yamaha saxophone comparison

There have been 5 official versions of the 875 Alto Sax. Hello, i am wondering and i dont know what to do.. December 15, 2012 @ 10:34 am. I have a YAS-31 alto with the purple logo on the very front of the bell . We cant start sharp and then go sharper. But I said now watch what happens when I play it. I have the YAS 62II and its awesome. Went directly from basic into the 60th Army Band at Ft. Polk, La. Thanks in advance for your help. I prefer that I start a bit flat, then warmup to the band. We tested a YAS-62III and a Cannonball big bell. Thanks for sharing! Now heres the kicker. So whether you are fully in the know or are confused as all git out, we are here to help. YAS 62 seems to be pro, and 480 is like intermediate saxophone. I was told by 1 of the repair techs that an Admiral had told the Music Program that he wanted to see shiny horns. February 18, 2013 @ 2:15 pm. However, these revisions are not publicly listed anywhere for the customer to ascertain the difference of these revisions (hint, hint, Yamaha). Yamaha 62 Alto Sax The Yamaha 62 Alto Sax is one of the most recognized professional alto saxes ever made. Personally, I would have bet on the code of YAS-875EX // 04 since the EX would be easier to see at a glance over the original YAS-875 but alas, I would be incorrect in that guess. For big band and combo gigs I used my own personal Selmer Mk VI. You might want to check out this article series: https://www.bestsaxophonewebsiteever.com//is-it-worth-buying-a-pro-model-saxophone-part-i/, antonius smink He also tried a P. Mauriatwhich he liked the least. Thanks , Soup ! Initially I went through some mouthpiece changes, but once I settled on the Beechler its been great! However because of the elements we perform in they were getting very weather beaten. Luckily, sax legend David Liebman, one of the world's foremost experts on saxophone sound production, takes you on a step-by-step journey through the method used by legends such as Michael Brecker, Bob Berg, and other masters. These revisions will commonly occur without the hoopla of a press release. Now a few other experiences. I would have the horn tuned to A concert perfect and the middle E was 40 cents sharp. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. pads, necks, case, etc). Also, any thoughts on buying a very recent used horn versus a brand new one? So go figure huh. thank you all for that in put ,i am myself in the market for a decent alto and am watching a few on eBay ,U bid, Amazon etc.. there are a lot of horns out there on offer and when you try to research them on line you will find there are always 2 sides.i once researched a Venus tenor and after reading through a thread on a forum that had at that point been running for about 10 years -a lot of reading that took weeks- eventually with my decision largely influenced by a noted technician i purchased one February 5, 2017 @ 9:32 am. Can you tell me anything about this horn? Havent found a Selmer or Yana yet to demo. I have thought about upgrading to a 62 or even a Selmer, but the 52 does such a great job that I hang on to it. Also a mid 80s YAS-23 if needed. Best for those just starting out, this YAS-23 Yamaha student saxophone typically runs about $1,300 new or $500 used. I am trying to price a YTS-475A, and I cannot find a reference to what the A stands for. Many famous sax players, including Phil Woods, Bobby Watson, and Jeff Coffin all played a Yamaha sax. Ive decided that I will upgrade to the 82Z. They just continued to buy the Buffets and Leblanc Concerto clarinets. The YAS-23 has been a solid, reliable horn for me over the years. If your horn came through another distribution office (different area of the world), Yamaha USA wont have the record. I have read this series is better than 62 series. These revisions are notated on the box with a // followed by the revision number. When the 62 series came on the scene, it set the bar extremely high for non-custom pro saxophones due to its even, smooth, polished tone, which gives skilled players tremendous control over their sound. The professional Yamaha YAS-62 and YTS-62 model saxophones have been the workhorses of the Yamaha saxophone lineup for over 30 years. Every penny I had. I have had very little work done to in relation to how long Ive had it. More so than playing bari or alto. For now, however, the 23 suits me fine. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Unfortunately even though it still had a really nice sound and played in tune well the repair tech at Fleet Support said she would never be able to get it to seal perfectly. So I turned it in for the latest Yamaha. Thank you for the average prices! It responds immediately. Especially after the introduction of the 62 line of alto and tenor Yamaha saxophones, Yamaha has consistently been ranked as one of the best saxophone manufacturers in the world. Same clarinet, everything pushed in, no tricks. Okay so now I take the Green Line barrel and put it on the Yamaha clarinet. In any case, if theres a second hand horn youre interested in then give it a try but never buy without prior testing :). Remember the building is cool. I have been playing it for two years now with difficulty. Thing is, without the correct methods, you're likely to waste time, looking for the perfect setup and trying to make sense of vague and conflicting instruction from books, videos, and private teachers. So that was it, at that point the band did not buy large amounts of Yamaha horns en mass. I had a local shop repad/cork it. By Doron Orenstein / When we play outside it is only going to go sharper. But wait, theres more On top of this, there was another international version of the Yamaha 62 Alto Sax that was called the Mark II that is DIFFERENT than what we in the USA call the Mark II. He wants to replace his student tenor sax, Yamaha Vito 7131TK, with a used pro vintage tenor sax for $2000 or less. It was really good and insightful. Thanks! The yani 901 is the best alternative to the 62 if hes interested and I hear that selmer have a new sax out called the seles Axos that is more or less the same cost as a 901, I had the chance to try one recently and I rather liked it I hope the sax searching goes well! Both sounded nice, but the Cannonball was a bit muffled (my termas Im not a saxophone guy) compared to the Yamaha. In a cluttered marketplace, the 62 clearly stands out as the best combination of professional features and affordable price. (source: usa.yamaha.com press release announcing the 3rd Generation of Yamaha 62 saxophones). The Supply guy/Buyer for the Program told me that the younger sax players liked the brighter playing Yamahas but that the older guys who grew up playing the MK VIs liked the darker sounding and closer to a Selmer feel of the Keilwerths. or the YAS-875EX? January 27, 2016 @ 9:14 pm. The whole band was extremely sharp, the pitch was all over the place. I do know that in several European countries the pitch is creeping up. Now this is good because when we play outside the whole band is going to go sharp. I know that some of there saxes play high as noted in my previous letter. I understand that the Yamaha soprano 82Z is pretty new on the market, but why is there so little critical review to be found posted? That in effect ruined all those beautiful sounding Mk VI saxes. Of the 3 others, he liked the 875EX the leastand then it was basically a tie between the 82ZII and the 62III. Doron Orenstein Needless to say the horn played rough down low. March 20, 2012 @ 8:27 pm. FYI at 1 time the Navy had a lot of Mk VI saxes. It had been relacquered at least 3 times which included buffing the heck out of it. Yes they will give you a horn to play while you are in the band. I hope I didnt blow you out of the water with the length of the story. Its one-piece design may come as a surprise to some, but its bright, even tone is all trademark Yamaha. Still need to try a Selmer and Yana to know if those hold anything special for himbut Id have to buy those used, based on the high prices of bothespecially the Selmer. Doron Orenstein Well Selmer saxes as new are verrrrry expensive but if you were to look around on the second hand market you might be able to find one at a reasonable price; in my eyes theyre a little overpriced but I absolutely adore Super Action 80 II alto so I think it pays to shop around theyre certainly not everyones cup of tea. Oscar, thanks for all the feedback. November 5, 2012 @ 8:40 pm. From a G in the staff down I cant play very well. Learn how your comment data is processed. At the time they only bought the altos. February 4, 2014 @ 2:42 pm. Plus the big bell on both the Cannonball and the Keilwerth make the low notes easier to play. Yep, the YAS-23 is the go-to alto sax for beginners. Some refer to these as 1st, 2nd & 3rd Generations of the 62. Well see what happens with the demos, and Ill let you know. Oh and if youre after a different sound a new mouthpiece might do the trick, thats a whole different ball game though! This was especially hard for the clarinet players who couldnt push in any further. I played the clarinet with the Buffet barrel, played it into the tuner. Im in high school and have played (saxophone) for a shorter amount of time (but Ive played other instruments) then most. I said the horn really projects. In particular, the quality of the craftsmanship how the saxophone feels in your hands, how your fingers feel on the keys is most notable. So the guy who was wondering about it might want to check it out. Doron: The standard of A 440 is the result of a treaty that was drawn up in 1914. I showed it to the rep. Everything was pushed in all the way. I am a clarinet player like 7 years, but i am switching to alto sax now.. I know that the Yamahas have a reputation for playing bright. See below: Good question to educate. i had hoped to upgrade from a conn selmer prelude to a more professional quality horn.there after followed a few other ventures into other highly acclaimed [by some] Thanks. Now I said watch what happens when I put my Buffet Green Line barrel on it. The YAS-875EX costs about $3,500 new while the YTS-875EX will set you back about $4,000. Before that instruments were made with pitches all over the place. I didnt know that saxophones could range up to $4,000! It did play nice over the whole range of the horn though. From reading Paul Cohens Vintage Saxophone column in Saxophone Journal it appears that prior to 1914 the pitch could have been anywhere from A 438 or lower to A 448 or even higher. Ive heard good things about both, and Im leaning towards the YAS-875EX. Anyone know what the A stands for and if it has an effect on value? Maybe I have lost you already so let me back up a quick second for the purpose of this article, I will focus primarily on two models of Yamaha professional alto saxes; the Yamaha 62 Alto Sax and the Custom 875. Besides combo gigs were usually inside at a reception or under a tent. I considered buying a Selmer for their reputation, but I tried one out and I just wasnt impressed. In 1990 we played with 2 Soviet Navy Bands. Also I did meet him as I took my last lesson with him while I was on leave. I always wanted to be a jazz musician but never put forth the effort. I drove up to his house in Reading, PA. Good stuff all around. Ready to go Deep Into the Art of Building a Massive Saxophone Sound? Yamaha certainly make excellent quality horns although personally I prefer my Selmer SA80 II alto because of its darker tone. She is heartless.. LMAO but when she ran up to me and said babe, you were awesome. Maybe brightness is a Yamaha thing all around- since even their pianos sound bright. Doron Orenstein My son was able to demo several horns, including the Yamaha 62III, 82ZII, and the 875EX. We bought it for her when we lived in Japan in the early 80s. Last year I bought a Cannonball Nickel plated Black lacquer horn. This means that the only way to determine your generation is based on the features present on your instrument! I was just at NAMM, but the Yamaha horns were on a different floor than the rest of the horns and I never made my way up to that booth. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of followup comments via e-mail. as for the tenor sax i now own 3 -Venus, Hanson t8, and my precious YTS62 == needless to say the Yamaha is everything they say it is ==but the point i make is this it was proof of the pudding is in the tasting.. unless you know trhe reliability of any given opinion, you can be persuaded of just about anything ,,to your COSTLY HORROR .not that they may be deliberately misleading anyone ,but all saxes generally differ from each other -even within same model ranges =and then there are the other variables mouthpiece, reeds, ligatures, tuning personal techniques,,, so i was blessed with the yamaha yts62 i got at a good price 1150 in near perfect condition [12 years old] BUT without the friendly and extremely helpfull staff at saxco london to guide me i would have continued making poor choices based on reams of reviews =there was no substitute for personal experience =they allowed me to see for myself the difference by a;;owing me to blow some wonderful instruments and then guided me to my own choice based on that so i will try for a YAS23 as i cannot now afford another 62 i hope it will be the right one [not a dud ] that i eventually get. Your email address will not be published. This means that it is a Mark II model (which was introduced as the // 04 model), but is the newest version with the Pisoni Pro Pad upgrade. Larry Weintraub To quote Roger Eaton, Marketing Directory of Yamaha USAs B&O Division: The professional Yamaha YAS-62 and YTS-62 model saxophones have been the workhorses of the Yamaha saxophone lineup for over 30 years. Doron Orenstein My son is with a R&B band that just released their debut their album/CD. Yamahas tend to be warmer than the selmers and if you like your purple logo 62 then it might be worth just sticking to it and getting to know it inside out. Okay so the Yamaha Product Rep/Sales Rep comes to our Navy Band around 04 in the summer. A key cork was replaced, a few pads (Ive practiced a lot) and the repairman adjusted my keys. The internet is full of bad information and people looking to take advantage of consumers whenever they can. Any recommendations? He just kind of half laughed and took his clarinet back. Sometimes Yamaha will make minor changes (revisions) to a model that would not warrant a full new model number or generational marking. The 82Z series was designed specifically for professional jazz players, and it shows. The sound isnt quite as oriented toward jazz as the 82Z, but depending on your skill, you can use it for many more genres of music, from the dark sounds in classical orchestra to the bolder rock tones. I just received my sisters tenor sax. There are a lot of people out on the internet right now looking to use these sticker codes to trick consumers in to believing something that is not true. son plays looking to continue into the high school yearstherefore he shows great love for it I want to get a quality that will see him through. January 24, 2012 @ 8:06 pm. Low and behold the pitch is a perfect, dead center A 440. Could someone with some expertise and knowledge suggest brands, models, and serial number production years that would meet this criterion? For those who might be wondering, the YAS stands for Yamaha Alto Sax. Due to the high-end materials used on this horn, the instrument is bit heavier than its less expensive counterparts. Using an ARB wint Rico Royal #3. I was playing my Navy Yamaha tenor so going higher was no problem for me. I have a YTS-61 that I bought in 1974. Doron Orenstein Sorry! Yep, the 23 is a rock solid horn. YAS-475 costs around $1,800 new and in the $1,300 range used, while the YTS-475 costs about $2,300 new. Thanks ! I was given their latest clarinet, I do not remember the model number. We cannot start at 10 cents sharp, especially in a cool building. The reason I didnt pay a Keilwerth tenor is because they did not have one to issue me. Then I switched to bari and played a Selmer Series 2 they had. I know that Yamaha is a controversial brand. And Im glad you liked the Sheppard interview, definitely some nice stuff in there. March 24, 2014 @ 6:47 pm. Btw I listened to the Bob Shepard interview last night. Navy wise I just used their horns for big band (alto & bari) my horn for Jazz Combo (I was the leader so I had a say in controlling the environment we played in. It was gently used when I received it and I couldnt have asked for a better horn at the time. As such it was important that I keep the building nice and cool in the summer time. ( I recommend the selmer soloist or jody jazz HR* mouthpiece, although theres plenty of choice it might be worth looking on another forum aha ). I am glad I did. Even though I like the sound and projection I cannot recommend to the Navy to buy this horn. I played the clarinet for about a minute and then put it on my tuner. The clarinet was 10 cents sharp. Sam Holland Jr. Thank you very much in advance. Both are more modern designs and have each had multiple generations and revisions. Doron Orenstein In reality, they likely are getting you the current design, but the ethics reek. (I also am in the jazz band, if that makes any difference), antonius smink Obviously the cost difference makes the 62III dads choice. Im a new student on alto. January 25, 2012 @ 10:15 am. This is just another reminder to bring a tuner with you when you go horn shopping. Thankfully, you have this wonderful tool called the internet that allows you to find that information! I got the Cannonball because it played similar to my VI and to a Keilwerth SX90R. I am an adult thinking of learning to play the sax. The most in tune clarinet I ever played. Perhaps the action was just to different from the Yamahas hes used to. For this next section of the box markings, I will stray from the Yamaha 62 for the reference model of the discussion. The laquer is wearing away and the bell is dented. Thanks for sharing that, Carl! So in the case of the 62, there is the Yamaha 62, the 62 Mark II and the 62 Mark III. Since they sort their instruments by series (6 indicating professional), the inevitable jump to a new series number such as 7 could lead to confusion in the series designations. Any suggestions? It is a Yamaha YTS-32 with a purple stenciled logo. Now I havent have the chance to play another tenor so I dont know if its me or the horn. This would make distinguishing between designs easy. I used the Yamaha tenor when I played Ceremoniaclarinetl Band gigs which were usually outside. So he unloads every woodwind and brass instrument they make. All the other notes seem to line up better too. I invested in an overhauled purple logo 62. Well yes I use my Mk VI tenor on all my jobs & for teaching now that I am retired from the military. The Yamaha 875 Custom that they gave me had a very bright sound, to bright. Wow. Not sure if thats where hes looking to go with his musicbut it sounded great! Really sad story but its true. The clarinets pitch was dead on perfect. Yamaha in general produces bright sounding equipment. The Yanagisawa 901 ( now the AW01 ) is a very popular alternative to the YAS-62 III so that would be worth a look or a second hand A-991, those horns are fantastic in every regard! She went on to play in the USC Trojan Marching Band. Gonna try some different mouthpieces as well. Serial number in the low 3XXX range . In essence it really sucked. So at some point, someone at Yamaha decided to move to what I call a Generation modeling scheme for their product revisions. After a long e-mail to the Supply guy/Buyer for the Navy Music Program I convinced the Music Program to look into and buy the Keilwerth SX90R saxes. My secondary duty (which usually felt like my primary duty) was Building Manager. I believe right now they are making flutes and clarinets at A 442. March 2, 2013 @ 8:12 am. They refused to pull their slides out and play at A 440. New models typically cost about $200 or so more than the YSS-675, but are generally in the same price range. There are some great new-ish brands that are coming out with great horns, many would say better horns than Yamaha, but Yamaha is indeed considered one of the top brands. Doron Orenstein March 18, 2012 @ 11:21 am. Even if a product is widely successful, they tend to not just rest on their laurels but rather are always seeking to innovate and provide their customers with the best that they can. Well, there is, but it is confusing and leads to some retailers mis-representing what they have. That way, we can compare everything to his current 475. So as an experiment I pull out my Navy issue Buffet Green Line clarinet, warmed up on it for a few minutes and played it into my tuner. but am not altogether happy with the lewis ,hence the look into the YAS 23 OR VITO -LE BLANC They needed shorter barrels but unfortunately they didnt have any. I heard him play at a gig in Va Bch and asked him why he wasnt playing his Selmer Balanced Action Tenor from the 30s/40s. I was issued a Yamaha 875 Custom Tenor Sax in my Navy Band in Norfolk,VA. Your home for saxophone tips, techniques, interviews, reviews, and news. February 4, 2014 @ 5:07 pm. The body may also be bent. As a result of these box markings, I commonly receive emails, phone calls & social media messages where customers claim that there is a new generational design that is available on the market when it isnt necessarily. However, that is Yamaha USA. It just continued to buy 1 or 2 as replacement horns for those guys who wanted them. Wow, I never knew that the military paid for musicians horns, but I guess it makes sense, especially when theyre putting you on a horn that you dont normally play (Ie: bari). Wow, your horn has cancer doesnt sound good, but I guess that these horns really know how to take a lickin (no pun intended). Starting from your mental concept of sound, to the breath, to the throat and the oral cavity (lots of cool overtone exercises here! Yamaha USAs records are also only searchable dating back to some time in the 1990s as well. However, on the 875 Series, there have been 5, even though there were only 3 official generations. Ken said the YTS-62 was as close the the BA tenor sound that he could get to. Thanks again. The instrument itself looks rough. Note: Alto saxophones are prefaced by YAS (for Yamaha Alto Saxophone), while tenor saxophones are prefaced by YTS. When I played on any Navy gig I used the Navy Buffet Greenline. The Yamaha barrel looked to be the same size as the Buffet barrel when I lined them up next to each other on my flat desk surface. That first Mark II 62 alto was offered internationally but Yamaha USA didnt adopt it and continued to have the original YAS-62 made and offered in the USA. In the case of the Yamaha 62 Alto Sax, the first major revision became the Yamaha 62 Mark II Alto Sax (also referred to as the 2nd Generation), with an official part number: YAS-62II. October 18, 2016 @ 5:43 am. So did you ever find a horn that worked for you? There is a good possibility that this saxophone is over five years old and hasnt had any matinence. The 62 is in version // 04 which is the current iteration of the YAS-62III. So, all in all, if youre looking for a beautiful and reliable horn, Yamaha wont disappoint you. The pro model w/the big bell and the fancy stones on the keys. I have not seen anything in the trade journals about a new treaty to raise the pitch higher than A 440. The 62 is an excellent alto :) I think that its worth finding a horn that you like and then getting everything out of it before moving on, it saves a lot of money too! It might be worth going to your local music dealer and just seeing what mouthpieces they have The 62 is really good with almost any piece and its a fairly warm sax compared to other ones out there. So with that, Yamaha look for me to purchase and upgrade to the 82Z in the next coming months. This is essentially a change that doesnt change the design of the horn, but rather is an improvement while maintaining the existing design (i.e. Well I must tell you that was the absolute worst gig the band ever played. He said it was wrecked beyond repair due to an accident. If he likes the 62 then it might be a winner and theres always the issue of mouthpieces ( the 62 is very flexible in this aspect ) meaning you could always improve the 62s performance without breaking the bank! In 66, I turned 17, and, in an effort to dodge the draft, joined the Army. Well at this point the building was at 72 degrees. I bought my son a Yamaha Custom in 99 and hes had no complaints. With optimum intonation and an emphasis on comfort and durability, the 23 series is perfect to help new players get a hang of their instrument. Also to the best of my knowledge the Navy Band Program never bought any Yamaha clarinets. I also studied with Tim Price for a year or so back in the 90s. I played my first solo 3 months ago just for a small group and my Fiancee was very proud of me. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. I learned a lot. I had turned in a MK VI Navy tenor that was on its last legs. Well, I can tell you that the Roman numeral II on the box followed by a // would be awkward to read at a glance which is why the Roman numerals are not marked on the boxes at all. Tom Colwell Its so soothing and relaxing when I play. Although they make quality products-in most cases at least- I do believe its an issue of taste and design preference with them and other Japanese products. For instance, Japanese speakers usually (but not always) have a particularly bright sound to them. Sounds good to me :) the 82ZII and 62III are very similar. The reason I didnt use a Selmer Series 2 in big band/combos is because I was so used to my Mk VI and I was very picky about playing tenors. I hope you liked it. The 62III was very clean and clearand maybe a bit brightbut definitely better than his 475. I said, you saw what happened, how the clarinet was sharp and how it came in tune with the Buffet barrel. Specially tenor 61 saxes are good valued. So if they want to have big bands, show bands, rock bands w/horns and someone has to play bari they provide it. I absolutely love it. Now you need to go back and tell the engineers to fix the instrument. February 9, 2014 @ 3:17 pm. Reba Abrassart Worth I have a 61 I bought new in 79 when the Mark VIIs first came out and were having problems. Ive only had minor things done to it. When the 62 first came out it was basically a Selemr MkVI copy. Special thanks to Jonathan Goldman, Yamaha USA Product Manager Wind Instruments, for helping to clarify this wonderfully muddy topic. I use this horn as a backup for my Mk VI. Your email address will not be published. Do yourself a favor and try out as many horns as you can before you buy one. Try to steer clear of quirky vintage horns as these can prove expensive and mouthpiece compatibility is always an issue as well as tuning A second hand YAS-62 Mark 1 ( pre 2003 I think please correct me ) is worth a look or if youre looking upmarket a second hand Selmer SA80 II or ( if you can find one, these horns seldom appear on the used market ) a Yamaha Z or a Yani A991 / W010. The keywork is extraordinary, extremely fluid. I purchased from a Japanese seller on Ebay . It was slightly flat, between 5 10 cents, maybe 7 cents and some change. Everyone got 1 instrument to try out. tenors as well as two alto-saxes a prelude and a [martin]lewin.vintage, i have since resood the prelude at a slight gain. The durability of construction and quality of sound are legendary. They said it was in very good playing condition despite the exterior scratches. It gives me room to play with. Doran, To be perfectly honest, I havent tried the 61 series, so I cant really speak intelligently about those. I said, that will be $30,000 consultation fee. I thought it would maybe cost $700 at most. Also certain notes played extremely sharp, especially middle E top space treble clef. So if this horn is sharp in a cool building imagine how sharp it will be when we are doing gigs outside in the summer heat and humidity. Also the bell had a notch cut out inside it that made the sound really project and spin.

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yamaha saxophone comparison