mac studio fix powder foundation shade finder

It appears fairly powdery when you first apply it but an hour or two later it blends with my skin really nicely and looks natural. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="BDL-ANSS-247EP"] .c-product-set__list .c-product-tile-horizontal__actions, Find the shade that best fits for your skin tone and discover hand-picked products just for you! my face looks like have tons of makeup. NC35 is quite common in the Philippines as its a light-medium with warm undertones. However, the Maybelline foundations are still fantastic quality for a fraction of the price, so are perfect if youre looking for a cheaper alternative. Good buildable coverage. /*GWP */ When you get to the letter designations for undertones, it gets slightly more confusing: C-Cool best foryellow/golden/olive skin I really enjoy MAC base products, especially their foundations. That was experience speaking. There are 7 undertones: pink, blue, green, neutral, yellow, orange, and red. Not to worry -- we can still help! Give me a shout! #mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; }
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We recommend moving this block and the preceding CSS link to the HEAD of your HTML file. WoW! it is a perfect match for me. The C shades paired with a single digit number are the older C shades that are yellow-olive in tone. But the reality of it is that skin is a complex thing: a mix of browns (which are in turn a mix of red, yellow, purple, blue) that are incredibly difficult to read. NC42 seems a decent match as well, but is much more beige and warm than C40 is. W- Warm best forpinkish skin. To learn more or opt-out, visit AdChoices and our Privacy Policy. The naming system involves a combination of letters and numbers that denoteundertone and depth respectively. Ill surely be investing in a C40 which I now know will match perfectly to my skin tone. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1097"] .c-product-set__list .c-product-tile-horizontal__actions, font-size: 1rem; Hi I currently use nc40 studio fix fluid but I feel its to yellow whats an alternative color please? .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1099"] .c-product-tile-horizontal.m-secondary .c-product-tile-horizontal__quantity, body[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1184"] [data-section-id*="pdp-section-product-description"] .l-section .l-section__row, swatched or reviewed. I would love to follow you on social media , do you happen to have an Instagram ? Yay so glad this post was helpful! But I imagine it works great for oily skin. They also both offer a range of different shades for all skin tones. NW-Neutral Warm pinky beige skin MAC artists should be able to match you with relative ease; it is their job, after all. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1096"] h3.c-product-set__subtitle, But definitely my next purchase will be C40 it just seem perfectly. MAC is therefore a good option to try if you usually use Maybelline but havent quite found the exact shade for your skin tone. I have very dry skin and I find this powder does not dry me out or age me at all. It last all day long with primer, without it just 6 or 8 hours but still good for a powder product on oily skin. .l-cart__promotions .c-promotion.m-approaching-discount, .c-modal.m-modal-add-cart .c-promotion.m-approaching-discount { In it I essentially lamented the lack of a shade in between NC40 and N42 that would presumably match my skin perfectly. Good luck finding the perfect shade! .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1099"] .c-product-set__list::before, Jst think about your 2k going to waste because you cant use the product! It doesn't match my neck, it's a shade or two too dark, and so I only use it on the upper part of my face. padding-left: 2.5rem; Look no further than Temptalia's Swatch Gallery. . .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1099"] .c-product-set__list .c-product-tile-horizontal__actions, Many also use their MAC shade match from the Studio Fix range to describe their foundation colour in casual conversation. } We share the same situation ,and now I know that c40 is my shade at last ! A silky, seamless finish your skin, but better. The numbers increase with depth and thats about the easiest part to explain. Thank you for your support! After years of being the makeup obsessed person that I am, I can see tones much more easily now. :) I couldnt remember the perfect studio fix powder shade for me so i got an nc42 instead of bc40 but still feel like its too brown(thank God its summer and id be dark enough for nc42 lol), should definitely try c40 next time i drop by Mac. padding: .8rem; .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1126PS"] h3.c-product-set__subtitle, With regards to Mac shades, I found this post very helpful. We earn commission on sales tracked from our links and codes. @media screen and (min-width: 64em) { The undertone itself has a slight yellow-green tinge compared to the warmer yellow in the NCs. But ive never came across this information, that I feel the need to leave a reply. or email us GET IN TOUCH WITH US, 2022 Urban Decay | This site is intended for US consumers. Curate a Makeup Collection You Love with More Mindfulness (2022 Guide), How-to Buy Less Makeup: Guide to Makeup No-Buys & Low-Buys (2022). There are also loads of forums out there on this subject, so usethe internet to help you out if this post hasnt done anything for you. Duplicate a high-end product or never buy the same shade twice. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1098"] .c-product-tile-horizontal.m-secondary .c-product-tile-horizontal__quantity, margin-top: revert; I will emphasise again that while I can give you a general overview of the range and how the naming system works, I can only talk about my own personal journey to finding a shade match. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1126PS"] .c-product-tile-horizontal.m-secondary .c-product-tile-horizontal__quantity, There are 52 shades in our database. display: none; MAC Studio Fix Foundation retails for $35 whereas the Maybelline Fit Me is available for a fraction of the price at $7.99. Duplicate a high-end product or never buy the same shade twice. background: #9478d2; I didnt know they have N range and the C range for this product will check it out, might have my real match there! margin-bottom: 50px; The MAC Studio Fix Foundation looks beautiful when worn, and is the perfect step up from your usual Maybelline foundation. (function($) {window.fnames = new Array(); window.ftypes = new Array();fnames[0]='EMAIL';ftypes[0]='email';fnames[1]='FNAME';ftypes[1]='text';fnames[2]='LNAME';ftypes[2]='text';fnames[3]='MMERGE3';ftypes[3]='text';fnames[4]='MMERGE4';ftypes[4]='text';}(jQuery));var $mcj = jQuery.noConflict(true); Thanks for the comparison! } .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1112PS"] .c-product-tile-horizontal.m-secondary .c-product-tile-horizontal__quantity, /* end */ } NC42 (the first shade I was matched to) is very warmalmost orange and only suits me when I have an extreme tan. Looking for the perfect color? .c-carousel.m-carousel-product.m-horizontal > .c-carousel__inner {overflow: visible; } .page-cart .l-cart__promotions .m-approaching-discount, .page-cart .l-cart__promotions .m-applied-discount { Yay!! Needless to say it disappears in to my skin .c-carousel.m-carousel-product.m-horizontal > .c-carousel__inner > .c-carousel__content > .c-carousel__item {height: auto;min-height: 100%;display: flex;flex-direction: column;justify-content: space-between;} .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1123PS"] .c-product-tile-horizontal.m-secondary .c-product-tile-horizontal__quantity They both offer a range of different foundations, suitable for different skin types. Hopefully, it will be the perfect shade for me :) Thanks again!!!:). margin-top: 0; Monday-Friday, 7:00AM-5:00 PT, excluding holidays It loses a full star for me because not only does it seems to wear heavy after a few hours (despite the initial lightweight feeling), but also begins to bother my skin. My posts may contain affiliate links, meaning if you buy something through one of these links, I'll earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1097"] .c-product-set__list::before, Buying the wrong shade of this foundation is a total pain. .c-product-main__shipping:empty { C40 was precisely the shade I had been looking for. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1097"] h3.c-product-set__subtitle, So happy I found your blog ! Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I would really suggest going to the store multiple times and just being thorough about testing the shade. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1096"] .c-product-set__list .c-product-tile-horizontal__actions, On my arm you can best see the little bit of green that C40 has in it and just how light NC40 is for my skin. I love that this is full coverage foundation and powder because of my oily skin, this do not control the oil but it's better than a liquid foundation. display: block; What Ive actually found myself is that NC35 is darker and yellower than NC40 in this line. Haha but generally no, the concealer should be the slightly lighter shade (at least for under the eyes). Real-Skin matte finish, Contact us Call 1-800-784-8722 Use this guide to find your perfect match from your usual Maybelline shade. 1 out of 1 user found this review helpful. Chose as many as you want. This foundation match guide is perfect if you usually use Maybelline foundation but youre looking to make the switch to something better quality. content: "SELECT YOUR SHADE"; mandatory *, Buildable medium coverage Thanks sooo much! I have been using this for probably over 10 years now and was the first product I was ever colour matched to. } but, it looks too cakey, powdery. .c-carousel.m-carousel-product.m-horizontal {overflow: visible; } Hey Ateh and fellow morenas in the struggle. .c-carousel.m-carousel-product.m-horizontal > .c-carousel__inner > .c-carousel__content > .c-carousel__item {width: 135px;} The undertone is great on my skin, yellow and a tiny bit towards olive, while still being very fair. But on the website the powder foundation looks SO light in comparison. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1123PS"] h3.c-product-set__subtitle, Stay Naked's got you covered, from shade to formula to finish. Its flawless, longwearing, and has a similar consistency to the MAC foundation for a fraction of the price. I felt a tiny bit sad because Studio Fix is such an iconic formula and a staple for so many, but its just foundation. The Foundation Matrix is designed to help. I feel like my personal search has brought me to a comfortable place (never an end because factors can still change), but I know that seeing comparison photos would have helped me a lot. The C range of shades seems to match my undertones just perfectly and I had no clue that the C range even existed! MAC foundations generally go on smoother, look more natural, and last longer than the Maybelline dupes. :). Many online reviewers will state their MAC shade before mentioning whether a product works for them, meaning you can work out which products will look good on you without even having to try them on. Build your own palette, create a color combination, or discover look ideas to try. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1098"] .c-product-set__list .c-product-tile-horizontal__actions, } Ive been on the search for a foundation that would allow me to just be quick in the morning and go, but still look *very* natural. mandatory *. Available in a wide range of colours. International shipping costs are based on your items, shipping method and destination. I wear a NC42, but its too orange and somehow makes me look darker coz of the orange tint I have now switched to Too Faced born this way warm beige liquid foundation, but i will soon check out C40 from MAC. know people that dont matters the powdery fnsh. The biggest difference between Maybelline and MAC foundations is the price. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1124PS"] h3.c-product-set__subtitle, Other foundations from MAC (Matchmaster, Face and Body, Studio Sculpt, etc.) (LogOut/ We earn commission on sales tracked from our links. It helps me to get the right shade for my skintone. Like people thought they fell in between NC 40 and 45 so theyd just make up NC 42, hahahaha omgggggg, Thank you so much for your post , really helped me to understand a few nuances , the girl at the counter insisted that nc 42 is the shade for me but it just looks so orangish ? We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Youre meant to find your shade by matching up your undertone + skin depth combination to a shadesomewhere in the range. The same goes for the NW shades applying to cool skin instead of warm. @media screen and (min-width: 75em) { .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1126PS"] .c-product-set__list::before, body[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1185"] [data-section-id*="pdp-section-product-description"] .l-section .l-section__row, Thank you, Ateh, for your thorough post, I have come closer to understanding my skin tone. I have this dilemma of looking for the right foundation. } Im also nc42 in mac in the summer. /* Wild Greens */ Cookies and related technology are used for advertising. The added coverage on top of a medium cover liquid foundation is very nice, applied with a dry sponge, and just pressed into the skin gives a flawless finish. Yes, your blog was extremely helpful and c40 is really a great shade! .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1095"] h3.c-product-set__subtitle, { The Good: Easy To Apply (12), Travel-friendly (9), Long-wearing (8), Great Value (7), Blendable (5), Smooth (3), Lightweight (3), Hides Pores (2), The In-Between: Matte (8), Full Coverage (8), Buildable (7), Natural (2), Oily (1), The Bad: Powdery (3), Heavy (3), Oily (2), Emphasizes Pores (1). .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="BDL-ANSS-247EP"] h3.c-product-set__subtitle, So I went and got myself a bobby brown skin weightless powder foundation in honey 5 NC40 on the other hand is just too light for me. Its always useful to know your MAC shade, even if you dont use their foundations. Looks pretty straightforward, but you may havenoticed that although NC stands for Neutral Cool the NC shades are geared toward women with warm, golden skin tones. Support Temptalia by shopping the retailers below! However, Ive tried my best to find the closest shades possible. Thank you so much, I must have the same skin color than you because I had exactly the same dilema, I am just going to buy C40, the MUA sometimes dont help at all! Long-wearing, colour-true, non-caking, non-streaking, non-settling/creasing, non-fading - all for 12 hours. The Dupe List is here to help. color: #fff; Ive got the mac msf medium dark, which I think is the perfect powder match for me. MAC Studio Fix Powder Plus is a pressed powder foundation with a matte finish and full coverage that retails for $30.00 and contains 0.52 oz. body[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1184"] [data-section-id*="pdp-section-product-description"] h2, Thank you so much for your review. Were not even talking about other factors like lighting, mixed heritage, skin acidity, and the colour of the shirt you were wearing while visiting a MAC counter. body[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1184"] [data-section-id*="pdp-section-product-description"] h2, .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1094"] .c-product-set__list .c-product-tile-horizontal__actions, Side by side, you can see just how C40 falls perfectly in between NC40 and 42 in terms of depth. Changing it up means knowing where to start. make use of different naming systems altogether, which can make finding a good matcha dizzying affair. We earn commission from affiliate links/codes. Home Products Makeup Face Foundation Pressed Powder Studio Fix Powder Plus. Learn more, A one-step application of foundation and powder. Lord, am I late to the game! Touch ups are easy using a powder brush for light and even fix-ups. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1094"] .c-product-tile-horizontal.m-secondary .c-product-tile-horizontal__quantity, Use the chart below to find your perfect Maybelline or MAC foundation shade. I did love the look of fuschia blushes on me, like Sonia Kashuk flamingo. We earn commission from affiliate links/codes. I dont even know what my MAC shade is. } Without further ado: This,is my Studio Fix Powder Plus story. If you have similar stories and/or observations about MAC shades, leave them in the comments section! I wear it over a BB cream as an everyday look as well as for a setting powder in my T-Zone over liquid foundation for special occasions. My love/hate post gathered comments and suggestions and I discovered the Cshades, which arent as commonly recommended by MAC artists and were as a consequence previously out of my realm of thought. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1094"] h3.c-product-set__subtitle, :). Will definitely repurchase when I hit pan! { document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 2020-2021 The Violet Journal - All Rights Reserved. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1096"] .c-product-tile-horizontal.m-secondary .c-product-tile-horizontal__quantity, .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1124PS"] .c-product-set__list::before, :) Yes, my instagram is @marianabantug. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1099"] h3.c-product-set__subtitle, Really helpful post especially where the NC 40 & 42 are concerned. Overall, a great powder foundation, I use this almost every day for work and I love it. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1095"] .c-product-set__list .c-product-tile-horizontal__actions, Find the top recommendations as voted by our Editor and community members here! . Its no wonder sometimes even the Pros get it wrong. Thank you. Thank you so much!! A real all-in-one. }, An error occured on the server, please try later or contact the customer service, Required fields are marked with an asterisk, I agree to receive marketing communication compliant with the, This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google, For the best experience, please turn your device. I just want to know my MAC shade since their shading/color system is the standard when it comes to makeup. ($57.69 per ounce). Too bad this is the lightest shade available. Also I use it on a daily basis routine and for touch up, and it last me more than 6 months! Many people say this isnt consistentand I can see a green tingein C40 for sure, so that is possibly true. /* L3 menu */ I just asked for a new compact and when they showed me the powder (to confirm it hadnt been touched), I knew in an instant that it was the right shade for me. Bringing back the handy-dandy table here to remindyou where the Cs come in in relation to everything else. If you tend to skip SPF, you may want to consider the MAC foundation for your skins health! And In a perfect world, none of this would be your problem. */
. I wear C1 in Face & Body and NC20 in the powder as NC15 is just a touch too light. Mac here I come. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="BDL-ANSS-247EP"] .c-product-tile-horizontal.m-secondary .c-product-tile-horizontal__quantity, I am looking to buy this foundation. I love the ease of application and how much coverage you get from this, which I was not expecting from a powder. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Navigating MACs Studio Fix Powder Plus Foundation Shade Range: My PersonalJourney, My love/hate relationship with MAC Studio Fix Powder Foundation. A one-step powder and foundation that gives skin a smooth, flawless, all-matte finish with medium-to-full coverage and a velvety texture that allows skin to breathe. It's way too dry to use alone as a foundation for me, I have to slather on the moisturizer in that case. Really helpful. A look into Bite Beauty's rebrand - is anything going right? Hi, Ms. Mariana! } The only foundation that worked for me was the Skin79 Bronze BB, but ever since that has been discontinued, Ive been lost. Accept Read More, Sign up to receive a free 22 page goal setting guide + workbook, Maybelline Fit Me Matte + Poreless Foundation, Free Aesthetic Phone Wallpapers for Spring, 30 Day Glow Up Challenge + Free Printable, 30+ Black Aesthetic Wallpapers for Your Phone, How To Apply Liquid Highlighter Drops Like a Pro, 35 Journal Prompts For Gratitude (+ Free Printable Gratitude Journal). .c-navigation__list.m-level-3.m-parent-collection { .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1095"] .c-product-set__list::before, } Go matte (but not flat) or get glowin with formulas fit for you. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1098"] h3.c-product-set__subtitle, The newer C shades with double digit numbers are still yellow in tone but incorporate a little more beige than olive. on the brow bone, bridge of the nose, or sometimes even under my eyes) but it can never be used as an all-over foundation for my face. As it still has a warm undertone, I can use it for matte highlighting (i.e. Bear in mind that this is all relative to my experience. Will MAC artists still do shade matching for me even if I will not be buying their foundation? Thislittle chart is also from Sharons blog.I take no credit for it and its missing some shades, but wanted to include it here to give you a visual of the Studio Fix Powder Plus range. margin-top: .5rem; Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1094"] .c-product-set__list::before, The product is beautiful and light and doesn't cake or crease leaving a flawless, natural but matte finish. I suppose the moral of this story is to try to keep your eyes open and if something looks or feels off, then it probably is. Plus, I seldomly use foundation; Im good with BB creams. I would visit a store and look at them in person Because MAC really seems to be inconsistent with the naming system for different products. This foundation is very versatile, the coverage can be built up to suit your preferences and the colour is a very good match for me. Change). mandatory *, What's a mastertone? The Maybelline Fit Me Matte + Poreless Foundation is a fantastic dupe for the MAC Studio Fix Foundation. Hi! .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1098"] .c-product-set__list::before, /* product set */ The Maybelline Fit Me Matte + Poreless Foundation is available in 40 different shades, whereas the MAC Studio Fix comes in over 100. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1123PS"] .c-product-set__list .c-product-tile-horizontal__actions It's the overall tone on the surface of your skin. font-weight: normal; .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="ud1095"] .c-product-tile-horizontal.m-secondary .c-product-tile-horizontal__quantity, /* end */ shades we haven't Ultimately, I would recommend the foundation for most people, but with caution if you find you have similar oil/sensitivity issues. mandatory *, What's an undertone? Facebook, Findation can help you increase conversation and reduce returns. And after foundations to fit my Skintone. But, as it turns out, a lot of other women had encountered the same issue with Studio Fix as I had. Tell us your current shade match, and we'll help you find a match in your next foundation or concealer! Anyone who isnt a MAC makeup artist is going to be slightly overwhelmed when first faced with the Studio Fix Powder Plus shade range. True Hollywood Story, which will never come into existence.). Thank you! I use Studio Fix mostly to set a cream product (foundation and concealer). (LogOut/ So I always struggled with NC42 making my skin look orange, and when I tried C40 and C5, I still felt it a bit off for my skintone, but I dealt, because I would rather the slight gray tinge than the orange tinge. .c-navigation__list.m-level-3.m-parent-collection a { Though, it is a foundation, so it's not as dry as a powder, rather powdery but slightly creamy. .page-productdetail[data-lora-datalayer*="BDL-ANSS-247EP"] .c-product-set__list::before, But just coming to the knowledge that such options existed was more than helpful for me. MAC also offers a much wider shade range than Maybelline and therefore its impossible to find exact matches for all of their shades. The Maybelline Fit Me Foundation is perfect if you usually use MAC but youre looking for a cheaper alternative for everyday wear. I have the exact same problem as you! Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. If youre unsure whether the extra money is worth it for you, check out some of the main differences between the MAC and Maybelline foundations: MAC Studio Fix Foundation contains SPF 15, whereas Maybelline doesnt offer SPF at all. This color is absolutely the most orange color i have ever seen. My holy-grail powder! You're in offline mode with a limited website functionality. Perfect, because I have olive skin (a discovery I made only recently, which shall be the topic of an entirely different post). I used to love MAC MSF, but now my skin is too oily for it.

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mac studio fix powder foundation shade finder