peg perego convertible car seat weight limit

The feature youre talking about is on the fly recline. Its not available on any carseats because in order for it to work, the carseat would have to have a frame thats installed so that the seat can slide freely on it. Absolutely outstanding! This is a great transition carseat. The restraint I have is in Crystal Black. thank you for tour answer My daugther is almost 20 lbs and we have to change her from her baby car seat to a convertible one. rear-facing, 22-65 lbs. The style allows for minimal use of space when rear-facing and has fit in several vehicles rear-facing with no problem. Steel pins collect energy and dig into base of the seat to reduce the stress felt on child. The belt path openings were too narrow for me to fit my hands through, hence the need to reach under the front of the seat to guide the latchplate. I left the PV installed for 24 hours and the teeth only left mild marks on my seatbelt which have already disappeared. Both the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio Convertible and the Britax Advocate ClickTight are excellent car seats. It fits her so well and she is so comfortable in it, and of course all the safety features that come with it was why I chose it first. Very happy with it and would recommend to others! I dont foresee any problems with hot temps in this seat. The Peg Perego Primo Viaggio lasts for 7 years. Its also not mentioned that the top 3 harness slot positions can only be used in the forward-facing position. 18.5 at widest point (torso), Seat depth: 10.5 to where edge starts to angle down, Seatback height: 21; 24 with headrest in highest rear-facing position; 26 with headrest extended to top position. You will be very happy with this car seat. maximum rear-facing weight limit is one of the highest on the market and means that even the largest toddlers will be able to rear-face in this convertible for a very long time. Its expensive, but so worth the price. Shop replacement parts for our car seats products! Excellent price at Albee baby also, much better than competitors. They have the highest harness slots, then become very tall booster seats. We currently have the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio Convertible for my daughter (she loves this seat). Does this model include an infant insert pillow? A combo seat has a harness with taller harness slots and it converts to a booster seat when hes older. Our toddler loves her new car seat and we just purchased a second car seat for travel. Lara, give Peg a call and see what their stance is about the cracked EPS foam. The seat meets all the high I did loads of research around safety and narrowed down to 3 seats but chose this because it looks nice too! Let me know if you find a solution to his distress. Im looking at 3 options: Either buying a second Peg convertible to use forward facing, buying a Britax Boulevard ClickTight (since I hear it is so easy to install with a seatbelt, and I know Ill eventually have to switch to a seatbelt install as my daughter is around 32 lbs now), or I can switch her to something like the Britax Frontier or Pinnacle. Hi Virginie. But my husband likes that the Peg is sleeker and you dont have to lift him up as much. We purchased two of these car seats (2 car family), that's how much we like them. Padding, Comfort and Appearance: The cover is Italian. Parents in more extreme climates may also want to consider the Peg Perego Convertible Clima Cover. 2 Crotch Strap Positions: Being able to shorten the crotch strap for the inside position means the buckle will sit low on a baby instead of over the belly. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); When I started searching for a convertible car seat I was overwhelmed by the choices out there. The safety and style of the Primo Viaggio car seat, now available as a Convertible. As you can see in the picture below, the PVs headrest angle mimicked the angle of my headrest. Very substantial seat that had been recommended by many friends. Does this make the car seat unsafe? We just bought PP convertible carseats after having (and loving) or infant primo viaggio seats (we have twins). To contact me directly please click here. A comparison of the two comes down to a few small details that may make a big difference. Required fields are marked *. Rear-Facing Belt Path: Its tight, but still workable. Please give me any advice you might have for what could be causing this distress. Im not sure what Pegs opinion is or whether its replaceable. EPS & EPP foams provide increased protection and comfort throughout the shell and headrest. Deep headrest thats comfy for sleeping, but not overly obtrusive. It is so well-designed, with quality materials and amazing design and safety. Its easily remedied by moving the carseat back on one side so you can get a hand in from the front, but I would appreciate a seatbelt threading tool for help. Weight Limits: A rear-facing convertible that actually fits a wide range of children. Would recommend to anyone looking for a carseat that grow with their child. And baby is loving all the extra space after the infant seat size! Italian made so no risk of lower manufacturing standards that you hear about from some countries. I really like the detail that the straps can be held wide open so you can sit the child in without any strap fuss. (Please note: Only the lower seven positions can be used in rear-facing mode.) Easily adjusts to 10 different positions, even with child in the seat, ensuring the best and safest fit Keep Child Rear Facing Longer I was using a gracco travel system for the longest time and my son totally outgrew it. I am desperate for a solution to his sadness and discomfort. We have purchased the black (Atmosphere) and the Panama colors. We have about 6 car seats spread across the country (2 at each granparents, and 2 at home). Thats all I really need to say, right? There is a compatible removable cupholder for this car seat, the Peg Perego Convertible Cup Holder, but it is an additional purchase. YouTuber TheCarSeatLady has made a great installation video showing how to install the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio rear-facing with a LATCH system, and you can see it here: The Peg Perego Primo Viaggio owner's manual can be found here: Click to download Peg Perego Primo Viaggio manual here. She fit beautifully rear-facing in the restraint. Pros and Cons ofPeg Perego Primo Viaggio Convertible, Video Overview ofPeg Perego Primo Viaggio. Or is it ok for the straps to be that low behind his shoulders? The manual doesnt specify a difference in cleaning between fabric and leather and since theyre stitched together and its a baby product, Im guessing the leather will do fine in the washer. This is our second Peg Perego convertible carseat. With such a high end car seat design and price, I expected a little more thought to go into this feature since you use if every time a child is unstrapped. We had the infant seat and were happy with that one too. When threading the crotch strap for the inside position, the crotch strap anchor is threaded down into the seat, then back up again through the outside position. The manual indicates that customer service should be contacted if the PV is in a crash. Having an outside set of eyes go through the manual would have caught the errors. Help please before I go buy something else! Very roomy for my baby but doesn't take up the entire backseat (I drive a Volvo XC90). However, when the buckle is in the inside buckle position, its not long enough to fit up into the belly pad. Then your daughter could move into a belt-positioning booster seat or Frontier/Pinnacle at that point. Plain English Guide to Federal Safety Standards for Car Seats, Car Seat Head Support Safety: How to Safely Position Your Babys Head, When Do Peg Perego Car Seats Expire? However, the Britax Advocate ClickTight, with its longer lifespan, higher harness heights, and greater number of harness adjustments, may be a better car seat for a child who is bigger or tall for their age. I have tried everything I can think of. I wont be shopping elsewhere for baby items any more and am so thankful they had this top rated car seat in so many color option available and ready to ship. It has innovative fabrics that are breathable and easy to clean, and installation couldn't be easier. I no longer have to worry about his head falling downwards, he now has support on both sides!!! Harness Strap Covers: The strap covers are very thick and cushy and long. My 3 month son SCREAMS and cries EVERY time he is buckled into his primo viaggio infant car seat (5-35lbs) . Provides maximum safety and Adjustable Side Impact Protection. ETA: Review originally mentioned that there was a belt lockoff for forward-facing. You would probably have to buy a backless after the Frontier/Pinnacle, but backless boosters run around $15, so they dont have to be expensive at all. Thank you to Peg Perego for providing us with the carseat for review. Hi! It is expensive, but very well made, and comfortable. This is my #3 car seat. While tethering a forward-facing child restraint with a harness is always recommended, a top tether is not required for this seat. Great, safe seat! and the recline angle is listed at 40-45 when it should be 35-45. Its never easy trying to get a cover off over headrest, but theres enough elasticity in it so it wont tear. Know Your Rights! The babys shoulders should be up to the bottom harness slots with the infant cushion in the seat. Tried a different brand and decided to spend more money and get peg perego for both of our cars. Parents will find the innovative Fresco Jersey performance fabric to comfortably suit their little ones, as well as present a chic and stylish look that would be a welcome addition to any vehicle. Considered either Chicco or Maxi Cosi but they both seemed either too deep or tight. Stays cool, lots of leg room, strap holder. The strap is easy to unbuckle and buckle. Shop replacement parts for our strollers products! Her brother, Ian, is 4 and weighs around 30 lbs. Both car seats are rated for children to a maximum of 49 inches, but the harness on the Advocate will be more comfortable for older children who are nearing the height limit of the car seat. Parents will find the innovative Fresco Jersey performance fabric to comfortably suit their little ones, as well as present a chic and stylish look that would be a welcome addition to any vehicle. More difficult to install than I would like. The Paloma color is incredible in person and just the cherry on top when it comes to all other features the Primo Viaggio has to offer. Our kids all love these seats. Shop replacement most popular parts for our toy products! Did a lot of research to decide on this car seat. It may affect the way it acts in a crash. Separate LATCH straps for each side of the carseat. Shop replacement parts for our highchairs products! The contoured base provides extra stability in any seating position. Made with care by a family famous for innovative children's products, this is a premium car seat that will protect children in style and comfort for years. Instruction Manual: I know, I know, I have it listed as a Pro too. Hi Connie, I dont think you can go wrong with either choice, in terms of safety or features. What is the quality of padding (overall)? Were nearly sold on the Peg, but were challenged in finding how the fabric options with leather trim (Palermo, Techno or Licorice) or the premium Alcantara model would be cleaned in the event of the inevitable accident/spit-up. What's included with the Peg Perego Primo Viaggio Convertible? Fresco Jersey Performance Fabric Superior quality Fresco Jersey fabric found in head panel and removable cushion is easy to clean, breathable and absorbs moisture - keeping child cool and comfortable. If you have an older model, tethers may be obtained to retrofit your seat from Peg by calling 800-671-1701. Its solidly constructed in dreamy Italy, has as smooth a base as Ive seen, and has the separate LATCH connectors (seriously, if youve used it, youll gladly pay for it). We purchased this seat in the Alcantara and absolutely love it! Peg doesnt list a rear-facing height limit; use rear-facing until the childs head is within 1 of the top of the headrest. The Peg is good for front-to-back space but you may find that the Britax ClickTight seats are better. I'd stick with an infant carrier car seat until at least 1yr. Traveling with multiples has just got easier, safer and more comfortable! Wich one is the better if youre not taking the reason that diono is a 3 in 1 and we wont have to buy a booster later. Its less weight than torso height since the Viaggio Convertible is rated from 5 lbs. Hi Mona. But it may be a good choice for people who need extra temperature protection for a car seat.

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peg perego convertible car seat weight limit