sawstop outfeed table dimensions

Im curious how high off the ground it is with the base - I have a really nice 36" tall workbench which is 3x8 feet in dimensions I was thinking of lining up as an outfeed table. 3" PH Screws. Oops, something went wrong. The faceframe will be attached to the cabinet with glue and 23g pin nailers. Online or in-store prices are pre-calculated with discounts and are shown online in red. (8) Table Tubes(4) Table Support Tubes(2) Support Legs(3) Roller BarsStamped Steel Support PlateAdjustable FeetOwner's Manual(5) Hardware Packs. Check out the two part video on how I put the table saw outfeed table together. I then glue up the rough stock for the leg parts. Magnetic Drills, Annular Cutters & Accessories, Drills, Impact Drivers and Impact Wrenches, Pen Turning Kits, Pen Blanks & Accessories, Welding Markers, Soapstone & Anti-Spatter, Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. Subscribe to our eMail list to receive the latest news and product updates. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. 2600 Bridgeport Drive The outfeed table is designed for easy adjustability and maximum glide, with strategically-placed rollers for smooth operation. For this project you need only basic tools, but KREG has come up with a few that make it go lightning fast. I add the top and bottom supports based on the measurements in the plan. The outfeed table is designed for easy adjustability and maximum glide, with strategically-placed rollers for smooth operation. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Although, it served me well for almost 3 years, the rickety old table needed a major upgrade. Using materials of choice ( scrap plywood, scarp hardwood, second sheet of plywood, etc.) KREG provided product/monetary payment for sponsorship of this video. I'll have to figure out exactly how tall my table is then but it looks like I'm going to have to shim about 1 and 11/16 or so then. Configure your table to match the width of your cast iron table and wings, even if youve removed a wing for a sliding table. In this step you want to finish the assembly of the cabinet. in this step you're going to cut the drawers Cut 1/2" Dado inset 1/4" from bottom of drawer sides and front - pocket hole drawer sides NOTE: Cut drawer backs 1/2" to allow bottom panel to slide in and screw from back. Want to try this build out for yourself? The Folding Outfeed Table is engineered with flexibility in mind. All techniques, methods, thoughts, and ideas are my own and not attributed to/ or filtered by the sponsor. Midwest Technology Products cut your face frame according to the cut list and assemble using pocket hole joinery. - Install doors in cabinet box. Trying to decide how tall to make my custom workbench to accommodate a future Sawstop. We use cookies on our websites for a number of purposes, including analytics and performance, functionality and advertising. I did! Flyer or eFlyer savings may be greater! In this step you will also cut your toe kicks with a jigsaw based on the cut list. These are going to be laminated and trim down to the dimensions on the cut list using a table saw and jointer. Use the KREG drawer slide jig to attach slides inside cabinet box. Once the legs are glued up I cut the rest of the parts for the base down to size using the miter saw. Assemble drawers with pocket holes. Configure your table to match the width of your cast iron table and wings, even if you've removed a wing for a sliding table. I use my KREG Foreman to make this process fast and simple. Enjoy! Compatible with most ICS & PCS configurations. Attach drawer slides to the drawers and the cabinet. Follow the cut list to get the specific parts and dimensions. I then add the short stretchers and center support to complete the top framing for the table. The top should span from the cabinet all the way to table saw. 2022 Burns Power Tools. Thanks for checking out this post, if you dig my projects and want to see more. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. In my videos and posts you'll see a variety of wood and metal work as well as some tips and tricks. Is there a better way to do this (I know I can make another table that's exactly the right height)? Using KREG Cabinet Hardware Jig , Mount drawer and door handles. Tool Reviews, DIY Projects, and a whole lot of yinzer pride. Attach the top middle divider, and finally attach the face frame using 23g pin nails and glue. Once all of the stretchers are added, I add corner gussets for additional support. Table Saw Outfeed Table Plans. BOTTOM SHELF WILL SIT ON TOP OF STRETCHERS, BE SURE TO HAVE TOE KICK STRETCHER AND BOTTOM BACK STRETCHER ON CABINET BOTTOM WITH POCKET HOLES FACING IN. My Professional Cabinet Saw on the Industrial base is 34 5/16 from the ground to the table surface. By purchasing anything through the links (even other products not listed) You help support the production of more quality content. I'm pretty sure the SawStop working height is meaningfully lower. I start with the long stretchers and attach these to the legs using. Construction: Powder coated steelDimensions: 44-1/4" x 32-1/8" Professional Cabinet Saw T-Glide Professional 2 (PCS TGP2), Professional Fence Assembly (PFA), T-Glide Industrial (TGI)Dimensions: 31-3/4" x 32-1/8" (TGP2 w/out Extension Wing)Net Weight: 37 lbs.Weight Capacity: 250 lbs. FREE shipping on orders over $99 and under 50 lbs*, Save up to 30%* Off Everyday, Online or In-Store, Dimensions (without left wing): 31-3/4" x 32-1/8", Save up to 30%* Off everyday, online or in-store, Request an invoice reprint for Warranty, Tax Filling or Insurance Claim purposes. I'd probably have to shim the saw as it's only 34" tall -- which is what SawStop says their saw height is -- and I highly doubt the base adds 2 inches (maybe it does? Using KREG concealed hinge jig, mount hardware to doors. For this step you want to set up your foreman or pocket hole jig for 3/4" thick material. The Folding Outfeed Table is engineered with flexibility in mind. I use primarily my miter saw for this step. Affiliate links are posted for your convenience and by using these links it provides support for the site at NO COST TO YOU. In this build I had to address one of my most prominent needs from my previous shop set up, my table saw outfeed table. You could probably stack some plywood in between the cabinet base and where it lays in the base and be good. Once I have all of my parts cut and drilled, I begin assembly. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. JET 25" Drum Sander Folding Infeed/Outfeed Tables, Sawstop 10" Compact Table Saw Folding Stand, BigCommerce Design, Development, & SEO by IntuitSolutions. Download the digital plan now for step-by-step instructions, measurements, and a detailed look at how to punch this project in the face. Awkward dimensions Did you end up getting a Sawstop, OP? either way, I'm probably also going to put casters on the table which might raise its height). Copyright 2013-2022 KMS Tools & Equipment, Inc. All rights reserved. The plans include a cutting diagram, and are available here. Does anyone by chance have a Sawstop cabinet saw with the industrial base they could measure the floor to table height? I used to be an offensive lineman in the NFL, Now I run my own furniture business and am completely self taught. Compatible with all ICS and PCS Cabinet Saw mobile bases, the Folding Outfeed Table quickly stows for an easy move. Please try again. My current saw is 36.5. I did get the folding outfeed table though which helps a lot. Extend your table surface for maximum material support with these choices designed for your multi-use shop. Cut melamine top to size, and attach from bottom. Depending on your saw and table configuration, when folded the table may hang at 90 degrees to the saw, or rest against a dust collection hose. Please note that the TSA-FOT is not compatible with the Contractor Saw. Then cut all of your pocket holes based on the layout in the cut list. Let's say the SawStop + base is 35.5 inches, the casters put the table at 37" - would you put a 1.5" thick piece of plywood under the SawStop on the base? Please submit links to how-to pages and videos, pictures of beautiful and amazing pieces you made for us to admire, or help you finish. Insert the drawer bottom and then secure with two screws from the back. In-store instant savings or prices are shown on each item label. You can also use more pocket holes, dominos, or biscuits for this process. The outfeed table is designed for easy adjustability and maximum glide, with strategically-placed rollers for smooth operation. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I start by cutting all of my 8' parts down to rough dimensions base on the cut list in the Plans. The table saw base is made up of 2"x4"'s that are cut down, jointed, planed, and made to fit the dimensions set in the plan. So i put together a plan for a bigger and more ridged table. I suggest using a track saw or a circular saw with a guide for this step. Compatible with all ICS & PCS Cabinet Saw mobile bases, the Folding Outfeed Table quickly stows for an easy move. Add one stretcher to the toe kick - add one stretcher to the top front (Flush with top of box) - add stretchers to back (top and bottom flush with back). For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. *KMS Club Members Save up to 30% Off everyday. Round over edges and smooth with 220 grit. Pittsburgh-based custom wood and metal worker. Have people done this before? In this build, I partnered up with KREG to bring you my new 8'x4' table saw out feed table with some simple cabinetry. /r/woodworking is your home on reddit for furniture, toys, tools, wood, glue, and anything else that has to do with woodworking as a hobby or profession. Awesome - perfect! How close does your outfeed table height need to be to the tablesaw table? Press J to jump to the feed. Check out more of my videos HERE! Please note that the TSA-FOT is not compatible with the Contractor Saw. I find its height fine on the base. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Depending on your saw and table configuration, when folded the table may hang at 90to the saw, or rest against a dust collection hose. Compatible with all ICS & PCS Cabinet Saw mobile bases, the Folding Outfeed Table quickly stows for an easy move. Get the sheets into manageable sizes, then cut the parts on the table saw. NOTE: you may need to shim out the interior of the box in order to get the drawers to clear the inset door hinges. No additional discounts required at checkout. Sioux City, IA 51111, 2019 2022 Midwest Technology Products | Sitemap | Privacy Policy | BigCommerce Design, Development, & SEO by IntuitSolutions. These are meant to add stability and creates a sturdier and wider footing for the base. Multifunction Tables, Stands & Workstations, Metabo HPT MultiVolt 36V Cordless/AC-DC Corded, FREE Coolant (1/2 gallon) with Purchase of Select JET Machines, SawStop TSA-FOT 44-1/4 x 32-1/8" Folding Outfeed Table, Skip to the beginning of the images gallery. 34 3/8 seems sooo low! Attach the bottom using glue and face screws or nails. Join the movement & punch your next project in the face. Check those out here. For this part of the build I am using pocket hole joinery to keep it quick and simple. The Folding Outfeed Table is engineered with flexibility in mind. Configure your table to match the width of your cast iron table and wings, even if youve removed a wing for a sliding table. In this step you want to break down the sheet goods into the parts for the cabinet. Depending on your saw and table configuration, when folded the table may hang at 90 degrees to the saw, or rest against a dust collection hose. All rights reserved. Please choose options for all selected products.

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sawstop outfeed table dimensions