It only takes a minute to sign up. Plasterboard has a maximum weight limit per square centimeter and exceeding this limit may cause structural damage. Level It - Floor LevellerFloor Leveller - a free flowing and self levelling underlay suitable for floor levelling and preparation prior to the installation of most type of floor coverings such as ceramic tile, vinyl or carpet. ?. MAPEI has a special primer called ECO Prim Grip that you roll on like a paint, allow to dry and go over with a polymer modified setting material like the ones you mentioned. I can confidently /ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageC] To find out how you can stock Westbuild products, please fill in the form below or call (08) 9309 2029. My washer is probably ~300 - 350 lbs (it has huge concrete blocks in it for counter balance) and the dryer is a good ~170 lbs. % what kind of washer and dryer do you own? Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. You might have to do some cutting to adj. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I already told him Im not responsible for any cracks or product failure. Did you add Admix to the grout as well? Thanks for contributing an answer to Home Improvement Stack Exchange! How can I fix/polish a slate tile imperfection after it has been laid down and grouted? I have not had a call back. Bathroom is 7'x8' of which floor is 40 sq ft. vBulletin v3.7.4, Copyright 2000-2022, Jelsoft Enterprises Ltd. According to the documentation link for Flexbond that you provided - the cure time is 72 Hours. It's amazing how box store guys will tell you anything just to sell a product. Yes it can be done, and yes, it can be done properly with no problems, but you never know for sure so I don't like to take the risk. Of course, removing the tiles is more expensive, that's why many people decide to choose this method in the first place. mosaic which is over 1" mortar/cement bed over plywood. What was the purpose of those special user accounts in Unix? Reply, 2022 iFixit Licensed under Creative Commons Privacy If you are thinking of painting a plywood floor go for it. Better to give it time and make a trip to the laundromat than to ruin what looks like a nice tile job by being in a hurry. The plywood is solidly attached to the oak. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. When laying the tiles, bear in mind that your floor will be raised between one and three centimeters. Why is he a cheap sob ? >> Then it will be easier to trowel on the mortar smoothly, so you can install the tiles as needed. Cheaper to do it right the first time than to do it right the second time. rev2022.8.1.42699. /Annots [9 0 R 10 0 R 11 0 R 12 0 R 13 0 R 14 0 R 15 0 R 16 0 R 17 0 R 18 0 R 19 0 R 20 0 R] endobj Nothing like a trip to the laundromat to make you more fully appreciate not having to go there all the time. It is much more resistant to water than other plys. Site design / logo 2022 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. There are two sides to this question. Since these tiles are already worn-out and damaged by humidity or have uneven areas, the tiling over existing tiles is not advisable. To my knowledge, Custom does not have a similar product to ECO Prim Grip. Reply. x^]10EH/@p&%# 11"Z@R'A My existing tile is in good shape, no cracks, loose tile, etc. " & ' ) ) * 2# >- E1F2I5I4K6O8P8O9Q:R;R:P;Q;R9R:R9O9L6K6M9N8O:M9K57' E1L6I4K6L5G2@. How to put image and link under PropertyPane Description field for the web part in SPFx? This means that any door frames, kitchen appliances, and furniture and bathroom storage units should be fitted accordingly. Do you mean the grout is still curing? According to the technical data sheet, Flexbond requires both surfaces to be sanded or scarified prior to application of the setting material. Reasoning here is that because of all the mentioned factors re: tile material, modified mortar, possibly smooth substrate, the fairly intense and constant vibration of the machines could, over time, loosen the mortar/tile bond and dislodge or break the tile. << Were planning to tile it over. I guess the prep and the quality of the actual plastic that you lay down is really the thing. I could get into why I don't like to glue down underlayment, but you will soon see what I mean if you decide to remove these layers.As far as adding tile to the ply you have, good luck. Home Improvement Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for contractors and serious DIYers. This eliminates the sanding process and all the dust it creates. /Count 5 Westbuild PRO, Wet Area Waterproofing is compliant with the following standards: *My understanding is, if the plywood is solid, then use your mortar to spread over the plywood to make a smooth surface. Its for our kitchen in our new home, after laying I didnt like the tiles selected, so thinking of changing by pasting new over.just wanted to know how good it is . Enter the date you would like your delivery to arrive. /OP false endobj - M.K. >> Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Everything djcj said. How can I remove this tile window stool without compromising the installation of the vinyl window? *C= c grade one faceD= d grade other faceX= eXterior glueJ.W. /BitsPerComponent 8 He said using Flexbond, I could tile over existing tile, without anything else in between. << /Height 210 What about painting a new plywood floor? Whenever I do a tile over tile, I always run a cup wheel and rough up the old tile, wash very well with tsp and then use a bonding additive. Since a tile is made to endure humidity and to absorb the least amount of water possible most adhesives won't work. I just don't think it's a good idea and will tell that to customers. A forum community dedicated to Do it yourself-ers and home improvement enthusiasts. Any feedback would be appreciated. endobj The tiles will cure properly with EVEN compression (the weight of the washer), if spread over several tiles. Putting 12"x12" travertine over porc. Can a chamber of Congress pass a bill that the other chamber passed in the past? >> /XObject << Silicone and bathroom tile: how long is it viable? /~_$mVz. Standards Announcing the Stacks Editor Beta release! >> Accessibility. If the base is plasterboard, consider the additional weight of the two layers of tiles. Thanks again, so if i put the mapei product on, even the glazed tile, then i could just use the flex bond. Find your nearest Westbuild stockist. Coloro Architectural Tile GroutColoro Architectural Grout is an unsanded superfine product with improved colour integrity and consistency. Get complete site access to expert advice, how-to videos, Code Check, and more, plus the print magazine. By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. When the adhesive can be absorbed by the tile. 5 0 obj Tile should only be laid on a very sturdy surface that does not flex or ultimately you will have problems somewhere. ), NOTE: To order this service, you must be an approved reseller or stockist of Westbuild products with an existing account. We are remodeling our bathroom and the existing floor is marble. Thanks. Don't lay it on the vinyl - get that out of there. 3 0 obj Registering a car in the EU as a non-resident citizen. /ViewerPreferences 2 0 R 3/4 subfloor and 1/2 substrate. Floor is sound and solid as a rock. He just wants me to tile over it. good luck. Marty Marble, Marty Marble - Easy and not a big issue when the tiles are more or less of the same size. Multi Surface Prime & Prep is a one coat system designed to instantly prepare and improve adhesion of Westbuild tiling systems, waterproofing membranes, renders and levelling mortars to all difficult to adhere, non-porous surfaces. Just an update: I did it. Remove the glaze off existing tile with a sander or grinder for better adhesion then use a flexbond thinset by customs it acts as a crack isolation membrane also and apply a 1/8 to 1/4 coating over existing tile that makes your substrate stronger and a fresh new and clean suface to set on.then use a POLYMER-MODIFIED THIN-SET MORTAR ( the expensive bag)such as versabond by customs to set yor tile or stone on and you should have no remember adhesion is everything in this buisness and your job is only good as the person who set the existing tile before you so make sure it has a good bond and no hollows. Before you do that, you should clean spotless your existing ceramic tiles. How long should I wait to drill holes into brand new mortar? vinyl or wood where there may be a slight flex in the underlying floor. $ # $ " # # # $ $ $ # # $ # $ # # $ # # # " ! " To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. endobj If you have any movement in the subfloor then don't tile or tear the 1/4" ply off and replace with 1/2" or better yet 5/8" CDX ply. I made sure I read this article thoroughly, before I got tile-on- tile application done. You can use a door threshold to level or transition between two types of flooring. I've done a few over the years-If it's an old Mud Set floor you should be fine--. I refuse to tile on top of tile. Ultra Grip - FlexiPackTMUltra Grip Polymer-Fortified Tile Adhesive - cement-based and polymer enhanced. I have a customer who is a cheap SOB and doesnt want to pay me to rip up his tile floor/wet bed. Technically - it can be done but in practice it is avoided. Me personally I am cautious an extra day will not hurt it. "I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I've read the posts about the Flexbond being harder to work with but I'm thinking of using it for piece of mind. Transform characters of your choice into "Hello, world!". #',!/#2&3% ! What is "Rosencrantz and Guildenstern" in _The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel_ season 3 episode 5? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. % << Easy Screed Mix - Flooring ScreedEasy Screed Mix - a factory prepared premixed blend of premium dried sands & general purpose cement. Extra strong polymer-modified cement adhesive for tiles with thickness up to 2.5 cm, highly deformable and with improved adhesion for large ceramic tiles, to be applied in a thick layer on interior and exterior floors and walls, also when overlaying existing tiles.. /Parent 3 0 R It varies depending on the type. What does an area represent in a spacetime diagram? Does anyone see a problem in tiling over the plywood directly as an underlayment? I was wondering if there is any special adhesives for this type of application. Its a small room, about 30 square feet. Also, Im wanting to Tile a laminate kitchen countertop, he said that both products would work, but the Flexbond would do the best job. I just installed some 12" x 24" large format tiles in my laundry room using Flexbond mortar over concrete that was machined with a diamond cup disk. Flexibond is an excellent product but it was overkill for this installation. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. /Length 137 I was going to pull the vinyl and lay down backer board over the plywood but that would increase the floor height by a significant amount. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. /Kids [4 0 R 5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R] Just wanted any tips. Use a polymer modified thinset so it will adhere correctly. It's a small room, about 30 square feet. 3 0 obj I havent looked at the floor yet, Im starting it tomorrow. This is important as they are going to be the foundation of your tiling. If your current tiles are well-laid and there are no cavities between them and the base flooring you can lay the new tiles. Be the first to know about new product launches and technical updates. White - easier to use and suitable for glass and translucent tiles. Contractor Talk - Professional Construction and Remodeling Forum. The floor is currently sheet vinyl glued to 1/4 inch plywood which in turn is glued to the original oak hardwood. Did the Algol 68 standard allow a procedure to be called before its declaration? Classed C2S1TE, Flexbond is suitable where heavy pedestrian traffic is anticipated and is designed to absorb movement associated with early age concrete, green screed, concrete shrinkage, vibrations and expected structural movement. ! " /Width 324 Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. Come join the discussion about tools, projects, builds, styles, scales, reviews, accessories, classifieds, and more! Choose your product. Is it possible to use a NAS to host videos? >> The height difference by removing the vinyl will be very little. Your tiling needs to be well-sealed and bond with the base. *CDX - This is the designation that is given to exterior grade ply. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo,,,, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. It was not as stressful as I thought it would be. Ive done tile work before, but it was regular jobs with regular thin set and concrete board. Show me Where. That would increase cure time. Pressing the Escape (ESC) button will close the modal and bring you back to where you were on the page. Ceramic Tile Advice Forums - John Bridge Ceramic Tile, Flexbond VS Versabond On Tile Over Tile Floor. Stabilizing the machine on the plywood would reduce the stress on the bond. /Length 272160 /Pages 3 0 R The subfloor and underlayment should be at least 1 1/4", with the underlayment a minimum of 1/2". Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. They are the 8" squaresI would like to tile over this tile with a larger tile maybe even 16x16.would that be a good idea or do you have to stick with the same size tile. << /Type /Page A/ F1F0H2G3F2F3D1@->+?+(;) 7' 2$ 4$ 7&. Assumption of Mary (Mari Himmelfahrt) in Munich, what is closed or open? I'd want to aim for a week's cure before putting in anything that heavy. There are other factors such as weight and moist absorption which can also make you re-think your plan. Terms /Contents [22 0 R] Backer board is ideal, but you can lay tile on the plywood. In fact, it is done not because it will look good but because any grease or dust will make it harder for the tile adhesive to bond. I'm an architect and in specifying a tile floor I would never specify anything less than a 3/4" subfloor for a surface to be tiled. It will give more protection to the 1/4" plywood should water want to get into the grout. /MediaBox [0.00000 0.00000 612.00000 792.00000] Additionally, I think it would be wise to set the machines on exterior grade 3/4 plywood. Generally, the easiest way is to remove the backer board, if one is used. /ColorSpace/DeviceCMYK Jan 29, 2015 Is it okay to lay the porcelain tile over the existing marble floor? 1863/2020 All reproduction rights reserved, Products for floors and walls installation, Swimming pools, hot tubs and outdoor showers. Why was Max Verstappen not required to start on his Q2 tyres in the Hungary GP? /SA true 1 0 obj Arjun Nair - Is "wait" an exclamation in this context? endobj Anybody else heard of this or any other rule of thumb? First - inspect the current state of the tiles which you already have. JavaScript is disabled. /Type/XObject %PDF-1.3 Wet Area WaterproofingPolyurethane (PU) modified, Permanently Flexible, Rapid Drying Class III Waterproof Membrane. I would definitely use thinset. You said that you machined the concrete with a diamond cup disc - does this mean you smoothed the surface or roughed it up - the instructions for your flexbond says a smooth concrete surface is more problematic and that you should mechanically abrade the surface (hopefully you rough ground and not polish ground) - see the technical document bonding to concrete surfaces - click the PLUS next to technical specs. >> stream From here I would let it cure fully 72 hours before the heavy laundry machines. Tinette - Call, Primers, Liquid Modifiers + Westbuild PRO, Ultra Grip Polymer-Fortified Tile Adhesive. I am not up on my acronyms. The vinyl will act as a water barrier to help protect the substrate from damage. I wonder how well it is "glued" to the oak, and how much adhesive residue would remain on the surface once you remove the vinyl. Formulated to produce a higher bond strength suitable for fixing all types of tile. << next time, tec fast set mortar, can be waked on in 3 hours and grouted in 4. learning curve using it but well worth it. Excellent flexibility - increased flexibility to allow for shrinkage movement and is particularly suited to new age concrete. If sealed floor and porcelain, 48-72 hours is safe. If you have to tile only half of the room it is more aesthetically pleasing to remove the old tiles first. stream The modal window is a 'site map' of the most critical areas of the site. AS4858:2004, AS3740:2010, AS4654, Low VOC Green Star IEQ V2 2013, Green Star Office V2/V3, APAS 181, AS4020:2005. It can take foot traffic at this point but I really need to get my washer/dryer back in there ASAP because I literally have no clean clothes ;). The plywood is solidly attached to the oak. General Purpose Primer is a multipurpose rubber polymer system designed to be used with Wet Area Waterproofing and Westbuild levelling compounds. Barely making it according to deflecto. the door height and add a extension wax ring for the w/c. Learn how to measure, cut, and build window casing made of cellular PVC, solid wood, poly-ash boards, or any common molding material. Incorporates a Higher bond strength - for fixing most types of tiles, including tile on tile. A sealed concrete floor and a porcelain tile will greatly extend the cure cycle by limiting moisture migration. Flexible Additive & Fortifier is a multipurpose SBR polymer which may be incorporated in any cement based product to further improve the workability, durability, strength, adhesion, chemical and moisture resistance. I know this is a little late, but first I would like to say that I never recommend or accept to do a tile over tile job or tile over any other finished floor. try flexbond from customs we have used it many times and it is very sticky. /Filter /FlateDecode /Type/ExtGState Do not use thinset as this will crack if any of the subfloor moves, use flex-bond material that is flexible and won't crack. And on the countertop, would I need to sand and scuff it first? It can be the smart way to go avoiding all the reno difficulties as well as the price difference. Does the title of a master program makes a difference for a later PhD? This is a dialog window which overlays the main content of the page. Mastic - FlexiPackTMFlexible Tile Adhesive - white, premium grade, highly workable tile adhesive. What is the gravitational force acting on a massless body? If your existing tiles don't meet the requirements and it has cavities or uneven parts, or are too heavy, then removing them is the better option. I was going to pull the vinyl and lay down backer board over the plywood but that would increase the floor height by a significant amount. 22 0 obj *We will be refacing our bathroom in preparation for selling. PolyWebA strong, flexible fabric designed to reinforce Wet Area Waterproofing to form a strong, integrated membrane sheet. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Why does "cp" complain about identical files when chaining with "find"? When I put my slate in by the front door I was told to lay it over at least 1-1/4" thickness, i.e. /Type/ExtGState (Note: for multiple products or complex orders, please use the comments box at the bottom of this form. i was going thro the inputs of laying tile over existing tiles, & then came across ur post. 2 0 obj FLEXBOND is a high performance, flexible adhesive with a high polymer loading. Thanx Guys!!! Whats the official in-universe classification of Thor and other Asgardians in the MCU? *If you are worried about the height of the finished tile floor remove everything to the subfloor, then add plywood underlayment (or backer brd if you wish) and tile, (with thinset). Was it accurate (history-wise) for Koenig to know about robots? I accept the Privacy Policy and consent to Archiproducts the processing of data for marketing purposes. >> Available in a wide range of architectural colours. You could use one sheet for both machines or cut to dimensions at the base of each machines + 1/2 on each side for a less detectable finish. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo, VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Start your subscription today and save up to 70%. Its been ~32 hours since I finished the main portion but its clear that that the mortar is still curing. How long should I wait before hauling these two beasts back in there? /PageMode /UseNone say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." If you have put these requirements into consideration and there are no hollow sounds you can proceed to lay the tiles. thanks. Plus, get tips for a clean and solid installation. It shouldnt take more than 72 hours tops, even with all the polymers in the mortar. Rose, Expert insights on techniques and principles. FLEXBOND is white and designed to install glass mosaics, stone, porcelain, fully vitrified and other dense bodied tiles over substrates. They make the same requirement on the floor side, if the floor is limited in permeability. Expecting your early reply. Its a modified thinset basically to give some flexibility when installing over an existing floor e.g. Not every type of adhesive is right for tiling over tiles. Just my opinion. Peter is right in that if the subfloor moves thinset will crack but then using flex bond doesn't help because the movement will likely crack the tiles themselves. The floor is currently sheet vinyl glued to 1/4 inch plywood which in turn is glued to the original oak hardwood. so if i put the mapei product on, even the glazed tile, then i could just use the flex bond as i would regular thin set on cement board? TILE GUY - retired- TROY, MI - Method & Product suitability consulting. Thanks for the input. /NAME_mbilmeogdmmhknpkbaejkkjegljngoce 21 0 R Yes, you can use the ECO Prim Grip over both the tile and the plastic laminate. Is this a thing? those weights are drastic. /Subtype/Image 2022 The Taunton Press, Inc. All rights reserved.
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