Use only electric drills or polishing tools on the windshield. Develop the tech skills you need for work and life. What you see is what you get, the polished portions are clearer than the unpolished sections. Once you have gotten rid of the bugs, proceed with the cleaning steps. Thanks to all authors for creating a page that has been read 184,126 times. This method works well, too, but it takes longer. You don't want any scratches showing that are deeper than others. For gouges, cracks, and chips, consider taking the windshield to a professional or getting a replacement. If your windshield is caked with insects, soak a terry cloth towel in water and drape it over the windshield. A good tip that you should take note of is to avoid using paper towels to wipe the windshield of the motorcycle, as this material may cause small scratches on your motorcycle windshield. Ask a glass repair specialist for advice. on Introduction. One thing Ithought of when I was reading about you washing thewindscreens in the bathtub is that I've been putting mine in thedishwasher. Please do that and leave me a message when you have so that we can publish your work. Instead, he says, consider using National Cycles own Rain Zip coating, which does to plastic the same thing Rain-X does with glass, but without harming the underlying material. on Introduction., Tundrawolf, Hi! :), TundraWolf, Hi!I think I'll stick to using your method of polishing the windscreen. You will have to remember two things:1. Rain-X and plastics do not play well together, Gomez warns. There's no reason why you should have to drop more than $4 to get a clear, safe windshield. Replace your, Take care of chipped spots right away to prevent them from becoming significant damage. Deep scratches continue to grow until your windshield breaks. When you notice cracks in your windshield, speak to a glass repair professional. All polishing of all materials is just making the scratches smaller, whether that be steel, diamond, wood or plastic. Use a cleaning cloth made of microfiber, terrycloth or cotton flannel, and make doubly sure its clean. on Step 4, 11 years ago would polish the windshield. Road King, Road King Custom, Road King Classic, Road Glide, Street Glide, Electra Glide, Electra Glide Classic, and Electra Glide Ultra Classic bikes. Up here inVermont it's been snowing already. Plus, the visor isn't Lexan, Icannot say how sanding Lexan andthen polishing it 50+ separate times will make the windshield come out. And ah've found an assorted pack of 1000, 1500, 2000, and 2500 grit sandpaper @ a local autoparts store, although, like Tunny(sic), this is only a very last resort for the worst case. Then, use the towel to wipe them away. Reply Use a mild dish soap that has no abrasives in it. on Introduction. Dish soap abrades car paint, so using it on a windshield isnt safe. Last Updated: March 12, 2021 When application of the polish is done, the windshield should be left to air-dry for at least an hour. Questions of a Do It Yourself nature should be Even if immediately no damage is visible a clouding and eventually crazing is caused by ammonia. Phooey to that. i am using a nanowax. Theres no way to beat bad luck, but according to National Cycles Paul Gomez you can tilt the odds in your favor with regular care and cleaning. Let the towel sit for a few minutes to soften the insects. I work with Lexan daily, and you can't really polish it, you just make the scratches smaller. What I am trying to bring out here is that IFyou use the sandpaperroute (Irecommend a much finer grade, Ijust had 1100 at thetime) you MAYbe on a MUCH more involved road to making it clearthan you are willing to endure. Whatever you use to clean your windshield, start off by soaking paper or cloth towels in water and laying them on the windshield. One criticism You show a can of polish in the section on waxing. If you still see scratches in the windshield, chances are the paste didnt get inside them. Ah ha!Let it dry first before polishing! Although I might run awayfor a couple of months when it's slow in the winter, maybe ride to thesouthwest or something where it's warmer. Follow these instructions to remove scratches from a motorcycle windshield. They will either fill in the cracks or help you replace your windshield. No crap, we promise. Second, always wet sand! I use the old piece of sandpaper because it has all the high pieces of grit already worn off and won't add any deep scratches, like a new piece would. 13 years ago, 4 years ago The wax coating lasts me about a week of riding.I ride a lot off road, because I live on a dirt road (And for fun sometimes) and I repeatedly will go through dust clouds and dust storms, so my windshield is really exposed to elements that are never seen in a city.Your wax coating may last quite a bit longer than mine.Just wax on, let it dry, wax off, grasshopper.Now is a good time to put a coat of wax or two on the mounting hardware! He weighs more than I do, to, at 224 lbs. You can see what the polishing does, and the waxing does for the main upper portion of the windshield. Mark, wet n dry paper should work too. They all just seemed to add more swirling scratches. But its a case-by-case thing, he says, depending on how deep the scratch is. Reply Alternatively, use an all-purpose cleaner or degreaser. on Introduction, Try using a product called PLASTX it is made by Mequire .It does an exelent job . For the scratches left on the windshield, gently hand buff the area using a fine-grade buffing material, such as wool. After buffing, use a fresh and soft washcloth to apply the polish. Next, we want to add a good quality wax. Reply I couldn't see through it, and that is dangerous on a motorcycle.Read on and see what I found out worked to make it clear again. I think if you have the motivation and time, you can make just about anyplastic clear again. Apply the toothpaste the same way you would apply cerium oxide or another buffing compound. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); You have entered an incorrect email address! These screws go into the upper corners of the windshield where the strap brackets overlap.If you forget, it is easy to fix. I tried various polishes to remove the scratches, starting with discrete areas as tests before assaulting the main area. You may want to choose a polish that has wax in it. It's a little hard to polish while it is still on the motorcycle.My windshield is held onto a bracket by 4 bolts, two on each side.Each bolt took a 12MM metric wrench. Daily updates on Powersports news that motorcyclists care about. Soap down your windshield to dissolve any dirt or dust. I'm going to give it a try. 7 years ago Wipe off the excess paste when you're done. Kits are available online or at most auto parts stores. Go slow, and make sure you are really polishing the windshield properly. It eliminates the possibility of polish splashing into your eyes. My porcelain sink has some kinda deep scratches in the basin. 41 Rider Magazine Insider Podcast, Edelweiss Bike Travel Best of Greece Tour Review. It works to get rid of compound that has pooled or is applied too thick. Car polish is way too abrasive and all it does is add a whole lot of smaller swirling scratches. Toothpaste not only brightens your smile, but can also make your vision a little clearer if you use it on your motorcycle windscreen. No7 is going for around 9 bucks these daysplus it has been discontinued for some odd reason.reckon they wanna stick us with those 40 dollar ''kits''; all it is is a fine abrasive with a few silicone-polymersI made my own windshield out of a polycarbonate to fit the old brackets from JFreeman Inc they have DOT approved things sold in left over pieces that make good replacement shields. I used two coats of wax. Never use a paper towel, since they have a rough surface that might scratch your windshield. Good, common sense, easy to follow guide. Plastic cleaners are designed to work in cool temperatures so park your bike in the shade before you start. There are various kinds of glass and plastic polish available at your local motorcycle shop. Take a look and make sure there are no places where you may have missed a spot.Alternatively, you do not want any big white blotches where it has been applied too thick, these are difficult to remove with the buffer (Just use your fingernail in a rag).I purposely did not apply any compound or use the buffer on the lower bib of the windshield. Prepare a mixture of mild dishwashing soap by diluting it in water. The wax really helps. Then, wash the windshield with a regular window cleaner before wiping it dry with a microfiber cloth. Spread more paste over them. Having a scratch-free motorcycle windshield is not only essential in achieving an optimum motorcycle driving experience, it is also necessary to prevent road accidents due to poor windshield visibility. This keeps you from smearing the bugs or creating more scratches. Using a soft towel, gently apply the mixture to the windshield, making sure that the entire surface is covered. Great job, thanks! 13 years ago I'll try the 1100 grit too. Once the windshield is clean, apply the paste to the scratch with your microfiber cloth. Pressing lightly/using just the weight of the sander. After a hefty wash, the bike started looking pretty good, except for those annoying scratches, so I decided to tackle the problem. I took the top drawer thingie, that the glasses go in,out of the dishwasher, so I had more height for the wind screens. View our Privacy Policy here. Most scratches are fixable with a windshield polish and a buffing pad. Also, if you look, there are windshields made of acrylic, and companies who specialize in restoring them. It works, too.3. If you have a handheld buffing and polishing tool, use that to apply the polish. Making the initial estimation is tricky since there are no hard and fast rules about how much polish to use. Instead, try mixing together 1 part vinegar with 1 part water. Another option is to assemble the kit components separately. Chris Parker. Location: South Carolina-First to secede and hopefully the next. Did you make this project? For tips on how to use cerium oxide powder to repair scratches, keep reading! That will knock down the larger pieces of grit that would leave deeper scratches. Work in circular motions over the entire surface. Not too hard mind you.2. Toothpaste has the advantage of being safer to use, but it isn't as immediately effective on most scratches. Wearing goggles is also a good idea. Watch out using any household detergents or any household glass cleaners as these contain ammonia and ammonia is deadly to acrylic and some other plastics. Motorcycle windshields protect drivers from flying rocks, insects and road debris as they travel. This acts as an extra layer of protection against dirt, and makes subsequent cleanings easier by preventing the goo from sticking to the surface of the windshield. 13 years ago The last step in a thorough cleaning is applying a coat of protectant such as non-abrasive spray wax. But I do know that I can actually see the road better now, before when a wash and a wax didn't hardly do anything. Your email address will not be published. Do Not Sell My Personal Information -, By logging into your account, you agree to our. Chad is based in the Los Angeles, California area and uses his passion for auto detailing to teach others how to do so as he grows his company nationwide. When you are through buffing, there will be a lot of white dust static clinging to the windshield,. Fortunately, there are inexpensive products on the market made to restore your motorcycle's windshield. The first is a hard-coated polycarbonate with either FMR (formable mar resistance) or National Cycles proprietary Quantum hardcoating. This is a great Instructable, but you need to add a main image of the final project to the intro step. If it starts to harden, spray it with more water. Freelance writer for various national magazines and websites, plus founder of Take your time. It will take longer and you will only drain the battery further. The polishing compound will not only remove the scratches on your windshield, but it will also clear the windshield of whatever insect trails are left on it. You might be better off swapping for a new windshield than making your old one worse. Archive - It adds a layer of protection on the windshield and fills in any micro scratches for an even clearer windshield. Plenty of both available. I wonder if a mixture of baking soda and something else might work as apolishing compound. I started MotorbikeWriter to bring the world all the daily motorcycle news, views, reviews and lifestyle happenings. COPYRIGHT 2013 - 2020 MOTORBIKE WRITER. Next, put the windshield in a safe place.Using a phillips head screwdriver and a 10MM wrench or socket, remove the screws and acorn nuts, and the mounting hardware.You will notice immediately how the cushion on the mounting hardware has rubbed the plastic and made permanent marks on it. home improvement and repair website. 7 years ago Start typing to see results or hit ESC to close, Ducati to Reveal New Scrambler at 2022 EICMA, Hondas Lane-Keeping Assist System (LKAS), Lightning Motorcycles Files Designs for an Off-Road Motorcycle, Motorcycle Culture Across the Western World. Clean the glass first, then apply your polishing compound to the glass and buff it with a polishing pad. {"smallUrl":"https:\/\/\/images\/thumb\/d\/d7\/Remove-Scratches-from-a-Windshield-Step-1.jpg\/v4-460px-Remove-Scratches-from-a-Windshield-Step-1.jpg","bigUrl":"\/images\/thumb\/d\/d7\/Remove-Scratches-from-a-Windshield-Step-1.jpg\/aid10598294-v4-728px-Remove-Scratches-from-a-Windshield-Step-1.jpg","smallWidth":460,"smallHeight":345,"bigWidth":728,"bigHeight":546,"licensing":"
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\n<\/p><\/div>"}, How to Operate Windshield Wipers: Turning Wipers On and Off, How to Manually Roll Up a Power Window and Get It Working Again.