doc martens 1460 mono smooth black

var utc = d.getTime() + (d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000); tickerEl.classList.add("hide"); If you switch regions, items added to your cart or wishlist will be lost. } Free standard delivery for orders over $50 AUD. countdown(timeRemaining, showDeadline, "gp-delivery-ticker-small"); } hoursEl.innerHTML = ("0" + hours).slice(-2); tickerEl.classList.remove("hide"); secondsRemainingStart--; return new Date(utc + (3600000 * offset)); if (secondsRemainingStart >= 0 && showDeadline) { deadline.setMinutes(parseInt('0')); if (!initialized) { } no shipping costs. Orders do not include taxes and duties, and you may be subject to these upon delivery. Unsubscribe anytime: minutes = parseInt(secondsRemaining / 60); Size: {{entry.product.size}} | {{entry.totalPrice.formattedValue}}, Amount: {{entry.totalPrice.formattedValue}}, {{vm.capitalizeTag(entry.product.productTag)}}. (For more information, see the Privacy Policy). Click and Collect is FREE. You can return your product to our online store or any retail store within 30 days for domestic orders or 40 days for international orders. There are variations of this item. deadline.setHours(parseInt('0')); var offset = parseInt('10'); document.getElementById("timer-wrapper_" + elementPostfix).classList.remove("hide"); function countdown(secondsRemainingStart,showDeadline,elementPostfix){var hours,minutes,seconds;var initialized=false;var tickerEl=document.getElementById("ticker_"+elementPostfix);var hoursEl=document.getElementById("hours_"+elementPostfix);var minutesEl=document.getElementById("minutes_"+elementPostfix);var secondsEl=document.getElementById("seconds_"+elementPostfix);var timer=setInterval(calculate,1e3);function calculate(){if(secondsRemainingStart>=0&&showDeadline){var secondsRemaining=secondsRemainingStart;secondsRemaining=secondsRemaining%86400;hours=parseInt(secondsRemaining/3600);secondsRemaining=secondsRemaining%3600;minutes=parseInt(secondsRemaining/60);secondsRemaining=secondsRemaining%60;seconds=parseInt(secondsRemaining);hoursEl.innerHTML=("0"+hours).slice(-2);minutesEl.innerHTML=("0"+minutes).slice(-2);secondsEl.innerHTML=("0"+seconds).slice(-2);if(!initialized){tickerEl.classList.remove("hide")}secondsRemainingStart--}else{tickerEl.classList.add("hide");document.getElementById("no-ticker_"+elementPostfix).classList.remove("hide");clearInterval(timer)}if(!initialized){document.getElementById("timer-wrapper_"+elementPostfix).classList.remove("hide");initialized=true}}}function sydneyTime(){var offset=parseInt("10");var d=new Date;var utc=d.getTime()+d.getTimezoneOffset()*6e4;return new Date(utc+36e5*offset)}var now=sydneyTime();var deadline=new Date(now);deadline.setHours(parseInt("0"));deadline.setMinutes(parseInt("0"));deadline.setSeconds(0);var isWeekend=now.getDay()===6||now.getDay()===0;var isNonShippingDay="false"==="true";var showDeadline=!isWeekend&&!isNonShippingDay;var timeRemaining=parseInt((deadline.getTime()-now.getTime())/1e3);countdown(timeRemaining,showDeadline,"gp-delivery-ticker-small"); General Pants Co. exists to help you find your personal style in a world with no boundaries. } var isNonShippingDay = 'false' === 'true'; var timeRemaining = parseInt((deadline.getTime() - now.getTime()) / 1000); if (!initialized) { Please note: For online only products, you are still able to return these items in our stores! /* minutesEl.innerHTML = ("0" + minutes).slice(-2); hours = parseInt(secondsRemaining / 3600); The 1460 Mono Boot's sole, welt, stitch, eyelets, laces, heel loops and even linings are identical colors. function calculate() { clearInterval(timer); initialized = true; including19% VAT., You agree that your information will be used to process your request. var showDeadline = !isWeekend && !isNonShippingDay; FREE DELIVERY* STANDARD OVER $50 var hoursEl = document.getElementById("hours_" + elementPostfix); document.getElementById("no-ticker_" + elementPostfix).classList.remove("hide"); Vistit us in our stores in the Oranienstrasse 3 & 195, Dr. Martens - 101 smooth black 6-eye police boot, Dr. Martens - VEGAN 1460 felix rub off black 8-eye boot (yellow stitches), Dr. Martens - 1461 black smooth DMC SM-B 3-eye shoe (yellow stitches), Dr. Martens - 2976 VEGAN Chelsea boot black, Dr. Martens - VEGAN 1461 black 3-eye shoe (yellow stitches), Dr. Martens - 1460 black smooth DMC SM-B 8-eye boot smooth (yellow stitches), Dr. Martens - 1461PW black smooth shoe (ohne Naht schmal), Dr. Martens - VEGAN 1461 cherry red cambridge brush 3-eye shoe, Dr. Martens - 1461 MONO smooth black 3-eye boot, Greg Graffin - Punk Paradoxon: Eine Autobiografie PRE-ORDER, Ozzy Osbourne - Patient Number 9 PRE-ORDER, Joe Strummer & The Mescaleros - Joe Strummer 002: The Mescaleros Years PRE-ORDER, Briteside - The Colors Of Hardcore A-Z Coloring Book. :: secondsRemaining = (secondsRemaining % 3600); var secondsRemaining = secondsRemainingStart; function sydneyTime() { Orders less than $50 AUD will incur $6.95 AUD postage charge for shipping. Sign up now and receive$20 OFF YOUR ORDER*. var timer = setInterval(calculate, 1000); deadline.setSeconds(0); var secondsEl = document.getElementById("seconds_" + elementPostfix); function countdown(secondsRemainingStart, showDeadline, elementPostfix) { When returning items, you are responsible for the cost of the return unless your garment is damaged or faulty. seconds = parseInt(secondsRemaining); var now = sydneyTime(); Order in var d = new Date(); Once you place your order, you will receive an order confirmation email, and then another email once it is ready for pick-up. When a full priced item is in-stock in your chosen store, you can order it via Click and Collect. var deadline = new Date(now); // the below is a manually uglified version of this script, using*/ var initialized = false; var tickerEl = document.getElementById("ticker_" + elementPostfix); :: FREE DELIVERY* STANDARD OVER $50 } :: here, Dr. Martens - 1460 MONO smooth black 8-eye-boot. THANKS FOR SIGNING UPAn email with your promo code will be sent to you. and we'll send it today Please select the variation you wish. var hours, minutes, seconds; Express delivery available for a flat fee of $8.95 AUD. var isWeekend = (now.getDay() === 6 || now.getDay() === 0); secondsRemaining = (secondsRemaining % 60); Find more info. } secondsEl.innerHTML = ("0" + seconds).slice(-2); Select your shipping destination to ensure you see the correct price for your region. secondsRemaining = (secondsRemaining % 86400); var minutesEl = document.getElementById("minutes_" + elementPostfix); If you order before 2PM local time, it will be available for pick-up that day (7 days a week). } else { FREE STANDARD DELIVERY OVER $50*, Your exclusive rewards & offers start here. 2022 General Pants Co. All rights reserved.

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doc martens 1460 mono smooth black