There are a few improvements that would help. Do not use rechargeable batteries. The Melnor Hydro Logic Timer has a digital screen that you will use to program the timer to your preferred settings. 0000243575 00000 n 0000206065 00000 n %PDF-1.4 % 0000002793 00000 n 0000010366 00000 n 0000202650 00000 n Monica is the founder and Editor of the Gardening Products Review. 0000010960 00000 n The programmed watering schedules will sometimes stop working or start at the wrong timings. 0000009637 00000 n Again, be sure you have a good washer inside each coupler to eliminate leaks. QK-~ysr 0 faL B psDLA[aZ 6[Z;. 0000683003 00000 n Please note that the Amazon links above, as well as some of the other merchant links, are affiliate links. I recommend attaching a cap to any valve that isnt hooked up to irrigation. Please. 0000006503 00000 n The Melnor 3280 allows users to automate their watering chores while keeping track of the plant requirements. 0000092080 00000 n 0000013592 00000 n Next, attach your irrigation hoses to the four valves. Tap "Setting" to, NOTE: Scheduling "By Frequency" waters at regular. None of these issues are that serious and can be fixed in a few minutes. 0000012316 00000 n If that doesnt work, use the Manual feature to open and close the valve three times. 0000866063 00000 n 0000059617 00000 n DW2n Saves a lot of time watering. 0000005962 00000 n All in all, these were some of the more common problems with Melnor 3280. or the Timer photo to go to the Valve screen. 0000010865 00000 n 0000100655 00000 n 0000863467 00000 n 0000014335 00000 n So, if you have no prior experience with automated gardening accessories like the Melnor 3280, you will likely run into a few issues. Tap on the Valve that you want to open manually. They have worked every morning and evening without flaw. 0000006903 00000 n 0000100975 00000 n It comes with a washer inside the coupler that does a pretty good job of preventing leaks, although I chose to replace it with one of these rubber washers from Gilmour. 0000018660 00000 n FREE Smart Home, Home Automation & IoT Tips. 0000005008 00000 n The Melnor website isnt very user-friendly and the only way to contact them is by using an email form. 0000003474 00000 n 0000206415 00000 n The water must be left on while the Timer is. (Explained), Lutron Caseta Vs Philips Hue (Differences Between Lutron Caseta And Philips Hue). 0000018568 00000 n 0000201695 00000 n I have one that doesn't like to connect every time but I think that's a device issue not the app. 0000818693 00000 n All opinions expressed here are those of the author based on personal experience using the product. 0000100329 00000 n Is It Possible To Play Different Music On Multiple Echo Devices. Tap "OK". The Melnor HydroLogic Four-Zone Timer can be purchased online for under $50. Lets find out! 0000391382 00000 n Once the unit powers up, access the timer and make sure to adjust the clock to the current time accurately. 0000099965 00000 n Tap the trash can icon to, There are two ways to turn on the water manually: Directly. 0000012429 00000 n This is something an in-ground irrigation system can handle with relative ease. 0000001153 00000 n 0000647666 00000 n Opening the package started with the usual struggle to open the typical clamshell packaging (why couldnt they just put it in a cardboard box?!). Each zone drip irrigates different plants with very different moisture needs, so the zones need to turn on and off at different frequencies and for different lengths of time. 0000018061 00000 n Once the contacts are dry, you will be able to get the desired performance from this gardening accessory. QIP3001fe2)C,Y|o2X ^cYk %Z endstream endobj 5 0 obj <>>> endobj 6 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB]/Properties<>/MC1<>>>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 792.0 612.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 7 0 obj [/ICCBased 19 0 R] endobj 8 0 obj <>stream She's had a lifelong love affair with gardening and a fascination with gardening tools. Press the yellow button on the Timer above the Valve you want to use. When I first turned on the HydroLogic timer, I ran into a problem water flowed continuously from three of the four valves, even when the program and manual on/off switch were both clearly set to OFF. Lastly, clock malfunction is also not that rare when youre trying to program schedules for the yard. When trying to fix the problem, I couldnt find any information online that addressed this particular issue so I tried to contact the company directly. 0000385709 00000 n 0000466254 00000 n 3 Issues That May Caused Why Alexa Blue Light Spinning (Answered). 4 0 obj <> endobj xref 4 33 0000000016 00000 n This needs the ability to set a sequence instead of ONLY being able to program one valve at a time. Instructions can also be found online heres a link to the English instructions. Absolutely horrible way to do business and a horrible app as well. Should you choose to purchase products through these links, GPReview will make a small commission (at no extra cost to you) that helps to support this website and our gardening product reviews. The time until the next watering cycle will display on the, Tap "Watering Day" to select which days you want, NOTE: The selected days will be highlighted in yellow. NOTE: Once batteries are in place in the Timer, a green, Attach the Timer to an outside faucet and turn water, on slowly. If your spigot wobbles or isnt firmly attached, consider stabilizing it before attaching the timer. There is nothing much that you can do about this situation, and waiting for the contacts to dry out is your only option. 0000683081 00000 n The only complication with this device is that it is hard to set up. 0000003363 00000 n 0000023260 00000 n 0000353588 00000 n 0000006012 00000 n 0000647705 00000 n 0000024346 00000 n 0000734205 00000 n 0000024799 00000 n 0000393500 00000 n Developers can show information here about how their app collects and uses your data. After the app is installed, tap to launch the app. i+[\sH@${JZ)3ij>W-yxVEpy[3!u@uN3:tPZ!N[,QQDNQO"A']{3p[w` %sD endstream endobj 9 0 obj <> endobj 10 0 obj <> endobj 11 0 obj <>stream 0000731604 00000 n You wont have to worry about any missed zones if the unit is installed by a professional. Unsubscribe at any time. All you need to do is to remove the battery from the unit and then connect the battery with the Melnor 3280. 0000023757 00000 n I cant tell you if that really works (I know that removing and replacing the batteries didnt work for me), but the four steps outlined in the list above definitely did the trick. 0000009113 00000 n NOTE: Replace batteries when Timer battery indicator, flashes a red light or when the battery icon in the app turns red. %PDF-1.5 % Tap, "OK" to set. This would get your system working again, and you should double-check the programming settings to isolate this issue with the Aqua Timer. 0000864886 00000 n The problem can usually be resolved by following the steps below: After the program is turned back on, the water should not flow until the start of the next programmed cycle. 0000101322 00000 n 0000393539 00000 n [Cu qq##$nbqUc-ZNST41#P,\F}QO.7*3sOrgp/{~EHndPe)G!~5B This issue stems from delivery complications where the valves get stuck in the open position. ]DJV4gVKS-B &OQovzWF5h-6/1/0&w" '2ON F This problem is usually linked with improper installation of the batteries where the contact points are not properly making the connection. 0000007870 00000 n So, before reaching out to customer support, make sure to try your luck with these options. So, you will have to reset the valves by opening and closing them properly manually. Ran it the first time it worked fine, however the second time I wanted to water I was told I had to reconnect the timer to Bluetooth, and then the names of the sprinklers changed. The solution worked but in the meantime Id ordered a second timer, assuming that the first one was defective. Most of the time, problems with the Melnor 3280 are pretty easy to fix. Learn more about them here. I eventually learned from Melnor that the valves are held together magnetically. 0000013735 00000 n 0000502127 00000 n 0000088248 00000 n 0000280320 00000 n The instructions are fairly clear but there are a lot of steps, so take your time reading them and follow along in exactly the order shown. Thank you! 0000385670 00000 n or image on the Valve you want to schedule. How To Connect Phillips Hue Bridge Without Router? 0000009800 00000 n 0000866285 00000 n Installing the timer is pretty simple just attach it to the spigot. 0000002896 00000 n This should eliminate the problem of the water running continuously from the valves when the unit has not yet been programmed. 0000191866 00000 n If you want to water your whole lawn, you have to schedule each valve at a specific time. An easy and convenient way to manage your lawn and garden watering. 0000203292 00000 n 0000012233 00000 n Some users have also mentioned programming issues with the Melnor 3280, where the unit will water the plants once per week even though the settings were set to once every day. 0000318251 00000 n 0000867236 00000 n 0000147184 00000 n So, just go over the time configurations one more time if the schedules are not working properly. @lvZb6bHHR_R"&r7m0Ako7Pp3Kx8&N~Mmg%rh}>~ bA endstream endobj 12 0 obj <>stream 0000732286 00000 n 0000196814 00000 n Once the timer is working properly, it works reliably mine has been running for a year with no problems. Disclaimer GPReview would like to thank Melnor for giving us a free sample to review. Warranty claims can be made online through the Melnor website. 0000839678 00000 n Still no sign that it had gone through. i.e., Every 12 Hours, Every Day, Every 2 Days. 0000206831 00000 n There was no expectation that it would be a positive review and we received no compensation for writing it. 0000204357 00000 n We recommend you download the latest version of these instructions at: Remove the battery holder from the back of the Timer. Just pull the battery holder straight out from the back of the timer, insert the batteries, and push the holder back into the timer. I wanted to do the front, that's the one I picked, but it was the one in the back that started running. The 4-valve system is the best Ive found for connecting and controlling multiple irrigation systems. trailer <]/Prev 118471>> startxref 0 %%EOF 36 0 obj <>stream 0000000956 00000 n 0000502166 00000 n Do Better. 0000101138 00000 n 0000389258 00000 n Echo Spot Turn Off Things To Try (Brief Guide), 6 Ways To Fix Eufy Security App Not Working, 10 Best Google Home Compatible Devices List Review 2022, Is It Possible To Play SoundCloud On Google Home? This problem is mostly a bug in the system that can be fixed by resetting the timer. 0000013399 00000 n 0000071003 00000 n All rights reserved. t`j64GyJ D+/%VweuK{ 0000001249 00000 n 0000013623 00000 n You can try to wipe away the excess moisture with a towel, but you will likely have to wait for a bit more for the contacts to dry out completely. That way you wont flood your yard in case the timer doesnt work properly (or you program it incorrectly). trailer <<0CDE959418414AC8897B11E30FF552A1>]/Prev 1119022>> startxref 0 %%EOF 154 0 obj <>stream 0000612407 00000 n 0000204054 00000 n 0000081064 00000 n 0000391421 00000 n The instructions include a small planning table to help you lay out which zones and cycles go on when and for how long; I suggest you use it. 0000008213 00000 n Melnor Hydrologic timer and moisture sensor in their plastic clamshell packaging. Copyright 2013-2020 ITG Multimedia LLC. 0000865112 00000 n The Melnor digital timer is relatively bulky and a bit heavy to be hanging off a faucet that isnt stable. 0000012540 00000 n 0000009629 00000 n This is the best solution Ive found for running four zones of above-ground or drip irrigation from a single faucet (and Ive tried a LOT of different options). 0000014360 00000 n Inside was the timer and three sets of detailed instructions, one in each of English, French and Spanish. use only Alkaline batteries. As it is now I have to go into each timer and delay each valve one by one, very time consuming. To add additional watering cycles, tap "Add". if you want to rain delay, you have to do each valve individually. attached to the faucet for your Timer to operate. Before you start, youll need to insert 2 AA batteries (not included). 25 130 0000025083 00000 n Despite my best efforts at troubleshooting, including removing and replacing the batteries, reprogramming the timer, and manually turning individual zones on and off, I couldnt solve the problem. App is terrible. 0000180761 00000 n 0000185241 00000 n 0000001788 00000 n 0000430247 00000 n 0000575660 00000 n Do you have a product you'd like us to review? 0000201906 00000 n 0000011020 00000 n I can't program my front & backyard from the same spot (This obviously isn't the APP, but the device, but still, range could be a LOT longer). 0000201612 00000 n Replace the battery holder, making sure that. Otherwise, the valves wont engage at the defined period, and you will struggle to manage the watering efficiency of the plants in your yard. To reset the timer, you will first have to remove the battery and then install it after waiting for a few seconds. I wasnt sure if the message had actually been sent so I tried it again. 0000730679 00000 n During transit/shipping, vibrations may cause some valves to open and stay open. 0000017672 00000 n A week later I got an email from the company with a solution to the problem (see above). 0000007252 00000 n 0000738952 00000 n 0000011652 00000 n 0000202019 00000 n Tap "Watering Mode" to set the scheduling "By, Frequency" or "By Week Day". I have two 4 valve times and they work pretty good. We couldnt provide so many reviews without the work of our fabulous contributors. 0000732060 00000 n 25 0 obj <> endobj xref She's been known to disassemble tools just to see how they work and has a tendency to break tools while testing them in the garden. You may permanently delete a cycle by tapping the "Delete" button. 0000863917 00000 n Although the instructions dont mention this, be sure you have it lined up properly the metal parts on the outside of the holder must line up with the contact points inside the opening. 0000101735 00000 n The rain delays problems with Melnor 3280 are also pretty common where the unit wont water your plants just because the contacts are wet. The Melnor HydroLogic four-zone timer has a 7-year limited warranty. Editors Note: Some people have reported problems with the valves being stuck in the open position when they first turn on the timer. 0000189452 00000 n Tap "Watering" to adjust how long you want to water. 0000198350 00000 n 5xT&nE+j01-B7zXKr[ 0000003323 00000 n Don't Miss Out On Latest Home Automation Product Updates. 0000575621 00000 n Note: The instructions have been updated since I received the HydroLogic four-zone timer; theres now a section that mentions possible valve problems and suggests that removing and replacing the batteries will fix the problem. 0000005151 00000 n 0000010751 00000 n You will need to isolate this issue with the low battery by checking the condition of the connection points. 0000389297 00000 n The water, Tap the time to adjust how long you want to water. 0000003803 00000 n 0000768597 00000 n All, Tap "Start Time" to adjust watering time for that. Last update on 2021-12-04 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API. The low battery error in your system is the next issue that youll potentially have to deal with. The Melnor HydroLogic timer has four valves, and each valve can run four cycles. 0000841914 00000 n The best solution Ive found for running 4 separate drip irrigation zones from a single faucet. 0000863695 00000 n You may also be able to find it in some garden centers and hardware stores but call ahead for availability. You can return to the home screen by tapping "<" in the upper left corner. You may. Its relatively simple to set up, the large LED screen is easy to read and the programming doesnt take a rocket scientist to figure out. 0000013052 00000 n 0000766194 00000 n 0000006417 00000 n 0000280282 00000 n 8 Top Smart Home Companies in the United States. 0000185159 00000 n HV]s8}N /c6M7!Mwv01-H^^$4. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), replace it with one of these rubber washers from Gilmour, Melnor Turbo Rotary Sprinkler: Product Review, Melnor All Metal Pulsating (Impact) Sprinkler: Product Review, Melnor XT Turbo Oscillating Sprinkler: Product Review, Melnor Sunrise Morning Water Timer: Product Review, Best Electric & Cordless Pressure Washers, Best Sharpeners for Gardening & Landscape Tools, Melnor HydroLogic Four-Zone Electronic Water Timer (#73280): Product Review, Scroll to Manual, set it for 2 minutes and turn it ON(wait to hear a click or for the number to stop flashing), After the timer has run for the designated length of time, it will close the valve and turn the water off. 0000013512 00000 n So, if youre thinking of purchasing this Aqua timer, then the following details will help. I havent had any problems with the valves since going through this process. 0000014028 00000 n 0000466293 00000 n 0000538874 00000 n In the majority of situations, this issue is related to configuration issues, and you will have to update the time settings to the correct period. The most common problem with the Melnor 3280 is that the water will constantly run from the system even when the unit has not been programmed yet. The app is clunky, and the BT range is too short. 0000180708 00000 n 0000165201 00000 n When I hit Submit the screen went white no confirmation on the screen, no confirmation email, nothing. Compare Hubitat Vs SmartThings Which Ones Better? 0000740959 00000 n This can be quite problematic for the sustainability of your yard, and you should immediately power cycle the unit if youre stuck in the same issue. From hand tools to outdoor power equipment, if it's used in the garden, you'll find it reviewed right here! The best solution Ive found for running 4 separate drip irrigation zones from a single faucet. 0000189383 00000 n 0000318290 00000 n Melnors customer service team really needs to step up their game, especially in this day and age when quick response times are expected. 0000201439 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n The Gardening Products Review provides honest, unbiased reviews of a wide range of products used in the home garden. NOTE: Your phone must be within 30 feet of the timer to operate the device. If you liked this review, please sign up for our email updates with reviews, how-to articles and gardening videos! This problem is easily resolved (the simple instructions are listed above) and does not recur once corrected. Set "Start Time" and "Watering" as in the previous steps. Set "Manual" to turn on (green) the valve. 0000100492 00000 n Thats more than enough for almost any situation, although it does make programming the timer a little more challenging. 0000010913 00000 n I have an Android 10 and Bluetooth is up to date but it took me over an hour to get my phone and the timer to pair in Bluetooth. %. 0000430286 00000 n Insert 4 AA Alkaline, batteries. Here is a list of possible issues that you can expect with the Melnor 3280 and how you can fix them for your garden. 0000538913 00000 n You can program the timer after its set up in the garden, but its better to do it from the comfort of your couch at least for the first time you do it. So did Melnors four-zone timer get the job done? Like an option to delay all of the valves at once. hb``c``a```,Z We do not accept guest posts. HV;n0u The timer has a large, easy-to-read LED screen that shows all of the relevant information, including remaining battery life. 0000125515 00000 n Its meant for drip irrigation systems running off an outdoor faucet, rather than in-ground systems with an electronic controller. Many owners complain about running into low battery error after replacing the batteries with a fresh pair. Dont use rechargeable batteries they dont fare well in outdoor situations. set up to 12 watering cycles on each Valve. 0000612368 00000 n Download and install the Melnor BT app from the, Visit the Google Play Store or Apple App Store, and search for Melnor BT or scan the QR code to, Make sure Bluetooth is activated on your smart. 0000198106 00000 n Attaching the Melnor hydrologic timer to a water spigot is a simple process. 0000008704 00000 n We won't send you spam. 9c):*2 Its even readable outdoors in bright sunlight. But if youre working with a single faucet and above-ground drip irrigation, its a huge challenge. Theres also an optional moisture sensor that can turn off or delay watering up to 7 days based on soil moisture levels. 0000201854 00000 n it is firmly and securely placed in the Timer. 0000202965 00000 n The Four-Zone Digital Water Timer from Melnor promises to alleviate your watering woes by automatically running up to four zones on your irrigation system at the pre-set times you choose. (Default factory setting is 20 minutes), To stop the water at any time, press the yellow button, NOTE: You can turn the water on using the app and off, Advanced two-zone electronic water timer (2 pages), Advanced one-zone electronic water timer (2 pages), Four-zone electronic water timer (2 pages), Four-zone electronic water timer (1 page), Advanced four-zone electronic water timer (2 pages), Time-a-matic automatic water timer (2 pages), Manual will be automatically added to "My Manuals", Timer Melnor Zone Bluetooth 93015 User Instructions, Timer Melnor 3060 Operating Instructions Manual, Timer Melnor HydroLogic 73100 User Instructions, Timer Melnor AquaTimer 1 76015 User Instructions, Timer Melnor HydroLogic 53280 User Instructions, Timer Melnor Time-A-Matic 101 Quick Start Manual, Timer Melnor AquaTimer4 76280 User Instructions. Be sure to push it all the way in; theres a gasket around the holder that prevents moisture from seeping in when the holder is properly inserted into the timer. 0000193525 00000 n They are easy to set to and connect to device. 0000002348 00000 n 0000008394 00000 n is a participant of the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program it is designed to provide an aid for the websites in earning an advertisement fee by means of advertising and linking to products. H=n0wB'`EQK"A.M"C_:d|gF[/uPG6C 'e)b=Il\ a`q)bS\|]")GW';,"`C$&onYXrob|c!9l -Ua U=.+SoiG v${jFusvEBm065j:5o>^M"N4FAX|5dH! If using a 2 or 4 zone Timer complete scheduling as needed for each valve. 0000005288 00000 n If using a 2 or 4 zone, Timer, complete scheduling as needed for each Valve, You can return to the home screen by tapping "<" in, the upper left corner. 0000037015 00000 n 0000008541 00000 n One of my biggest frustrations as a gardener in the arid Southwest desert has been finding an automated water timer to run the four irrigation zones set up in the back yard. 0000353549 00000 n 0000001754 00000 n 0000007106 00000 n 0000731838 00000 n Dont let the poor reviews on some websites scare you off this is an excellent product. Trash icons will appear beside each cycle. This instruction guide is a universal manual for Melnor 1, 2 and 4 Zone. Scheduling "By Week Day" allows you to select, Tap "Start Time" to adjust the first watering start, Tap "Duration" to adjust how long you want to water, Tap "Frequency" to adjust how often you want to, The Valve is now ready to water. 0000203762 00000 n 0000682964 00000 n 0000185470 00000 n Great idea but room for improvement. Make sure to clean all rust and debris off of these points before connecting the batteries again. 0000005451 00000 n 0000816457 00000 n (minimum required iOS 9 or Android V7.0). The Valve will open for the last manual watering time, set in the app. NOTE: You may deactivate a "Cycle" temporarily (Gray) and reactivate as. 0000243538 00000 n hKBQ^^^3?>h1,X4 FZ IAm} - - 0000733245 00000 n This will become your new default manual, The app will show the remaining manual watering, You can cancel Manual Watering at any time by setting. The time until the next watering cycle will display on the Valve setting screen.
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