icon airflite battlescar 2 helmet

Injection molded Polycarbonate shell for strength. A reduced shell profile helps reduce overall weight, while maintaining the exclusive World Standard of ICON to suit your riding style. Ein reduziertes Schalenprofil trgt zur Gewichtsreduzierung bei und hlt gleichzeitig den exklusiven Weltstandard von ICON ein, der Ihrem Fahrstil entspricht. Wrap a cloth measuring tape around your head just above your eyebrows and ears. unless purchased from an authorized dealer in that country. A drop down internal sun visor allows you to manage the sun or go to incognito mode at the flip of a switch. Link your existing membership here. (Don't skip this step!) Let Aber die moderne Reithaltung ist variabel, der moderne Motorradfahrer definiert stndig seine eigenen Bedrfnisse neu. from that impact, thus rendering the liner compacted and, therefore, Manual. Best winter motorcycle gloves of 2022. Remember that the helmet size you choose should fit around the crown of your head comfortably with no pressure points. Instead of carrying an extra FliteShield for changing light conditions, with the flip of a switch, engage the tinted DropShield hidden within the helmet. This damage may not be visible. Das Belftungssystem des Helms besteht aus strategisch angeordneten Belftungsffnungen, Ansaugffnungen, Luftkanlen und Auslassffnungen. Using anything other than a clean soft cloth, micro fiber cloth, or the Your helmet is equipped with a scratch resistant fog free Out in the wasteland mobility and a trusted set of gear equals survival. your helmet interior. 4. Injection molded polycarbonate shell for strength, Multiple oversized intake and exhaust ports, Removable Hydradry moisture wicking liner, Recessed twin channel supervent cooling system, All world standard, meets or exceeds the following: DOT FMVSS 218 (US), ECE 22-05 (EUROPE), SAI AS1698 (AUSTRALIA) and SG (JAPAN) safety and testing standards. Soak your interior in a mild solution of baby shampoo. fraying or other signs of normal wear and tear that can contribute to Well help you. Der AIRFLITE GOOD FORTUNE sitzt irgendwo in der Mitte. The head is long front-to-back and is narrow side-to-side. Everyday on the road you face heavy opposition ride with ICON. Drop your email here to be notified when it is available. Please accept these conditions before continuing. Use no cleaners or detergents on the inside of your shield. Your mission critical gear begins with the AIRFLITE Battlescar 2. All right reserved. You may not fit into a neat little riding category so rock a helmet that doesn't either. Lay a warm, wet, cloth towel on the exterior of the helmet for at Note: Helmet ships with clear and RST gold face shield. Common household cleaners such as glass cleaners, surface 2. Air from the vents is channeled between the comfort liner and the protective,energy absorbing EPS foam liner to create a nearly perfect rider-focused interior. Jeden Tag stt man auf der Strae auf heftigen Widerstand RIDE ICON. Combine that with superior venting and a removable breath deflector which creates a nearly perfect rider-focused enclosure. The dynamic needs of the modern motorcyclist; intrinsic to each definitive riding posture, calls fo. Using a fresh, wet, clean cloth and mild dish soap wipe down the Exterior Cleaning Ihre geschftskritische Ausrstung beginnt mit dem AIRFLITE Battlescar 2 . Don't be pigeonholed into a certain type of riding. provided in a secure, dry place out of direct exposure to sunlight. The injection molded polycarbonate shell is strong to absorb energy and remain intact just in case you unintentionally headbutt something solid. The correct helmet size can only be checked and confirmed by physically fitting the helmet to the user. Click on Accept and continue to accept the cookies and go directly to the site or click onSet Preferences to see detailed descriptions of the types of cookies and choose whether you accept particular cookies whilst remaining at the web site. In order to give you a better service we use cookies. Motocard processes the information regarding your visit using cookies that improve the performance of the web site and offer publicity tailored to your interests. Compatible with the Airflite helmet. The Unforeseeable delivery bottlenecks with manufacturers or distributors, price adjustments, mistakes and subject to prior sale reserved. Read More. the fog free coating. ARMURE Hamo Waterproof Black / Yellow Fluo, The best quality-price motorcycle helmets, Racered Raptor motorcycle jeans, the most premium kevlar motorcycle pants, Review motorcycle helmet AGV Tourmodular, one of the best modulars, TOP 6 best modular motorcycle helmets of 2022. least 5 minutes to soften dried on bugs. and road grime with a light blotting action. Der Airflite hat nicht ein, sondern zwei Visiere. pre-mix, carb cleaner, brake cleaner or any other random unlabeled spray Stack the odds in your favor with our apocalypse approved apparel. Das RST-Goldvisierin der Standardausgabe verbirgt die Identitt und sorgt dafr, dass Ihre verdeckte Operation auch so bleibt. Der Intermediate Oval-Kopf, der am hufigsten fr Helme verwendet wird, ist von vorne nach hinten etwas krzer und von einer Seite zur anderen etwas breiter. Which one is the best? The Icon Airflite Battlescar 2 Helmet should be standard issue whenever you throw a leg over your two wheeled mode of transportation. 1. Expert Support - phone or e-mail. Your email address will not be published. Your cheeks should move with the helmet, which should not slide across your face. The removable sweat wicking Hydradry liner provides a snug and contoured fit. This is a new product that isn't Enter your email address below to be notified when this item is available.. Pre-orders will be filled first. For gloss helmet finishes, use spray automotive wax that is 1. Meets DOT FMVSS 218 (US), ECE 22-05 (Europe), & PSC (Japan) Once your chin strap is fastened, grab the chin bar of the helmet and move it side to side. impact. Obsolesence and Helmet The Icon Airflite Helmet can attack corners on the weekends and battle against traffic on the weekdays. Alte Gold-Flocked-Symbologie mit einer Seite des Drachen kombinieren fr eine Basis des Wohlstands, whrend die zugrunde liegende Helmschale nur gesunden Menschenverstand ist. Icon Battlescar 2 motorcycle helmet, the most spectacular! Ask your dealer or visit www.rideicon.com for more information. helmets looking sharp and ready to roll. recommendation the same steps outlined above for cleaning the exterior Highest quality (EC-approved standard helmets). Lay a warm, wet, cloth towel on the exterior of the helmet for at zzgl. 5). Tell us what you love or what we need to fix. Helmet Safety Standards. should be replaced. Ihre E-Mail-Adresse wird nicht verffentlicht. Its chin vent is functional to flow air and terrify la a Hannibal Lecter face mask. Out there youre merely a soldier of the tarmac rocketing through the streets until the dotted lines become solid. RR 2T 50 / Sport / Racing / Track / Morard / Supermoto, Elektrik - Zndkerzen - Batterien Zubehr, Plastik-Verkleidungsteile-Sitzbank & Tank, Bremsflssigkeitsbehlter - Deckel - Befestigungen, Taschen - Trinkruckscke - Ruckscke - Bags - Koffer, Tassen - Becher - Trink und Wasserflaschen, Fabio Quartararo Sweater & Jacken - Hosen, Troy Lee Design KTM GasGas Racing Bekleidung. For matte finishes, you know better than to polish Removable HydraDry moisture wicking liner. The Icon Air Flite Helmet doesn't care what you ride. Consider your motorcycle helmet mission critical when you combat the dangerous streets as a soldier in the motorcycle army. You can also obtain further information by reading our Cookies Policy. Eine Verringerung des Luftwiderstands und des Gewichts wurde erreicht, indem der traditionelle Ausschnitt des Airflite geformt wurde, um eine Strung der Jacke oder des Anzugs zu vermeiden. The oversized chinbar intake enhances airflow, keeping you cool by routing air where you need it most. * Inkl. Chianti and fava beans not included. Wird nicht mit SAI-, PSC- oder MFJ-Zertifizierungsaufklebern geliefert, es sei denn, es wurde von einem autorisierten Hndler in diesem Land erworben. Log in en voeg producten toe door op het icoon te klikken. This shape offers additional forehead room for those who find that most helmets have pressure points in the forehead. WICHTIGER HINWEIS:HELM FLLT EINE NUMMER KLEINER AUS. Shield Cleaning When sizing your helmet please refer to the size charts that are unique to each helmet shell: Lets face it, Icon helmets look cool and you want to keep them that Your mission critical gear begins with the AIRFLITE Battlescar 2. interior air dry and replace accordingly. MwSt. fresh dry cloth towel to dry the helmet and get rid of any water spots. Ends, way, means - your name means nothing on the battlefield. It doesn't matter if you're looking through ape hangers or gripping clip-ons. One Impact Rule - Any helmet that has sustained an impact 2. 2.Remove the now softened bugs shield. Store your helmet inside the helmet bag we have The airflow works in conjunction with the Hydradry liner to effectively reduce heat build up. Does not ship with PSC certification stickers unless purchased from an authorized dealer in that country. Intake vents snort in so much fresh air that you can smell pedestrians' fear as you're rolling down the block. compromised. The cheekpads should fit firmly around your face. a matte finish dont you? cleaners, and furniture cleaners, can leave behind unwanted residues, or The Airflite has not one, but two shields. Sign-up to be notified when it's available. Already enrolled in RPM? when it shows obvious signs of wear, e.g. replaced, even if it is apparently undamaged. The 5 best motorcycle gloves for summer 2022, Choose your motorbike model to see specific accessories. Beinhaltet internes DropShield und klares sowie golden verspiegeltes beschlagfreies FliteShield zum schnellen Wechseln. Different thickness cheekpads can be purchased to obtain the best fit. (Available at any Sei hoffnungsvoll, sei weise, fahre ICON.Dunkles Visier Aufpreis! Advisory absorption liner portion of your helmet will have dispersed the energy Motorcycle accessories and motorcycle apparel with up to 50% discount. Use this measurement (in either inches or centimeters) to find your helmet size. of your helmet bag provided or a clean microfiber cloth. They will not jaywalk in front of you. Disposal - A helmet has a limited lifespan in use and should be replaced way. Der herausnehmbare schweiableitende Hydradry -Liner sorgt fr eine enge und konturierte Passform. No more swapping shields for cloudy or sunny days. 4 intake vents, including a MX inspired chinbar vent, and 2 exhaust ports are coupled with deep channeling in the interior energy absorbing EPS foam resulting in superior helmet venting. After your helmet has endured any impact, the impact Cant decide which product to buy? All rights reserved. Just reach up, flip the switch, and ride forever. Kombinieren Sie dies mit hervorragender Belftung und einem abnehmbaren Atemabweiser, der ein nahezu perfektes, auf den Fahrer ausgerichtetes Gehuse schafft. Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter! Icon Airflite Battlescar helmet, a futuristic motorbike helmet, Icon helmet, a helmet at a reasonable price. Please. Germany - Your online shop for motorcycle clothing. EINSTIEG IST ENG. damage to the shell, the helmets usefulness is expired after one Spritzgegossene Polycarbonatschale fr Festigkeit. Brjes Bikers Outfit Augustfehn GmbH & Co. KGStahlwerkstrae 17a26689 Augustfehn, *gilt fr Lieferungen innerhalb Deutschlands ab 50 Lieferzeiten/-preise fr andere Lnder bitte der SchaltflcheZahlung / Versandentnehmen**kostenloseRetoureinnerhalb von Deutschland + EU-Lnder, 2022 Copyright - Brjes Bikers Outfit Augustfehn GmbH & Co. KG. shield. Changes of the scope of supply on the manufacturer's part reserved. down the materials in your helmet; its like using brake cleaner to polish your plasticsdont do it! It just wants to go fast and look threatening. Maintenance Exterior Cleaning All data for the availability and technical equipment take place without guarantee. 2. The unique quick-change fog-free shield keeps debris away from your money maker, while the internal interchangeable drop shield has the sun in check. Get free 2-day shipping and 5% cash back on your next order. Expert knowledge and outstanding service. in some extreme cases damage the shield itself. All around aggression distilled into a helmet that is potable for multiple rider types. It is our Chemicals and harsh solvents can break Da drauen bist du nur ein Soldat des Asphalts, der durch die Straen rast, bis die gepunkteten Linien fest werden. For this use the soft part automotive store.) Das einzigartige, beschlagfreie Schnellwechsel-Visier in klar, hlt Schmutz von Ihrem Kopf fern, whrend das interne austauschbare Sonnenvisierdie Sonne in Schach hlt. 2022 LeMans Corporation. A decrease of both drag and weight was achieved by sculpting the traditional neckline of the Airflite to avoid jacket or suit interference. * Never rub Helmets are designed to absorb only one impact. Weve found the following methods work really well to keep our Es wurden noch keine Bewertungen zu diesem Produkt geschrieben.. Melden Sie sich fr unseren Newsletter an, 2022 www.mxstore.at - Theme By DMWS x Plus+RSS feed, Fgen Sie ein anderes Produkt hinzu (max. * Never machine wash or dry your helmet interior. Out there youre merely a soldier of the tarmac rocketing through the streets until the dotted lines become solid. all helmets that have a visor will be delivered with a clear visor, even if it is shown differently. 3. 3. exterior to get ride of road grime and softened bug guts. Always try the helmet on in a store, before purchasing it, to be sure you are purchasing the correct sized helmet for you. Its Hydradry liner wicks moisture to keep your noggin dry and comfortable. Use another helmet degradation. Helm fllt eine Nummer kleiner aus. Pull the tape comfortably snug, read the length, repeat for good measure and use the largest measurement. Rinse in clean water several times until all soap is gone. Does not ship with PSC certification stickers AIRFLITE Die dynamischen Bedrfnisse des modernen Motorradfahrers; Es ist fr jede endgltige Fahrposition intrinsisch, fordert eine speziell konstruierte taktische Schutzausrstung. Helmet fit is critical to helmet protective performance. Does not ship with SAI OR SG Certification stickers unless purchased from an authorized dealer in that country. for a period of time. NOTE:This helmet ships with clear and RST gold face shield. bag supplied with your helmet, will ruin or reduce the effectiveness of Interior Cleaning 1. Herausnehmbares HydraDry feuchtigkeitsableitendes Innenfutter. Icon Airflite Battlescar 2 Full Face Helmet (Green), Injection-molded polycarbonate shell for strength, Multiple oversized intake and exhaust ports are strategically placed to keep you cool and comfortable, including four intake vents, MX-inspired chinbar vent and two exhaust ports that channel air between the comfort liner and the protective, energy-absorbing EPS foam liner, Quick-change, fog-free outer FliteShield keeps debris away, while the internal, interchangeable DropShield keeps the sun in check with a flip of a switch, Removable molded breath deflector and chin curtain, Moisture-wicking Hydradry interior is fully removable and washable, Both wind drag and weight are decreased by sculpting the traditional neckline of the Airflite to avoid jacket or suit interference, Includes clear & RST Gold FliteShield, and yellow internal DropShield. Sie sagen, seichte Mnner glauben an Glck und starke Mnner an Ursache und Wirkung. shell and liner. Remove interior lining as shown on page 10 of the User The Icon Airflite Helmet has functional features and an aggressive style that stands out. aggressively with anything on the Rubatone or you can ruin the finish. A helmet that has experienced an impact should be destroyed and Die Luft aus den Lftungsffnungen wird zwischen dem Komfort-Innenmaterial und dem schtzenden, energieabsorbierenden EPS-Schaumstoffkern geleitet, um ein nahezu perfekt auf den Fahrer ausgerichtetes Interieur zu schaffen. The standard issue RST gold shield conceals identity, keeping your covert operation just that. (Gloss Helmets) Featuring a 3D molded process for optical clarity, and a fog-free coating. Icon FliteShield, visor mirrored f. Pinlock, Icon Airflite Ursa Major, integral helmet, Injection molded Polycarbonate shell for strength, Removable HydraDry moisture wicking liner. The standard issue RST gold shield conceals identity, keeping your covert operation just that. Der AIRFLITE -Helm ist ICONs Antwort auf die Allesknner-Ausrstung, fr den Motorradfahrer, der eine neue Definition des Motorradhelms bentigt. Erfllt die Helm-Sicherheitsstandards DOT FMVSS 218 (USA), ECE 22-05 (Europa) und PSC (Japan). To achieve proper helmet fitment, begin by finding your head circumference size using the method described below. Wide range of products from renowned manufacturers. of your helmet should be applied to cleaning the exterior of your 4 Einlassffnungen, einschlielich einer MX-inspirierten Kinnlftung und 2 Auslassffnungen, sind mit einer tiefen Kanalisierung im Inneren aus energieabsorbierendem EPS-Schaum verbunden, was zu einer hervorragenden Belftung des Helms fhrt. By registering, you agree to our email privacy policy. least 5 minutes to soften dried on bugs. EigenschaftenSpritzgegossene Polycarbonatschale fr StrkeMehrere bergroe Ansaug- und AuslasskanleNebelfreies Dropshield mit AuenschalterFliteshield fr den schnellen Wechsel mit SeitenplattenAbnehmbarer geformter Atemabweiser und KinnvorhangHerausnehmbarer Hydradry Feuchtigkeitstransport-LinerEingelassenes Zweikanal-Supervent-KhlsystemWeltstandard, erfllt DOT FMVSS 218 (USA), ECE 22-05 (Europa), SAI AS1698: 2006 (Australien) und PSC (Japan) Helmsicherheitsstandards. It is a good idea to protect your helmet if it is stored All helmets will be delivered only with the ECE certification by default. Der Luftstrom wirkt in Verbindung mit dem Hydradry -Liner, um den Wrmestau effektiv zu reduzieren. * Never machine wash or dry Remember, never use gas, Wrap a flexible tape measure around your head approximately one inch above the eyebrows and ears. Vorbestellung mglich, Lieferzeit bitte Anfragen! change of fit, cracks, rust, Sizing information is provided by the manufacturer and does not guarantee a perfect fit. In our shop you will find flip-up helmets, open face helmets, integral helmets and cross helmets. Der bergroe Kinnstangeneinlass verbessert den Luftstrom und hlt Sie khl, indem er die Luft dorthin leitet, wo Sie sie am meisten bentigen. Includes internal DropShield, Clear and RST Bronze quick-change fog-free FliteShield. specifically designed for cars with a clear coat. Nie mehr Visiere fr bewlkte oder sonnige Tage tauschen. Meets DOT FMVSS 218 (US), ECE 22-05 (Europe), & PSC (Japan) Helmet Safety Standards. Everyday on the road you face heavy opposition ride with ICON. By continuing to browse the site you are agreeing to our use of cookies. Even if there is no VISIBLE Ends, way, means - your name means nothing on the battlefield. Good Fortune Nimm Glck. Greifen Sie einfach nach oben, bettigen Sie den Schieber und klappen Sie die Sonnenblende runter und fahren Sie bequem weiter. can lying around the garage. Storage We have updated our Privacy Policy. (Rubatone Helmets) helmet is designed to absorb some shock by partial destruction of the The included RST gold face shield keeps you rolling in incognito mode while protecting your eyes from the sun. The helmets ventilation system consists of strategically placed air vents, intakes, air channels and exhaust ports. 1.

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icon airflite battlescar 2 helmet