A tiny hanging planter in the corner of a large room with a vaulted ceiling wont look nearly as appealing as a large decorative pot that better fills the space. Be the first to know about all the latest home decor trends and new content! I used to have several indoor plants. While Im not exactly too sure how I directly benefit from some extra oxygen in my home, I do know that indoor plants can absorb contaminants like benzene and formaldehyde, which is a known carcinogen. Because its pots are made from durable recycled molded polypropylene, Triflora remains lightweight even once plants are potted, allowing Triflora to be the lightest weight possible. People are starting to venture out of their comfort zone to embrace their not-so-green thumbs, getting their hands dirty with potting soil and experimenting with plant life. Any potted plant can drip after being watered, and its not an issue if the plant is hanging outdoors. The tradescantia nanouk plant is a newer variegation of watering jew plants (their official name is tradescantia zebrina). Elevate your indoor jungle with succulents, flowers and greenery galore. Other common names include European Ivy or just Ivy. These hanging planters are available in a choice of two color/metal combinationswhite and copper or white and brassthough other combinations are available when purchasing a two-pack or a single planter. You can try whitewashing your ladder, too. Please select the topics you're interested in: Would you like to turn on POPSUGAR desktop notifications to get breaking news ASAP? So most people opt for indoor gardens and fill their condos and balconies with potted plants. For most plants, the soil must drain well, so choose a planter with drain holes and place a small dish or drain pan beneath it to keep water from dripping onto the floor. Today I am finally getting around to rounding up all of my care posts for some of my favorite gorgeous trailing plants. Check boxes below for what you want to seeI won't send you anything else. Read on to discover a selection of hanging planters that are at the top of their class in a variety of categories, taking into account the above mentioned factors, affordability, and overall quality. Let it dry out between waterings. Burros tail is another gorgeous trailing succulent. This is my second favorite part after choosing the plants themselves: As much as I love the look of macrame hanging planters, they are a bit fussy and can easily get tangled with the leaves and vines, especially if you need to take the plants out to water them. There were few of those critters that drown in the liquid, but it didnt completely eliminate the buggers. A combination of recycled plastic and stone powder gives these planters the rustic appeal of concrete without the weight. Many individuals are looking to develop a distinct interior design style, and this should be a consideration when choosing the best hanging planter for an indoor or outdoor setting. Your indoor plants are so beautiful. The plant has a similar size and structure to other varieties of wandering jew, but the plant lacks the normal purple color. Its perfect for hanging baskets and planters and has vines adorned by attractive heart-shaped leaves. If you buy a product we have recommended, we may receive affiliate commission, which in turn supports our work. Expert advice from Bob Vila, the most trusted name in home improvement, home remodeling, home repair, and DIY. BUT, when filled with soil and plants, these glass planters are great if you have a window in your kitchen and you want to keep fresh herbs on hand while youre cooking! Boston Ferns need constant light moisture and extra humidity which you can accomplish by sticking them in a bathroom or kitchen. You may be able to find more information about this and similar content at piano.io, 10 Plants That May Supercharge Your Health, A Step-by-Step Guide to Repotting Indoor Plants, Here's How to Plant, Grow and Care for Your Mums, The Best Planters to Add Style to Your Home, Weve been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. They prefer low to bright indirect light and are happy in most home spaces, according to Pangborn. Small, lightweight planters are often simpler to hang, requiring only the insertion of toggle-type bolts in the drywall. In particular, hanging planters provide a few distinct advantages over growing plants in flower beds or perennial gardens. Finding the best indoor hanging plants for your home is a great way to help purify your air and make your rooms look gorgeous while also keeping your plants up and off the floor. Unfortunately the bright yellow sticks are not fun to look at and it was a long process, like several weeks if I recall correctly, but it did work!! 22 hours ago. That always makes me happy because it just means that people wont be able to snatch them all up. 17 secrets to make your home look expensive, 10 hacks to elevate the IKEA IVAR from average to freaking awesome, How to use Sherwin Williams Tricorn Black, 7 Tips To Keep In Mind While You Plan Your Dream Home. The Spider Plant is one of the easiest plants to care for and is quite impressive visually once it grows. , Awesome, Youre All Set! Wow! Wet or dry? However, I think they are cool enough to warrant their own call-out here. Introduce a plant into your room and its like a breath of fresh air. A few months ago, I read about using sterilized potting soil specifically for indoor plants. Dont rule out hanging more than one planter or hanging a multi-planter that offers more than one planting section for added foliage. How stunning is this one hanging in my living room? This vining plant is made up of glossy, heart-shaped leaves that cascade out a hanging basket beautifully. For example, I have a windowless bathroom in my condo. It has tons of spider plants ready to cut off, root, and propagate. If you have an old wooden step ladder, it would add a really great statement to your room if you covered it in plants. You can even hang plants from over the door hooks. Choose from four finishesgray, speckled black, speckled yellow, and a marble patternand then fill these planters with trailing foliage or bright annual bloomers to naturally complement outdoor space. I stumbled upon your blog. This attractive cactus has droopy, pale green stems. Triflora is a hanging planter for indoor plants that combines the utility of a drapery rod with the beauty of potted plants. Add contemporary flair to a covered porch or an interior window with the Abetree Hanging Planters that are equally suited for both indoors and outdoors. Guess what though, its back! For newbie plant owners or hanging planter novices, a few questions are to be expected. Talk to you soon! I was not paid to write this post, however, it may contain affiliate links. By signing up, I agree to the Terms and Privacy Policy and to receive emails from POPSUGAR. Now that you know which are the easiest indoor hanging plants and youve picked your favorites, youll need something to hang them in! Plants brighten a home and emit oxygen, so they can be a welcome addition to any interior or exterior space. 9 miracle plants will 100% survive even in the darkest rooms!! Theres absolutely nothing wrong with that! Mature plants will sometimes even produce white flowers but mine never have. There are several different varieties youll likely encounter. We know that adding texture to your home is one of the many ways to make your home more inviting, so think about what shapes and feelings speak to you and go from there. If you make a purchase through one of my links, I may make a small profit at no expense to you. Check my moms spider plant out. Its no secret that in the world of home decor, indoor hanging plants are really having a moment. English Ivy looks beautiful cascading down the sides of a hanging basket or pot. Spider plants are another houseplant staple. The variety of plants that will grow well in planters is nearly endless, so the best hanging planter is the right size and design for the type of plant(s) an individual wants to grow. If you run out of space at home but are craving more plant life, then going vertical and hanging your plants is one of the cleverest things you can do. Which are still massively popular! 9 miracle plants will 100% survive even in the darkest rooms!! 1) Have a bottle half filled with Apple Cider Vinegar by the plants. The no-drain design makes it an optimal choice for plants that require minimal watering, such as succulents or air ferns. Hanging Planter Basket from LittleLoveHome 4. The only hard and fast rule is to avoid hanging the plant where it will interfere with the walking path in a home. Choose a hanging planter that is attractive, but dont discount its size. Thanks for signing up! Watch the video instead (full article below). Braided Porcelain Planter from pepoceramics9. Water it when the soil is slightly dry. Here is a list of the easiest to care for hanging plants. And theres no question that they make your space, no matter the size, look and feel more cozy and welcoming. Research the specific plants water needs to be sure; in general, though, water a plant when the surface of the soil feels dry to the touch. JP. 2) Use fruit flies stickies. There are infinite textures you can add to your home with hanging plants. Please click the link in the email I just sent youI just need to confirm it's really you to prevent spam :), Copyright by Brittany Goldwyn, 2022 | Trellis Framework by Mediavine. And often window real estate is also limited. Youll end up saving money in the long run if you avoid buying plants that will just die because they were placed in inadequately lit rooms. (you can see how i use faux plants in my super budget rental bathroom makeover here!). Great, Click the Allow Button Above Hanging plants are ideal for the corners of rooms, along walls, and in front of windows. They'll continue to bloom for months years, even as long as you give them bright, indirect light and water each week. As the common name suggests, Heartleaf Philodendron has heart-shaped leaves and they are a deep glossy green. Devils Ivy is an evergreen vine and stays green even when kept in the dark. This multi-planter features three compact pots that are suspended by vertical metal ropes attached to a horizontal metal rod. While they do have similar leaf shapes and sizes, and while the plants themselves trail the same way and often even have similar variegations, they are totally different plants. The pots do not contain holes, so Abetree recommends adding a few rocks to the bottom to keep roots from standing in water. Other common names for the String of Pearls plant are String of Beads and Bead Plant. Other common names include Airplane Plant, St. Bernards Lily, Spider Ivy, Ribbon Plant, and Hen and Chickens. You can basically have a little edible indoor garden at your fingertips without having to put a single hole in the wall! Plants add decorative appeal, but only if theyre healthy, which means regular watering. Sometimes the green and silver markings show quite vividly, whereas other times the plant is more of a purple color. The planters include a variety of fasteners: metal screws for insertion in wood siding, toggle-type bolts for attaching to drywall, and soft-stick circle hooks that dont require drilling a hole at all. Wood Log Hanging Planter from NaturellementBOHO6. Let it dry completely between waterings. Spider plants shoot out long stems, at the end of which are baby spider plants! Plants look better in pairs, and this set of two 10-inch planters from La Jolie Muse will showcase a duo of indoor or outdoor plants. The trailing stems can grow up to 2 or 3 feet long. If youre itching to up your plant game (literally) and hang your plants, you have come to the right place! Dress up a corner of a room, create a natural curtain of plants in front of a window for privacy, or hang plants on an overhead porch or patio ceiling to add a splash of nature and visual interest. The set features three different planter sizes: 6 inches in diameter, 4.8 inches in diameter, and 4 inches in diameter. Lets take a look at a few of my favorite methods. This beautiful plant with leaves that look just like peas, is a succulent, creeping vine. We tapped Bloomscape gardening expert Lindsay Pangborn for her expertise in displaying indoor hanging plants: This hardy plant is perfect for newbies because it's extremely tolerant a.k.a. Micans is very much like more traditional heart-leaf philodendron, except the leaves have a gorgeous green velvet finish. In the wild, the Mistletoe Cactus grows attached to other plants by anchoring itself to moss and rotting leaves! There are many psychological benefits to having plants in your home, so if you suffer from depression or anxiety, consider adding some living greenery into your space. oversize surcharge will apply at checkout. I have to admit, I am not a fern girl. Or, build a trellis specifically for all your glorious trailing vines. Ceramic Hanging Planter from HandsOnCeramics 7. I read some hacks about getting rid of those nasty critters. It is dainty and remains fairly compact, but its fine stems can trail up to several feet long. The planters are ideal for plants that require minimal water, such as blooming cactus or succulents, as the pots do not contain drain holes. And now more than ever, people are learning how to maximize their space and are taking their plants up and into the air by hanging them. Unfortunately, for those with busy lifestyles, watering can be overlooked until the plant suddenly appears dry and wilted. Well go into the details of each one further down in the post. But you can also just leave them on the plants and let them continue to cascade. Bohemian interiors are packed full of greenery in every corner and it looks wonderful. In addition to adhering to glass, you can use suction planters on tile, too. So consider your personal living conditions. review process. As much as I love having some live plants inside, I have to move them outside because of fruit flies. However, they also tend to become root-bound, so they require a pot thats a minimum of 8 to 10 inches in diameter. The leaves are generally dark green but can lighten to a paler color if the plant doesnt get enough sun. Stick it in a room with bright light, even though it'll adjust to low-light conditions. If you dont have a humidifier, try spraying it with water. For example, a chrome planter hanging above a chrome table will visually anchor both pieces, creating a feeling of unity. Thank you so much for your kind words JP!!! Instead, gently lift the fronds and water directly into the soil and all around the pot. Make sure you will be able to provide your plants with the care and conditions they need. Pothos plants come in a range of brilliantly colored leaves that thrive in bright areas, says Pangborn. For the nay-sayers leaving comments about how difficult string of pearls is to keep alive if youre having a hard time, fortunately you can refer to this handy article that will help you. BobVila.com and its partners may earn a commission if you purchase a product through one of our links. Also, the planters serve as design elements in their own right, so it pays to put some thought into the selection process. Keep your eye out for different species throughout the year, since flower colors vary by season. Here are some of my favorite trailing indoor plants. Looking for the best indoor hanging plants for your home? Plus, we found an adorable, playful planter that looks like a cat. Youd probably want to only do this on doors that dont get a lot of open/closing action so that you dont freak your plant out, or worse, destroy it. For more details, review my privacy policy. Morning Glory is not a standard suggestion for an indoor hanging plant, but its actually one of my favorites because its SO easy to grow! Select suitable plants for the available light conditions, in addition to the chosen environmentindoor or outdoor. Fill hanging planters with a commercial grow mix rather than soil from the yard that can bring insects into the home. Disclosure: BobVila.com participates in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for publishers to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites. Phalenopsis orchids dont deserve a bad reputation for being fussy because they're pleasantly forgiving. . There is a long list of different varieties of Morning Glory, but my favorite is the popular Heavenly Blue. Need some drainage? These create a gorgeous waterfall of plants. But I like admiring them from afar, and I always give staghorn ferns a second look when I see them. With that being said, its the perfect plant to contain in a hanging basket because it cant spread and take over everything else. It requires very little care and is satisfyingly leafy. If you want to hear from me, drop your email below! Cute planters for your indoor hanging plants. Good Housekeeping participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Place it in a room with bright light, and let soil mostly dry out between waterings. Hanging planters will add a majestic flair to your interior decor while letting you grow even more plants. A healthy plant is full of gorgeous pearls that can grow several feed long. What is the best remedy to avoid fruit flies? A ric rac cactus was on my wish list for quite a while before I bit the bullet and ordered one online. My husband got me my first rhipsalis plant, the rhipsalis campos-portoana, for mothers day. Plants are just plain beautiful. HONBAY Convertible Sectional Sofa, L Shaped Couch with Linen Fabric, Reversible Sectional Sofa Couch for Small Space, Light Grey, TIGARI Passport Wallets Passport Covers, Passport and Vaccine Card Holder Combo, Ultra Slim Passport Holder for Women Men, Leather Passport Case Protector with Waterproof Vaccine Card Slot (Rose gold), SAMSUNG 55-Inch Class Frame Series - 4K Quantum HDR Smart TV with Alexa Built-in (QN55LS03AAFXZA, 2021 Model), Shintenchi Convertible Sectional Sofa Couch, Modern Linen Fabric L-Shaped Couch 3-Seat Sofa Sectional with Reversible Chaise for Small Living Room, Apartment and Small Space (Dark Grey), Vesper Cat Tree, High Base, Walnut, 52045, adidas Women's Grand Court, White/Black/White, 7 M US. Weve been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. Great for herbs, succulents, vine plants and more, Triflora Hanging Planter mounts to your wall or ceiling and adds functionality to your window by turning it into a space for growing plants. Im only 51 so I need a step ladder for pretty much everything higher than the kitchen counter. lol. The adorable name is reason enough to own this little gem! | Site Design, 0 ft in the wild (this may take a while, they grow slow!!). The white pots are made of sleek glass-like melamine, and the rod is stainless steel with a black finish. Personally, this is the one factor that makes me think twice before hanging up a plant in a hard to reach place. It is an absolute stunner. Simply put, you can get a big discount if you buy marijuanas plants online. I dont care how many articles tell you there are some plants that require zero light and will still survive your plant simply isnt going to thrive in a room that never gets any natural light! Give it bright light and water by misting occasionally. Brass hanging planter from YuvalTzurDesign 5. Foliage and blossoms that spill over the sides add visual interest. Wall fasteners are included. It prefers moderate light but will adapt to low-light conditions. String of hearts is another trendy plant that has been in high demand lately. This set will complement modern, contemporary, or even eclectic decor with the contrast of glass containers and colorful plants. You've qualified for free shipping. It was very helpful! If you have offshoots, the overall effect is even more dramatic! In Oregon, sales and imports are even banned! At least that has always been my experience with morning glories! Their long curly leaves look great in hanging baskets, but the real show-stopper on these plants is the stems and babies. Lightweight hanging planters are often suitable for installing on a wall or a ceiling using toggle-type bolts in the drywall. Youll likely find this plant labeled as mistletoe cactus at your local nursery, but that typically refers to one type of rhipsalis cactus. use space key to expand and enter to redirect, Awesome! If the leaves get dusty, you can use a damp paper towel to carefully wipe them clean. This plant is also closely related to the night-blooming cereus plant, which also has a trailing habit and looks lovely! There have been studies proving that plants reduce stress and help increase overall well being. $ I really encourage you to embrace indoor plant life and start with one or two of these easy-care plants on this list! You can adjust the length of Trifloras ropes and slide them anywhere along the metal rod to customize the position of each hanging pot. The pots are 6.7 inches tall and hang to a depth of 17.7 inches from the top of the rope hanger to the bottom of the container. (Ive tried them all!). Your indoor hanging plants will also be easier to access that way, which is great for shorter peeps (like myself). Sun or shade? Other common names include Golden Pothos, Ceylon Creeper, Hunters Robe, Ivy Arum, Money Plant, Silver Vine, Solomon Islands Ivy, Taro Vine, Marble Queen or Marble Pothos and Devils Vine. The plant is in such high demand that they had a buying limit on them! Spider Plants are classic for a reason: They have long strappy leaves and arching stems with tiny plantlets, or "spiderettes," on the ends, which can be pinched off to make new baby plants or left on to give character. A south-facing window is best for plants that need bright light, but many of the plants on this list can survive in low-light conditions. Alternatively, users can drill two or three holes and place a small drip pan beneath the pot. Perfect for all the beginners out there just getting their feet wet! For the best design effect, a hanging planter should be large enough to hold the desired plant specimen, be made from durable materials, complement the rooms style, and be hung securely. And its literally impossible to buy a detached home in the city unless youre a multimillionaire (Im still working on that part ). Each globe-shaped, clear glass hanging planter features a flat area on the back that sits flush along the wall for stability. Max weight capacity of 15lbs, (6.8kg). Each planter is 4.7 inches in height and includes a detachable drain plug and a water storage basin at its base to prevent dripping water if the baskets are used inside. Tiny beads dangle on a long stem, giving this succulent a pear-inspired cascade. English Ivy is a woody perennial climber. Pro Tip: Cut back the longest vines every few months to encourage new growth for a full and lush plant, advises Pangborn. Plus, they're pet-friendly! The fronds are bushy and slightly serrated and are a vibrant bright green.
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