fabric mesh reinforcement

By being cast into structures, it effectively counteracts the poor tensile strength of concrete. Nene Estate, Station Road, Watford Village, Northamptonshire, NN6 7XN, 361-365 Coleford Road, Darnall, Sheffield, S9 5NF, Home Farm, Hurtmore, A3 By pass, nr. Over the years, steel rebar has been used in the construction industry and beyond to reinforce concrete to absorb tensile forces in the material to ensure that any cracking (which is inevitable) in high-strength concrete does not weaken the overall structure in question. Not only does fabric reinforcement help improve crack control, it can also improve impact resistance, reduce the incidence of bleeding and segregation of aggregates, and also reduce permeability following the curing process. Steel mesh comes in a wide array ofprofiles with varying mesh sizes and wire sizes as indicated in the table below. Regardless of the size or style of reinforcing mesh you need, Steel Reinforcement Suppliers can provide it, in all of the most popular sizes, including a393, a142, a252, a193, and d49, among many other sizes. We can also supply 3.6m long x 2.0m wide sheets in A type mesh. Meshmen / Castles can be used for vertical and horizontal support. Tapered Threaded Standard Couplers are available from us in different sizes depending on your needs; please see our drop down menu for the full list. Pre-bent bars are housed within the box and are secured by a protective cover. All Rights Reserved. Plastic Line Tric Trac Spacers are supplied in 2000mm lengths and are ideal for supplying bottom reinforcement in suspended slabs . Godalming, Surrey, GU8 6BS, To receive our newsletter and other updates enter your email address, I'd like to receive marketing info from Precon Products, Precon Products value your privacy. A Mesh - Detail of a Sheet with 300mm Flying End & Side, B Mesh - Detail of a Sheet with 300mm Flying End & Side, A Mesh - Detail of a Sheet with 500mm Flying End & Side, B Mesh - Detail of a Sheet with 500mm Flying End & Side. MBT couplers require neither bar end preparation to form threads nor bar rotation to effect installation. 0000007135 00000 n 0000005616 00000 n Plastic , clip on wheel spacers provide cover through a full 360 degrees and therefore ideal for columns , walls and beams. Our rebar products offer the best steel reinforcement bar none. Reeleasy Tye Wire Dispenser | 12.95 each, Email Bar Schedules to sales@specialistconstructionsupplies.online. We accept Credit and Debit cards over the phone , so distance is no object to receive a next day delivery . Ask one of our experts or suggest a definition. 0000006747 00000 n 0000212710 00000 n 0000064961 00000 n A Mesh Data Sheet, A142- A193- A252 & A393 - Also available in Merchant Size 2mt x 3.6mt, A142 Mesh Fabric - 2.4mt x 4.8mt 6mm | Call For price, A193 Mesh Fabric - 2.4mt x 4.8mt 7mm | Call For Price, A252 Mesh Fabric - 2.4mt x 4.8mt 8mm | Call For Price, A393 Mesh Fabric - 2.4mt x 4.8mt 10mm | Call For Price, B1131 - B785 - B503 - B385 - Available in 2.4mt x 4.8mt Sheets, B283 Structural Mesh Fabric - 2.4mt x 4.8mt 5mm/5mm | Call For Price, B385 Structural Mesh Fabric - 2.4mt x 4.8mt 7mm/7mm | Call For Price, B503 Structural Mesh Fabric - 2.4mt x 4.8mt 8mm/8mm | Call For Price, B785 Structural Mesh Fabric - 2.4mt x 4.8mt 10mm/8mm | Call For Price, B1131 Structural Mesh Fabric - 2.4mt x 4.8mt 12mm/8mm | Call For Price, SCS heavy-duty concrete square bars are manufactured in 1 metre lengthsa from 20mm up to 100mm. Our range of B reinforcement mesh is primarily used as a fabric for reinforcing concrete slabs, walls and other constructions. 0000005055 00000 n Your encyclopedia of terms used in the industrial flooring industry. In the UK the standard sizes are covered by the table below. In light-use applications, a single layer of fabric may be used, but in heavier jobs, two layers are used "top and bottom". Where the structure needs strengthening with steel reinforcement, its usual to see high-tensile steel bars and fabric mesh used together. Our privacy policy. 0000040206 00000 n 0000005865 00000 n 0000001156 00000 n The fabric is supported from beneath at regular intervals by Hystools, Wire ring spacers, concrete bar spacers, Grade Plate Spacers which are purpose made for use with the sheets of Mesh fabric. It is also particularly suitable for use on metal decking. Wecan supplya wide variety of rebar solutions, ideal for strengthening the structure and improving the load-bearing capabilities of all foundations and building works. We recommend 4 circular spacers per sheet of mesh.CWS Data Sheet, 75mm Ring Spacers - 25 per pack | 59.58, 90mm Ring Spacers - 25 per pack | 72.84, 100mm Ring Spacers - 25 per pack | 77.34, 120mm Ring Spacers - 25 per pack | 82.38, 150mm Ring Spacers - 25 per pack | 89.04, 180mm Ring Spacers - 25 per pack | 101.88, 200mm Ring Spacers - 25 per pack | 118.38, Our rebar tying wire is 17gauge annealed steel wire , the prefrred choice for steel fixers . 0000007559 00000 n Here at Foregale, we specialise in the manufacture and supply of fabric reinforcement mesh from standard 4.8m x 2.4m sheets to cut and bent sheets that are made to order. The bars are supported within the coupler by two serrated saddles. This product is specifically designed to seamlessly connect bars of the same diameter while allowing one bar to be rotated. For any further assistance with this product, or any in our range, please speak to a member of our expert team on 01423 331600, High Tensile Reinforcing Bar - Straight Lengths up to 6000mm Long, High Tensile Rebar - 10mm x 6000mm | 19.95, High Tensile Rebar - 12mm x 6000mm | 25.82, High Tensile Rebar - 16mm x 6000mm | 29.62, High Tensile Rebar - 20mm x 6000mm | 42.70, High Tensile Rebar - 25mm x 6000mm | 54.62, High Tensile Rebar - 32mm x 6000mm | 69.50, Call for Price 0800 047 6775 - Email Bar Schedules to sales@specialistconstructionsupplies.online. . Download a digital version or request a hard copy delivered directly to your door. It is able to be cut to desired size and welded into position. Rebar Safety Caps Data Sheet, Rebar Safety Caps 6-18mm Bar | 50.00/250Rebar Safety Caps 16-32mm Bar | 70.00/250, Rebar Safety caps 40mm - 50mm bar | 42.95 / 100, The Circular Wire Spacers provide a quick, easy and economical method of supporting reinforcement in concrete slabs. 0000144574 00000 n Other applications include their use as kickers and formwork spacers. LiversedgeHull 0000007522 00000 n Here the mesh provides and enhancement to the moment resistance of the slab. B Mesh Data Sheet, The most commonly specified steel fabrics for paving works are A142 (6mm wires), A193 (7mm wires) and A252 (8mm wires). 0000065192 00000 n 2022 steelreinforcementsuppliers.co.uk. Hychair Spacer Data Sheet, 100mm Hychairs - 25 x 2mt Packs | 76.19, 120mm Hychairs - 25 x 2mt Pack s| 79.87, 150mm Hychairs - 25 x 2mt Packs | 82.80, 165mm Hychairs - 25 x 2mt Packs | 90.79, 200mm Hychairs - 25 x 2mt Packs | 103.16, Rebar Safety Caps/ Mushroom Caps are specifically designed for use in the construction industry and fit over the ends of protruding bars reducing the risk of injury. We use cookies to make the site run smoothly and to gather information on how you use it in order to improve your experience. From the highly cost effective straight length high tensile rebar, used as a tensioning device to hold compression in reinforced concrete, to PVC coated steel gabions, used to prevent erosion and add extra support to retaining walls, each and every one of our rebar products possess unique benefits to enhance the structural soundness of your foundations. We can even bend and cut the bars to suit your requirements, and we'll bend over backwards to deliver the perfect product at great value for money. Couplers are used in Rebar construction to connect two rebar rods together. A Mesh - Detail of a sheet with 2no. On top of this, we have all the accessories you need, from frost blankets which offer durable protection from extreme weather conditions, to couplers for joining and reinforcing steel bars. 0000270683 00000 n This could be why its being increasingly used for crack control over steel reinforcement. For more info see our Privacy Policy, When ordering non-standard sheets, the main wire length should be the first dimension stated, Eliminates build-up of reinforcement at laps to maintain correct cover, Sheets can be manufactured up to 6 metres in length and 2.45 metres in width, Schedule of all accessories, polythene and floor toppings required. 0000022340 00000 n These spacers are placed roughly every 600mm or so, sufficient to carry the fabric without allowing it to sag unacceptably. 0000070230 00000 n 0000065077 00000 n Concrete Meshmen 40/50mm - | 22.95 per 100, Grade Plate spacers are a popular double cover spacer that have been designed for use in groundbeams and slabs. A142 mesh is often used in 100mm thick light-use slabs such as paths, driveways and garage bases, while A252 is normally associated with heavier-duty 150-200mm thick slabs, with A193 used in either. Roofing & CladdingReinforcement, Union Road, Liversedge, West Yorkshire, WF15 7JS, Housebuilding Construction Drops For First Time Since 2020, Manchester School Appeals For 40k Construction Project, Frequently Asked Questions About Metal Roofing, All A mesh types are also available in 3.6m x 2.0m as well as standard sizes of 4.8m x 2.4m. They are a heavy duty spacer block that provide a stable and secure platform for rebar to sit on . Precon Products, A leading national independent supplier of construction products, You currently have 0 items in your enquiry. Formwork design is simplified and there is no need to drill shuttering. The size of bars and centre to centre distances vary depending upon local standards. The CoGri Group, a leading international specialist in concrete flooring, with offices on every continent throughout the world. sales@specialistconstructionsupplies.online, sales@specialistconstructionsupplies.online, sales@specialistconstructionsupplies.online, OUT OF HOURS & WEEKEND DELIVERY SERVICE AVAILABLE. We are able to provide you with the finest quality mesh fabric at the best prices. Specialist Construction Supplies can offer a complete concrete reinforcement package including cut & bent bar, reinforcing mesh fabric , rebar couplers and the full range of concrete slab accessories . 0000003729 00000 n CALL 0800 047 6775 NEXT DAY DELIVERY TO CENTRAL LONDON, Carlton DairyCarlton FarmFrank LaneNun MonktonYorkYO26 8EJ, Copyright 2018 Specialist Construction Supplies Limited, STEEL REINFORCEMENT MESH & REBAR FOR CONCRETE SLABS, Steel Reinforcement Mesh & Rebar for Concrete Slabs, Reinforcement & Concrete Slab Accessories, Geotextiles / Geogrids / Hydrocarbon Barriers / Geomembranes, Gas barrier Systems & Hydrocarbon Membranes, Non Shrink Grouts / Epoxy Grouts & Chemicals, Sika Waterproofing & Concrete Repair Products, Concrete Repair Mortars & Floor Levelling Compounds, Ground Stabilisation - Stormwater Systems -3R Foam Shock Pads, Reinforcement Continuity Strip - Data Sheet. trailer <<269FBDB4D9464047A4F9FEEEF88744EB>]/Prev 1519187>> startxref 0 %%EOF 292 0 obj <>stream 250 0 obj <> endobj xref 250 43 0000000016 00000 n Copyright 2022 CoGri Group Ltd | All Rights Reserved | terms & conditions | privacy policy | cookie policy. Installation is complete when the heads of all of the bolts are sheared off. Concrete Meshmen/Castles are for use with rebar construction . approx. The size of the mesh should be such that the cross sectional area of the mesh is between 0.1-0.125% of the total cross sectional area of the slab. For a special size or to get advice on the sizes that you need for your project, please contact us today. The size of the mesh is dictated by the slab thickness and the moment capacity required (when placed in the bottom of the slab). Our double loop ties are used with a tying tool to facilitate quick steel rebar fixing , these come in 150mm & 200mm lengths - packed in 1000s. There must always be a minimum of 50mm cover over steel reinforcement, both above, below and around . 0000004262 00000 n B Reinforcement mesh is also called structural mesh , and cosists of 10mm long and 8mm cross bars , manufactured to BS4449 / 2005 standards , they are cares approved products and fully CE certified. Phone +44 (0)20 8940 7578 (Main Sales Office). %PDF-1.5 % The spacers are delivered in 3.0 metre long straight lengths, which can be formed into a circle of 1.0 metre diameter. Wheel Spacers - 15mm 4-10mm Bar | 63.95 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 20mm 4-12mm Bar | 78.00 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 20mm 12-20mm Bar | 89.50 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 25mm 4-12mm Bar | 87.00 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 25mm 12-20mm Bar | 102.00 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 30mm 4-12mm Bar | 99.50 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 30mm 12-20mm Bar | 112.00 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 35mm 4-12mm Bar | 107.95 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 35mm 12-20mm Bar | 117.50 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 40mm 4-12mm Bar | 138.95 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 40mm 12-20mm Bar | 149.75 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 50mm 4-12mm Bar | 154.25 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 50mm 12-20mm Bar | 178.85 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 60mm 12-20mm Bar | 218.55 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 70mm 12-20mm Bar | 278.00 per 1000, Wheel Spacers - 75mm 12-20mm Bar | 412.95 per 1000. Each unit consists of a galvanised steel casing which is dimpled to provide an effective concrete bond. 0000006485 00000 n 0000002791 00000 n 200mm Flying Sides, Hy-Ten can supply a wide range of bespoke meshes tailored to customers specific requirements. 0000002677 00000 n For a quick response and competitive price please call 0800 047 6775 or email bar schedules and mesh requirements to sales@specialistconstructionsupplies.online. 0000064895 00000 n Its large base area prevents puncturing of polythene or groundheave products and provides a stable support for the reinforcing steel. 0000007684 00000 n 0000037526 00000 n Plastic Tric Trac 20mm - 100mt Pack | 73.26 per pack, Plastic Tric Trac 25mm - 100mt Pack | 78.95 per pack, Plastic Tric Trac 30mm - 100mt Pack | 82.95 per pack, Plastic Tric Trac 35mm - 60mt Pack | 54.00 per pack, Plastic Tric Trac 40mm - 60mt Pack | 68.00 per pack, Plastic Tric Trac 50mm - 60mt Pack | 74.20 per pack, Flat based , double and triple cover concrete spacers are designed for use on both vertical and horizontal applications. We can supply reinforcing mesh in a range of sizes and shapes including: Square Mesh, Structural Mesh, Long Mesh and D49 Wrapping Mesh. 0000064566 00000 n 0000098659 00000 n each spacer is capable of holding the steel at two different heights. In ground supported slabs mesh reinforcement should be placed in the bottom of the slab between 50 and 40mm cover. When the cover is removed the bars can be straightened ready for lapping onto the main reinforceme :Box made from galvanized steel-sheet ,The bars are bent in accordance with standard DIN 488. For example in a 175mm thick slab the mesh size used in the UK would be A193. 0000002033 00000 n Consider the alternatives for large floor construction. Responsive Web Design by Vortex Global Services, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. 0000103334 00000 n L Bars - U Bars - Rectangular Links - Square Links, U Bars 12mm x 1000mm x 200mm x 1000mm | 7.80, U Bars 12mm x 1000mm x 300mm x 1000mm | 8.20, U Bars 16mm x 1000mm x 200mm x 1000mm | 13.95, U Bars 16mm x 100mm x 300mm x 1000mm | 14.75, Square Links 10mm x 300mm x 300mm | 4.95, Square Links 10mm x 400mm x 400mm | 6.80, Square Links 12mm x 300mm x 300mm | 6.90, Square Links 12mm x 400mm x 400mm | 7.95, High Tensile Rebar is available from us in a number of standard rebar sizes in straight lengths. 0000006457 00000 n Customers can specify. 0000040281 00000 n 200mm Flying Ends & 2no. We supply the following range of fabric reinforcement meshes. For a quote, call us now on 0208 842 4855 or send us your requirements. Each wire intersection is resistance welded using electronically controlled techniques. As a series of lockshear bolts are tightened to a predetermined torque, they are embedded into the bar. Box-length. Concrete is naturally a brittle material it performs well in compression but is far less effective where tension is concerned. Terwa Aligator Coupler Data Sheet, ComaxReinforcement Continuity Systems are designed to maintain continuity of reinforcement at construction joints in concrete. hb`````y`sAb, ZDd}M8/Z`. 0000002640 00000 n What is Rebar? Manufactured to BS 4483 from cold reduced wire which complies with BS 4482. The lockshear bolts on sizes 10mm to 20mm can be tightened using a ratchet wrench. The flat base provides additional support and stability where the weight of reinforcement is high. Suppliers of woven and welded steel mesh. The coupler itself is made up of an internally threaded sleeve tapered towards the middle covered by a metal casing. 0000002135 00000 n Concrete Spacer Bar Data Sheet. 0000004800 00000 n 0000006631 00000 n This product is a standard reinforcing steel rod that is used as a tension device in concrete structures to strengthen and hold the concrete together. Using Flying End and Side Meshes reduces lap congestion, prevents cover compromise and saves tonnage. We can also provide a fast and efficient delivery service covering Mainland Uk, including London and the south east . At the same time the saddles bite into both the bar and the shell of the coupler. Tying Wire Data Sheet. 0000243125 00000 n 0000040175 00000 n Fixing costs are greatly reduced as the bars can simply be laid on the formwork or ground floor sub-base prior to the loading of the reinforcement cage. As always, we will deliver it directly to your commercial or residential project site. Used in construction for fixing reinforcing bars and attaching spacers to mesh reinforcement. By using this website you agree to our. Concrete Spacer Data Sheet. 1,25 m. Other stirrup-types and Diameters on request. 0000248274 00000 n We also embed Social Media such as Google Maps to enhance the content of our site. 0000065562 00000 n Below is our complete range of specifications, but if you have a special request or are unsure which size you need, contact us for free, impartial advice. Reinforcing mesh has a variety of uses for specific applications such as roads, house foundations, floor slabs as well as commercial and industrial applications. We stock standard size sheets and also offer a distribution service around the UK from our depots in Hull and Liversedge. Where steel reinforcement of a slab is required for structural reasons, the specification will more than likely require high-tensile steel bars as well as fabric mesh, and the design should be undertaken by a qualified engineer. It is incredibly versatile and very long lasting. Grade Plate Spacer Data Sheet, 25/30mm - Grade Plates 250/pack | 34.25, 40/50mm - Grade Plates 200/pack | 32.47, 65/75mm - Grade Plates 200/pack | 48.55, 90/100mm - Grade Plates 100/pack | 55.50, The standard two metre long Continuous Hystools are particularly suitable for ground floor slabs as their unique design eliminates any danger of puncturing damp proof membranes. 0000182295 00000 n 0000065267 00000 n 0000142295 00000 n Concrete technology has come on in recent months and years, and these days you can now use fibre and mesh reinforcement in order to control these cracks, although youll find they are less effective for structural strengthening. Reinforcement Continuity Strip - Data Sheet, Prices available for 10mm &16mm rebar continuity boxes, Comax 140mm box x H12 x 150mm Centres | 40.07 each, Comax 140mm box x H12 x 200mm Centres | 37.99 each, Comax 160mm box x H12 x 150mm Centres | 46.95 each, Comax 160mm box x H12 x 200mm Centres | 43.65 each, Comax 190mm box x H12 x 150mm Centres | 48.20 each, Comax 190mm box x H12 x 200mm Centres | 46.95 each, NEXT DAY DELIVERY AVAILABLE TO CENTRAL LONDON & SOUTH EAST.

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fabric mesh reinforcement