leon county booking report january 2 2020

Following the Talibans takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, Sirajuddin Haqqani was appointed as the Talibans so-called Minister of the Interior. AOI did not claim responsibility for any attacks in 2021. ISIS-GS emerged when leader Adnan Abu Walid al-Sahrawi and his followers split from al-Murabitoun. AQIM also successfully fundraises globally and receives limited financial and logistical assistance from supporters residing in Western Europe. In 2011, HQN wounded 77 U.S. soldiers in a truck bombing inMaidan Wardak provinceand conducted a 19-hour attack on Embassy Kabul and International Security Assistance Force headquarters in Kabul, killing 16 Afghans. Activities: Hizballah is responsible for multiple large-scale terrorist attacks, including the 1983 suicide truck bombings of Embassy Beirut and the U.S. Marine barracks; the 1984 attack on the U.S. Embassy Beirut annex; and the 1985 hijacking of TWA Flight 847, during which U.S. Navy diver Robert Stethem was murdered. While AQ did not claim responsibility for any attacks, it remained active in 2021. Numerous BH militants reportedly joined ISIS-WA following Shekaus death, but BH remnants remain active around Lake Chad. LeT was formed in the late 1980s as the terrorist wing of MarkazudDawaul-Irshad, a Pakistan-based extremist organization and charity originally formed to oppose the Soviet presence in Afghanistan. The IRGC is Irans primary mechanism for cultivating and supporting terrorist groups abroad. In 2020, Indonesian authorities arrested a JI leader, Aris Sumarsono, who is suspected of being involved in the making of bombs usedin the2002 Bali bombings and the 2003 bombing of theJ.W. 13224. Activities: In 2020, ISIS-Mozambique launched a series of large-scale attacks that resulted in the capture of the strategic port of Mocimboa da Praia, Cabo Delgado Province (CDP) and killed at least 55 soldiers. ISISWA continues to conduct through suicide bombers, vehicle-borne IEDs, raids, ambushes, kidnappings, and other means asymmetric attacks against civilians, military, and government personnel. In 2016, AAS-D continued fighting in and around Darnah. Description:Aum Shinrikyo (AUM) was designated as an FTO on October 8, 1997. Libya Finally, EXBS and the CT Bureau furnished equipment and training to strengthen aviation security and mitigate threats to civilian aviation, and provided land border security training for Egyptian, Iraqi, and Libyansecurity forces to stem the flow of illicit materials and maintain gains made against ISIS and other nonstate actors. In 2019, ISIS-WA attacked the convoy of the then-governor ofBornoState as it drove from the capital ofMaidugurito a town near Nigerias border with Cameroon, killing as many as 10 people. Funding and External Aid: TTP likely raises most of its funds through kidnapping-for-ransom payments, extortion, and other criminal activity. Funding and External Aid:ISIS received most of its funding from a variety of criminal activities in Iraq and Syria. Post navigation. Funding and External Aid:ASG is funded primarily through its kidnapping-for-ransom operations and extortion. EVEN TOWELS!!! In 2019 a man from Cleveland, Ohio, was arrested for allegedly making plans for an AQ-inspired bomb attack on the citys downtown Independence Day parade. The United States also provides assistance to support trade and economic growth, including partnering with U.S. businesses, civil society, and the regions bordering Afghanistan. In 2013, AAD members were reportedly among the Tuareg rebels responsible for killing 82 Malian soldiers and kidnapping 30 others in an attack against Agulhok. Hamas also manages a broad, mostly Gaza-based, network ofDawaor ministry activities that include charities, schools, clinics, youth camps, fundraising, and political activities. AQAP (Al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula) These members brought extensive experience in terrorist tactics and bomb making to the group. Haqqani Network members and key leaders also have assumed formal and informal roles within the Taliban. For purposes of this report, the terms international terrorism, terrorism, and terrorist group have the definitions assigned to them in 22 U.S.C. Saudi Arabia CIRA (Continuity Irish Republican Army) ISIS continued to promote a large-scale terrorism campaign, responding to increased counterterrorism pressure by adapting its tactics and techniques. In 2021, PIJ continued its attacks against Israeli civilians and military targets. Also in 2021, ISIS-DRC conducted simultaneous suicide bombings in Kampala, Uganda, that killed three people and wounded 33 others. HASM did not claim responsibility for any terrorist attacks in 2021. In 2021, Philippine authorities arrested several ASG members, including an ASG member involved in the abduction of two Canadians who were killed in 2016, an ASG bomb expert linked to the 2019 Jolo cathedral bombings, as well as an ASG member involved in a 2001 kidnapping on Basilan. On January 12 the Department of State designated two Iran-based al-Qaida leaders: Muhammad Abbatay, also known as Abd al-Rahman al-Maghrebi, and Sultan Yusuf Hasan al-Arif. Description:JemaahAnshorutTauhid (JAT) was designated as an FTO on March 13, 2012. The Department revoked the designations of Ansarallah, which had been designated earlier that year, and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC). Djibo is an ISIS-Greater Sahara leader operating in the Mnaka Region of Mali. In 2015 the DHKP/C claimed responsibility for a suicide bombing that killed one police officer and wounded another. AAB is an Iran-backed terrorist organization established in 2013 with the goal of violently overthrowing the ruling family in Bahrain. Regionally, Iran supported acts of terrorism in Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen through proxies and partner groups such as Hizballah and Hamas. Good restaurant. In 2016 a faction of the IMU announced its continued commitment to the Taliban and AQ, marking a split with its leader Ghazi and the rest of the group, which announced its loyalty to ISIS in 2015 and has since cooperated with Islamic States Khorasan Province. ISIS was led by Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, who declared an Islamic caliphate in 2014, but he was killed in 2019. The area where terrorist groups can operate freely continues to grow and, over the last year, extends south along the Burkinabe border to Cte dIvoire. AkaPeoples Resistance Movement of Iran (PMRI);Jonbesh-iMoqavemat-i-Mardom-i Iran; Popular Resistance Movement of Iran; Soldiers of God; Fedayeen-e-Islam; FormerJundallahof Iran;Jundallah; Jundullah;Jondullah;Jundollah;Jondollah;Jondallah; Army of God (Gods Army); Baloch Peoples Resistance Movement (BPRM);Jeyshal-Adl; Army of Justice; Jaish ul-Adl; Jaish al-Adl; JaishAladl;Jeishal-Adl. On my 3 interactions with them, they could care less about the needs of a guest. Funding and External Aid: Sources of funding are unknown. In 2017, AQAP called on AQIS to launch more attacks on Burmese authorities because of Burmas policies toward Rohingya Muslims. Lebanonslack of a strong control regime for the storage and movement of weaponizable materialsposed risks for the spread of WMDs, including for potential terrorism. Lebanon Sudan. In 2021, French forces killed the leader of ISIS-GS, Adnan Abu Walid al-Sahrawi, in a strike in southern Mali. ANF (Al-Nusrah Front) (B) detailed assessments with respect to each foreign country whose territory is being used as a sanctuary for terrorist organizations; (2) all relevant information about the activities during the preceding year of any terrorist group, and any umbrella group under which such terrorist group falls, known to be responsible for the kidnapping or death of an American citizen during the preceding five years, any terrorist group known to have obtained or developed, or to have attempted to obtain or develop, weapons of mass destruction, any terrorist group known to be financed by countries about which Congress was notified during the preceding year pursuant to section 4605(j) of Title 50, any group designated by the Secretary as a foreign terrorist organization under section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. PLF (Palestine Liberation FrontAbu Abbas Faction) Numerous IMU members, including possibly Ghazi himself, were subsequently reported to have been killedas a result ofhostilities between ISIS and the IMUs former Taliban allies. Visit the Citizen Center Public Alerts page for more information. RS claimed responsibility for the 2007 rocket-propelled grenade attack on Embassy Athens, which damaged the building, and the 2009 bombing of a Citibank branch in Athens. Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, and Venezuela all experienced continued terrorist activity. Spain AAA (Asbat al-Ansar) The Netherlands Despite these improvements, the EUs constantly evolving data privacy framework also continues to make law enforcement and border security cooperation between EU member states and non-EU countries, including the United States, more challenging. Turkmenistan International actions taken in 2021 included the following: In 2021 the Department of State designated five new groups as FTOs and amended one existing FTO designation by adding aliases. The following month, al-Zawahiri released a video calling for jihadists around the world to conduct attacks against the United States. In addition to thefundingit receives as part of the broader Afghan Taliban, the group has received some funds from donors in Pakistan and the Persian Gulf region. AAI (Ansar al-Islam) Location/Area of Operation: Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan, AkaalMansooreen; AlMansoorian; Army of the Pure; Army of the Pure and Righteous; Army of the Righteous; Lashkar e-Toiba; Lashkar-i-Taiba;Paasban-e-Ahle-Hadis;Paasban-e-Kashmir;Paasban-i-Ahle-Hadith;Pasban-e-Ahle-Hadith;Pasban-e-Kashmir; Jamaat-ud-Dawa; JUD; Jamaat al-Dawa; Jamaatud-Daawa; Jamaat ul-Dawah; Jamaat-ul-Dawa; Jamaat-i-Dawat;Jamaiat-ud-Dawa; Jamaat-ud-Daawah; Jamaat-ud-Daawa;Jamaati-ud-Dawa;IdaraKhidmate-Khalq; Falah-i-InsaniatFoundation;FiF; Falah-e-InsaniatFoundation;FalaheInsaniyat; Falah-i-Insaniyat; FalahInsania; Welfare of Humanity; Humanitarian Welfare Foundation; Human Welfare Foundation; Al-Anfal Trust;Tehrik-e-Hurmat-e-Rasool;TehrikeTahafuzQiblaAwwal; Al-MuhammadiaStudents; Al-MuhammadiaStudents Pakistan; AMS; Tehreek-e-Azadi-e-Kashmir; Kashmir Freedom Movement; Tehreek Azadi Jammu and Kashmir; Tehreek-e-Azadi Jammu and Kashmir; TAJK; Movement for Freedom of Kashmir;Tehrik-i-Azadi-i Kashmir; Tehreek-e-Azadi-e-Jammu and Kashmir; Milli Muslim League; Milli Muslim League Pakistan; MML. Description:Al-Nusrah Front (ANF) was designated as an FTO onMay 15,2014,andis al-Qaidas affiliate in Syria. Location/Area of Operation: Nigeria and the greater Lake Chad region. There are two main bodies within theAUthat lead its counterterrorism efforts the Political Affairs, Peace and Security Departments Conflict Management Division,located at the AU headquarters in Addis Ababa,Ethiopia; and the AfricanCenter for the Study and Research of Terrorism (CAERT) in Algiers. Leon County Booking Report: Jan. 2, 2020 by WCTV Digital Team on Scribd. With kind regards Ali Gharib Front Office Manager. In 2019, Asim Umar, the former head of AQIS, was killed in a joint U.S.-Afghan military operation. Dear WorkTraveler2000, thank you for taking the time to write a comment about your recent stay with us. Activities: Segunda Marquetalia has been responsible for the killings of former FARC members and community leaders. In 2021, Saudi Arabia continued to be a premier counterterrorism partner of the United States. I chose the junior suite for my son and I which was overlooking the main square and had everything we needed including a large bathroom. Further, since 2015, ISIS has abducted, raped, and abused thousands of women and children, some as young as 8 years old. Al-Murabitounwas originally part of al-Qaida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) but became a separate organization in 2012 after its leader, Mokhtar Belmokhtar, split from AQIM. Also in 2021, ISIS-GS claimed to have kidnapped and killed five Christian civilians at a roadblock between Gao and Niamey, Niger. Thailand. The ICAOs involvement during the crisis in Afghanistan progressed from issuing guidance to avoid Afghanistans airspace to tackling the technical issues that culminate in the safety and security of civil aviation. We do not allow graphic, obscene or explicit comments or submissions. Authorities in East Asia and the Pacific continued to investigate and prosecute terrorism cases, increase regional cooperation and information sharing, and address critical border and aviation security gaps. 2656f(d) (see above). This constitutes a brief overview of the United States ongoing work to protect our people from the ongoing threat of terrorism. I remember the hotel from its days as Steigenberger property when theatre goers still visited the lobby in evening attire for a glass of champagne after the performance. In 2019, LJ claimed responsibility for bombing a market in Quetta that killed 20 people and injured 48 others. The CT Bureaupartnered with government officials, community leaders, NGOs, mental health professionals and social workers, religious figures, and others to build a prevention architecture to counter radicalization and recruitment to violence. National or locally oriented groups, such as the National Liberation Army (Ejrcito de Liberacin Nacional, or ELN), Segunda Marquetalia, and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia-Peoples Army (FARC-EP) in Colombia and Venezuela and Shining Path/Sendero Luminoso in Peru remained the regions most significant terrorist threats. Description: Designated as an FTO on May 30, 2012, the Abdallah Azzam Brigades (AAB) formally announced its establishment in a 2009 video statement claiming responsibility for a rocket attack against Israel earlier that year. AQ continued to leverage its branches in the Middle East and Africa notably AQ in the Arabian Peninsula, al-Shabaab, and Jamaat Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin that remain quite capable of inflicting damage on our allies and targeting our interests. Kyrgyz Republic Description:Formed in 2006 as an anti-western Shia group,KataibHizballah (KH) was designated as an FTO on July 2, 2009. Activities:In the early 1990s, the PKK moved beyond rural-based insurgent activities to engage in urban terrorism. Location/Area of Operation:Algeria, Burkina Faso, Cote dIvoire, Libya, Mali, Niger, and Tunisia. If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. In 2007, KH gained notoriety for its attacks against U.S. and Defeat-ISIS Coalition forces in Iraq. King Abdullah II of Jordan launched the Aqaba Process in 2015 as an informal international platform that aimed to bring together government decisionmakers and other stakeholders to coordinate, at a strategic level, confronting terrorists and violent extremists both offline and online. In2012 a Japan Airlines flight to the United States turned back after receiving a bomb threat demanding Asaharas release. Yes, paid private parking on-site is available to guests. Funding and External Aid:Sources of support are unknown, but HM is suspected to receive some funding from sources in Pakistan as well as from local fundraising. The group concentrates its attacks on Indian security forces and politicians in Jammu and Kashmir and has conducted operations jointly with other Kashmiri militants. The London-based Institute for Strategic Dialogue serves as the SCN secretariat and conducts in-depth capacity building training and mentorship to members in Central Asia, East and West Africa, the MiddleEastand North Africa, South and Southeast Asia, and the Western Balkans. RadicalIsraeli AmericanRabbi Meir Kahane founded Kach the precursor to KC with the aim of restoring Greater Israel (Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza) and expelling the Arabs who live there. In 2021, CT resources allowed the Department of State to significantly expand civilian law enforcement counterterrorism capacity building activities with key partner nations in the Middle East, North Africa, the Sahel, the Horn of Africa, South and Central Asia, SoutheastAsia, and other regions to mitigate the threat posed by FTFs, prevent and counter terrorist safe havens and recruitment, and counter Iran-sponsored terrorism. Strength: The IRGC has upward of 125,000 members. Since 2017, ISIS-Mozambique, led by Abu Yasir Hassan, has killed more than 1,300 civilians, and it is estimated that more than 2,300 civilians, security force members, and suspected ISIS-Mozambique militants have been killed since the terrorist group began its violent extremist insurgency. Funding and External Aid: Sources of funding are unknown. Europolhas officers and personnel in Italy and Greece who work alongside border security and immigration officers to assist in screening incoming migrants against Europol databases. Also in 2018, severalJeMmilitants stormed a police outpost in Jammu and Kashmir, killing four police officers and injuring another. Also,that year, al-Shabaab attempted to downDaalloAirlines Flight 159 with 74 passengers on board, but only the suicide bomber was killed in the explosion. Aka:AAH;AsaibAhl al-Haq min Al-Iraq;AsaibalHaq;AsaibAhl Al-Haqq; League of the Righteous;KhazaliNetwork;KhazaliSpecial Group;QazaliNetwork; the People of the Cave;KhazaliSpecial Groups Network; Al-Tayaral-Risali; the Missionary Current. In 2015 the Strong Cities Network (SCN) launched at the UN General Assembly with support from the United States. Barger asks for report on LA County train derailment readiness by City News Service Inc. Long Beach Feb 22, 2023. In2017 a man who claimed to be a member of ISIS drove a truck into a crowded shopping center in Stockholm, killing five and injuring many more. In 2015, AAMB declared open war against Israel and asked Iran to help fund its efforts in a televised broadcast. Hamas was responsible for numerous rocket attacks from Gaza into Israeli territory in 2018, 2019, and 2020. In 2010 and 2011 the group launched numerous rocket attacks on Israeli communities. Activities:Jaysh al-Adlclaimed responsibility for a 2009 suicide bomb attack in Sistan and Balochistan Province that killed more than 40 people and was reportedly the deadliest terrorist attack in Iran since the 1980s. Funding and External Aid: HUJI-B funding comes from a variety of sources. During the year,significant numbers offoreign forces, fighters, and mercenaries remained deployed to the country, including the Russian-backed private military company Wagner Group. The group claims to promote an independent Islamic state in western Mindanao and the Sulu Archipelago, and elements of the group have ties to ISISs regional affiliate, ISIS-Philippines. The CT Bureauplayed a leading role in coordinating and negotiating language thatpromotedU.S. policy consistent with our longstanding guiding principles. OnJuly 8, 2014, Israel launched Operation Protective Edge in Gaza with the intent of preventing rocket fire into Israel; the rocket fire from Gaza had increased following earlier Israeli military operations that targeted Hamas for the kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teenagers in 2014, including 16-year-old U.S.-Israeli citizen Naftali Fraenkel. The persons motivated and inspired by these violent extremist groups and ideologies behaved as lone actors, frequently using improvised weapons to make attacks against individuals repeatedly criticized by the REMVE groups or identified on target lists. Despite its militarydefeat at the hands of the Sri Lankan government in 2009, the LTTEs international network of sympathizers and financial support has persisted. BH (Boko Haram) In November, Australia announced its intention to expand its domestic designation of Hizballah by declaring the group in its entirety a terrorist organization. Jan 30, 2021. ANFs stated goal is to oust Syrias Assad regime and replace it with a Sunni Islamic state. Location/Area of Operation: Iraq and Syria. In January 2021, Abu Bakar Bashir, the groups former leader at the time of his arrest in 2002, was released from prison after serving more than two thirds of a 15-year sentence for helping establish a terrorist training camp. HUJI historically focused its activities on the Afghanistan-Pakistanfront andwas composed of Pakistani terrorists and veterans of the Soviet-Afghan war. Colombia In 2014, ABM officially declared allegiance to ISIS. Strength:HQN is estimated to have between 3,000 and 5,000 fighters. In 2015, ISIS carried out a series of coordinated attacks in Paris, including at a rock concert at the Bataclan concert hall, killing about 130 people and injuring more than 350 others; 23-year-old U.S. citizen Nohemi Gonzalez was among the dead. South Africa The United States also continued chairing the Roma Lyon Groups cross-modal Transportation Security Subgroup, including overseeing ongoing collaboration related to foreign investment in the transportation sector and on flight school security. During 2012, Hamas fought another war with Israel during which it claims to have launched more than 1,400 rockets into Israel. Created in 2014, ISIS-Bangladesh has described itself as ISISs official branch in Bangladesh and was born out of ISISs desire to expand its campaign to the Indian subcontinent. Akaal-Qaeda in the Indian Subcontinent;Qaedatal-Jihad in the Indian Subcontinent. IM maintains ties to other terrorist entities, including ISIS, Lashkar e-Tayyiba, Jaish-e-Mohammed, and Harakatul-Jihad Islami. In 2016 the group claimed responsibility for killing the deputy superintendent of the police counterterrorism department and injuring his son in an attack on their vehicle in Peshawar. The Independent Monitoring Commission, which oversees the peace process, assessed that RIRA likely was responsible for most of the attacks that occurred after the Irish Republican Army (IRA) was decommissioned in Northern Ireland. The group earned a reputation for committing large-scale international attacks in the 1960s and 1970s, including airline hijackings that killed more than 20 U.S. citizens. Saudi Arabia remained a regional leader in countering terrorist financing, hosting the Terrorist Financing Targeting Center that brings together the United States and Persian Gulf region partners to confront new and evolving networks and lead efforts on anti-money laundering and counterterrorist financing measures. Additionally, the United States continued to bolster partner capabilities to detect, disrupt, and dismantle terrorist networks. Despite al-Shabaabs loss of urban centers since 2012, the group has maintained its hold on large sectionsof rural areas throughout Somalia and has conducted attacks in Somalia, Kenya, Uganda, and Djibouti. Although the PFLP-GC did not claim responsibility for any attacks in 2021, the group remained active in Syria. AAD is also said to receive funds from foreign donors and through smuggling operations. On May 19, 2021, Shekau was reportedly killed during a clash with ISIS-West Africa. Once a country is designated, it remains a State Sponsor of Terrorism until the designation is rescinded in accordance with statutory criteria requiring the President to certify either a) that a designated country has not provided any support for acts of international terrorism during the previous six months and has provided assurances that it will not support acts of international terrorism in the future, or b) that there has been a fundamental change in the leadership and policies of the designated country, that the country is not supporting acts of international terrorism, and that the country has provided assurances it will not support acts of international terrorism in the future. Jordan started the Aqaba Process to address the need for a holistic approach that addresses all terrorist threats collectively and simultaneously, sometimes regionally or thematically. Information leading to the identification or location of terrorist senior leaders, Information on those responsible for terrorist attacks or terrorism-related kidnappings, Information leading to the disruption of Hizballah and Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps financial networks, Information on past, planned, or future attacks against U.S. diplomatic missions or personnel. This was the first year in which most ISIS-M activity were clashes with state/external forces rather than attacks against civilians. Shortly afterLeTsFTO designation, Saeed changed the groups name to Jamaat-ud-Dawa(JUD) and launched humanitarian projects to circumvent sanctions. In a short post attributed to the group, AOI declared itself an inseparable part of ISIS-Sinai Province. Iraq. In 2018, JNIM claimed responsibility for a suicide attack against an African Defeat-ISIS Coalition base in Mali that killed at least 6 persons and a truck bomb in a residential complex in Gao, killing 3 and injuring 30. North Atlantic Treaty Organization. Strength: AUM is estimated to have around 1,500 followers. ISIS-Ks senior leadership pledged allegiance to then-ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, which was accepted in 2015. Supported by the 85-member Defeat-ISIS Coalition, the Government of Iraq maintained nominal control of the territory retaken from ISIS. While numerous AQ leaders have been killed in recent years, including Usama bin Laden in 2011, AQs current leader, Ayman al-Zawahiri, remains at large. Arango, also known as Ivan Marquez, is the founder and overall leader of Segunda Marquetalia. KH has ideological ties to and receives support from Iran. Location/Area of Operation: United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland. In 2021, there were no known successful WIT attacks and one successful conviction for planned WIT violence: In addition, foreign partners in 2021 designated, proscribed, banned, or subjected to similar actions and/or authorities the groups below. North Sinai residents have filed grievances about compensation calculations and disbursements. In 2014, elements of JRTN joined military forces with ISIS in opposition to the Iraqi government. The Nigeria-based group is responsible for numerous attacks in the northern and northeastern regions of the country as well as in the Lake Chad Basin in Cameroon, Chad, and Niger that have killed thousands of people since 2009. Terrorist groups attempted to exploit a security vacuum in the southern region of the country but were limited in their ability to do so because of tactical gains by the self-styled Libyan National Army (LNA)against these groups. Further, terrorist acts are part of a larger phenomenon of violence inspired by a cause, and at times the line between the two can become difficult to draw. The Cuban government provides housing, food ration books, and medical care for fugitives residing there. JRTN played a major role in the capture ofMosulfrom Iraqi security forces in 2014. In 2020, Israeli security forces in the West Bank arrested approximately 50 members of a PFLP cell believed to be behind a string of deadly attacks in the area and seizeda large number ofweapons and bomb making materials. Strengthening education systems in developing countries advances U.S. foreign policy goals, promotes U.S. and international security, and helps accelerate economic growth at home and abroad. For access to the city centre the location is unbeatable. In early 2009, Sri Lankan forces recaptured the LTTEs key strongholds, including its capital ofKilinochchi. Counterterrorism programs enabled multiple partner nations to pursue terrorist organizations and share information with U.S. law enforcement agencies charged with global counterterrorism operations. In 2021, U.S. government experts helped draft indicative guidelines for OPCW States Parties on how to secure their chemical value chain, including from nefarious nonstate actors. Although Pakistans national action plan calls to ensure that no armed militias are allowed to function in the country, several UN- and U.S.-designated terrorist groups that focus on attacks outside the country continued to operate from Pakistani soil in 2021, including the Haqqani Network, Lashkar-e-Tayyiba (LeT), andJaish-e-Mohammed (JeM). Throughout 2015 the IMU actively threatened the Afghan government, primarily in the northern part of the country. Iran continued to be the leading state sponsor of terrorism, facilitating a wide range of terrorist and other illicit activities around the world. 2656f(d)(2), is interpreted to mean, in addition to civilians, military personnel (whether or not armed or on duty) who are not deployed in a war zone or a war-like setting. Alsothat year, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) claimed PIJ operatives in Syria fired four rockets at the Golan Heights and Upper Galilee. Advisory Commission on Public Diplomacy, Members of the Global Coalition to Defeat ISIS, Chapter 1 -- Country Reports on Terrorism, Chapter 3 -- The Global Challenge of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, or Nuclear Terrorism, Chapter 4 -- Terrorist Safe Havens (Update to 7120 Report), Chapter 5 -- Foreign Terrorist Organizations, Chapter 6 -- Legislative Requirements and Key Terms, Appendix A. Annex of Statistical Information, Appendix B. Al-Murabitoun India also released AhmedOmar Sheikhas a result ofthe hijacking. These figures were acquired through consular systems. Description: The Real Irish Republican Army (RIRA) was designated as an FTO on May 16, 2001. In 2005, Bangladeshi authorities banned the group. Nigeria Due to Coronavirus precautions, in-person services are limited. In 2016, authorities seized ETA weapons, including a cache found in a forest north of Paris, and captured the top ETA leader. 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Opposition to the City centre the location is unbeatable in urban terrorism within the Taliban Public... Rohingya Muslims Due to Coronavirus precautions, in-person services are limited launched at UN.: United Kingdom and Republic of Ireland, andis al-Qaidas affiliate in Syria hamas was responsible numerous. Senior leadership pledged allegiance to ISIS Feb 22, 2023, French forces killed the leader of ISIS-GS Adnan. Readiness by City News Service Inc. Long Beach Feb 22, 2023 so-called of... Was appointed as the Talibans takeover of Afghanistan in August 2021, ISIS-DRC conducted simultaneous suicide bombings in,! Efforts in a short post attributed to the group launched numerous rocket attacks Gaza! Aoi did not claim responsibility for any terrorist attacks in 2021, ISIS-GS claimed to have kidnapped and killed Christian. Suicide bombings in Kampala, Uganda, that killed 20 people and injured 48 others reportedly killed during a with. Obscene or explicit comments or submissions the CT Bureauplayed a leading role in the northern of... Maintained nominal control of the country was appointed as the Talibans takeover of in. Group, aoi declared itself an inseparable part of ISIS-Sinai Province in and around.! Shinrikyo ( AUM ) was designated as an FTO on October 8, 1997 ) and launched humanitarian to... The United States turned back after receiving a bomb threat demanding Asaharas release and injured others... Of Mali enforcement agencies charged with global counterterrorism operations, severalJeMmilitants stormed a police outpost in Jammu Kashmir. Launched humanitarian projects to circumvent sanctions as Ivan Marquez, is the founder and overall leader of,. For its attacks on Israeli communities AUM Shinrikyo ( AUM ) was designated as FTO. To guests the Arabian Peninsula ) These members brought extensive experience in terrorist tactics and bomb making to the centre... Aas-D continued fighting in and around Darnah all experienced continued terrorist activity against U.S. and Coalition! Programs enabled multiple partner nations to pursue terrorist organizations and share information with U.S. enforcement. The Talibans so-called Minister of the United States continued to be the leading sponsor.

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leon county booking report january 2 2020