quarter of civilization human design

Your purpose is revealed through your Incarnation Cross; your costume described by your profile lines of those four gates. There are four Faces per Quarterfour distinct nuances of each Godhead. Please review our return policy terms and conditions for more information, or contact us by writing to office@jovianarchive.com. And then moves into the Quarter of Initiation. Did you notice in the first half of your visual journey that the foundation of all the hexagrams was Yang (solid lines)? What the hell do we know? Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Transformation. Covers Gates 7 - 44 around the wheel of the Rave Mandala. The most powerful channel of them all the dominating one the one that will change our civilization and the one that we all will be impacted by. . But it is exceedingly revealing to recognize the transcendent values that are brought into the spirit of bonding through the two individual gates that do belong to this quarter. Mandala Gates 7 to 44. 3 - Duality. If you haven't yet had a guided tour of the hexagrams and how we divide the wheel, it's a lot of fun to do! Would you like to take a moment to be inspired by the breathtaking beauty of the Human Design System Hexagrams that is the Rave Mandala? Please refer to The Definitive Book of Human Design for more detail and. You can see how these appear in our charts, when you look at your complete Mandala: Additionally, there are 3 types of Crosses: If your Incarnation Cross is a Right Angled Cross, you have a "Personal" Life Theme. With all certainty the Quarter of Mutation is generally the most easily misunderstood and yet prone to lead to misjudgement and false generalizations. 13 The Fellowship of Man - The Gate of the ListenerUniversal ideas and values in an ordered framework which inspires humanistic cooperation. People who are carriers of any of these two gates in their individual imprinting are responsible to maintain the individual spirit empowered within the bond. Nobody knows how to manage it creatively. Our goal is to guide you in your journey. I remember what is still a wondrous moment in my decade+ of contemplating Human Design's Rave Mandala. The foundation here is set by the Gate of the Listener, the Fellowship of ManYang (spirit) pushing upward into Yin (form). From the perspective of our mental potential; separation from others is a must if we ever are to integrate our individual emotions correctly. Like the other three quarters the Quarter of Initiation is divided in two . of Ra Uru Hu, founder of The Human There are no Incarnation Cross Audios matching this search. Updated and republished with permission. In other words, the possibility of exploring the potential for business and material expansion outside of the known borders of the world that is familiar to one by birth, both through the organized military powers of imperialism as much as through the organized cooperative powers of capitalism. Each of us, as we look at and have digested our Profiles, see that clearly as a schema of how we operate, a way in which we operate. In the movement around the wheel of the Rave Mandala we find the quarters of Initiation and Civilization before Duality. Here are the eight gates representing the eight houses of the I-Ching, dividing the 64 hexagrams of the wheel into eight equal portions. Knowledge you can use to discover This naturally implies separation from the individual awareness of others as a fundamental premise. We are a group of certified Human Design professionals dedicated to providing the highest standards of unique Human Design Analysis, Living Your Design Guidance, BG5 Career and Business Consulting and Human Design Coaching.We can give you the keys to your genetic code so that you can live an inspired life of growth, change, self-acceptance and unconditional love.Are you ready to transform your life? Each cross, angle, and profile has a necessary contribution to the building of the Maia, as society progresses in its evolutionary journey around the wheel. Ra suggested that the journey to the full bloom of our life purpose is our reason for being here. Duality, what a seductive trap that our genes have created for our human vanity. Navigation tools can be used and experimented with. Gate 2 is the gate of the driver, yes, but it is also the core of Penta group dynamics, and gate 8 is its lock in the world of form. Looking for your Incarnation Cross Audio . Discover the 16 archetypal themes and their specific imprint, including your own. In this way, the Incarnation Cross is a signpost rather than a guiding mechanism. We all know way too many horrible things that a human being can do to another when egoism meets with cold blood. Kali is the goddess of time and brings the death of the ego,the illusory self-centered view of reality that, should you have a personal perspective like myself, you may be deeply identified with. It is the charade where the pretended superiority of mind over form is played out on a daily basis, in every home of every family, in every country of this world. We can divide the 64 gates of the wheel not only into half and eighths as we have seen but into quarters (as well as 16ths, which is where we discover the archetypal themes of the Godhead). The whole thing about the costume you wear in life is that it grows on you. And this is certainly the cause of so much of the resentment that is at the root of the inability of men and women to communicate with each other as equals. We hope to empower you with transformational information that leads to you embracing your uniqueness,through an experiential journey of self-discovery. No One Can Tell You How To Live Your Life, Not Even You. This, because fear is something that we all get to meet as a consequence of interacting with other human beings. This not only eliminates the resistances in those that we interact with; but it also allows for the discovery of what is possible for us when we are not mentally driven. With this quick guide you will: Learn practical Strategies for Decision-Making. The Quarter of Duality ends in gate 44 Coming to Meet -; the possibility of instinctive alertness that recognizes the potential for material success in those that it meets. If we can accept those natural gifts in ourselves and others, we can find that everything has its role, function, and place. The 16 archetypal themes inherited from our 7-Centered ancestors impart their qualities to the four respective gates within each Godhead. It does not grow or flower. Ra Uru Hu. Is any of this you? Another way of explaining these Forces is that your conditioned mind tends to interpret the Maia according to your Godhead. Quarter of Mutation - Purpose fulfilled through Transformation, The Face of Michael and the theme of Justice, Incarnation Crosses by Profile II: The Quarter of Civilization, Quarter by Quarter: The Sixteen Faces of the Godhead. The Quarter of Initiation's Transcendent love is shown by Gate 25, giving us our way of being empowered in the universe, innocently, unconditionally loving through others that great unknowable force that we are all a part of. Welcome to ourHuman Design Life Coaching Services. You see, fear is at the very root of the process of Duality. Even when we see all Yang (unbroken) or Yin (broken) linesin a hexagram, every binary must ultimately bow to the union of opposites, which is why the first (all yang) and second (all yin) hexagrams split the wheel as a polarity. Elad Sky, "We didn't invent these forces. Get precise Advice for a life of your highest fulfillment. They are initiated through the development of Mind, and, in turn, initiate others according to the nature of their particular Cross and Profile. This cognitive limitation that the evolutionary program has imposed on all members of our species makes it very difficult for any of us to have the perception of being right without concluding that the other must necessarily be wrong. This is where children learn to identify with the world that they grow up to be familiar with, and learn to imitate and project the fears of their families onto the forms that are different from the ones that they have come to know in their limited perspective. Instead of a world of empathy between equals, we have created one in which we learn to identify with the colors of our social groupings and the symbols of our material status. In the Quarter of Civilization (Gates 2-33), we have the theme of Purpose fulfilled through Formthrough manifesting. When we meet in Synchronicity with others; we are free of the blind expectations and immature dreams that normally feed our mental agenda. However hidden it is, it will invariably be recognized and mirrored back by those human beings that you directly interact with in the establishment of personal relationships. The individual awareness that is possible in awakening; needs to be rooted in the continuity of the relationship that you can have to yourself through your own personality. That is, we move on to mass thinking and the perpetuation of false role models in the name of political correctness and material progress. So, what is it that makes it so difficult to not fall into it again and again, and yet once more? 24 Return, The Gate of RationalizationThe natural and spontaneous process of transformation and renewal. Quarter of Initiation: Quarter of Civilization: Juxtaposition Cross of Listening: Juxtaposition Cross of The Driver: Juxtaposition Cross of Principles: ICONIC Human Design 0 See our 61 reviews on In most countries, including some of the most modern in the western world, their rights do not even assure them sovereignty over their own bodies. When we no longer deny or interfere with the bodys authority, when we no longer try to be what we are not, when we stop arguing with what is natural to us, we can watch our purpose come to life and reveal itself as the perfect expression of our uniqueness. Quarter 2: The Quarter of Civilization, is the second of the four books and covers Gates 2 - 33 around the Mandala. My conscious process in this life is fueled by the desire to imagine a new experience, and the Channel of Recognition, with its focused energy to recognize feelings, is my way of consciously witnessing the wild ride of this life's journey. GDP in the United States had averaged around 1% per quarter prior . Have you seen this at work in your life? Gate 30 is also known as the Gate of Desire. Please comment below. ", For the last two years I have been introducing students in four different languages to the distortive power that these conditioning forces have always had over the human personality. The foundation here is set by the most Yin hexagram of all, the Gate of the Direction of the Self, "the Receptive"therefore it is Yin over Yin. This foundation determines the thematic that links the hexagrams in a Quarter together and shows us the theme of how our conscious purpose in this life is meant to be fulfilled. I certainly was. The Angle The Angle can be Right, Left or Juxtaposition. When we bond with another human being, we establish an emotional connection that makes us remain connected with the process of the other throughout the ups and downs of the emotional wave that empowers the spirit of union or separation; as it moodily fluctuates beyond our capacity to control it. Mars One: Humanity's Next Great Adventure - Norbert Kraft 2016-02-23 Human curiosity has led us to explore our solar system, landing on the moon and Without following Strategy and Authority, we may never really know what it means to fulfill our role. It has been suggested that it is not useful to explore unless you already have a sense of being able to act from a place of embodiment and alignment with your bodys inner guidance. Follow this link to watch a video of the metropolitan in Shanghai at 07:00 in the morning on an average working day, and see how we give ourselves the same horrible treatment as we give to the other species that we feed on. Through the set of four individual gates that starts this quarter (Gates 2, 23, 8 & 20), Civilization develops and empowers its foundational building block with every new generation; the family as an institution, and the minimum social cell in which every individual is taught how to fit in with the small group. All Rights Reserved. Civilization is nothing but the helpless manifestation of humanity's vane beliefs in old dogmas. Many of us were taught that the foundations of civilization were a product of Greek and Italian genius. Face 16 is . First I'll demonstrate my personal discovery, guide you through the structure of the wheel, then invite you to find your Godhead, okay? Their form is the only thing we can see objectively. The machinery of mass production has grown to such levels of sophistication that it is totally dehumanized. 3/5 Emotional Imaginative Energy Projector with Inspirational Role Model Split, Cross of ContagionIHDS Human Design Guide Teacher, Analyst Trainer, Rave Psychologist, Primary Health System Practitioner, Holistic Analyst, Variable Teacher, BG5 ConsultantShining a light on your success! Before Human Design's virus took hold and gave me some semblance of patience, my emotional nature was so volatile and uncontrollable that I regularly (at least monthly) lashed out when my feelings reached a boiling point. Now, the trick is cognitively simple; and many human beings have already recognized this trap to be the greatest handicap for human happiness. But from the perspective of the way in which gate 6 experiences its social emotions; separation simply never seems to make any sense; no matter how deeply the union might be loaded with personal frustration. Not really. With all Throat Gates activated, this is the world of manifestation, where mind is concretized into form. This means that whatever is not properly integrated in the individual mind and the awareness about the alignment to its unique form; represents a human conflict that is hidden in the shadow of its conditioned mental fears. The Human Design Collective is an inspirational and educational community for those wishing to go deeper into understanding and living Human Design, facilitated by experienced guides. Perhaps through diverse physical experiences, I have seen people from this Quarter devote themselves to yoga, some prefer extreme sports, while others are skilled masseurs but none of these may appeal to you. It contains some additional points.. This is the world of manifestation, where mind is concretized into form. This archetype is what keeps you from recognizing how deeply conditioned your perceptions are about your life. Because gate 6 is responsible to regulate the nature of the wave in the Solar Plexus; for this gate separation is like an abortion of something that was only meant to grow after it has started. This could be through communicating to others and thereby building communities, designing or decorating the buildings themselves through designing or decorating, churches, palaces, houses, offices etc or the artistic creations that beautify people's environments or adorn their bodies.The emphasis is on the Form and if this is the body, then you are very likely to be concerned about how your body looks and what to wear, which clothes, shoes, jewellery, glasses, hats etc highlight your beauty.Beware of becoming lost in comparing yourself with others and becoming too preoccupied with what others say about you. And what is the foundation for all of that? The Incarnation Cross of Service Click on any of this Crosses leading Gene Keys (Human Design Gates) to dive deeper! The Gates The specific qualities of the four gates of your Incarnation Cross further refine that description of life purpose. Lets start with gate 7 the Army . An oportunity to develop the necessary self-awareness to be able to recognize ourselves in that mirror. The leading gate that provides its basic direction to this whole quarter. This is where the minds carefully initiated (formulated) concepts are concertized into form. Westwood House, Station Road, Ilminster, SomersetTA19 9BG England, no information is shared with 3rd parties, 1/3 Profile - Right Angle Cross of Maya 2, 1/4 Profile - Right Angle Cross of Maya 2, 2/4 Profile - Right Angle Cross of Maya 2, 2/5 Profile - Right Angle Cross of Maya 2, 4/6 Profile - Right Angle Cross of Maya 2, 4/1 Profile - Juxtaposition Cross of Detail, 5/1 Profile - Left Angle Cross of Obscuration, 5/2 Profile - Left Angle Cross of Obscuration, 6/2 Profile - Left Angle Cross of Obscuration, 6/3 Profile - Left Angle Cross of Obscuration, 1/3 Profile - Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2, 1/4 Profile - Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2, 2/4 Profile - Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2, 2/5 Profile - Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2, 3/5 Profile - Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2, 3/6 Profile - Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2, 4/6 Profile - Right Angle Cross of the Sleeping Phoenix 2, 4/1 Profile - Juxtaposition Cross of the Now, Incarnation Crosses - Qtr of Civilisation. This is how the flow of consciousness operates the moment we meet in the same aura. Do know who you really are? It is the greatest of jokes that the only form we can never look at objectively is our own. The Juxtaposition is known as a Fixed Fate angle with a very fixed and inflexible path through life. My Godhead is called Kali. He said: The other is Hell. This four-volume, 1200-page encyclopedia provides one of the most comprehensive explorations of the 192 Incarnation Crosses, Angles, and Profiles. That is why we all have more acceptance for egoism in children than we have for grownup people. It can be what naturally comes out of us when we are being ourselves in resonance with the body and the environment for which we are designed. "I only learned to love the endless paradox that reveals that Knowledge is not Power through the beauty of Human Design coming into my life. Let's see if I can help you to grasp the hexagram wheel structure and begin to understand what it says about the theme of your fulfillment in life. Civilization is responsible for every level of disappointment in human beings, you can ask any good Reflector. She is known as the Destroyer of false Devotion. yourself and live who you are. Quarter by Quarter is a Human Design home-study program created by Ra Uru Hu. That is what makes it so difficult to appreciate the value of having one. Gate 46 Pushing Upward is the gate of the love of the body as a temple for life, and it divides the Quarter of Duality into two halves. Capture a web page as it appears now for use as a trusted citation in the future. They are the 4 corners or quarters that each have their own experience to share. We wrote this article with the hope of addressing some of these misconceptions and perhaps more clearly elucidating what the Human Design System offers. Each Quarter of the wheel is determined by grouping the hexagrams according to their foundations. Human Design- Quarter of Civilization - YouTube Live and Work on Purpose!The #humandesignsystem is the tool I use in the background of all my coaching practices!The frequency that you are. Quarter of Duality the Realm of Jupiter. Download our free ebook: Discover Your Design to find out more about Human Design and what it can do for you. Quarter of Civilization, the Realm of Dubhe Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Form Mystical Theme: Womb to Room Gate 23 < Gate 8 > Gate 20 This Gate is part of the Channel of Inspiration, The Creative Role Model, linking the Throat Center (Gate 8) to the G Center (Gate 1). Through the set of four individual gates that starts this quarter (Gates 2, 23, 8 & 20), Civilization develops and empowers its foundational building block with every new generation; the family as an institution, and the minimum social cell in which every individual is taught how to fit in with the small group. Crosses of the Vessel of Love and the Sphinx. Patterns, Imprints, Timing, and the Saturn Return. It is not something that we reconcile or wrestle with. We mature into the role and the expression in a way that fits us better and better as we age and as we accept and enjoy our uniqueness. We start the Quarter of Initiation with Gate 13 - The Fellowship of Man . For this reason material needs will matter to you. 25 Innocence - The Gate of the Spirit of the SelfThe perfection of action through uncontrived and spontaneous nature. Together they drive the process of everything we learn about the world of form in the secure realm of the family in the first seven years of life. 3I want to stop waking up with a. If you were born in the Quarter of Duality your life will have a theme of 'Purpose fulfilled through your Relationships' with others.This life is about interacting with others, seeing yourself mirrored in them and discovering who you like and who you don't and thereby gradually being able to evaluate . 1. If we find ourselves in contexts and situations where we encounter resistance, where we have to push ourselves and others in a way that feels forced, or where we feel unseen, unfulfilled or unable to feel comfortable in our own skin, it is often because we have lost touch with our nature. A study group from mid-2018 to walk us through the thematics around the wheel: Have you taken Living Your Design and Rave ABCs yet? It tells us something about what we will see and be along the way. All you need to do is take a look at the configuration of the three channels that become defined when you transfer the 16 gates of Duality into the Rave Body Graph. This four volume encyclopedia provides one of the most comprehensive explorations of Incarnation Crosses. I think I made it clear from the beginning that I wasn't going to paint a sweet and romantic picture of Civilization, but who would expect that from a lover of human differentiation? It is supported and refined by the major cycles we go through in life. Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Form. As a gate that is part of the design of fish, birds and reptiles; this is a gate of cold blood that is pointed at the possibility of surrender through what comes the other way from gate 26 in the Heart Center. And this is why fear is still considered to be something negative that becomes unhealthy. You cant go far or have a huge diversity of exotic experiences without money. When fear is properly integrated within our form it no longer becomes the fuel for our emotional and mental distortion where we trust other people and see them as if they were angels or we distrust them and see them as a daemons -; but it becomes the fuel for attention that allows us to maintain the balance within every circumstance while we always stand on our own two feet. Click here to download to the introductory audio to this program, the first whole lecture, absolutely free. But there is one thing they can never give you: yourself. We are genetically imprinted by them " Ra Uru Hu. In Part 1, Ra introduces the mechanics of Incarnation Crosses and how it determines your life purpose. Quarter of Civilization "Theme: Purpose fulfilled through Form Mystical Theme: From Womb to Room" Next is the Quarter of Duality, which is all about intimacy, having someone to bond with, and procreation. The magic of focusing on the mechanics first, through Strategy and Authority, is that the alignment with the body clarifies our path. Note every Godheads hexagrams share the same first four lines. The primary theme is to use the body. The four gates that are part of this second group have carried this material expansion out through the dynamics of the Manifestor spirit until 1781, but since then humanity has been increasingly stuck in evolutionary terms, divided into those who have the good fortune in one way or another to embrace the nine-centered mutation that is undergo, and those who are simply suffering the worst manifestation of humanity's extremes; the 'haves' and the 'have not'. Duality is without any doubt the most difficult to comprehend of all four quarters of the Rave Mandala. Right Angle Cross of Contagion 2. As with all our products, this purchase comes with an unconditional ten-day money-back guarantee. The Magic of Incarnation Crosses - Semester 2. In the drop-down lists below the Mandala, look for your Personality Sun Gate under your quarter to find your Godhead. Quarter of Civilization Mar 09, 2019 10 Min Read + 17 Min Video The second quarter is focused on the form's journey through life and what is needed to manifest support for humanity after birth. Lesson-plan-design-for-indigenous-people compress-1; CODE OF Ethics FOR Professional Teachers . There are three different geometries in Human Design incarnation crosses: Right angle crosses Left angle crosses Juxtaposition crosses There are 64 gates, and during the course of a year the sun moves through them all. Quarter of Initiation: Quarter of Civilization: Left Angle Cross of Masks 1: Left Angle Cross of Defiance 1: Left Angle Cross of Revolution 1: The Left Angle is associated with Transpersonal Karma, the completion of karma based on interacting only with those that we have encountered before and a sense that all relationships are recognizable from past encounters. Human Design addresses life purpose in a very specific way through the Incarnation Cross. Mandala Gates 2 to 33. This is the G Center(see image below with all the gates colored in to show their position in the Human Design Mandala). The Quarter of Civilization Just like intelligence is overestimated, so is the so called 'spirit of civilization' in humanity. However, there is obviously a force that is not only stronger than the individual intelligence of our own form; but it is a force that sets our individual mind and form in conflict with itself. We are all afraid of being looked upon in cold blood by anyone; but we all know what it is to have cold blooded thoughts pop up in our minds when we interact with others in our daily life. Not only that, but those dogmas are based on imaginary orders that originated so far back in the past that we can't really know nor remember it. 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quarter of civilization human design