Since Vitamin C is an acid (ascorbic acid) which can irritate the kidneys, bladder and intestines, side effects associated with Vitamin C intake in large doses include heartburn, nausea, flatulence and diarrhea. But it can be a _lot_ of work and stress, which people won't be happy about unless you're literally in hospital. Your email address will not be published. In short, do anything that doesnt involve the theatre or your production. WHOLE FOODS Contact Info, Emergen-C The Answer to Getting Sick During Tech Week, PAN the Musical Full Show Online Premiere, Witches the musical Full Show Online Premiere, Asklands Romeo and Juliet the musical When Shakespeare meets musical theatre. Another time she call a general to reschedule someones basic training. Breathe. I bring in EVERY FUCKING CLOTH NAPKIN IN MY HOUSE to use as props because I am assured that the real required linens are coming and okay, we use paper towels at home in the meantime, because I am a team player. And, even more challenging, they are learning on their feet. Take as directed, and itll get you better in no time. Round-up: Best casting advice for fellow directors, Round-up: Best costuming advice for a new director, Performing Outdoors Part 2: Safety Considerations, Performing Outdoors Part 1: Technical Considerations, Getting Ready to Direct Your First Virtual Play, Tax Information (IRS W-9, Tax ID Number, GST Number). Trust them and allow them to succeed in their leadership positions. (Duncan at least sleeps in his own bed on the floor, rather than following in his sisters bed-pig ways.) It sounds either crude or gross or some combination of both. Crew. I run a roadhouse and all my crew are casual. There is nothing like the exhilaration of a successful performance. Make sure you stock up on all the rest, food, and water you possibly can before tech week begins youll be wanting for it later! It may be the one that changes your career. Ive already gotten out of bed, made myself some tea, irrigated my nasal passages with saline (sexxxxxy), taken some of the good, meth-making kind of decongestant where you have to go to the pharmacy and hand over your license and a bag of magic beans, and whined to my husband about how much I hate everything. (By continuing to use the site without making a selection well assume you are OK with our use of cookies at present), Spotlight, 7 Leicester Place, London, WC2H 7RJ, Six Tips for Keeping Your Cool During Tech Rehearsal Week. I just wasn't sure because a few of my theatre friends who are also going to the event, told me to just call out and I was like wait can I do that? Stressing out for a long time will get you sick. It took me a second, but then I realized what was happening. Sigh. But. In the past, perhaps some of us (yes, I am very much guilty of this) used our acting skills to get out of school as a kid by faking it. And so it came to pass, last night, that I was standing on the stage during a break, maybe ten feet away from Costume Nazi, when the assistant director Id spoken with earlier was going over a list with her and said, Oh, and remember that Mir needs a different apron because the pocket on the one you brought isnt big enough. And Costume Nazi ROLLED HER EYES and shook her head as if shed just been informed I demand a bowl of green M&Ms in my private dressing room or I refuse to perform. I'll be sure to ask and see what they say. But in most other theaters I've worked in, no. The blocking doesnt work with the stage design, lights break, make-up melts, costumes dont fit the way they were supposed to. I did want to say you think youve got it bad paying for the vets boat? Rotary or touch-tone? The idea of 12 hour rehearsals gets me sort of jazzed. Step back and watch with pride as they demonstrate how capable they truly are. Thank you for your time. Last show I did the sound tech hooked me up with Emergen-C and it brought me back up to speed within 24 hours. I cannot emphasize enough the importance of planning ahead. Yes, you can decide to let yourself be bothered by this to a point. Its why Im sick right now! I show up early and stay late. You may feel a little guilty at the prospect, or even feel like you havent the time, but the long-term positive effects of just chilling out whenever you can are immeasurable. My husband has bladder cancer which damaged his kidneys, so next week hell start chemo which has to be timed with the dialysis he started last month. When I take these regularly, I dont get sick. I always seem to get sick during tech week (aka hell week) before a show. It just felt so unfair and arbitrary and nasty. Drink water or hot drinks like tea for immediate relief. Youve just never ready because its not fair and it sucks. Your responses were all pretty much what I expected but I just wanted to double check because my theatre friends who are also going to the event told me to just call out of work and I was a bit shocked when they suggested that to me. Find what works for you and do that. Wellness Formula is a vitamin thats a blend of herbs and spices that boosts your immune system. Later when I inquired of someone else on our production team if there was a problem, I was told that Costume Nazi is going through some life stuff and not to take it personally. If youre looking for some suggestions on a great warm-up routine, you can read my other article here! ), Phone charger (preferably not your home charger, in case you forget it at the theater! All good stuff. If your costume person is a volunteer, it gets tricky. As Ive mentioned before, dry air isnt good for sick people. I try to prioritize continuity when assigning shifts but sometimes the availabilities don't work out so I'm usually upfront with the client that they won't necessarily always have the same person for the full run, so they better be prepared for that. Kerry Hishon is a director, actor, writer and stage combatant from London, Ontario, Canada. It is absolutely crucial that actors take care of themselves during tech week. But, depending on the show and talking to the stage manager (or whomever is in charge) ahead of time and arranging it (if they are agreeable) would be the way to do it. Lots of shows, so it is a very regular thing, with time off during the actual run of the shows. If it isn't medical, an emergency, or a family issue, you are more than likely going to be judged harshly, especially as new crew. Probably a dumb question so sorry in advance. We dont have to be besties but is it really necessary to treat me with such disdain? This goes doubly so for vending machine 'meals.' BUTat some point, she bears responsibility too. Im a dweeb about tech week preparation, its true. Lets just call her Costume Nazi for ease of reference. I pointed out that its late spring or early summer, in the script, and in fact I have an entire scene about how its so hot in the kitchen (where I spend all my time), my sister actually has an asthma attack and collapses, so it seems like a sweater could be a problem. But do NOT blame yourself for this bullshit. This is real good for performers who need to use their voices. I would have totally walked up to her and said, You better be having a seizure because I know you are not rolling your eyes at me. I guess I am just old and cranky beacuse I do NOT let people get away with treating me like I am not worthy. See your doctor for diagnosis and more complete advice. FUN FACT BONUS: We do not have said roller skate yet, so I have been doing this scene for a solid month with a plastic banana. (Remember to check if these will have any adverse effects on the body, such as thinning the blood or drying your throat. Press J to jump to the feed. Its not youits her. It got to me. Youre only supposed to have about 25g of added sugar a day for women, and 38g for men, but on average, Americans consume about 71g of added sugars a day. I did commit the unholy sin of, you know, audaciously answering her questions as to what other items we were still waiting on, and although the two other costumes Im supposed to wear have yet to surface, for example, I never made a fuss or anything. You've got to ask whoever hired you and work it out. So I thought I was imagining it that the woman doing our costuming cant stand me. Do this as often as possible: every hour is best. Its the nature of the job. I knew a director that once postponed the birth of an actors child so he would be in tech. ARIZONA HEALTH FOODS She blogs at Im sure shes going through some stuff. Thats fine. Tech week calls for an enormous amount of work to be executed within a very short amount of time. It shakes the entire bed. Some say it makes them phlegmy and swear it off in the days before performing, some dont care. Sugar, if you didnt know, feeds bacteria. Taking care of your body is as important during tech week as it always is - possibly more so. So just drink a lot of water. How is the cast supposed to rehearse without key props and costume pieces so close to opening night? quickmeme: all your memes, gifs & funny pics in one place, Asked girlfriend where she wanted to eat She gave a decisive answer, Decide to strike up conversation with old man sitting all by himself at the bar At the end of the night, "By the way I'm the owner , all your drinks tonight are on the house", Have to wear a tie perfect length on first try, don't know a question on a test answer is in another question, Facebook friend request from kid who bullied me for being fat He found all the weight I lost, Goes on reddit to procrastinate writing a 10 page paper on NASA AMA by NASA technologist on front page, Stranger said Girl i was hitting on was way out of my league i was talking to my girlfriend, Friend accused me of stealing a joke from Reddit my own post, Turn around to buckle my son in his carseat on way to his 4th birthday party He's already done it and is holding his hand up for a high 5. At that point I got A Look, and an icy assurance that she would bring me a belt. Be sure to be specific about sound effects. Use a humidifier when you sleep to stay moist and ready to fight that cold! An ancillary person was. fight them off if I get stricken down by one. 4) Making sure everyone knows their lines. Go on vocal rest when not performing, if at all possible. GREAT EARTH If youre serious about working in live theater, you need to be ok with missing out on other events/gatherings/holidays. This is a very well run, community theater. Tom Bakeris a freelance writer and ex-theatre employee based in East London. Costume Nazi says you can wear that dress you brought. I was confused. If you had read this thread a few years back, it would have seemed unimaginable, unobtainable. Im going to be sick instead. Its not in the contract, its just understood. VITAMIN COTTAGE Take the recommended amount and itll help fight your cold and send it packing. She told me it was all on her list and shed let Costume Nazi know. (HAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAA NO THIS SHOW ISNT THREE HOURS LONG WHY DO YOU ASK WHAT DO YOU MEAN IM SCREAMING NO IM NOT. Im generally good about learning my lines not tripping up others (Sudafed-fueled run-throughs notwithstanding; sorry about last night, guys) and getting along with everyone because I know that if we all pitch in and play nice, everything goes more smoothly. Hanger and dehydration are real things, and theyre not pretty! Oh, Costume Nazis prickly, thats just how she is someone whispered to me, when I asked about her after the first incident. But it does still need to have the buttons fixed before I can wear it. I was assured that everything would be taken care of. How many times does it ring before it gets answered once, twice, ten times? Mineral ascorbates have additional benefits, including increased energy, improved vision and reduced susceptibility to the common cold. Tech week has the reputation of being long and taxing. Let us also hope my other costumes show up! KINGS Notice I said I let, because I know its on me that she got under my skin, and that is somehow the worst part. Gosh, this is early for me to be blogging. Because what is this womans damage? A group collaborate to conjure an entire world, a compelling set of characters, and a story for audiences in what was previously an empty space. Veterinary school includes entire curricula on wresting the most possible money out of pet owners because wook atta wittle babykins! RALEYS not the cousin for me and I told the volunteer group they could hold the play without me. Thats contrary to what you wanted in the first place! But I am dragging my snot-encrusted self out thrifting later, anyway, just in case. No matter how long, frequent or severe it may be, it happens to all of us at one point or another in our lives. Therefore, theyre pretty great for performers. I completely agree with you: not everyone has to like me (although I am freaking delightful), but can we just be adults doing a thing together and not pissy, whiny garbage people? H-E-B It is something that appears in many shapes and forms. Avoid misuse of the voice and go easy during rehearsals. You have been let down by the people you are working with and hopefully this will all blow over and the production will be a huge success (Im sure it will be) and you will feel better soon and this will be just a blip in the radar and a funny story someday. I realize I disappeared for a month, again.) Okay. FRYS Keeping your cool pre-show is one thing. So let me be your virtual friend and tell you that its ok that you cried and its ok that it bothered you and you didnt do anything wrong here. Again, dont run yourself into the ground take care of yourself! The whole purpose of them being there is to contribute to the production and to learn, especially students in these roles! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Alcohol, coffee, and sugary beverages like energy drinks will dry out your throat even more. Costume Nazi does not know a fine human being when she costumes one. This goes doubly so during tech week. Dry, recycled air. glasses of water. Here are some tips regarding keeping your voice in the best possible shape during a strenuous production week: The most important take away from this section istake care of your voice. There is absolutely NOTHING (okay, MAYBE Im exaggerating a bit when I say that, but you get the idea) that could make an actors job harder than after to deal with a cough, sore throat or stuffy nose just as they are about to go out in front of an audience potentially with long monologues and major scenes for a full-scale performance. Break a leg! Do your best to keep regular hours as best you can: sleep properly, at the same time every night. Apps like Calm or Headspace are great for guided meditation, even in small doses, but thats more or less how it works! I made the appointment with the doggie dermatologist. This seems like an awkward place to insert this but its going to be awkward anywhere and its part of the overall picture, so: last week we lost a good friend (and stellar human) to cancer. I paid for a whole new hospital!! Except for that if youre a performer and dancing or moving or sword fighting in Macbeth, you need more water because youre sweating. That meant that yesterday I was cooking pancakes before rehearsal. If you have lighting looks that you will use more than once, note that on your planning sheet. Back to the cave for me. SUPER SUPPLEMENTS Hey! Its a beautiful thing. Taking a few minutes to reorient yourself will make you so much more productive in the long run. Maintaining a healthy body is linked to a healthy mind, after all. It also helps you get a handle on a key skill during tech week: patience. Or, My Children Moved Out And All I Got Was The Plague (Twice). If you liked this article and want to add to whatll make you well again, feel free to comment! Do not feel guilty about delegating and depending on your point people. At least half the cast has now gotten sick, and I fell prey. Costume Nazi swung by a couple other times, and every time I felt like there was something about ME in particular which she found offensive, and I tried to let it go, because hey, whatever, you dont have to like me, and if youre that butthurt over me bringing a different dress to try to help out, I doubt theres anything I can do to change your mind, so alrighty. The next time I went thrifting (for props, by the way), I found a dress NEARLY IDENTICAL to the one shed put me in, so I bought it. feel better after a retail customer at her job called her racist for doing her work properly). Maybe in the spring or summer, once weve all had a chance to finish recovering. I showed little signs of sickness on opening night, had a slight cough in the morning that I thought would pass on the following day, and now, here I am writing this column and with a bottle of Tylenol by my side as I am coping with a cold that I am gonna have to take with me to tonights show, all while trying to do my best to make sure that my fellow actors not to mention the audience dont also get sick as a result of being around me. If I like something, I say it and if I dont like something I usually refrain, but sometimes say it also. Wittle babykins pets have been, are, and will always be superior, and we dont deserve them. FRED MEYER And then there was the week and a half the show ran. xoxoxoxoxo). About halfway through tech week, you will get sick. Lets hope it works! (LogOut/ If they ask you anyway, reply with, Who might know the answer to that question better than me? and let your students fill in the blanks. Just heed my advice. How old is the phone? And that, dear readers, is the story of how I let one person singlehandedly make a tough Tech Week feel one hundred times worse. Expel excess phlegm from the body blow your nose and attempt to clear post-nasal drainage, which can irritate the throat. Thats fine, I said. But its hard to work around someone you are supposed to be working with. (Theres that dastardly sugar again!). His work has appeared everywhere from film magazines to product descriptions of shampoo to the course pages of major universities. Id be happy to bring the other one back in. At the end of the day "the show must go on" and that means literally anybody can be replaced. Tech weekthe phrase alone can send shivers down the spine of the most calm and unflappable theatre professionals. You can suffer severe health consequences, too. Honey and hot lemon is your friend, as any performer knows. Thats radio Even if you follow all the advice weve given you so far in this article (and you should! The bad news is that the day when I actually had oodles of time once Id worked it all out I made enough for all seven performances (individually bagged by date and frozen!) Now I have a sore throat and a drippy nose and a really bad attitude, because when I start screaming at my stage kid with a fake banana roller skate in my hand, the only thing that could possibly make it better would be a raw, red nose and a river of endless snot.) Listen, Im no doctor. (Otto has been coughing for a solid month, seems like, but save for a couple of days right at the beginning when I didnt feel so hot, my superior powers of excellent hygiene and mind over matter have completely circumvented any pesky illness issues! Now Im here to share it all with the world. Its not for nothing that this period is 'affectionately' known as hell week. Yes, that is enough. Moms are only legally or morally allowed to get sick when there are eleventy-gajillion other things going on. As for the costume person, I have a feeling its not even about you. You know they saying about how real friends help you bury the body? But maybe thats because its all unpaid (actors anyhow). Its a real burden to be so miserable all the time, truly.. and in the end it doesnt feel good to be shitty to people. I have been in a lot of shows in my life. His work has appeared everywhere from film magazines to product descriptions of shampoo to the course pages of major universities. But it doesnt have to result in you becoming a stressed-out mess. This guide is divided into four sections: Pre-Tech Preparations, Maintaining Mental and Physical Health, Vocal Health for Dummies, and Show Run Reminders. You can totally undermine all of the effort everyone has put into the show if you dont take care of yourself. Some people are easily offended, and some people are never going to like me, and thats fine. Drink more water, non-caffeinated tea, broth, etc., and stay away from too much sodium, alcohol, or sugary foods and drinks. So! GNC James Tarantino, Pres I need to get off the interwebs and get in the books, but wanted to let you know I hear you, and I (virtually) see you. I mean, sometimes life/emergencies come up and it's unavoidable. So, eat more fruit, veggies, proteins, good carbs and good fats without the added sugar, and youll feel great. Make sure you avoid the drowsy stuff if youre going for your packaged pharmaceuticals and, again, a good diet is vital during this period. Do I need a belt with this or no? I asked, because Im not great with 1930s fashion and I wasnt sure. Lead by example. If youre phlegmy, you might feel the urge to do so a lot, but it can be very damaging. Again, I tried to say I was just offering context but I was fine either way and she actually TURNED HER BACK ON ME like I was just so horrible, she couldnt take it anymore. STOP & SHOP And it fell during Tech Week, because of course it did. Step back and watch with pride as they demonstrate how capable they truly are. What Happens When The Director Gets Sick? Take your Vitamin C, but not too much or you might be on the toilet for longer than youd like to be. Both of them would like me to leave them alone, except of course for the twenty times each day they contact me to ask such burning questions as should I take Advil for a stomachache? (answer: no, do not do that, are you kidding me right now) and do I own a three-hole punch? (answer: I dont think so, but what a great opportunity to talk to some of those other humanoids living in that large building with you as you try to locate one, P.S. It can be an enriching experience, really getting into the nitty-gritty of what makes the show work, seeing all the work youve done come together with lighting changes, music, sets, and so on. Those of you in theater know what that means, of course, but if you are not a theater person, allow me to explain: Tech Week is the final week (already a misnomer, as a show generally opens on a Thursday or Friday, so not a full week) leading up to opening, and soin no particular orderit will involve most or all of the following: 1) Finishing the set in a mad scramble, if the set is not already finished (the set is never finished before Tech Week, dont be silly). As soon as the dress I brought in was rejected, I took it back home, too. She doesnt want to fix the other one for me, right? Again, a shrug. So worth it. Its a week to throw the entirety of my energy squarely at two targets:put on a good showanddont kill yourself. You is good, you is kind, and you is hella smart, generous and hospitable. You have my sympathy, Mir! VITAMIN WORLD A dry throat facilitates a virus. Gah! Should You Work in a Theatre as an Actor. I happily agreed. KING SOOPERS sniper Love reading you and sorry the costumer is so ridiculously difficult! The experience was huge. Jim Im too old for that crap. Build. Opt for the easy route: get sleep, get hydration, get sustenance, keep yourself healthy! Hold me. Remember to clean/replace water bottles, lest you reinfect yourself. ), 6) Everyone in the cast coming down with some variant of The Crud. Last night, we were supposed to get the rest of our costumes and textile props from her. So sorry to hear the costume nazi is being so difficult. This post contains affiliate links! The whole purpose of them being there is to contribute to the production and to learn, especially students in these roles! To fix these problems before the audience has to see them. So therapeutic. WAL-MART document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); The Ultimate Guide to Surviving Tech Week(UPDATED). I dont know you in person, but someone who does should be stocking up on shovels right about now, (Well, I guess you just need one or two shovels, but anyway). Also, follow-through is not my strong suit.]. For sound cues, have your list of music and sound effects assembled way before tech week, so your sound designer has time to source/create the necessary tracks. But I did ask if shed brought the cloth napkins, and she looked at me like I had twelve heads and said, You have napkins here already. Islowly, carefully, NEUTRALLYsaid that they were all my napkins from home, and we didnt have seven matching ones, and theyre not period, and shed said she was bringing some? Aim for prevention of injury or illness, and if this fails, absolutely make recovery a priority. It depends on your situation. This helps with a sore throat so tremendously; the salt will attack the virus, and it hurts much, much less! This is not on you. Granted, January is a slow(ish) freelancing month in general, but still. I was so wishing for a real live friend who had been through something like this and advise me, but Id never truly wish that same pain on another person. ;). She shrugged and said she guessed so. (LogOut/ Jessica Ruth Bell for the high-vibe, ever-expanding actor. Sleeping with the AC on dries you out, so try not to use the AC when youre sleeping. I think I better read her your blog entry, so she remembers that actors have feelings, too. We passionately believe that theatre has an essential place in schools. My daughter is a theater person. But clearly that she needs to get her shit together. Its also important to make sure youre absolutely clear on when each rehearsal begins and when you are to be at the theater for the shows. Sorry. Right?? Tech week opens the floodgates to hundreds of questions, and the director ends up receiving the bulk of the questions. is a freelance writer and ex-theatre employee based in East London. Do This, Not That: Tech Week Edition | Theatre Thoughts Blog, Light snacks (I always have an assortment of nuts and crackers, things which wont stain costumes! Thank them, and treat them like the superstars they are! As of this posting, Emergen-C is available at the following retail locations: A & P Im way too bossy apparently. Is fun!! And while youre at it, be sure to eat some food and drink some water. Given that its a Neil Simon play this seems far-fetched but who knows. Costume Nazi, if you ever read this: Grownups working together suck it the fuck up and play nice. Do you want a long fade or a quick snap? Skipping out on tech rehearsals to go to a concert looks incredibly unprofessional and selfish. The future doesnt seem so scary when youre rooted in the present. The fact that no one is calling her out in this is ridiculous. The most obvious one! Please tell everyone to stop it. During our first here I am with an armload of clothing, come try things on and show me session, she put me into a dress which was already missing two buttons, with the remainder barely hanging on, plus there were snaps added between the buttons to hold the thing closed which were ALSO falling off. And the worst people Ive encountered this withwere in theater. The kids left. Who should be contacted if one of the stage lights burns out? 2) Finalizing costumes and props, if anything is missing (something is always missing before Tech Week). Orfails to costume one. Right. Its so important, I will say it again, in bold this time:it is absolutely crucial that actors take care of themselves during tech week. Im happy to wear whatever she wants me in. SHOPRITE I wish it hadnt, but it really did. Taking care of your body is as important during tech week as it always is - possibly more so. silence. Who should students check with if they need help reviewing their entrances and exits? Costume Nazi waved my question away, assuring me it wasnt a problem. Keep your throat and neck warm and prevent it from getting dry. You may not feel up for cooking a full three-course meal every night after you schlep back from rehearsal but sating your knackered bodys desire for Mars bars and cans of Coke will only cause you to crash further. 1031Incorporated. Basically, you overload, you get sick, and then you cant do your job. BUT I was informed later that her reaction to the dress I brought in was that it was wholly unacceptable (trying to remember why something about how the style was a little too 1940s rather than 1930s, maybe, but mostly that she liked HER dress better). Its important you get some perspective on the woods from outside the trees, though. to get it done. We have had volunteers who were banned from certain jobs over issues like this. And heres the part where I do something ill-advised, which is that I am about to shit-talk someone who theoretically may read this, but probably she never will, because she clearly hates me so why on earth would she? Stand up, stretch your muscles, and get out of the theatre for a few minutes. It turns out that no matter how much you know this is the only possible outcome and even know the timeframe, youre not ready. If the show ran perfectly without you, what's the benefit to bringing you on again? (Fun fact: Tech Week is when every actor in the world not only forgets lines theyve known for weeks if not months, but decides that doing this show was a terrible mistake and they should probably just lie down and die.
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