0000644957 00000 n Copy 2017 Caro Bambino | 0000003247 00000 n 0000017070 00000 n 0000003221 00000 n 0000005748 00000 n It offers plenty of features whether youre exploring your city or traveling on an airplane. 0000817617 00000 n HW%98~[6bH fzz\v:2"~oqS^_?m0?~i7~;I}zgK>_~|O9_RJmn=z%PlK1:Zj_y_:fc2Z7VJ[=26b 9[^_9O3`q\p5TPF0z P9X@T$!.<1Rz)H9v 0000582873 00000 n 0000017153 00000 n All opinions are 100% mine. Its an inline stroller (and feels more compact) so walking around and going in and out of stores (and through the aisles) isnt an issue. Their customer service is amazing with regards to broken parts caused either by airlines. I dont think I can answer that, because theyre both quite different from one another. UPPAbaby.com | UPPAbaby Facebook | UPPAbaby Twitter | UPPAbaby Instagram | UPPAbaby YouTube | UPPAbaby Pinterest. It can be a single/double/triple yielding stroller. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The MINU can be stored in overhead bin compartments on airplanes but I have yet to try that. Keep that in mind! 0000816018 00000 n Tip, store some extra clothes or diapers in the travel bag to alleviate what youre carrying on to the plane! On the MINU theres two pedals. The Rumble Seat has arrived and Im figuring our configurations as to which suits our needs best. Our UPPAbaby MINU is much more compact and a one handed fold that Ive got down pat and can carry my toddler and do this one-handed fold with the other. 0000644606 00000 n Weve brought our MINU home to Newfoundland Canada twice and gate checked it both times using the travel bag. 0000816996 00000 n 0000815357 00000 n It would make more sense for the new babe to be closer to me, but thats all I can do I cant do anything about my first borns weight, ha! 0000016832 00000 n Weve been using our VISTA more during this world pandemic, seeing as were simply sticking to our neighbourhood outings around the block. The quality far exceeded my expectations.. 0000442253 00000 n 0000266483 00000 n 0000034182 00000 n 0000020014 00000 n 0000698654 00000 n 0000756115 00000 n 0000011955 00000 n 0000377554 00000 n UPPAbaby stands by their products, and want you to be a happy customer. 0000514051 00000 n 0000016719 00000 n Both have the option to add a carseat or a bassinet. 0000582456 00000 n Collections: UPPAbaby Adapters, UPPAbaby Mesa Infant Car Seat, UPPAbaby Vista V2 Stroller, Sign up to get the latest on sales, new releases and more , Mon-Thurs 9:30 am -7:00 pmFri 9:30 am - 4:00 pm, 2022 Little Folks NYC. So clearly, I could go on and on about these two strollers, their features and the reasons why I think you should invest in an UPPAbaby. 0000016947 00000 n 0000014576 00000 n 6 different recline positions on the toddler seat (which comes with the stroller). 0000039573 00000 n Add a bassinet, add a carseat. Los Angeles Website Design | 0000006859 00000 n These adapters are necessary for the following configurations: Compatible with VISTA V2, VISTA 2015-2019, Toddler Seat included with your VISTA, Bassinet V2, Bassinet 2015-2019 and MESA Infant Car Seat. 0000039824 00000 n If your family is growing, and whether youre a suburban or urban family the VISTA has many options to choose from (see my blog post here about our VISTA how it can grow from 1-2-3 kids). He calls it his skateboard, and Im going along with it because its the cutest thing. This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of. Has viewing window that has magnetic closure for checking on bebs. 0000816386 00000 n 0000756468 00000 n 0000315101 00000 n Add a rumble seat to make it a double stroller (rumble seat is good for 3 months to 35lbs). 0000043338 00000 n 0000029321 00000 n Ready to take your infant along for a stroll? 0000002386 00000 n 0000514454 00000 n You'll need the UPPAbaby VISTA Upper Adaptersto achieve a few of the many configurations possible with this stroller, whether you're strolling with twins or kids of different ages. I love both of these strollers equally. 0000377710 00000 n We are pretty much fully decked out for 3 kids (no were not going to have a third omg), because we already have the piggyback ride-along board for bebs. 0000514391 00000 n 0000442190 00000 n 0000215495 00000 n You may already know this, but we also have the UPPAbaby MINU and the basket for that is a fair size too, and fits my always jam-packed diaper bag (which holds the essentials, diapers, snacks, toys, you name it)., Since Bebs is the big brother, hes going to stay in the main seat that comes with the stroller as hes almost at the weight limit for the Rumble Seat (suitable for 3 months to 35lbs whereas the main seat is good for up to 50lbs). Contact Us, Mail: 0000215184 00000 n Some quick facts about our two strollers: Make sure you register any and all of a baby purchases on their website. Honestly I thought the MINU would feel like a true compact flimsy stroller, but it doesnt. 0000815713 00000 n 0000441839 00000 n | 2710 Main Street | Santa Monica, CA | 90405, Uppababy Vista Adapter - Lower ( For Double Configurations ) - Caro Bambino, | 2710 Main Street | Santa Monica, CA | 90405. 0000266830 00000 n 0000377139 00000 n 0000816081 00000 n Powered by Shopify, Greyson (Charcoal Mlange/Carbon/ Saddle Leather), Declan (Oat Mlange/Silver/ Chestnut Leather), Bryce (White Marl/Silver/Chestnut Leather), Gregory (Blue Mlange/Silver/ Saddle Leather), Stella (Grey Brushed Mlange/Silver/ Chestnut Leather), Declan (Oat mlange/Silver/Chestnut Leather), Greyson (Charcoal Mlange/Carbon/Saddle Leather), Stella (Grey Brushed Mlange/Silver/Chestnut Leather), Emmett (Green Melange/Silver/ Saddle Leather), Greyson (Charcoal Mlange/Saddle Leather), MESA infant car seat (upper position) + Rumble Seat (lower position), Two MESA infant car seats also requires, Toddler seat (upper position) + stroller bassinet (lower position) also requires, UPPAbaby VISTA V2 Stroller + Upper Adapters + RumbleSeat, UPPAbaby Performance Toddler Seat Rain Shield, Color coded dot indicators to ensure proper installment. %PDF-1.4 % . %DN)sl j}ZAFid9IZgqasczWC2}cV[mDc,ha 8n2N kgj1,f)m2+KI!If&B(BF&*f;7)} FdM2d*$jQbiX(J+AK}4O#tBQlCM7NM=!r^i8YcG2JEyBI#v/!s hN_FF*Uq)_L8H/)A=o\9.>?-?2BeJY>LV(h?#]he pe*r2A{= cXrC 5]P&XYFT_O&/Ir]5^uv;84OIE8 ScNJ'^ hb``c````)e@@QP I4v;00a ucC,>100D2H80OPq/TN 0100W02700:2pz,``PgI`UAMAxT#:@sx\`\/Uhdt/ iF ` s>1 endstream endobj 5 0 obj <> endobj 6 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/Pattern<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 595.276 841.89]/Type/Page>> endobj 7 0 obj [/Pattern] endobj 8 0 obj <>stream 0000010508 00000 n 0000019666 00000 n 0000645261 00000 n 0000006466 00000 n 0000377491 00000 n 0000002076 00000 n The MINU itself is 15lbs (VISTA is 25lbs) so its not heavy. Notify me when this product is available: UPPAbaby VISTA allows for multiple second seat configurations. 0000817243 00000 n 0000029065 00000 n I also preferred this stroller over side-by-side strollers because I knew in advance we were hoping to expand our family to 4. [bZp)MK "T|`PL7{% Simply click in these lower adapters and snap in either your bassinet or MESA car seat and you are ready to stroll with two. Perhaps, if youre interested Ill report back in 2021 and give you another update on it when the new beb is 3+mths old., Learn more about UPPAbaby strollers and products.. Make sure to also follow them on social media they often have giveaways to win strollers and accessories. 4 0 obj <> endobj xref 4 89 0000000016 00000 n 0000816691 00000 n 0000008981 00000 n Once folded it has a carrying strap that you can put over your shoulder. Endless opportunities here folks., So many things I love about the VISTA. Weve had to replace part of the MINU canopy after our second trip across North America from our last trip to Newfoundland. 0000043111 00000 n Were making our UPPAbaby VISTA into a double stroller!, Weve added a second seat to our UPPAbaby VISTA. 0000215806 00000 n 0000006174 00000 n 0000816933 00000 n 0000645020 00000 n Easy to fold one handed while holding child in the other. Not that were doing any of that at the moment, due to the world pandemic were in. Which one do I recommend for you? 0000817865 00000 n No tools needed for this quick install and our color coded dot indicators ensure proper installment. From when bebs was an infant, we have the bassinet, so the new little one will be going in that for the first few months until theyre ready for the Rumble Seat (which is great for 3 months old and onwards)., On UPPAbabys website, they have the VISTA expansion tool for you to figure out what type of configurations work for you and your family, and what adapters youll need theres multiple ways! We go on walks twice a day, upwards to an hour each time. 0000043401 00000 n I believe it to be the perfect city stroller to maneuver around town. Add your rumbleseat and upper adapters and it becomes a double stroller. 0000002446 00000 n 0000266893 00000 n 0000215121 00000 n You can also fold this one into a standing fold with a few extra steps. Both strollers have a nice smooth suspension when pushing them along multi-terrains. 0000033922 00000 n 0000816323 00000 n Great for children age 3 months to 50lbs. 0000042921 00000 n 0000043048 00000 n 0000215743 00000 n Not this one, this goes wherever I want with little effort. But, I think you get the point., Now, down to the questions that I received which one is my favourite? I hope this helps to answer any of your questions regarding the two. A few months back, when I had yet to announce my second pregnancy, I put a question box on Instagram stories to gather up some Qs people may have regarding the two UPPAbaby stroller we own: the UPPAbaby VISTA, and the UPPAbaby MINU., UPPAbaby VISTA vs UPPAbaby MINU which is right for you?, First of all, on any UPPAbaby stroller, any grey button will do something for you. 0000817306 00000 n Both have a brake system. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! Were steering clear of stores., The storage basket on the bottom of the VISTA is huge and easily accessible from the front or the back of the stroller. Its narrow, but sturdy and has significant basket space. 0000582810 00000 n 0000699007 00000 n 0000215432 00000 n Our UPPAbaby VISTA is our ideal companion when it comes to our strollers. So much functionality with this one, as you can face your kids towards you, away from you, facing one another. 310.399.7971 trailer <]/Prev 873148>> startxref 0 %%EOF 92 0 obj <>stream 0000817554 00000 n If you have any more, please leave me a message or questions you may have in the comments.. info@carobambino.com | Telephone: This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of UPPAbaby. I dont think Ill really know how I prefer to set up the two children in the UPPAbaby VISTA until Im actually living it, have gone on a few walks with both of them. The wheels also resist punctures wounds, so you dont have to worry about changing tires. The Upper Adapters for VISTA creates more space between your primary and secondary seats allowingyou to attach the toddler seat, Bassinet or MESA to the upper position when in double configuration. Full disclosure, I received this stroller when bebs was an infant, Winter 2018. 0000005308 00000 n 0000214767 00000 n The basket in the VISTA can hold up to 30lbs, so when I was walking to our local grocery store you kow I took advantage of piling everything in there. But I will tell you, if youre living an urban lifestyle and are seeking a secondary stroller for travel and errands than perhaps the compact MINU will be great for your family. We keep our MINU in the back of my trunk at all times, so its ready to go whenever we are, it obviously folds down significantly smaller than the VISTA, and in my hatchback car all the trunk space is needed. 0000699070 00000 n I have the MINU in the trunk of our vehicle for trips to the store, the park, etc. I wanted to update you since were having our second child, we still use it daily, and love this stroller so much! This stroller I often use one handed as Im walking Alfie with the other and he wants to take off sniffing on someones front lawn, you know how some strollers have a mind of their own and just take right off? 0000815776 00000 n 0000013303 00000 n 0000377773 00000 n Add a piggyback ride-along board makes it a triple. 0000756531 00000 n 0000315038 00000 n 0000015570 00000 n 0000816628 00000 n 0000645324 00000 n 0000314686 00000 n Which one do I use more often?
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