Talk about "juking the stats". Thank you very much. There are plans linked below, for a bed like the PB, from Knock Off Wood. Someone who is somewhat handy could make this piece easily as it does not take a master craftsman to make this. Please share. But when you know all the options, bed skirts can rack up major style points too, For easy bedding that makes neutrals sing and accessories pop, look to the white side, Landscape Architects & Landscape Designers, Outdoor Lighting & Audio/Visual Specialists, The Cure for Houzz Envy: Kitchen Touches Anyone Can Do, Smart Back-to-School Storage: Wicker Baskets, My Houzz: Rustic Meets Refined in a Converted Ohio Barn, Houzz Tour: Layered Look Adds a Fresh Sense of Style, My Houzz: A Prefab Modern Farmhouse Rises in Vermont. Is it worth it? Just wondering if anyone has this Stratton bed with the baskets. Is everyone happy with the purchase? Utiliza sempre a mais recente tecnologia em sua produo, a fim de oferecer sempre tecnologia de ponta aos seus clientes.. Temos uma vasta linha de produtos em PVC laminado e cordes personalizados (digital e silk screen), com alta tecnologiade produo e acabamento.Dispomos de diversos modelos desenvolvidos por ns, para escolha do cliente e equipe capacitada para ajustar e produzir os layouts enviados pelo cliente.Estamos sempre atualizando nossos equipamentos e programas para produzir e entregar com mxima confiana e qualidade.Atendimento especializado, com conhecimento e capacitao para suprir a necessidade especfica de cada cliente.Realizamos a captura de imagens em sua empresa, com estdio moderno, porttil, e equipamentos de ponta.Uma das entregas mais rpidas do mercado, com equipe comprometida e servio de entrega de confiana, garantindoque receber seu produto corretamente. Thanks again for the informationvery helpful!pup. We put a 10,5 inch mattress on top of it and it sits up very high. Ah, this is an ancient thread but I'm hoping to get some good feedback from igloochic. No issue of mold on outside above drawers just in the middle. Guess I'll have to find a way to discourage guests from anywell, ya know. Have to bought pb stratton. Did anyone figure out what caused the mold in the earlier posts? Maybe I'll come up with some cute saying and cross stitch it on a plaque. Oddly, my initial thought was the fabric purchased by my Mom which she had thought would make lovely curtains for her great room. No sliding, no sign of mold, located in a finished basement in humid Georgia. It weighs a ton (I have to have help when moving it and it's still hard with a couple of guys) but it does come apart if you actually have to move it (ie you're moving your home). Let me know if your up for the challenge. Maybe the pad helps circulate the air? I guess my so cool prof/artist teachers from L.A were correct in this instance: for this bed, "less is more." Here is a link that might be useful: JCPenney Dover Bed. I have two Stratton twins with baskets. 2021 Perfect Design. I looked at lots and lots and lots of platform beds and they were all horribly styled. These baskets are pulled out several times daily by BOYS!! IF you know someone who is remotely handy and you decide to buy the bed, maybe they can attach a lip around the edge for the mattress to sit inside. The beds are very heavy and good quality and we all like them a lot. Houzz Pro: One simple solution for contractors and design pros. I have remembered this in order to tone-down my love for the"shiny" just a tad. I found it to be unreliable, but I imagine that I just did not practice enough with it. I, for one, would NEVER take offense at anyone who took the time to offer their thoughts to me. UPDATE: I did order the bed. It's a beautiful bed. One of my lovely former students with a kind disposition and fabulous sense of humor remarked that this is obviously not true," more is more, and less is less", and wondered why this was not self-evident.) If she doesn't take it, I will be selling it. Either they can lead me to the replacement part or not. Here's what to consider to get the right sleeper for you, A prefab borrows from the simplicity of barns to suit its family and the Vermont countryside, Put up your overnight guests in comfort and style with these sofa bed, bed and mattress options, Sure, they hide the dust bunnies. We've been renovating our 1952 lake place for 2+ years. PB is infamous for withholding parts and manufacturer names. I BELIEVE THAT ANYONE CAN LIVE LARGE ON A SMALL BUDGET. Oferecer solues em identificao, oferecendo produtos com design exclusivo e com a melhor qualidade. (and insanely affordable! Not good that PB doesn't supply parts. It's a little different but oh so pretty , He has white shelves under a bench where I keep baskets for toys - we are having problems with the baskets scratching the white woodwork as he pulls them in and out. No way," but unless you've seen what I"m talking about you can't make that judgement. But I know if I did right now, he would either divorce me, or call the men in the white jackets and have them take me away. We are considering the Stratton with headboard, we love the look. It costs more than the Stratton, and only has drawers available rather than baskets, but it comes with both a headboard and a footboard, so it seems unlikely the mattress could go anywhere. I actually was seeking a bed with no headboard since it backs up to a bay window so I made the window our headboard (it is built in storage). An affiliate link means that if you click on a link and make a purchase, I may be paid a commission on that purchase. Scoobyruby, that's a little concerning. Thanks everybody. It does not increase the price of the item. Our team of photographers P.S. Then I cheated and googled it and it indeed was Miss Emily Latella. We prefer no headboard as we plan to use as a daybed against the wall. Is is just chipping on the bottom or is it on the sides, too. Igloochic, not to be argumentative about your comment,"It's a very well built product, NOT something you can knock off for 100 bucks. There are so many possibilities; c'est ne pas grave. I would say that is the biggest drawback to the bad, we love it otherwise. HA! No mold. Favor entrar em contato pelo nosso Whatsapp! sure that you love it. Copy Cat Chic contains display advertisements, sponsored content, and affiliate links. (As an art student we were taught the credo that "less is more". photograph tags, markings, and any imperfections. care of everything from pickup, inspection, cleaning, photography, Weve had ours for about 10 years and we have moved with it from 2 apartments to 2 houses and just now swapping it out with a sleep number because of back problems turning it into shelves tho by stacking them up! Good grief! Lazygardensvery, very good to know. This concept is an integral part of the image system I am making within digital photography, and which I will avoid in detail now, because explanations of this are merely academic without seeing the work. Yuck..Think it is the design of the bed. I'm gonna do some thinking about it. delivery carriers. Darlene posted on this at her blog, Our Creative Life. The drawers fit snugly into the frame so you have no issues there. It is, in fact my preferred genre. However, a wheel on one of the drawer slides broke, and the slide has neither a part number nor the manufacturer. I've ordered one to use for guests. It is so heavy. Here's the link: PB Stratton with baskets. Hi there! I think you've just about sold me. Part of his argument for it is that it comes with 6 of those neat baskets. place and assemble your items with care. our warehouse to make sure it meets Kaiyos standards for Hope I'm wrong. Don't feel badat first I was thinking it was Roseanne Roseannadanna that said it and almost wrote that. I bought it for a rental and I'm hoping this will have some versatility as this room may be used for kids at times, a couple at others. I like this bed :) You will too. "Deadwood", H.B.O.) Is that correct? The kitchen we totally contracted out as we could not do it ourselvesand the bath reno, as well. lol. Any ideas? I was busy drawing and didn't see you reply to bleigh.Said in my best Gilda Radner impression"Never mind.". Hubby is saving us tons of $$$ on soooooo many things. Can anyone tell me where this bed is from? Thanks for replying. Would love to read your thoughts. I am more than certain that the Houzz designers are far more acquainted with this technique than am I. Wingback headboard beds are available from Grandin Road, Target, Wayfair, Overstock, and of course, higher-end retailers such as Pottery Barn, Crate and Barrel and furniture stores. As to the fabric which I see festooned above you in that lovely photo (thanks; you look so elegant), has it a transparent quality, or is it more opaque in nature? I'm more worried about the weight as we won't be able to get to the baskets on one side of the bed. It may be longer than you may think is necessary but I would not cut it. once your appointment is complete. In addition I have a comprehensive collection of "slang" which , I truly dig, and have dug since the fifties, man. I was looking to buy the Stratton bookcase headboard but they discontinued it. Pottery Barn, Dimensions: All products that Ive received as gifts are noted with a . I've never owned a bed without a headboard. HA! When I got there I furnished the entire 3 bedroom 2 bath 1200 square foot apartment plus the outdoor terrace by shopping at IKEA ( I am thankful that Hong Kong has several IKEA's and they do deliver) IKEA has pieces that have the more traditional look of Pottery Barn as well as their contemporary pieces.I furnished the whole apartment for well under $10,000 US Later, I added artwork and a few really nice antique pieces from other shops in Hong Kong.. Have fun with your new place.. thank you! Hey bleigh, I know what you are saying and I appreciate it. All that I think you might do here is find a very sheer tightly woven fabric like the georgette described above or a fine taffeta, a fabric of body, in ivory or crue and wind it through the existing structure to soften the austerity of the line, with perhaps a suggestion of draping at whatever intervals you deem appropriate, without covering the entire top, to you own taste. What you see is what you get. my style falls more into the traditional with a touch of glamour like the last living room photo. Or at the very least only put the old folks in that room, but I guess there's no gurantee even with that. Also, it has what looks like a couple inches' worth of space between the bottom of the drawers/footboard and the floor, so less chance of toe-stubbing. COPYCATCHIC NAMED ONE OF FORBES TOP TEN INFLUENCERS OF 2017, SALE ALERTS There's a few options on Overstock as well, like this one that you could attach a headboard to and make it customized for you. 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