split shaft vs solid shaft pots

Put the knob on the pot and gently tighten the setscrew against the solid shaft. https://www.youtube.com/user/100roberthenry, https://deadastronaut.wixsite.com/effects, Quote from: khm9 on June 23, 2016, 03:58:14 PM, Quote from: slacker on June 23, 2016, 05:13:09 PM. Known for pushing musical boundaries and sonic experimentation, Georges inventive hooks and groundbreaking tones helped propel the Beatles into legendary status. The words Fender, Squier Telecaster, Stratocaster and the associated headstock designs are registered trademarks of the Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. This instrument has a chambered body with a neck-through design and features a 6-screw heel plate purely for cosmetics. (Guitars, guitar amps, guitar accessories, and other electronics all do it different.). 2022 920D Custom After the Faces folded in 1975, all five members went on to continue making great music, but their chemistry together was undeniable. Thank you for your support! Use a sharp handheld reamer. You can customize a guitar by replacing its stock knobs with new ones, but, again, this can be perplexing. Don't overdo it; otherwise one or both halves can break and you'll have to replace the pot. This requires a drill press. Instead, the quick-and-dirty solution is to use a sharp, fine-tooth round or half-round wood file to carefully enlarge the hole. One problem occurs when you try to install knobs designed for solid-shaft pots onto a split-shaft pot. Many times the knobs on solid shaft pots doesn't go perfectly centered, though. Someone knows where I can find the nearest woodchipper to throw my pieces of junk into? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The pro solution is to fabricate a piece of wood or plastic that slips precisely into the gap between the two halves. Re: Ventura - end of the road for the Trash Can? I could just take off the knobs, but I'd rather not. This is as much a work of art as it is a unique instrument with an inspiring tone. CTS pot not included.Install Quick Tips -AvailabilityIn Stock. item 1 True Custom Shop Brass Split Pot to Solid Shaft Potentiometer Adapter Bushings, item 2 True Custom Shop 3/8" Brass Split Shaft to Solid Shaft Pot Adapter Bushings, 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 3 product ratings, 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 86 product ratings, 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 122 product ratings, 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 44 product ratings, 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 74 product ratings, 4.9 out of 5 stars based on 84 product ratings, 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 34 product ratings. In this scenario, the hole in the knob is too big for the shaft. The views expressed are those of the contributors and not necessarily those of the publishers. Don't worry if the hole isn't perfectly circularthe washer will mask your dirty little secret. We have our own pots custom made for us by CTS, the leading manufacturer of pots in the world. However, most mil-spec pots have an 8 mm bushing diameter, so your 3/8" holes are too large by 1.5 mm. The only thing you can do is fine tune the fit by squeezing the shafts together slightly or spreading them further apart. is this indeed the case? . In the shop we use a piece of nylon that's already the correct thickness, so it's simply a matter of cutting out a piece of the right height and width to fill the gap. ", How to Install and Maintain Your Guitar's Pots - Premier Guitar , Helmer's How-Tos: 8 Steps to Float Your Strat Trem, Phil Collen on What Your Vibrato Says About Your Ego, First Look: Eastwood Black Box Pedal Series, GALLERY: 20 Coolest Guitar Stores in the US - Volume 1, Fender Announces the George Harrison Rocky Stratocaster, Top 10 Acoustic Guitars: Rig Rundown Best-Ofs, Mod Garage: The Alternative Brent Mason Telecaster Wiring, Fjord Fuzz Aims to Usher in a Psych RevolutionIn More Ways Than One, Way Huge Celebrates 30th Anniversary with Revamped Red Llama Overdrive MkIII, Hooked: Tamino on Soundgarden's "Limo Wreck". Then get a setscrew designed for dome knobs (they're sold as spare parts), measure it with your digital caliper or micrometer, choose a drill bit that's slightly smaller, and carefully drill through one side of the knob. This headstock has flourishes fit for a kingpossibly of clubs. And while long-gone favorites like Manny's Music (New York) and Black Market Music (San Francisco) came up again and again, there were even more current shops topping readers' favorites list. You may login with either your assigned username or your e-mail address. Also wont have as much issue with set screws cutting into the shafts. Something went wrong. All rights reserved. Combining influences as varied as instrumental funk la the Meters, traditional folk music, and a heavy dose of rhythm and blues, the Faces brand of rock n roll can be heard in some way or another in the music of countless bands that followed. If you're wondering where your favorite is, it may be coming next time, or we might not be aware of it, so feel free to leave your faves in the comments section. I prefer solid ones because they are a little more rugged and I can place the knob more precisely. e6)EIgf"{lf||U7$8GzR'F5'_)F]TH_rGetd|lF hV23dp",5g;p~Y7U?K I usually don't pull the knobs to look. The tangs have closed up over time, which causes the knobs to sit and turn off centre. Gold Supporters see zero ads! Though all of Tonys designs are one-of-a-kind, this stands out as a bass guitar truly unlike any other weve ever seen. Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Best Selling in Knobs, Jacks & Switches. Some fitting notes that might be useful, split shaft pots are adjustable, so you may find that when you slide this sleeve onto the pot shaft it could either be too loose or too tight. Every detail is captured, from the artwork on the pickguard and plastic parts to a replica decal on the back of headstock from Grimstones - the original music store where the guitar was purchased. This works, but requires finesse. I think this is why the solid shafts were and are more popular. Typically knobs for solid-shaft pots use a setscrew to fasten them to the shaft. However, I do recommend you fill the "slot" of the split shaft with a .050" shim to prevent the split shaft from collapsing when you tighten the knobs set screw. They always seem a bit off center on split shaft pots. The solution is to enlarge the holes from 8 mm to 9.5 mm (3/8"). For non-stacked pots the all time best knobs ever made, IMHO, are knurled, solid shaft. Usually split - the Strat knobs are pressed onto the split shafts and held in place by the force of the shaft pressing outwards into the knob hole. To Turn CTS Split Shaft Pot to CTS Solid Shaft Pot. Squier-Talk.com is an independent, member supported forum and is not affiliated with Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. This bass was with him for early Faces performances and could easily have been used on some of these classic recordings, including the albums First Step and Long Player. I like solid shaft for set screw knobs and split knurled for push on knobs. I would not be taking any of my guitars to this hack, if he thinks a soldering iron is the proper tool to modify a plastic pot knob. I've gotten by with stacked Jazz Bass pots and knobs but they do alter the tone. Im reviving an old thread, but having just had this same issue due because I could only find the pots I needed as CTS solid shafts, I thought Id share what I did : For guitars, split shat pots just piss me off. Ad c;~V (1H{ It's just another option. Split for Strats and solid for Teles, because that what the knobs dictate. My telecaster dome knob is now correctly centered, on the split shaft PP potentiometer that was installed. | Powered by Shopify, 920D Custom CTS 450G Series 250K Potentiometers. And to True Custom Shop if you are listening, you may want to consider including such a shim with your adapter bushings as a kit, to truly "change" a split shaft to a solid shaft. The guy was like "either you have a the pot you dont like as much with split shaft or you have the one you like and I drill your volume knob to fit it". I prefer using the correct shaft with the corresponding knob.. the only exception is when the pot is only available in a split shaft and the requested knob is intended for a solid shaft.. then use the "sleeve" available that makes up for the "slack". A metric knob usually has a 6 mm hole, but the solid shaft on a U.S. pot measures .250" (6.35 mm), so the hole needs to be enlarged. 920D Custom is the industry-leading manufacturer of high-end guitar wiring harnesses, control plates, pickups, and loaded pickguards.We treat every build like it's going in our own guitar. Most of my knobs these days have set screws. I needed to fit a solid shaft knob to a CTS split shaft pot and this product is exactly what is needed to do that properly. !d14IYXr*};@K\.&Zbe!T&I+TEjGR7sI#nf2SaW3^S0.c#GqCfQk^i;f!"Swj"9&lM)X-isS&B-YLg5J: @jcSrh` *,$KejYX{IZA55|&f|sD^__^#24fD9[Ha;Jd)$L&u 7J&s3KM;Yd\+1nRE4c3Dl I;/rif::p#Un4>lB They're available in the typical 250k and 500k values and several bushing lengths, but they all have metric bushing diameters. Zemaitis instruments hold a special place in the evolution of guitar design, and the masterful engravings of Danny OBrien are unmistakable. Here's another problem: You want to install a knob designed for metric solid-shaft pots onto a U.S. solid-shaft pot. Lastly, our pots utilize a 10% audio taper so that your volume or tone sweep can be slightly shorter. The solution is simple: First slip a lock washer on the shaft and then install the pot. There are two ways to prevent this. by RumorsOFsurF Tue Nov 06, 2007 2:07 pm, Post I am upgrading the pots and electronics in my CIJ Jazzmaster. )JVz{fgw="`U?xG0|Si+N'31l((/2Q pHdP:j1 SkoL[!74h)>OQhhe@cs,]8$\|Jl;3?t9XF~mh6:mf5:)VY+ F/&>c,[\s|fK&IXZtYU&-t jU,|:=!jM Now it's time to discuss some typical pitfalls you might encounter when replacing pots or knobs on your guitar. solid shaft or split shaft potentiometers? Solid shaft. by PWM Thu Jan 25, 2018 1:37 am, Post In the shop we use a vise grip covered with a thick layer of foam rubber to protect the knob from getting scratched. AboutThese are ideal if you have split shaft pots on your guitar and want to convert to solid shaft versions to fit certain types of control knobs, without having to completely change your guitars' pots.Some control knobs require solid shaft pots to rotate 'straight' and fit correctly, IE control knobs held in place by a grub screw rather than a usual push on knurl fit like a Telecaster for example.These sleeves simply slide over shaft of the split shaft pot, allowing you to then fit solid shaft style control knobs. Metric knobs wont fit on standard posts. those D shaft push-ons come in two types, the plastic ones, much like the ordinary splined push-on, and the ones with the metal clamp/ring, like you (used to) get on washing machines or harman/kardon amps, for eg. The hollow chambers on either side of the neck block were stuffed with cotton to eliminate feedback below a laminate-wood carved top. BUMP!!! This allows for a faster sweep, while maintaining plenty of control to fine tune your sound. The professional solution? Summer Rig Giveaway from D'Angelico, Supro, and Pigtronix! But here's the trick: You also have to secure the knob to keep it perfectly vertical, and you can't do this by simply holding it. With me, it comes down to two things knobs I have in stock and cost of pots. It may not display this or other websites correctly. The Les Paul with a Backup Output Jack? First, use a Dremel tool or a small round file to bore out the insert of the push-on knob until it fits on the straight shaft. Was just doing some building of modules and was thinking about pots and knobs. View cart for details. rj. I'll wait till some TVJ's turn up at the right price and pull the harness for new knobs and switches. There are numerous iconic photos of the band onstage where this bass can be seen, but its value goes well beyond pure memorabilia. The actual threaded shaft is wider in cts pots. It may not display this or other websites correctly. A solid shaft requires a knob with a setscrew to lock it in place. My pre Fender 6120-20 has split shafts and came fitted with grub-screw knobs. The contents of this article are subject to worldwide copyright protection and reproduction in whole or part, whether mechanical or electronic, is expressly forbidden without the prior written consent of the Publishers. by RumorsOFsurF Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:07 am, Post You just need a spacer in the split to make sure you don't crush the shaft really cranking down the set screw. If you end up having any questions or need any help, our customer support team is well-versed in the process of installing in every guitar you can name and is always more than happy to guide you throughout the process. Engraver Danny OBriens handiwork on the heel plate and control cavity covers are on display in this view of the bass back. They don't slip, don't break, don't strip, have perfect size and functionality and look great on just about anything. This sounds easy, but it isn't! Does Switchcraft make 1 Meg Linear taper pots with solid shafts? set screw (preferably Allen head) Telecaster knobs. In 9mm, the knurled/split shaft pots were more than double the price of solid shaft pots. Schaller hardware is beautifully machined, but all their knobs are metric. Put the knob on however you like then You must log in or register to reply here. It will only take about 20 seconds to enlarge each hole. Also, i understand that the CTS pots are a tad larger than the factory installed ones. by the older brother Tue Nov 06, 2007 1:14 pm, Post Let's say you want to put Telecaster-style dome knobs on a Stratocaster, but you want to keep the Strat's stock split-shaft pots. Trouble is I love the ceramic filters, so there's no rush. Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- Save on Knobs, Jacks & Switches, Current slide {CURRENT_SLIDE} of {TOTAL_SLIDES}- You may also like, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"https://ir.ebaystatic.com/cr/v/c1/thirtysevens.jpg","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}. If slotted-spline, I've never known the screw to coincide with the slot at the angle I've wanted it to attach it. Not on GPR, I just happened to notice that yesterday when I was shopping for pots Once again, I'm guilty of not reading an entire post cuz I'm too eager to stick in my "clever" two cents. The distinctive suit of cards inlays along the 32"-scale neck would become a signature of Ronnie Lane, but this is perhaps the earliest example of that motif on one of his instruments. Our final piece of the knob-pot puzzle happens when you attempt to install a push-on knob on a solid-shaft pot, like putting plastic Strat knobs on a Tele. The words Fender, Telecaster, Stratocaster and the associated headstock designs are registered trademarks of the Fender Musical Instruments Corporation. My Jazz (an SX) has split pots, that's why I asked. by berlinbetty Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:05 am, Post Official Company Forums - Proudly Hosted at ModWiggler's. Trying to straighten the tangs snaps them off- ask me how I know! I have seen plenty of people break half of the split shaft off too. A blind horse wouldnt be impressed, but this beautiful, double-horned instrument with one-of-a-kind engravings helped make luthier Tony Zemaitis famous. His love of folk and country music even left its mark upon early Rod Stewart solo records on which Lane and his Faces bandmates played a large part. Thank you Gearspace.com members for 20 years. https://www.philadelphialuthiertools.com/pots/, Top 10 Ways To Buy A Used Super Slim Keto Gummy Bears. Come on, nobody has any input on this one? Greetings from Germany with a first question / 5124 bridge replacement. You must log in or register to reply here. Don't worry - we won't spam you to death, but we will send you some pretty sweet offers from time to time. All contents copyright SOS Publications Group and/or its licensors, 1985-2022. TalkBass utilizes technology from Skimlinks that may give us a small affiliate commission on purchases made via links on our site. You can put a piece of plastic, or wood or cardboard into the shaft split to fill up the space, then it won't move. Since the knob is a soft thermoplastic, you'll have to be gentle when tightening the set screw and cranking the knobs to 11, but if you are it'll last a very long time. Does it matter? should be split shaft but you never know til them knobs come off. Ever tried to install a metric push-on knob on a U.S. split-shaft pot or vice versa? It depends on the type of knobs you want to use. Upgrade your axe with a Loaded Pickguard and get everything you need for your dream tone, in one go. For example, Epiphone guitars have a very good build quality, but they often suffer from poor electronics, so replacing the stock metric pots with high-quality U.S. CTS pots will be a real upgrade. Supporting Members list unlimited gear with no listing fees in the Classifieds, get instant Keyword Alerts, and get Free Shipping at the TalkBass Store. So here's the first installment in no particular order. : I sent my guitar away for some wiring, I run my stacked single coils to the tone pots so I can roll on and off the "stacked" sound with the tone, then I have a speed pot on volume, the one I've liked the most sadly doesn't supply them with split shaft. 920D Custom CTS 450G Series Potentiometers (Configurable). No difference. /Rttm%fH~ }kw:w Thanks, so it is OK to put a knob intened for solid shafts on a split shaft pot? After the shaft pokes through the 3/8" hole, add a plain washer that's big enough to cover the hole, and then thread on the hex nut and gently tighten it down. Talk about the Fender Jazzmaster, Jaguar, and any other offset waist guitars with us! by glennfin Thu Jan 25, 2018 7:23 am, Post We also specify a lower torque rating than standard pots to these rotate more freely and smoothly than your stock potentiometers. A huge part of their unique sound and stage presence came from the unusual instruments often employed by bassist Ronnie Lane and guitarist Ron Wood. Why stop just shy of perfection? The bass was played locally from the late 1970s until about three years ago, when that owner passed away, leaving the bass to his cousin. The George Harrison Rocky Stratocaster features an alder body hand-painted with a replica of Harrisons famous psychedelic brushstrokes. And no elliptical motion on the witch hats!! I know about bushings that go over split shaft to "convert" them to solid shaft, and strat knobs made for solid shaft, but off the top of my head I don't know about the other way (without subtle mods of either the pot shaft or the knob). by RumorsOFsurF Tue Nov 06, 2007 12:04 pm, Post I'm a refugee of the great dropbox purge of '17. Pretty easy to install and you have the choice to keep the pickups, and pickguard that you have, or not. Re: CTS Pots: Split shaft vs. Ya, most plastic bell knobs are press on. by berlinbetty Tue Nov 06, 2007 10:14 am, Post With solid shafts, you can face your knobs any way you want! It's best to measure the actual diameter of the post and try to match it with any knobs you buy, Gretsch or especially non-Gretsch knobs. Login with username, password and session length, The split pots I get are splined so requiring splined knobs which are not my ideal choice cosmetically. The wear and tear he put on the bass and the music he made with it are part of his lasting legacy. Both the headstock and end of the fretboard are delicately carved into a crown-like pattern, perhaps drawing inspiration from mandolins and lutes of the previous century. The grip is just unparalleled especially if you're sweaty. Put a sharp .250" countersink bit intended for metal into your drill press, don protective gloves and goggles, and slowly enlarge the hole, being careful not to drill through the top of the knob. Ummmmmm What different does it make? When you buy products through links across our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Strat Talk is the leading online community and marketplace for Stratocaster guitars. From circuitbending to homebrew stompboxes & synths, keep the DIY spirit alive! Even if this will be your first install, we're confident you'll be up and running in no time. "We asked PG readers what is the coolest guitar shop they've been to in the US. Let's talk pots. A recreation of George Harrison's '61 Sonic Blue Strat, hand-painted in psychedelic Day-Glo colors and affectionately named Rocky.. Overruns and overstock of these end up at big box retailers. Never try to enlarge a hole in a guitar or pickguard with your handheld drill and standard drill bit. For help with setups and other technical issues. tj@E Done! I have some nice knobs for knurled shaft pots but when I compared the price vs solids shaft pots?.. by southphillysynths Thu Jan 25, 2018 12:09 am, Post The words Gretsch and associated logos and designs are the registered trademarks of FRED W. GRETSCH ENTERPRISES, LTD. JavaScript is disabled. My pre Fender 6120-20 has split shafts and came fitted with grub-screw knobs. You are using an out of date browser. (You can brush up on this essential info here.) Though they never reached the commercial success of some of their peers, the Faces have no doubt earned a place as one of the seminal rock n roll bands of the late 60s and early 70s. Every piece of metal, from the pickup surrounds, knobs, tailpieceeven the heel plate and control cavity coverhave been intricately engraved by OBrien. they grip, realllll goood. Page created in 0.16 seconds with 28 queries. and align the knob's set screw so it hits the pot's shaft on the "split" so it does not compress the shaft. JavaScript is disabled. Theoretically, that's as easy as finding a suitable set screw (your neighborhood Lowe's is unlikely to stock anything that small, but check), then getting a thread tap to match the thread of the set screw, drilling a suitable hole in the side of the knob and threading it with the tap. big difference. by mynameisjonas Tue Nov 06, 2007 2:43 pm. No worries: You can buy a brass sleeve developed for this specific purpose. Split shaft pots are the type that take the push on style knobs (like a speed knob or the type on a strat). Don't attempt to do this with a handheld drill because the hole won't be straight. by berlinbetty Tue Nov 06, 2007 2:18 pm, Post That does it! Most military-spec pots and switches are made in Europe or Israel and are excellent for guitars. Voilthe split shaft is converted to solid-shaft specs and the knob will fit like a charm.

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split shaft vs solid shaft pots