yellow jacket vacuum gauge manual

Siga los siguientes, 1. For something this pricey I thought it would be a quality tool. remove the cover. Unable to add item to List. If it seems like it stops working one day. If you go beyond the desired, number, continue to press the UNITS button until the, desired digit appears again. Inspect fitting for signs of oil before connecting the. El calibrador aplicar la seleccin de. Please try again. electronic vacuum gauges are subject to oil contamination. nar en un rango menor al de la presin atmosfrica . Utilice el botn UNITS (Unidades) para, cambiar el nmero entre parntesis. Here are some recommendations, 1. Teniendo en cuenta las marcas de polaridad, presione la pila dentro del compartimento. El accesorio de la pipa, est sellado con cinta de tefln para roscas. Turn your PDF publications into a flip-book with our unique Google optimized e-Paper software. display will not go below atmospheric pressure. recuperacin de refrigerantes durante el proceso). Hold the SENSOR SETUP button down, 3. El aceite se encuentra en todos los, sistemas AC/R y puede extraerse de un sistema durante la, evacuacin. Aparecer la pantalla normal de, lectura. Yellow Jacket 69075 SupeEvac LCD Vacuum Gauge User's Manual. % Please try again later. It works really well and has a good protective case. After viewing product detail pages, look here to find an easy way to navigate back to pages you are interested in. See the section titled "Cleaning the, To keep your vacuum gauge sensor accurate, it is best to, avoid oil contamination. Take the stem off the sensor and rinse it with alcohol. If, you go beyond the desired units, continue to press the. Needed for 410 freon where high vaccum is problems encountered with readings.. Will locate a leak fast.. Los parntesis en la pantalla indican el dgito que se est, modificando. Apguelo, corrija el problema e intntelo de nuevo. display: Battery is low - replace, No display: Check battery verify battery polarity and, make sure battery is making good contact with the, Erroneous vacuum readings: Sensor may be contami-, Error codes: Error codes may be generated if the sensor, becomes disconnected or extremely contaminated. This is a very high quality gauge at a fair price! (Throughout the process, remember the, If you think there is excessive moisture, blow out the, AC&R system with dry nitrogen wherever possible. The gauge will default to this units selection at the next, Desatornille la tapa del compartimento de la pila y retire la. : nmero actual de calibracin del sensor en la memoria. Si se, excede del nmero deseado, contine pulsando el botn, hasta que el dgito que desea aparezca de nuevo. Cuando el calibrador est apagado, conecte el sensor al, extremo de la cuerda del sensor. Si alguno de los dgitos no, concuerda, apague el calibrador y repita el procedimiento, empezando por el paso 2 antes mencionado. When connecting a different sensor to the vacuum gauge, it is important to enter the proper sensor calibration num-, bers into the vacuum gauge. Lecturas de vaco errneas: el sensor puede estar. Cada vez que se presione el botn UNIDADES, se modificarn las unidades mostradas en pantalla. The vacuum readings will also be higher than, expected. It's more affordable, just as precise, and easier to repair when the time comes. When the digit on the, display matches the digit on the sensor label, press the, SENSOR SETUP button to move to the next digit, position. 2. The readout units can be changed when the, gauge is on by pressing the UNITS button. 3. Si el sensor del calibrador de, vaco se contamina con aceite, observar rastros de aceite en. Pantalla destellante "Battery low! Turn, the power off, correct the problem, and try again. Use Isopropyl Alcohol to clean the sensor. Oil and, other contaminants in the sensor area may affect the, sensor's ability to detect changes in vacuum level. change and the bar graph will no longer appear. of bars displayed at atmospheric pressure will vary. This will allow you to, with oil from either the system or the vacuum pump. The 6 digit sensor number can be found, The parentheses on the display indicate the digit being, edited. You have already flagged this document.Thank you, for helping us keep this platform clean.The editors will have a look at it as soon as possible. So for me, this is perfect. small hole on the back of the vacuum gauge. When the pressure falls into the, readout range, the numeric readout will begin to. Each press, of the UNITS key will change the units displayed. calentarse y en aparecer la lectura real. If a different display contrast is desired, use a, small flat bladed screwdriver to turn the contrast adjust-, ment screw until the desired contrast is achieved. These, digits need to be changed to match the number on the, new sensor. Cada vez que pulse el, botn UNITS incrementar el dgito de uno en uno. Just find a safe location for it in your vehicle. In some cases of extreme contamination the. Vierta la, solucin revisando si hay aceite en el alcohol. All. The gauge is now ready for use with the, The vacuum gauge has an LCD display with adjustable, contrast. : stream Conecte el calibrador directamente al sistema, lejos de, 4. (Tenga en cuenta las leyes de. Cuando lo vuelva a encender, el, sensor tardar aproximadamente 30 segundos en. En al-, gunos casos de contaminacin extrema la pantalla no funcio-. Ahora el calibrador est listo para utilizarse con el, El calibrador de vaco tiene una pantalla de cristal lquido con, contraste ajustable. When the final digit is completed, press the, SENSOR SETUP button. Reviewed in the United States on March 8, 2015, great gauge, just be careful working in temps below 0 the gauge will not read correctly. Reviewed in the United States on August 15, 2015. The 6 digit number across the top of the display is the, sensor calibration number currently in memory. It is best to, remove the access fitting core with a YELLOW JACKET, port on the valve. 69088) - Versin original, Cable (N. de ref. codes persist, call the factory for assistance. Pulse y mantenga pulsado el botn SENSOR SETUP. %PDF-1.3 If any of the digits do not match, turn the, gauge off and repeat the process beginning with step 2, above. If sensor is very oily you may need to repeat, 4. Size 61013, GOODMAN 3 to 3.5 Ton Evaporator Coil with 24.5" Cabinet, Vertical CAPF3743D6, Yellow Jacket AC & Refrigeration Accessories. indicadas vara segn la presin atmosfrica. Replaced the sensor with a new one, same output. Retire el adaptador vstago del cuerpo del sensor aflojando, el accesorio de la pipa de 0,6 cm. The, contrast adjustment screw can be accessed through the. Este procedimiento reduce la cantidad de contaminantes, que la bomba puede absorber e incrementa la velocidad de, La importancia de evitar contaminantes en el sensor y el, El problema ms comn que afecta la operacin de los, calibradores de vaco electrnicos es la contaminacin del, sensor. There was a problem adding this item to Cart. If error. El nmero del sensor en 6. dgitos se localiza en la etiqueta de la envoltura del sensor. sensor no funcionar si se llena de aceite del sistema. The sensor connector is keyed, with two slots. Reviewed in the United States on July 28, 2013. To calculate the overall star rating and percentage breakdown by star, we dont use a simple average. Conecte el calibrador a una parte seca del sistema. correctamente con las terminales de resorte. 1. The vacuum gauge sensor can usually be cleaned with, isopropyl alcohol. The normal readout display, will appear. It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. Performing this action will revert the following features to their default settings: Performing this action will permanently remove your draft from Yumpu. GO BAD AFTER 2 MONTHS SEND IT TO YELLOW JACKET, THEY TOLD ME IT IS NOT UNDER WARRANTY BECAUSE THEY SOLD IT 3 YEARS AGO. Reviewed in the United States on November 18, 2012. Se pueden modificar las unidades de lectura, presionando el botn UNIDADES, cuando el calibrador est, encendido. The sensor is very sensitive to oil; so try to keep it in an upright position in the least oily part of the system. Add alcohol to sensor, cover with thumb and shake like, a test tube. Measures vacuum in 7 different international units, Cable (Part #40819) - New detachable version, Battery Life: Approximately 25 hours continuous use, Low Battery Indicator: The display will flash, Display: - Numeric readout from 25000 microns to, Mide el vaco en 7 unidades internacionales, Cable (N. de ref. Do. This is a really good vacuum gauge. Observing the polarity marking, press the battery into the compartment. El sensor del calibrador de vaco se limpia normalmente con, alcohol isoproplico. El calibrador de vaco lee en 7 unidades internacionales, diferentes. D3~DYo~uvoo6];@c6VJ=n:[/Z~}yuw7_n.Wk_gvMWJu?O p3N?4]okWB #KjLKtezq{weo9^xEv~nm.Cf,H};\\6xCt4b5.S[kN9Db/`__7w{;h$D|?&Ey;(sX~|}@frr]>mESPe=HJQfT m_4y@83_/lz|fIm%V'- AE~~y|_#kJ/.#(fB%hDZ Todos los calibradores de vaco electrnicos, estn expuestos a la contaminacin por aceite, Por lo general, la contaminacin por aceite se puede evitar y la, garanta no la cubre. The parentheses will move to the next digit, 4. This, reduces the amount of contaminants that must be pulled. Use the UNITS button to change the number in, parentheses. Clean the stem adapter by rinsing it in alcohol. Los 6 dgitos en la parte superior de la pantalla son el. b}Rc?z7l9sU&,#9lk=$; ,l3]uKu%);*^mH_n02p:wu0qavX7'g|W%L; ,*+U7L00oxLc9+ANbceN5. The most common problem affecting the operation of, electronic vacuum gauges is sensor contamination. 40819) - Nueva versin desmontable, Tapa del compartimento de las pilas y tornillo, Duracin de la pila: aproximadamente 25 horas de, Indicador de voltaje bajo de la pila: En la pantalla, aparecer parpadeando la leyenda: "Battery low! Terms & Conditions Repeat step 3 until all 6 digits match the digits on the, sensor label. Privacy Policy Los parntesis se. El. 4. Conforme desciende la presin, el grfico de barras en la, fila superior de la pantalla se reducir. Press and hold the SENSOR SETUP button and switch, the gauge on. 4. : We do not have any recommendations at this time, Yellow Jacket Hand-Held Vacuum Gauge, Deluxe, 32 to 122 deg F Ambient, 1/4 in Male Flare Connection, LED Display, Battery, Plastic, Is Discontinued By Manufacturer sistema AC&R con nitrgeno seco siempre que sea posible. > 25.000). for iphone se, iphone 6s, iphone 6, Each displays from atmosphere to 10 microns (bar graph indication above 25000 microns) of vacuum to let you know that your vacuum pump is clean and performing properly. Pour solution out noting amount of oil in, alcohol. , ASIN As the pressure drops, the bar graph on the top row of, the display will reduce. The number. Hooray! Use a needle nose pliers. Tips for best evacuation and gauge performance. Oil is present in all AC/R systems and can, be drawn out of a system during evacuation. << /Length 5 0 R /Filter /FlateDecode >> Las barras slo, indican el progreso del vaco; el nmero de barras. Oil contamination is usually avoidable and is not covered, under warranty. Magazine: Yellow Jacket 69075 SupeEvac LCD Vacuum Gauge User's Manual. Repita el paso 3 hasta que los 6 dgitos concuerden con los, de la etiqueta del sensor. If this reading on this gauge stays in the mid range, there is either high contamination or a large leak in the, system. You can't go wrong with this tool if you need a vacuum gauge! tapa del compartimento de la pila y atornille. Connect the gauge to a dry part of the system. It has a single port which you can use inline with your gauges if you purchase the "T" seperately. There was an error retrieving your Wish Lists. These must be aligned with the ridges, 2. If your, vacuum gauge sensor has been contaminated with oil, you, will see signs of oil in the rubber seal at the end of the, sensor. Si, contina el error, comunquese con la fbrica para, Sugerencias para una evacuacin y un rendimiento. Remove the stem adapter from the sensor body by, loosening the 1/4" pipe fitting. Estos dgitos deben modificarse para que concuerden con, el nmero del sensor nuevo. >25000). Si la lectura de este calibrador permanece en un, rango medio, entonces hay una contaminacin muy alta o, una fuga en el sistema. 5. Puede acceder al tornillo de ajuste de contraste a, travs de un orificio pequeo en la parte posterior del calibra-, Flashing "Low Battery!" A coworker has the more expensive version in a plastic case, but this one has a replaceable sensor which I don't think his has. Este procedimiento es muy, importante cuando el calibrador est montado cerca de, Automotive refrigerant analyzer (17 pages), Wireless vacuum gauge and , Item model number 2. contaminado, limpie o reemplace el sensor. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, Select the department you want to search in. Limpie el adaptador vstago enjuagndolo con alcohol. Your file is uploaded and ready to be published. Reemplace la. The soft storage bag won't protect it from moist things in a work van or truck. Reviewed in the United States on March 18, 2019. Isolate the pump from the system (and the gauge) with, a valve before turning the pump off. You can, remove the Schrader core depressor for cleaning but it. : 1. (Configuracin del sensor) y encienda el calibrador. , Date First Available Keep the sensor vertical when possible. The instruction manual is very detailed! Are you sure you want to delete your template? desconecta el sensor o est extremadamente contaminado. Mantenga pulsado el botn SENSOR SETUP hasta que. Segn la presin atmosfrica, la pantalla mostrar una, serie de barras en la fila superior y en la fila inferior de la, pantalla que indicarn que la presin est por encima de la, lectura numrica mxima (p. ej. tapa. UNITS button until the desired units appears again. Follow these steps when, 1. wireless digital vacuum & p/t gauge into the pump, and increases evacuation speed. : aparezca la siguiente leyenda en la pantalla: 3. , Yellow Jacket Hand-Held Vacuum Gauge, Deluxe, 32 to 122 deg F Ambient, 1/4 in Male Flare Connection, LED Display, Battery, Plastic, Evacuation of a refrigeration system - testo 552, Quality vacuum guage at an affordable price, Reviewed in the United States on March 31, 2019. When pulling a vacuum take the following steps: The YELLOW JACKET pump features a built-in gauge. take it inside and warm it up before pulling your vacuum and it will read fine. Busted from day 1. Aada alcohol al sensor, cbralo con el dedo pulgar y, sacdalo como si fuese un tubo de ensayo. ", Pantalla: - lectura numrica de 25.000 micras a 10, - lectura en grfico de barras superior a las, Remove the battery compartment cover screw and. Revise el accesorio para detectar rastros de aceite antes de. Lo mejor es retirar el centro del ajuste del, de 28 pulgHg antes de conectar el calibra-, dor electrnico de vaco al puerto lateral de, sistema o de la bomba de vaco. Apply Teflon thread tape to the male threads of the, stem adapter and re-install it on the sensor body. I keep mine under the passenger seat when not being used. cambiarn a la siguiente posicin de dgito en la pantalla. This easy-to-use gauge shows that air and moisture have been removed from the system. Please try again. Si el sensor, est muy aceitoso puede ser necesario que repita el. Vea la seccin "Limpieza del sensor", Lo mejor es evitar la contaminacin para que el sensor del, calibrador de vaco contine funcionando con precisin. 2. ": el voltaje de la pila est, No aparece nada en pantalla: revise la pila, la polaridad de, la pila y asegrese de que est haciendo contacto. The sensor will not work if it becomes filled with, At atmospheric pressure the display will show a series, of bars on the top row and the bottom row of the dis-, play will indicate that the pressure is above the maxi-, mum numeric readout (e.g.

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yellow jacket vacuum gauge manual