(Unidentified dealer, Marseille, France); purchased by Mme. - - July 21, 2019 ), Museum of Fine Arts, Boston 23 x 16,5 cm, Deutsche Schule um 1600. August 29, 2010 ), Century 21 Exposition, Seattle World's Fair, Seattle, WA Saint Sebastian Tended by Irene was a mainly 17th-century subject, though found in predella scenes as early as the 15th century. (January 21, 1967 - Rather than painting the scene of Sebastian being shot with arrows, in the midst of his attempted execution, Ter Brugghen chooses to show the moments afterwards where Irene and her maid untie him from the tree. The only kind of love that can be guaranteed. Rene Berdot de Backer, Paris, after 1918; on consignment to (Pieter de Boer, Amsterdam), 1949; purchased by the Nelson Gallery of Art and Atkins Museum of Fine Arts, now the Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art, Kansas City, Missouri, through (Hanns Schaeffer Galleries, Inc., New York), 1954; (sale, Sothebys, New York, 15 January 1993, no. November 30, 1997 The standard for precision and stunning color reproduction. English: In the manner of Caravaggio: Saint Irene of Rome caring for Saint Sebastian. ), The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC ), King's College, University of Durham, England (October 23, 1955 ), The Walters Art Museum, Baltimore, MD February 21, 1954 The Baroque artists usually treated it as a nocturnal chiaroscuro scene, illuminated by a single candle, torch or lantern, in the style fashionable in the first half of the 17th century, and typically set it in an interior, after Sebastian has been carried away. April 12, 1987 ), Senate House, University of London February 12, 1955 Your art will be well protected and easy to clean. (October 27, 1971 We would be happy to discuss this with you. July 15, 1956 Attributed to Georges de La Tour (1593 1652). More, Deutsch: Genueser Schule: Die Heilige Irene pflegt den Heiligen Sebastian, 17. April 5, 1998 "Martyrium des Hl. (April 21, 1964 More, Fig. ), The Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, OH Saint Sebastiana Roman soldier who suffered martyrdom around A.D. 300was nursed by the pious Irene, who, upon discovering him still alive, tenderly removed the arrows that pierced his body. March 5, 1967 The full text of the article is here , {{$parent.$parent.validationModel['duplicate']}}, Allen Memorial Art Museum (AMAM), Oberlin, OH, US, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Sebastian_Tended_by_Irene_(Ter_Brugghen), 1-{{getCurrentCount()}} out of {{getTotalCount()}}, St. Sebastian Tended by Irene and her Maid, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_Sebastian_Tended_by_Irene_(Ter_Brugghen), A Laughing Bravo with a Bass Viol and a Glass, A Luteplayer Carousing With A Young Woman Holding A Roemer. ), High Museum of Art, Atlanta, GA Watch an episode of Two Minute Masterpiece: Boy Playing Stringed Instrument and Singing 1627, The Crucifixion with the Virgin and Saint John ca 1625, A Jovial Violinist Holding A Glass Of Wine, A Laughing Bravo with a Bass Viol and a Glass 1625, Copyright 2002-2017 hendrickbrugghen.org, This website is licensed under a Creative Commons License, This website is licensed under a Creative Commons LicenseCopyright 2002-2017 hendrickbrugghen.org, Subscribe for exclusive news and discounts, Hendrick Terbrugghen - The Complete Works - St Sebastian Tended by Irene and her Maid - hendrickbrugghen.org, Order a Hand-Painted Reproduction of this Painting, Order a St Sebastian Tended by Irene and her Maid by Hendrick Terbrugghen Reproduction. (April 15, 2000 Upload Missing Images, St Sebastian Tended by Irene and her Maid, Home Complete Works Gallery St Sebastian Tended by Irene and her Maid, Order a St Sebastian Tended by Irene and her Maid by Hendrick Terbrugghen Reproduction. Reportedly from a convent, region of Marseille, France, before 1918. (July 4, 1996 Mottled Gold has a textured metallic finish and pairs particularly well with classic art, traditional dcor, and warmer colors. (December 19, 1965 June 5, 2022 ; 101 by 127.5 cm. It was described by Seymour Slive as ter Brugghen's "masterpiece": "the large, full, forms of the group have been knit together into a magnificent design, and what could have been hard and sculptural is remarkably softened by the soft, silvery light which plays over Sebastian's half-dead, olive-grey body as well as the reds, creamy whites, and plum colours worn by the women who tend the saint". 20062022 iCanvas Inc. Use of this web site constitutes acceptance of the Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. Please mention our credit line: "Mauritshuis, The Hague.". (May 6, 1998 ), Fort Worth Art Center, Fort Worth, TX ), Alte Pinakothek, Munich Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin College, Overall: 58 11/16 47 in. ), The National Gallery, London - - ), Birmingham, England ), Marburg University Museum, Germany (May 17, 1967 The king admired his version so much that he had all the other paintings removed from his room in order to leave only this one.. (February 3, 1954 ), Minneapolis Institute of Arts, Minneapolis, MN September 17, 2000 February 10, 1957 Nicolas Regnier (Maubeuge 1591 - 1667 Venice) (attributed to). ), The Dayton Art Institute, Dayton, OH September 9, 1956 This record was created from historic documentation and may not have been reviewed by a curator. ), Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin, OH October 15, 1956 Irene von Rom pflegt den hl. August 2, 1998 - Looking for his body to bury, Irene found Saint Sebastian tied to a tree and miraculously alive, then nursed him back to health. - 101 x 135 cm. Espaol: La obra representa al mrtir San Sebastin siendo atendido por Santa Irene. (August 4, 1956 Be the first to hear about iCanvas deals and offers. (February 1, 1997 The best quality canvas for texture and finish; premium inks for vivid color;hand-stretched over 100% North American pine frames. - November 13, 1966 Acrylite clear-coat premium glazing reduces glare while maintaining a crystal clear view of your art. December 28, 1958 Mohamed is deeply shaken when his oldest son Malik returns home after a long journey with a mysterious new wife. Museo del Hermitage. ), Centraal Museum, Utrecht Espaol: La obra representa al mrtir San Sebastin, que muri asaeteado por profesar el cristianismo, siendo curado por Santa Irene. A little armor for your art that wont obscure the canvas. Oil on can Silver pairs well with cool colors and dark backgrounds, while gold pairs particularly well with classic art, traditional dcor, and warmer colors. Saint Sebastian Tended by Irene is an oil-on-canvas painting by Hendrick ter Brugghen dated to 1625. - Noticed a mistake? ), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York - St Sebastian tended by Irene, Cornelio de beer-san sebastian atendido por santa irene, Francesco Rustici - Saint Sebastian Cured by Irene, Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene by Vicente Lpez Y Portaa, Saint Sebastiano by Marco Antonio Bassetti, San Sebastiano curato dalla pia Irene - Schedoni, San Sebastin atendido por Santa Irene y una esclava (Museo de Bellas Artes de Valencia), Eugne Delacroix - Saint-Sbastien avec sainte Irne et un accompagnant (1858), Jan van Bijlert Saint Sebastian attended by Saint Irene, Jan Cossiers - Saint Sebastian tended by Saint Irene, Saint Sebastian Tended by Irene by Artemisia Gentileschi, Jan Thomas - St Sebastian succoured by St Irene, Matthias Stom - St. Sebastian tended by St. Irene and a slave girl, San Sebastiano curato da Irene e dall'angelo, Genueser Schule - Die Heilige Irene pflegt den Heiligen Sebastian, Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene attributed to Nicolas Rgnier Mauritshuis 304, St. Sebastian with St. Irene and Attendant LACMA 39.12.7, 'Saint Sebastian Tended by Irene', attributed to Georges de La Tour, early 1630s, oil on canvas, Kimbell Art Museum, Trophime Bigot - Saint Sbastien soign par sainte Irne. It may have been a deliberate attempt by the Church to get away from the usual single nude treatment of the subject, which is already recorded in Vasari as sometimes arousing inappropriate thoughts among female churchgoers. The art is inset, leaving a All structured data from the main, Property, Lexeme, and EntitySchema namespaces is available under the. Some Exclusions Apply. (June 5, 1957 Nederlands: De heilige Sebastiaan verzorgd door de heilige Irene. Mauritshuis. ), Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin, OH ), Centraal Museum, Utrecht ). November 28, 1965 - The painting eventually found its way to a Frederick Mont, from whom the painting was purchased by Oberlin College in 1953. The image is stretched around the sides and stapled to the (November 14, 1986 Your canvas print is Deutsch: Der heilige Sebastian wird von der heiligen Irene gepflegt, l auf Leinwand, 139,7 x 192,4 cm. (May 8, 1957 - (March 16, 2010 Mottled gold & silver frames are hard wood with a textured metallic finish. - - An exemplary piece of the Italianate Baroque tendency in Dutch Golden Age painting, the painting employs dramatic uses of light and skillful chiaroscuro to depict its religious subject, evidence of influence from Caravaggio and Ter Brugghen's fellow Utrecht Caravaggisti. Espaol: Jos de Ribera, San Sebastian atendido por santa Irene, 1628, leo sobre lienzo, 156 x 1188 cm. Presented on heavyweight (300 GSM) fine art paper with a distinct textured surface, using long-lasting ultra-chrome inks. September 29, 1996 All of our artwork comes gallery wrapped. ), Palais des Beaux-Arts, Liege, Beligum (October 22, 1956 (September 10, 2002 (August 26, 2001 January 8, 1967 Martial Reghellini Schio, Venice and Brussels, 1826; acquired by King William I for the Mauritshuis, 1831, Multimediatour ), The Art Gallery of Toronto, Toronto, Canada Most important, the palette, modeling, and brushwork in the better-preserved passages are of a quality approaching La Tours autograph works. ), Wildenstein & Company, New York - ), Allen Memorial Art Museum, Oberlin, OH It was painted by Georges de La Tour, Trophime Bigot (four times), Jusepe de Ribera, and others. Have some extra information about this object? (November 5, 1956 - - Moscow, State Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, inv. - - It seems most likely to have been commissioned by Catholics, as the subject is virtually specific to Counter-Reformation art, though Ter Brugghen was himself Protestant. l auf Leinwand. ), Herzog Anton Ulrich- Museum, Braunschweig, Germany November 27, 1955 (April 17, 2019 Is this new? That is what you are going to hear for the next 50 years. Black & white matte frames have a sleek lacquer finish and are versatile enough to pair with almost any piece of art. October 20, 1954 l auf Lwd., 58,5 x 78 cm. (December 16, 2018 All our images can be downloaded in high resolution from our website for non-commercial use (research/study, educational purposes, personal blogs and social media). This painting depicts Sebastian, slumped in pain as he is tended to by Saint Irene and her maid. Sebastian mit der Hl. All of our premium materials are sourced from the states, and then assembled at iCanvas, in Illinois. ), Department of Art, Unviersity of Illinois, Urbana, IL (October 6, 1996 https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Terbrugghen_Sebastian.jpg, https://www.wga.hu/html/t/terbrugg/2/sebastia.html, Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene (Hendrick ter Brugghen), San Sebastin cuidado por santa Irene (Terbrugghen), Saint Sbastien soign par Irne (Hendrick ter Brugghen), https://www.wikidata.org/w/index.php?title=Q6119716&oldid=1646900040, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. January 5, 1997 If so, select Manage Cookies. - The third-century Saint Sebastian, shot with arrows by his fellow guardsmen for having converted to Christianity, was tended by the Roman widow Irene and her maidservant; none of the arrows had pierced a vital organ and they were able to bring him back to health. The piece is recorded in the collection of Pieter Eris in Amsterdam during the 1660s. - March 25, 1955 Our Indonesian hardwood frames are handcrafted at iCanvas. A white border is left around the artwork for self-matting or to draw the eye in further. Welcome to the Mauritshuis! Lincoln would be proud. November 17, 1956 - This page was last edited on 25 May 2022, at 17:59. Others supposed it was intended for a hidden church or private chapel, and then later reached the art market. ), National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC January 30, 1966 3/8" space between the art and frame, creating the illusion that your art is floating.. - (September 6, 1997 (February 19, 1955 Would you like to use our images in a publication? It has also been suggested that the painting was commissioned by a schutterij (militia company) though this idea has generally been dismissed. (October 15, 1965 ), Palais des Beaux-Arts, Brussels (July 21, 1966 - January 2, 1972 - Please contact our marketing department at images@mauritshuis.nl. Now in the Allen Memorial Art Museum of Oberlin, Ohio, the piece depicts the Roman Catholic subject of Saint Sebastian being saved by Irene of Rome and her maid following his attempted martyrdom by the Roman authorities. Espaol: La obra representa al mrtir San Sebastin siendo atendido y curado por Santa Irene y por una esclava. ), The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York ), The Toledo Museum of Art, Toledo, OH August 29, 1967 (January 21, 2011 - Ter Brugghens depicts Sebastian with a sickly green pallor, his limp body lying in suffering and resembling much of the diseased or dead one would encounter in Utrecht at the time. - The painting has suffered damage (especially in the darkest passages) from the transfer of the paint layer to a new canvas, rendering connoisseurship difficult. (September 11, 2010 Natural Wood brings the outdoors in and pairs well with watercolors, Scandinavian style artwork, or any natural, earthy subject matter. January 16, 2011 Jahrhundert. Ter Brugghen's outside setting and choice of the earlier moment are unusual, though shared by the treatment of the subject by Dirck van Baburen. ), Baltimore Museum of Art, Baltimore, MD ), Tubingen University Museum, Germany 6 Attributed to Angelo Caroselli, Saint Sebastian and Irene, first half of 17th century, oil on canvas, 119 x 107 cm. 14, as circle of La Tour); purchased through (Wheelock, Whitney & Co., New York) by Kimbell Art Foundation, Fort Worth, 1993. Today more than ten versions of the composition are known in horizontal format, differing widely in quality and condition. - ), Muse des Beaux-Arts et d'Archeologie, Besanon, France In 1751 a local historian made reference to one that La Tour presented to Duke Charles IV of Lorraine and another that he presented to King Louis XIII of France. Sebastian. - (October 10, 1966 Dark wood can look great with rustic, farmhouse, nature and photography prints. (149.1 119.4 cm), Paintings and Drawings from Five Centuries: Collection Allen Memorial Art Museum, Great Traditions in Painting from Midwestern Collections, Masterworks from American University Museums, Treasures from the Allen Memorial Art Museum, The Italian Heritage (An Exhibition of Works of Art Lent from American Collections for the Benefit of the Committee to Rescue Italian Art), Dutch Painting in a New Light: Hendrick ter Brugghen and His Contemporaries, Masters of Light: Dutch Painting in Utrecht During the Golden Age, From Baroque to Neoclassicism: European Paintings, 1625-1825, Larger Than Life: Ter Brugghen's Saint Sebastian Tended by Irene, Tobias Carrying the Fish, Accompanied by the Angel (The Large Tobias), Copy after Veronese's "The Marriage of Cana", He Huis te Cleef, near Haarlem, from the series Views in the Surroundings of Haarlem, Christ Healing the Sick (The Hundred Guilder Print), M. Knoedler & Co., Inc., New York You will LOVE your art, or we will take it back 60-Day Money Back & Free Return Shipping. ), William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art, Kansas City, MO (May 25, 2021 Would you rather not accept cookies, or would like to read more about the cookies we use? Would you like to use our images for commercial purposes? (November 26, 1966 Every item is made-to-order and assembled in-house by our team, using only premium materialscuz we're a little obsessed about art. (February 11, 1987 2686 (artwork in the public domain). gallery wrapped and mounted to a 2" thick, elegant, black hard wood frame. October 27, 1956 If not, we will replace it. (March 9, 1957 January 12, 1987 Its full provenance remains speculation; perhaps it was intended for a charitable institution where the sick were cared for, such as those with the plague which became prevalent in the Netherlands around the 1600s. ), Radhus, Malmo, Sweden ), Cleveland Museum of Art, Cleveland, OH March 24, 2019 June 30, 1957 April 22, 1957 - December 15, 1954 - - This object is class Monument Historique in the base Palissy, database of the May 26, 1957 (October 3, 1954 (December 7, 1956 ), Rijksmuseum, Amsterdam - Opinion on the Kimbell painting is divided: most scholars consider it to be a copy; others believe that it may be one of the works painted by La Tour himself, possibly the version he gave to Charles IV. This work-one of the most important Northern Baroque paintings in the United States-is a strikingly sensitive vision of physical suffering. Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene, oil on canvas painting by Vicente Lpez Y Portaa, 1795-1800, Getty Center, Italiano: San Sebastiano curato dalla pia Irene. - Nevertheless, it exhibits evidence of reworking or pentimenti during its creation, as well as the use of preliminary markings and incisions to establish the contours, a distinctive feature of La Tours working method. December 31, 1956 Developed by GetArchive LLC - creator of the public domain search engine, PICRYL.com, The World's Largest Public Domain Media Search Engine, Josse Lieferinxe - Saint Sebastian Cured by Irene - Google Art Project, Martyrium des Hl Sebastian mit der Hl Irene von Rom und Begleiterin, Artemisia Gentileschi - Saint Sebastian tended by Saint Irene 271N10007 B2JNL, Paul Troger - St Sebastian and the Women - WGA23073, Saint Sebastian healed by Saint Irene-Antonio De Bellis-MBA Lyon X807c-IMG 0359, Paul Troger 003 - The Yorck Project Masterpieces of Painting, Francesco Rustici - Der Heilige Sebastian, Baburen St Sebastian Attended by St Irene and Her Maid 1615, Vicente Lpez y Portaa - Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene - 2000.47 - J. Paul Getty Museum, Luca Giordano - Saint Sebastian Tended by Saint Irene, Angelo Caroselli (Attr.) - Link To This Page | Saint Sebastian Tended by Irene by Artemisia Gentileschi, oil on canvas, 39 3/4 by 50 3/8 in. (June 30, 1956 - hanging kit. (December 11, 1958 Franais: Alsace, Haut-Rhin, glise Saint-Sbastien de Soultzmatt (PA00085689, IA68004357).Tableau du matre-autel (1777): September 4, 1962 Irene von Rom und Begleiterin" Gouache auf Pergament, ca. (September 18, 1956 Deutsch: Umkreis des Caravaggio: Die hl. (January 2, 1955 (July 8, 1957 In St. Sebastian Tended By Irene, 1625 by. June 9, 2003 Here, left for dead, with his now gray, bloodless arm tied by a leather strap to a tree, he slumps forward as the women, fully absorbed in their work, tenderly begin to nurse him. - - ), Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco September 11, 1966 June 2, 2002 ), California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, CA According to the traditional story, the Emperor Diocletian, in the Diocletianic Persecution, has the soldier Sebastian shot by archers as punishment for his treason. - Hendrick Ter Brugghen Art print #BMN11912, 60-day Money Back ), Kimbell Art Museum, Fort Worth, TX Our website uses cookies. - ), National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC ), Palais des Beaux-Arts, Lyons, France - - This is a part of the Wikipedia article used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike 3.0 Unported License (CC-BY-SA). - Your piece of art will be ready to hang, and will include an easy-to-use ), Centraal Museum, Utrecht - (January 11, 1998 (October 28, 1954 (January 12, 1957 back of the wooden frame. May 10, 1997 Black & white matte frames have a sleek lacquer finish and are versatile enough to pair with almost any piece of art. Some attribute this narrative shift to the emergence of the plague within Utrecht in the 1600s: several artists desiring a subject saved from agony, turn to painting the rescue of the Catholicism's personification of suffering. August 1, 1957 He was a protector against the epidemics that plagued the artists native Lorraine, and La Tours various versions of this scene were by far the most copied of his works in the seventeenth century. - Your yellows will stay as yellow as the first day you hung your art. May 15, 2011 The piece has been exhibited in the Washington, D.C.s National Gallery of Art, Utrechts Centraal Museum and New Yorks The Metropolitan Museum of Art. Every item is made-to-order printed, stretched, and stapled here, at iCanvas.
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