inground pool liner sizes

Mountain Lake 18' x 36' 21' x 40' Design this shape into any size you can dream! They also come in a range of fuel types, from electric to solar. They work like any robotic vacuum and move in rows across the bottom of your pool, removing sunken debris. Its a great day when the backyard swimming pool is the fun place to be. The vinyl liner usually needs replacing every 5-9 years. You can choose to have your vinyl1 liner go over a bench or ledge in the pool wall. This means that the average L-shaped pool has costs of roughly $54,900 to $101,250. The liner2 is stretched and fitted over it. White aluminum C-channel coping averages $10 to $12 a linear foot. We cant pick your favorite style for you but we can share some helpful tips to make your decision easier. Some say the rectangle is the perfect shape for designing any backyard masterpiece. "@type": "ImageObject", They can also be endlessly customized both in size and shape. "url": "", The thickness does not necessarily translate into a longer time before you need to replace the liner. A pool pump6 ranges from $300 to $1,200. pools and were the most popular thickness until recently. Also, the thicker your liner, the higher your costs because thicker liners are more difficult to work with. Feature rich possibilities, with lots of space to play or to relax. The walls can last indefinitely, but the liner must be replaced every 5 to 9 years. Mineral System Pools: Pros and Cons, Vinyl Pools vs. Fiberglass Pools vs. Vinyl pools are made from metal walls that have a vinyl liner stretched over them. They are affordable and much faster to build than fiberglass5 or concrete. One can easily be crafted with string, a small weight, and a skimmer or vacuum pole. They need to be removed and emptied manually to continue working. This coping is usually made of aluminum. We'll take it from there! 2022 Fixr, Inc. All rights reserved. Use the pole with the weighted string youve created to find various points at the bottom of the pool and measure from the pool wall/bead receiver straight across to the string. Vinyl pools are completely customizable in size and shape. Grecian 9' x 13'8" 13' x 25' 16'6" x 32'6" 16'6" x 35'6" 18' x 37' 19'4" x 39'4" 24' x 44 Customize this pool shape without custom pricing! Like patios, pool decking materials are usually priced by the square foot. Because of this all of our 20 mil and 27 mil liners are priced the same, making it much easier to choose the pattern the looks best in your pool and to your wallet. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Vinyl pools are just one option for in-ground pool installation. The average cost of a pool retaining wall7 is $3,500 to $10,000. If your pool is built into a hillside, a retaining wall helps prevent erosion into your pool. Click For Grecian Pool Liner Measurement Forms! Added the Vinyl Pool Replacement Cost section. If you have a vinyl pool with a deep end, you may want to add a diving board to the pools side. The reason for this is that there are so many different styles and shapes of pools, and even mass-produced in-ground pool kits may not always be installed exactly to plan as a result of conditions in each yard. It should also be changed regularly to ensure that your pool stays clean. The coping is the border or material around the top edge of your pool. "@type": "ImageObject", Like all pools, size influences the overall project cost. They are available in a wide array of colors. Make your dream pool come true. Retaining walls can also add a lot to your overall landscaping, while helping prevent soil erosion. These types of pools are in need of our custom pool liners, where we can make sure the fit of the liner will ensure longevity for your backyard oasis! If you have cut corners, youll simply measure the length of the corner, as shown in the image. Added the Vinyl Pool Cost by Size section. The larger the pool and the more curves it has, the higher the costs. Its a great day when the backyard swimming pool is the fun place to be. Sizes & Specs: 1526, 1628, 1931, 1940. Above Ground Pool Liner Replacement FAQs, Above Ground Pool Liner Replacement Warning Signs. Over the lifespan of your pool,you may need or want to replace your vinyl liner. Customize the size. The liner will be labeled as the thickest mils and not the thinnest. Once the liner design has been chosen the next most important piece of making the vinyl liner decision is choosing the proper liner thickness. If you already have your serial number simply contact us by telephone or email so that we can get you an accurate quote, no need to fill out one of the liner measurement forms listed above. Depending on its depth and size, you may need more than one type of entry point, with ladders being common in deep pool areas and steps being common in the shallow end. Each measurement should begin exactly where the previous measure ended. Like all pools, vinyl-lined pools have pros and cons. "@type": "Person", Will or can it fit? How Much Does It Cost to Build a Vinyl In-ground Pool? L-shaped vinyl pools have costs that are similar to those of rectangular pools. Vinyl pools come in a range of different sizes and have many options, impacting the overall costs. Use two straight edges, like measuring sticks, to form a square corner, as pictured by the dotted lines in the picture below. Have your partner exit the pool. They come in many different types and sizes, depending on how often you need them to circulate. Just fill out and submit the. With so many options, choosing between vinyl liner pool shapes can be a challenge. Compare the estimates and hire the contractor who best fits your needs. "datePublished": "4/6/2012", It creates a transition between the pool and the patio, while holding your pool liner in place. Our pool liner selector can help you to choose which size, style, and pattern will best suit your needs when shopping for a new liner. If you're looking for additional help in measuring for your replacement liner, take a minute and download this guide, provided by our friends at Findlay Vinyl. There are also pools that come in other shapes and sizes that arent always available on-order. C-channel coping is curved. To use salt water in your pool, the walls should be plastic. However, there is still overlap in costs between the different shapes because each pool can also have a lot of other features, including the deck, heater, stairs, and other attributes. Rectangle | Oval & Round | Lazy-L & True-L | Grecian, Octagon & Kite | Off-Set Grecian & Summerville | Roman End & Patrician | Kidney, Humpback Kidney & Straight Kidney | Figure 8, Mountain Lake & Odessy | Free-Form | Vinyl-Over Step. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. We will Some are designed to be energy-friendly, especially for larger pools that need a lot of circulating over the course of a day. Roman ends on opposite sides complete this timeless design, while offering plenty of options for seating and lounging. By using you agree to our Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy. Important the pool must be clean and clear, to be able to measure it correctly. Like with stairs, there are different ways to do this. This is in contrast to fiberglass pools, which cannot exceed about 5 feet in depth. After filling out your Pool Liner Measurements form please Email or Fax it to Pool Warehouse. If you do not use your pool every day, you may want to install a cover. Most in-ground pools have a basic concrete deck added to the cost of the pool build. In the diagram labeled Wrong, the actual slopes were measured and so when you add all the dimensions up they turn out to be more than the overall width of the pool. This cost guide has been remade, giving a more detailed description of the project. order to ensure the proper fit the exact pool dimensions will be required. Definitions in laymen's terms, cost considerations, pictures and things you need to know. Size the heater to your pool for best results. In addition to your regular pool maintenance of cleaning, changing the filter, and checking your chemical balance, you also need to pay attention to the liner2. Please check to see if your swimming pool is a common shape listed on one of the forms below. Click For Roman End Pool Liner Measurement Forms! Please refer to our in-ground liner measuring form to double check that you have taken all of the necessary measurements. They are endlessly customizable and have a variety of shapes, sizes, and depths. It does not create any kind of bullnose or other decorative edge around the side of the pool. Fiberglass is another popular choice. Inground pool liners from GLI, Tara, Latham, Pacific, Hydra, McEwin and Merlin. A Full-L design is ideal for any yard with plenty of space to swim and countless options for a step or bench. }, How Much Does an Above Ground Pool Liner Cost? Latham vinyl liner pools are specially engineered to deliver maximum quality at minimum cost. Mark the corner you create as point 1, and the break in the curve of the pool where it begins to straighten out as point 2. Most have curves along the edges. Always autocover friendly and ready for any step, bench or tanning ledge configuration of your dreams. Click To Submit Rectangle Measurement Forms Online! Oblique 17' x 33' 19' x 37' 20' x 40' Custom design your dream pool! Now comes the fun part: Take a look at our variety of in-ground vinyl liner patterns and gauges so you can provide us with a few of your top choices for quoting purposes. The only limits are your yard and your imagination. L-shaped pools have long straight sides, which are easier to excavate, wall, and line. "@type": "Organization", They also tend to do better at resale than vinyl. You can add a simple white plastic bench seat to the interior walls, which is the least expensive option. Unlike above ground pools, inground pools come with a lot of variables in construction which can make the task of getting a replacement inground swimming pool liner a daunting one. They can enhance your landscaping and make a statement with some pool designs. hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(4779281, '8af6d94c-3bfc-4f56-8e22-89747933f30b', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"}); 2019 Royal Swimming Pools Inc. All Rights Reserved. "image": { "name": "Jackie Wolski", We have added an image of the project, and a summary at the beginning with the cost of installation to help the user better understand the project. If you want to use the pool for swimming, 10x20 provides enough room and costs between $24,400 to $45,000. What isn't measured correctly now could lead to an improper fit later. Features include benches, a tanning ledge, and much more! Rectangular vinyl pools are the least expensive, with an average cost of $35,000 to $65,000 for a 12x20 pool. However, it is possible to add seating inside the pool. "width": "611", So, youll need to measure the shallow end wall height (which should be the same as the depth of the shallow end) and the overall depth of the deep end. Its hard to beat the calm and comfort contours of a Mountain Lake freeform pool. Updated the Enhancement and Improvement Costs section with new costs. But while the classic rectangle will always be timeless, many homeowners prefer alternative shapes like crescent, lagoon, or odyssey pools. Vinyl pools are essentially made of two parts - the walls and the liner. Every inground swimming pool should feature a durable entry system. Inventory is Limited. If your pool is a RECTANGLEyou can simply fill out our digital pool liner measurement form, click below for link. Pool heaters cost between $3,450 and $5,450 on average. If you have stairs that need to be covered by the liner, youll need to measure those completely as well. In this particular coping, the top is designed with a small lip at the pools edge. Click For Vinyl Liner Over Pool Step Liner Measurement Forms! Most vinyl pools have metal walls that are incompatible with saltwater systems. "publisher": { The installation of a vinyl-lined pool can be a DIY project, but check with the pools manufacturer to make sure that installing it as a DIY does not void the warranty. Your coping plays a fairly big role in how your pool looks. There is also a section dedicated to enhancement and improvement costs, such as water features, covers, lights, heat pumps, pool vacuums, diving boards, pool enclosures, fences, retaining walls, spas, and salt-chlorine systems. Added the Vinyl Pool Coping Options section with a table and subsections. Its a great day when the backyard swimming pool is the fun place to be. Don't see your pool's shape above? With nothing in the pool other than the plumb line, have the partner pick the string up out of the water, noting where the string is wet from being submerged in the water. Steps can be made of plastic, polymers, or fiberglass5. Click For Lazy L Shaped Pool Liner Measurement Forms! Its a great day when the backyard swimming pool is the fun place to be. If the walls of your vinyl pool are made of metal, you cannot use salt water. Costs and the application are identical. You can measure and install your own inground vinyl pool liner." This is also the case for erecting the walls and installing the liner. However, thicker liners resist tears and punctures better than thinner ones, which means it will require fewer repairs over its lifetime. The cost of a pool cover averages $2,700 to $3,700. There are many reasons for adding a retaining wall to your pool area. Updated the Pros and Cons of Vinyl Pools section, removing the table. Vinyl has lower labor costs than other pool types because it is faster and easier to construct. Repairing a small hole or tear in the liner costs between $350 and $550. Pool liners are the heart of all swimming pools whether they be. Updated the In-ground Vinyl Pool Installation Cost section with a table of cost breakdowns. We offer custom pool liners that you can get started ordering by going to the Custom Order page on our website. Updated the Deck for Vinyl Pools Cost with a new table of materials. Again, make sure that you thoroughly are measuring your pool to make sure that you are ordering the correct size. Concrete vs. Vinyl Liner Pools, Find out more about Latham Liner Visualizer. As with the overall length and width measurements, it is extremely important to take depth measurements from the bottom of the deep end to the bead receiver. Some pools have sleek geometrical lines, while others use soft, organic curves to create a more hand-formed appearance. An L-shaped pool is usually larger overall than a rectangular pool, so it will have higher-than-average costs but not because of its shape. The Latham Liner Visualizer makes it easy for you to pick the perfect pool shape, size and liner pattern. Because all of these measurements are taken horizontally, all of the individual measurements of your bottom contour should add up to the overall length and width of your pool. Decks can be made in many different materials, including the same materials used on a patio. You can also choose to have lights installed around the outside of your pools perimeter to light the deck. Most stairs and ladders take up space in your pool, so you want to ensure you choose a size and shape that looks good, is functional for your needs, and takes up the minimal amount of space. Make sure your heater is sized properly for your pool. We will be able to contact Hydra Pools for your exact pool liner information so that you will not need to fill out one of the forms listed above. "height": "219", Sizes & Specs: 1428, 1632, 1840, 2042. STRENGTH & PERFORMANCE INNOVATIVE DESIGN EASY MAINTENANCE & LIFESTYLE. The Grecian emanates beauty and strength incorporating perfectly crafted angles and its signature corner design. Some people use their stairs when they want a place to temporarily rest in the pool. Entry steps make swimming safer while enhancing your inground pools beauty and comfort. in ground pool owners a run for their money when it comes to style. This cuts down on stagnation and algae growth in the pool. In-ground vinyl pools are more budget-friendly than fiberglass and concrete pools. This freeform has a beautiful humpback design thats just perfect for a vinyl over tanning ledge or bench feature. For example, state-of-the-art CAD machines allow us to tailor custom liners and covers to any pool shape imaginable. Covers keep debris out of your pool when it is not in use. }, Enclosures are usually made of mesh or are glass-walled. Factors like size and complexity of the design, make it possible to reduce the total construction time to as little as just a few days. Below are examples of backyard designs with vinyl liner pools that homeowners from across the country have provided for your inspiration. You'll need to click the "Freeform" image below to get the right form but make sure you visit this page to learn the tips and tricks to making AB measurements easier! Lagoon 17' x 27' x 33' Dream it and we can build it . Pool liners come in many different sizes and shapes that will best fit your pool. Free Shipping on Qualifying Orders over $99 - Get Details. Ladders can be cut into the pool wall and lined with your vinyl liner, or they can be extended down into the pool, installed afterward. "address": "", If you want the pool for cooling off, such as a plunge pool, costs can be as low as $10,000 to $15,000 for a fully installed in-ground pool. The average cost of pool lighting is between $450 and $1,200. First, a summary stating the price was added and all sections were replaced with more detailed ones, including information on the pros and cons of vinyl-liner swimming pools, cost factors, and parts of a pool. As you can see in the diagram, each measurement you need to take is labeled with a letter. In this case, the flat coping is designed to be subtle. Have a friend or family member on stand-by to help! - (8am - 4pm CST). The specific measurements youll need to provide will depend on the shape of your pool, but every set of liner dimensions will need to include the length and width of the pool, corner type, wall height and deep-end depth, and bottom contour dimensions. The information provided by our cost guides comes from a great variety of sources, including specialized publications and websites, cost studies, U.S. associations, reports from the U.S. government, contractors and subcontractors, material suppliers, material price services, and other vendor websites. Make sure to remember that all Liner Measurement Forms are Editable PDFs and can be filled out on your computer and emailed in No Need To Print! Cost to build an in-ground vinyl-lined swimming pool varies greatly by region (and even by zip code). "mainEntityOfPage": "", Hold the pole over the area you wish to measure and drop the weight into the water. This allows you to create your ideal pool for much less than a concrete pool of the same size and shape. Thanks to the lightweight design and lightweight materials, vinyl pools are usually quick to install. Sizes & Specs: 1428, 1632, 1836, 2040. Depending on your location, you may have more filtering needs than in other areas. Sections Vinyl vs. fiberglass swimming pool and Vinyl pool vs. above-ground swimming pool establish comparisons between vinyl-lined inground swimming pools and other types of swimming pools, talking about the pros and cons of each type. If your pool is a standard shape that is already priced on the site go ahead and place your order online. When you look at it in profile, it looks like the letter C. When it is installed, it holds your pool liner in place and gives it a finished edge. The measurements you need will vary based on the type of bottom contour your pool has. It's important to keep in mind that these measurements are of the pool, not the liner itself. Omni 15' x 26' 17' x 33' Design your dream pool! You will never measure any of the slopes on an angle. Youll need a long straight pole (the tele-pole you use to skim the pool is perfect), a long enough piece of string to reach the bottom of the pool, a small weight you can tie to the string, and of course measuring tape. }, There is also useful information about some additional considerations and costs. If You Need Help Finding Your Swimming Pool Liners Serial Number Please Give Us A call. Added four questions and answers to the FAQ section. A little legwork can help you get an accuratemeasurement while keeping your pool filled with water. Because of all the different pool types out there, very few retailers will stock in-ground pool liners; they will almost always be custom made, so providing accurate measurements is critical. Vinyl pool designs come in a huge variety of shapes, sizes and colors. Therefore, the only way to safely use salt water in a vinyl pool is if the walls are made of plastic or polymer. Updated the Additional Considerations and Costs section with new costs. This is also the case for erecting the pool walls and for attaching the liner2. Most manufacturers offer a 3-year guarantee on the vinyl. That means less time cleaning your pool and more time enjoying it. At Latham Pool Products, we have vinyl-liner pool shapes suited to every style preference, no matter the size or dimensions of your yard. Rectangular pools are consistent best-sellers, topping the list for most popular pool shapes. Simply measure the pool. As you can see in the image, taking the dimensions from the pool deck or the coping could result in a difference of several inches, which is huge when it comes to in-ground liner measurements. When excavating for the pool, straight lines are easier to create. 10 x 20 pool with no features or deck, installed, 12 x 24 vinyl-lined swimming pool with heater, filter, steps, and concrete deck, installed, 450 sq.ft. The simplest is to use floating lights that sit on the surface. The pool water needs to fully circulate multiple times a week, and depending on how much you use the pool, it may need it several times a day. In addition, you need to inspect the liner at the start and end of every season. Most in-ground vinyl pools do not have a flat bottom, they have a shallow end and a deep end. Oval 13' x 25' 14' x 23' 16' x 32' 17' x 27' 17' x 35' 20' x 40' Any Pacific Graphex Pool can be made to any size! If you add one, ensure your pool is deep enough in that area - 12 feet being the minimum depth. If your pool does not have vinyl-over-steps, no need to worry about completing this form, but you may want to consider this step upgrade to take your pool's new look to the next level! Vinyl1 pools come in just about any size you can imagine. Vinyl liners are measured in mils, with 1 mil being 1/1,000th of an inch. { Its a great day when the backyard swimming pool is the fun place to be. From varying depths to different pool shapes, rounded or straight corners, steps, and other factors, each inground pool can be practically unique from any other. This ensures that your replacement liner is properly designed to cover your steps as well. A fence keeps children from accidentally falling into the pool and also prevents pets and wildlife from stumbling into the pool. However, vinyl pools are less expensive to install. However, the pool size, shape, and depth are limited. You have several options for the stairs, such as material, placement, and appearance. At Royal Swimming Pools, we make reordering your pool's liner quick and easy. The replacement cost averages $4,000 to $6,000, depending on the pool size. Decking can also provide a wide range of different looks and styles for your pool area. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. The liner may also be easily punctured by a dogs nails or other sharp objects. Lap You specify the width & the length and we'll design it! While some in-ground pools may be attractive to buyers for resale, vinyl pools typically are not. The cost of a robotic pool cleaner is between $600 and $1,000. A 4-Leaf Clover, an Hour Glass. Oval pools cost less than fully round but slightly more than rectangular. Required fields are marked *. Sizes & Specs: 1428, 1632, 1736, 2040. lagoon pool with a stamped paver deck, solar heater, waterfall, and diving board, installed, Find top-rated vinyl pool installers near you, Compare quotes from local in-ground vinyl pool installers, Get free estimates from trusted vinyl pool installation companies, Compare prices from local vinyl pool installers, Talk to local pros to get quotes for your vinyl pool installation, Get free estimates on from trusted swimming pool builders in your area. Heaters also extend the number of days you can comfortably use your pool each year. This means that the concrete becomes the pool edge, and the coping is partially laid beneath it. Most. They are much faster and easier to install than concrete and less expensive. The pool shape also influences your overall costs. They can be triangular for corners, or they can have a cake shape, which is rounded and looks like a multi-tiered cake. Ordered a pool liner with 12 inch corners but they are actually 6. The low cost for this project is around $20,000 for an installed 10x20 pool with no features or deck.

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inground pool liner sizes