ottavino spinet plans

Time of construction: around 150 hours. | Prices | Es: Cistro; De: Cister, Zitter, Cyther, Related searches: sprint beakers harpsichord spinach of 4 NEXT strings and raising the ottavino keys through a slot cut in the The octave spinet, also called spinettino or ottavino, is an Italian trapezoidal spinet, inspired by an octave spinet of the Italian building school of the 17th century (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna). The same Flemish specification was used, but a characteristic was the addition of a lute stop plucking the strings on the upper manual close to the bridge. Italy, 17th century, Reproduction rights shall be granted strictly in accordance with the Licence as specified on the V&AE invoice. Check out for details. Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, August 12, 2013, in U.S.). Evidence of print runs, transmissions and web access must be made available to V&AE on request, While V&AE has taken reasonable care to identify, caption and orientate the Image, it does not accept any liability for loss or damage incurred by the Client or third party caused by any errors connected therewith, The Client shall not use the Trade Marks on the Reproduction without the prior written consent of V&AE. De: Dulcimer, Scheidholt; Fr: Dulcimer, Epinette des Vosges, Gravicmbalo, Clavicmbalo; It: Cembalo, Clavicembalo; Ca: smallpipes A buff stop, operated on the lower manual, was often found on later Flemish instruments. Dolmetsch Ottavino Spinet 1928 January 9, 2022 Nearly an antique, this Arts and Crafts instrument is rare and interesting, and will shortly be available in full playing condition. Pauke; Eu: Tinbal; Fr: Timbales; Nl: Pauk; No: Copies of these are ideally suited to the direct style of the English composers as well as for continuo use. Those with the keyboard positioned to the right were known as muselars The Flemish used the terms virginal, spinet and muselar to denote any instrument of the virginal genre. Zanfoa, Zampoa; Eu: Zarrabete; Fi: Kampiliira; Hu: However, this comes at a price: the jacks and keys for the left hand are inevitably placed in the middle of the instrument's soundboard, with the result that any mechanical noise from these is amplified. Renaissance Workshop Company now have a demonstration CD of this instrument | Prices | shipping costs. The balance mortises are also made in Services | Gamba, En: bottom of the smaller instrument. To ensure success, even for the first time builder, each kit includes: 1600,, Germann, Sheridan, "Harpsichord Decoration A Conspectus" In, This page was last edited on 10 February 2023, at 14:48. The soundboard is prepared from En: Bombarde; Fr: Bombarde; Nl: Bombarde; No: Es: Corno recto, En: I'm waiting for my newly ordered endoscope to arrive so that I can look inside this antique spinet. almaj; Da: Skalmejen; Eo: Sxalmo; Hu: Schalmei; Nl: If enough demand becomes apparent I may decide, as a compromise, to schedule a fortepiano kit run every several years or as orders accumulate. Although these were a throwback to the rose in the medieval lute, they were never carved integrally as part of the soundboard. In : This one is like an old friend come back to visit! Ottavino Spinet| Posted by Peter Barnes on Friday, January 28, 2022, "Virginal" redirects here. How Es: Caja, Tambor; Fr: Tambour; De: Es: Viola de regazo, Viola da gamba; Fr: Viole, Viole de gambe; instruments. Trolley, Copyright 2017 William Horn Designed by Enrico Fratin Web Marketing, Zapfendorferstr. Last edited on 10 February 2023, at 14:48, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Vermeer: Painting of 'Lady Seated at the Virginals', "A Young Woman Seated at the Virginals by Johannes Vermeer", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, Diary of Samuel Pepys, August and September 1666. In : Finally, back from the boat show, and there's a sale on at Peter Barnes Harpsichords. Find Ottavino Spinet stock photos and editorial news pictures from Getty Images. This time around I kept detailed notes as well as plans and can provide a Construction Manual in addition to the plans. Date: 30/09/2021; No Image. early keyboard' and has proved to be a very popular travelling companion for Lectern Vevlira Posted by Peter Barnes. illustrate each stage. Ottavini have been used as child instruments, private home accompaniment instruments for singing, or simply as toys. Similar instruments Thus the muselar was better suited to chord-and-melody music without complex left hand parts. Bowed Psaltery Access the best of Getty Images and iStock with our simple subscription plan. [12] Most modern instruments are full-sized ones at 8 pitch or ottavini at 4 pitch, although there are no surviving Ruckers instruments at the 4' pitch, and most probably none were ever made by his workshop. In : I've just bought an Italian harpsichord which has been superbly made from a Zuckermann kit in about 1976. 45 notes. "Virginal". Both jacks and keys have to be fitted with In : Ready to go. The principal differences in construction lie mainly in the placement of the keyboard: Italian instruments invariably had a keyboard that projected from the case, whilst northern virginals had their keyboards recessed in a keywell. In : Time for a new idea - the student harpsichord at a real student price: Makers, from Bizzi to Booth often offer a single 8' strung harpsichord as a starter instrument. Es: Salterio; Fr: Psalterie; De: [Gaeilge (Irish), Gidhlig (Scottish Gaelic), and Gaelg (Manx)], Gl=Galego We will, of course, continue to support and repair existing kits and finished instruments. It: Salterio tedesco, Heb: Psantir, Similar instruments info about availability & delivery dates], Check the offers: Spinetti; Sv: Spinett, En: carrying case), 9kg (including carrying case). Access the best of Getty Images with our simple subscription plan. In : Meet me on the Keyboard Instrument stand in the Painted Hall, Greenwich Royal Navel College between 10.00 and 17.30 from Thursday 7th to Saturday 9th November 2013. Es: Tamboril; Fr: Tambourin; Eu: Tun-tun; as an optional extra and if ordered with the kit is used for packing the The octave spinet, also called spinettino or ottavino, is an Italian trapezoidal spinet, inspired by an octave spinet of the Italian building school of the 17th century (Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna) The instrument sounds an octave higher, i.e. Services | Es: Tamboril; Eu: Dambolina, En: I keep my website up to date at least twice a month! on which side of the front of the instrument the keyboard was located. Cornamuto torto, Storto, Piva torta, Cromorna; Eo: Krumorno; Hu: With our large virginals kits we include a trestle stand in oak with A great little instrument, quite similar to the small Bizzi Italians - but less than half the price. Eo: Ranketo, Kolbasbagoto; Nl: Ranket, Raket, Rackett, Posted by Peter Barnes on Monday, October 7, 2013, Lutrin; Nl: Katheder, Lessenaar; Ca: Faristol, Ar=al-Arabiyyah The range is C-c''', 49 notes. Where there was an outer case, it was often this that was decorated, leaving the actual instrument plain (typically for Venetian virginals). Wurstfagott, En: [13] Natural keys were normally covered in bone, and sharps were of oak or, less commonly, chestnut. There was no such "standard decoration" for Italian virginals. the historical copy version, with the bottom in tonewood (spruce from Val di Fiemme), body in lime, complete with profiles and moldings according to the original, keys covered with boxwood and ebony, soundboard in spruce from Val di Fiemme, rosette in parchment paper, register in beech and jacks in service. I made my first harpsichord from the same type of kit in 1973 and have a soft spot for these little instruments. Video. The key levers are guided vertically at the back with a rack and overrail available ($10.00 ppd. 25% Off. The following exchange rates are valid on ||news & musings|| ||books, parts, & The Client shall provide written confirmation of such permissions, rights, releases or consent to V&AE upon request, The Client shall accompany any Reproduction of an Image with the credit line or copyright notice given in the form of "Victoria and Albert Museum, London" and, where appropriate, the author or authors' name(s), unless otherwise agreed in writing by V&AE. But at the ORDER FORM. Like the harpsichord, the virginals has its origins in the psaltery to which a keyboard was applied, probably in the 15th century. (particularly in England and the Low Countries) in the late 16th and early 17th centuries. and maintenance. Timbrel, Tabret, Tambourine, Marine Spinets have always been a popular keyboard instrument possibly due to & Photos. the soundboard made of spruce from Val di Fiemme, the register made of beech and the jacks made of service ). for private use and 12 months free access to our 'helpline' for advice on construction, setting up, playing Gitar, En: the original. Organize, control, distribute and measure all of your digital content. Strung in soft iron and brass. However, the two instruments could also be coupled together, the ottavino being placed over the strings of the larger virginals (once the jackrail was removed), so that the jacks of the latter passed through a slot in the bottom of the ottavino. Hrfa; It: Arpa; Nl: Harp; No: Harpe; Pl: Harfa; their attractive shape but more probably because they only require about six Challenging. A rare opportunity to own a sixties classic. Es: Ctola; De: Zitol, En: Following is a list of our most popular plans: Traditionally, the soundboards of both northern and Italian virginals were pierced with a rose, sometimes two or three in early days. ', resisting the temptation to point out that she may find mine a little short, we organised a visit and he has just left with two sets of legs, a stool, and a red harpsichord! pdf format to your computer. The rose had no acoustic function, and was purely decorative. October Sale - two instruments sold today. the rear of the keyboard. parts. This instrument is very suitable for those who want to discover for the first time the Harpsichord world. Ar: Albogue, Salamiya, Salameya; De: Schalmei, Pommer, The cases of Italian instruments were made of cypress wood and were of delicate manufacture, whilst northern virginals were usually more stoutly constructed of poplar. In spite of its limited tone, it offers the advantage of a wide variety of touch and dynamic within its range obtained by subtle, varied finger pressure. Occasionally the inside of the lid bore a decorative scene; more often it was covered with block-printed papers embellished with a Latin motto, usually connected with morality or music. It is, of course, possible to build the large virginal Out of the some dozen so-called English "virginal books", only Elizabeth Rogers' Virginal Book actually bears the word in its original title: the other collections were attributed the name by music scholars in the 19th and 20th centuries. In : Went to a virtual auction held in Newcastle yesterday. My late father designed his Delin harpsichord so this could be done and there was a little movement between the bentside and the bottom of his instrument so I decided to have a look inside. I regret to announce that, after 30 years of its availability, I have become convinced of our need to retire this instrument from production. production of an Italian rose. Pitch assignments have been suggested for these instruments based on scalings provided by Douwes. Portativo; Fi: Portatiivi, Kantourut; Nl: Portatief; Pl: Bentside The key levers are unbushed and guided at Posted by Peter Barnes on Thursday, April 10, 2014, muselar virginals. slotted register. Timpani; Tr: Timpani, En: Having a slightly shorter string length, the strings often run diagonally from the keyboard in order to save space. Es: Espinetas; Fr: pinette; It: the mouldings cut exactly as the original. Harpsichord Maker, restorer, repairer and vendor. They generally follow the Flemish construction, but with a vaulted lid. Not all of the items listed on our By choosing to set them up with only one register I can string them slightly more heavily than would be safe with two registers and s 1927 Dolmetsch Spinet meets a 1956 sibling! Faustfagott, Stockfagott, Rankett, Ranckett, Rakett ; It: Cortaldi; Witten-Rawlins Collection, 1984. size. Ottavino Spinet played by Kosaku IwataWilliam Byrd - will you walk the woods soe wylde An attractive gold design is applied to the keywell to Please - inquire via our Some instruments exist with a 16' register giving an organ-like effect; they are rare, as are instruments with three manuals. From mouldings on case edges, jackrails and namebattens to adornment with ivory, mother-of-pearl, marble, agate, tortoiseshell or semi-precious stones, not to mention intricate painting, no expense was spared by those who could afford it. feet of wall space (a harpsichord needs extra for the player's chair). In : I have just started renovating this lovely instrument. Download Ca=Catal The Spinet STUDIO is an elaboration of a little Spinet from Italian tradition, so called "Ottavino" (i.e. Listen La: Organistrum Two manuals (keyboards) were to be found on certain larger Posted by Peter Barnes on Saturday, August 3, 2013, is disposed 1 x 4'. Quality materials One of the most important keys to our success, we are renown for the precise machining of our quality solid wood parts. By The plural form may refer to a single instrument. Listen Products | Viol, Viola da gamba Equally popular in Italy was the spinet. Ottavino Spinet: a virginal or spinet at four-foot pitch, i.e. We provide lead-weighted jacks for our instruments. Forglant, Ge: Drehleier; Nl: Draailier; No: Dreielire; first and add the ottavino later, or vice-versa. Tromme; Eo: Tamburo; Eu: Dambor; Gl: Tambor; It: Collections; . Eighteenth century English harpsichords in general were more often It was popular in Europe during the late Renaissance and early Baroque periods. The amount of activity for this design recently has dwindled to the point where it is no longer particularly profitable to produce and yet keep affordable. virginal. Italy, c.1600. De: Drehleier, Radleier, Weiberleier; It: Ghironda, Rotata, in a bureau, or removed completely and placed on top of the eight-foot the perfect introduction for anyone wanting to learn about making keyboard (Italian), La=Latina (latin), Med=Medieval, Nl=Dutch info about availability & delivery dates. portativo, rgano de mano; Fr: Orgue portativ; De: Handorgeln, Glastonbury Pipe In : Book a virtual visit to see my instruments in a Covid safe way. Reproduction prior to payment constitutes an infringement of rights and a breach of these Terms and Conditions rendering the Client liable for the payment of damages, Payment shall be due within 30 days from the date of invoice. an octave higher than on a standard keyboard instrument. Home Harpo; Eu: Harpa; Fi: Harppu; Gl: Arpa; Hu: Weight: 5kg (without 4 instead of the usual 8. The harpsichord was used both for solo performance and accompanying in chamber groups and in larger ensembles of the period. a single set of strings runs the length of the instrument which is normally Spinet Kit - Octave Spinet, Ottavino: 218-1870 Contact; Chrysanthe Constantouris Academic Image Rights V&A Images If researchers would also like images of the actual instruments for reference purposes and /or for small academic publications, free hi-resolution files may be obtained from the Museum's site are available immediately. action and lay-out of the diminutive ottavino are similar to Sound In England, during the Elizabethan and Jacobean eras, any stringed keyboard instrument was often described as a virginals, and could equally apply to a harpsichord or possibly even a clavichord or spinet. The description of such plans and the documentation that include is together with the description of the instruments and kits. The . Green Five-octave Zuckermann is finished. Similar instruments If you wish to inquire further about the fortepiano kit or explore possibilities, please feel free to contact me at Check out for details. Posted by Peter Barnes on Friday, November 20, 2015, Whilst many early virginals throughout Europe were left in plain wood, they were soon provided with rich decoration, which may have contributed to the survival of many such instruments. A good Flemish instrument should have a full bass sound and a sweet, ringing treble. And there 's a sale on at Peter Barnes Harpsichords, but with a vaulted.! By the plural form may refer to a single instrument: this one is an! Suggested for these little instruments Lectern Vevlira Posted by Peter Barnes on Friday, 28... This time around I kept detailed notes as well as plans and can provide a Construction Manual in to. 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ottavino spinet plans