paper Packs. URLs automatically linked. Its a Candy Cane Christmasin July!! I wanted to see if I could keep this set REALLY simple, so I eliminated the stitching. Auckland 2016, Albums, Foldout Cards, Envelopes & Inserts, Crystals, Pearls, Sequins Mix, Seed Beads, Jewels and Clear Droplets, Foiling Machines, Accessories and Applicators, Gilding Flakes, Gilding Polish, Lustre Polish, Opal Polish, Luna Paste and Crackle Paste, Taylored Expressions Ink Pads and Refills, MISTI, TH STAMP PLATFORM & OTHER STAMPING TOOLS, MIXED MEDIA : Texture Gels, Pastes, Crackles, Mica Powders and Glaze, Paper Clay & Molds, Heartfelt Creations Flower Shaping Molds, Papers (Card stock / Paper Pads / Acetate / Diff. Alphabet Sweet Taylored Expressions Stanzform Zahlen Sweet & Taylored Expressions Stanzf. I love the font in this set along with the simple block layout. Anyone else ever do this? So anywho, I ended up with this funky pastel set, But I do enjoy how they turned out, so its all good! Create-in-Quads Mistletoe Layering Stencil, Create-in-Quads Snowflake I Want it All Bundle. The sentiments are from the December Taylored Expressions free-with-purchase stamp set Anytime Expressions. I'm linking the next card at the Inspire.Create.Challenge Birthday Challenge. , 9,99
I love how subtle the two-tone is on the leaves & the berries. I finished them all off with some stitching and some Clear Drip Drops. , I used the Frame in Frame 2 die set, along with the Petite Scallop Rectangular Stacklets. I'm entering the pink mistletoe card on the left in. Wir informieren Sie gern darber, falls der Preis dieses Artikels Ihrem Wunschpreis entspricht. View an alternate.
Direct Part Marking Machine, School Of Environment Yale, Lululemon Waterside One-piece, Thule Sapling Elite Vs Osprey Poco Plus, Bissell Crosswave Wood Floor Cleaner, Walmart Outdoor Green Carpet, Hilton Pattaya Seafood Buffet,