Well, if the compressor is trying to compress liquids, and not refrigerant gas as it was designed to do, then the electronics will soon become stressed to the max.If the refrigerant circuit is flooded with liquid refrigerant due to a massive overcharge (bad), or with sea water from a breached condenser (very, very bad), the electronics will eventually become overloaded and bring up the five-flash alarm, if the compressor can actually run, that is .NOTE: The current SECOP controller, 101N0212, does not have a heat sink for the electronics, but still incorporates this alarm. Atm card update. <> That will by-pass the thermostat system, so if the compressor then starts and runs, your problem is in the thermostat circuit.Before you start trouble-shooting and relying on the LED, it would be prudent to first test it by removing the connection on the "D" terminal of the controller and touching it on a 12v negative connection to check that the LED lights up. Danfoss-Secop Compressor Fault Codes Explained. 12 0 obj DANFOSS COMP. Request InformationClick here for directions. 15 0 obj other than the thermostat stopping the compressor, and you go take a look at the diagnostic LED, what exactly are you looking for? After all, they're really the same thing, only cheaper, right? endobj However, a shocking amount of piracy is taking place in unlikely industries such as the HVAC industry. Well it does, but it is something to do with electronic thermostats, which we don't use.LED lit continuously: If you see that the LED is lit continuously, i.e. DETAILS , DANFOSS COMP. If your compressor is quietly chugging along and suddenly stops and gives the three-flash code, it is a symptom that something unusual, like an intermittent break in the power supply or thermostat circuit, has stopped the compressor.If the fault then quickly rectifies itself and the compressor tries to start again too soon after a brief stoppage, the difference between the high and low pressures within the compressor may be too great for it to able to start. When most people think of counterfeit products, it is usually electronics and luxury items that come to mind. 10 0 obj There are several ways you can identify a counterfeit Danfoss compressor today. Much of the following also applies to the BD80 compressor controller.By connecting a simple 10mA 12v LED across the "D" terminal and a "+" terminal on the electronic controller attached to the compressor, you will have added a powerful fault-finding tool that may save you a lot of time and trouble later on.Why the manufacturer elected not to incorporate a diode in the controller housing is anyone's guess, but Coastal Climate Control comes to the rescue here with three options: 1. Coastal Climate Control 2013-2022. More recently, companies have also incorporated QR codes which take you to a registration page to help identify whether or not the product is real. Three Flashes:Now this has become a very common alarm. By continuing to use this site you are agreeing with usage of cookies. endobj item 8 Emerson Copeland Scroll ZP42K6E-TFD-130 AC Compressor R410a 460V 3-Phase, 4.0 out of 5 stars based on 1 product rating, 4.8 out of 5 stars based on 15 product ratings, 5.0 out of 5 stars based on 11 product ratings, 4.6 out of 5 stars based on 25 product ratings. All of the labels placed on these compressors come with pre-cut corners so that if someone attempts to remove the label at a later time, the corners will be separated. Danfoss can accept no responsibility for possible errors in the COMPASS program. This applies to products already on order provided that such alterations can be made without sub sequential changes being necessary in specifications already agreed. <> Search for Text: Enter the model designation or code number- active or discontinued, partial or complete.2. r){k vNoL[fMTtXpQM5tRWK$)Nch}_l! .>5 >Ol ~e)SGIJ-0,a 0{m)@WQvr`Dktj#iU&Gb$@/PV DNF5 ,Q+1)*Sb8:9S?!V Danfoss compressor Codes & Horsepower details. REFRIGERATION & AIR CONDITIONING DIVISION, 101G02201/12 14 26 40 45 56 74 95 60 86 2.50 PL50F, Compressor Code numbers Horsepower EN 12900 (CECOMAF) EN 12900 (CECOMAF) DisplaceCompressor, Compressor (approx.) 9 0 obj and condensing unit is designed for a wide range of applications from 0.1 to 13HP refrigeration as single or in rack systems. endobj The user must also ensure that installation conditions comply with professional standards and legislation before making a selection. You should be able to find both of these markers on your compressor packaging. Any fan, or relay to operate a water pump, will be connected to the "F" and small "+" terminals on the controller, and will be turned on and off with the compressor.This output is limited to only around 1 amp surge or 0.7 amps continuous, which is why we have to operate pumps or large fans via a relay.Note that due to bit of fancy electrickery, the fan supply is always 12v, even when the system is powered by 24v. 1. The compressor will only start once the voltage has risen above 11.8v. KE CODE KE ZARIYE COMP. While the outer case of the compressor may be legitimate, the inside parts are not. : +420 387 203 521E-mail: sinopcb@sinop.cz. endobj This is a clear indication that the compressor has been tampered with. A Guardian digital thermostat/compressor speed controller that features a diagnostic LED. A Coastal Diagnostic LED kit with an LED that you can either install permanently or keep in the spares kit.2. Compressors with a scale of+10% or 20%in the cooling capacity may be proposed as best matching alternatives. If the serial number on the QR code page does not match the other labels on the compressor, you will know that it is a fake. <> 8 0 obj Please also refer to ourdisclaimer below. All trademarks in this material are the property of the respective companies. <> Money transfer saudi Arbia to other country. 'V6!b;(-rO>2W9K0"dRK? %PDF-1.7 A Merlin II compressor speed controller that also incorporates a diagnostic LED.3. By accepting you will be accessing a service provided by a third-party external to https://coastalclimatecontrol.com/. Six Flashes: Did I mention that the new Secop 101N0212 controller has a six-flash alarm? Values calculated and the performance of the products proposed by this software must be verified by the user. This website is using cookies to provide services, personalize ads, and monitor traffic. Electrolux => ACC => Huayi Compressor Barcelona =>, Single phase with a start relay & start capacitor, Single phase with a start relay & start capacitor & permanent capacitor. 4 0 obj Oftentimes fake coils or other components can cause internal damage to a commercial compressor that cannot be repaired. Search term must have more than 2 characters. DANFOSS COMP. Five Flashes: This is usually either bad news or very, very bad news. endobj (HUl$iQcB{d92PI0rr:hd\ Danfoss reserves the right to alter its products without notice. This is not absolutely necessary, but it will limit the list of possible models.4. In fact, the problem has grown into an international phenomenon that is costing HVAC manufacturers millions of dollars per year. 6. CODE. If you want to further limit the search select the technology. Be careful purchasing compressors online from unknown entities who may be repackaging old compressors with fake components. How to Affiliate link share on fb grp & page.? Sinop CB a.s. endobj Design & Development By ADEK Productions | LO, Coastal Climate ControlCooling, Monitoring & Solar Solutions, Office | Warehouse:Coastal Climate Control4831 Tesla DriveSuite H Bowie, Maryland 20715Phone:(301) 352-5738. COMPASS is a software program that helps you to find the best Danfoss alternative for compressors for replacement. Something went wrong. <> <> <> About Us Contact Us Subscribe . In this situation it is quite likely that you'll see the three-flash alarm, but the actual problem will be in the wiring or ancillary equipment.While the LED is giving a three-flash signal, the fan or water pump will be running, but not the compressor. <> isme kuchh compressor ke code dikhay gay hai. ACA\2a\52LN+F(d8j2GrS%b0b3IQ0qAa:$a"S8 \9 j#j~9(2m~QU5aAZ.J7f9rNQ@W/F #Y0h\q$3UMe^Iaz\6n-9LFyy&Gvm{tSk2 >{]Xgc>?)o3;;la003:L0`CFb$1fFER2*QDkt2I[J4Jr1b-ICAj{l(?TJCMSddBS]sU =:4djqP[Y05%Jq[N54(9A(mU8\ km4[5F3Ae-~dM[RM+xM~j+\P5~"Q#O~2N%O0ezP#E~adY ig mKEeE4dA:%0^)%sv9[3WKb%\K-UCeR;C4_,-0,(b.){rL.3Tx,5jU5 More information. endobj yaad kar le yaa likh kar yaa photo le kar rakh le. 14 0 obj If you know the manufacturer, you can select this.6. If you discover a fake, it is best to call Danfoss directly and report the vendor so that they can look into it. The below rating conditions was used for cooling capacity processing: The following brand names have been grouped as follows: ApplicationRefrigerantManufacturerElectrical dataTechnology (Hermetic or Scroll). 2 0 obj ki HP (horsepower) pata kar sakte hai. Select the Refrigerant. 11 0 obj Sorry, but we can't give much guidance on this one other than to make sure you're not seeing things and that you're counting properly! Two Flashes: This is caused by an overload on the fan terminal. <>stream How to Catch a Counterfeit Danfoss Compressor. This alarm does not lie. 30 0 obj endobj Danfoss compressor pe jo Image Code hote hai ous code ke zariye aap comp. The best way to combat this is to ensure that you are shopping only with a reputable dealer or installer. endobj Find your best Danfoss alternative for compressor replacement by trying COMPASS from the link below. Well, if the LED is not flashing, then you most likely have either a total or partial power supply failure, or an issue with the electronic controller or thermostat. Aside from these advanced methods of detecting counterfeits, there are also some less complex things to look for. 370 01 esk Budjovice, Tel. For instance, all Danfoss compressors are either black or blue. 5. Wrong. All Rights Reserved. 1. For instance, some companies are taking old Danfoss compressors, refurbishing them with off-brand components, and then selling them as new. Capacity [W] Power consumption ment, cooling Evaporating temperature [C] Evporating temp. 7 0 obj You may notice that special logos have been stamped in unlikely places on the compressor to identify it as authentic. It is in the best interest of consumers and manufacturers alike to take proactive steps against counterfeiting today. endobj <> Select compressors to find the best Danfoss compressor alternative for the existing compressor model in your system. Industrial HVAC & Refrigeration Components, item 1 New Danfoss SZ185S4QC HVAC S Series Scroll Compressor 380-400 V3, item 2 Trane OEM Compressor Alliance 5 5.1 Ton R-410A 380-400V 3Ph 60Hz, item 3 Emerson ZP38K5E-TF5-130 Copeland Scroll AC Compressor R410a 200-230V 3-Phase. It means that the compressor cannot get started, and is most likely to be either a problem with the compressor itself, or the electronic controller that is trying to start the compressor.If the compressor will never start and always gives the three-flash code straight away on power-up, then it is almost certainly an electronics problem, and replacing the controller is the only option.Note that this alarm occurs only when the compressor has stopped and then cannot start again. [C, -45 -40 -35 -30 -25 -23.3 -20 -15 -10 -5 -25 -10 [, TLS3FT 102G4324 1/10 21 34 50 56 69 92 120 62 92 3.13, TLS4FT 102G4424 1/8 27 43 63 71 88 117 152 87 123 3.86, TLS5FT 102G4524 1/6 48 71 98 109 131 170 216 114 165 5.08, NL6FT 105G6628 1/5 60 84 115 127 152 198 253 123 184 6.13, NL7FT 105G6728 105G6738 1/4 71 100 136 150 181 235 299 145 220 7.27, NL9FT 105G6828 105G6838 1/3 87 120 162 178 213 275 350 169 252 8.35, NL10FT 105G6829 105G6839 3/8 113 158 213 235 281 361 455 217 327 10.10, SC12FT 104G8205 104G8215 3/8 103 163 233 259 314 408 517 645 265 380 12.87, SC15FT 104G8505 1/2 126 197 280 311 376 489 620 772 311 451 15.28, SC18FTX 104G8805 5/8 144 229 325 361 437 567 719 896 365 517 17.68, SC21FTX 104G8105 3/4 192 296 415 460 553 713 901 1119 428 613 20.95, PL35G 101G0250 1/16 34 39 48 64 82 104 52 79 2.00, TL2.5G 102G4251 1/16 14 27 42 48 60 80 105 134 67 96 2.61, TL3G 102G4350 1/12 30 47 54 69 95 125 70 111 3.13, TL4G 102G4452 1/10 48 70 78 96 127 166 87 135 3.86, TL5G 102G4550 1/8 65 92 102 123 162 207 106 170 5.08, FR6G 103G6660 1/6 51 93 108 141 199 266 119 197 6.23, FR7.5G 103G6680 103G6690 1/5 67 112 130 166 228 300 138 229 6.93, FR8.5G 103G6780 103G6790 1/4 92 138 156 195 263 345 164 273 7.95, FR10G 103G6880 103G6890 1/3 99 153 173 217 292 381 194 314 9.05, SC12FT 104G8205 104G8215 1/2 125 192 272 302 366 477 608 761 298 458 12.87, SC15FT 104G8505 5/8 154 235 330 365 441 571 724 904 356 537 15.28, SC18FTX 104G8805 3/4 187 280 390 432 520 675 857 1071 420 622 17.68, SC21FTX 104G8106 7/8 240 345 470 518 620 800 1012 1262 475 707 20.95, TL4CL 102U2071 1/8 52 65 84 110 142 155 182 230 286 352 140 198 3.86, FR6CL 103U2670 1/6 77 108 145 189 243 263 307 383 473 578 242 353 6.23, FR7.5CL 103U2790 1/5 86 114 154 202 262 285 333 418 515 630 267 395 6.93, FR8.5CL 103U2890 1/4 99 126 168 222 290 317 372 468 577 315 472 7.95, NL7CLX 105F3710 1/3 102 146 199 263 340 369 430 536 657 796 274 381 7.27, SC10CLX 104L2533 1/3 166 255 360 400 483 625 789 977 352 508 10.29, SC12CL 104L2623 3/8 58 140 237 353 490 541 650 835 1048 1292 445 654 12.87, SC12CLX.2 104L2697 1/2 130 205 294 399 522 569 666 834 1026 475 659 12.87, SC15CL 104L2853 1/2 151 299 452 615 673 792 988 1208 1458 560 790 15.28, SC15CLX.2 104L2896 1/2 159 250 358 486 637 694 813 1017 1251 1519 565 783 15.28, SC18CL 104L2123 5/8 167 271 395 542 715 781 918 1154 1425 1735 615 894 17.68, SC18CLX.2 104L2197 3/4 194 306 439 595 780 849 995 1245 1532 680 949 17.68, SC21CL 104L2322 7/8 226 325 455 617 813 887 1042 1306 1606 702 989 20.95, GS26CLX 107B0500 1 325 497 703 949 1240 1348 1580 1974 2427 888 1285 26.30, GS34CLX 107B0501 1 1/4 729 1003 1330 1715 1857 2165 2687 3289 1196 1721 33.80, SC10CLX 104L2533 3/8 224 335 455 499 588 738 906 1096 430 623 10.29, SC12CLX 104L2695 1/2 146 282 429 590 649 770 972 1200 540 748 12.87, SC12CLX.2 104L2697 1/2 155 233 343 473 626 683 804 1011 1248 541 777 12.87, SC15CLX 104L2854 5/8 179 351 530 720 788 928 1158 1417 610 864 15.28, SC15CLX.2 104L2897 5/8 194 305 437 593 776 846 991 1239 1525 611 848 15.28, SC18CLX.2 104L2195 7/8 113 338 542 737 938 1010 1157 1410 1708 752 990 17.68, GS21CLX 107B0506 1 475 674 905 1172 1270 1480 1873 2246 868 1180 21.20, TL3CN 102H4380 1/10 106 200 106 140 3.13, TL4CN 102H4490 1/8 56 126 255 128 155 3.86, TL5CN 102H4590 1/6 81 109 143 183 198 230 283 345 416 162 211 5.08, NL7CN 105H6756 1/4 118 166 223 290 315 368 458 561 679 221 291 7.27, NL9CN 105H6856 1/3 138 194 259 335 364 423 526 643 778 250 334 8.35, SC10CNX 104H8065 1/3 126 179 245 325 355 420 531 660 809 274 362 10.29, SC12CNX 104H8265 3/8 178 250 331 426 462 540 678 846 1050 344 456 12.87, SC12CNX.2 104H8266 3/8 186 258 346 453 493 578 725 895 379 502 12.87, SC15CNX 104H8565 1/2 195 297 415 550 601 707 887 1093 1328 420 560 15.28, SC15CNX.2 104H8566 1/2 252 332 434 560 609 714 900 1120 445 610 15.28, SC18CNX 104H8865 5/8 219 341 480 640 700 824 1033 1272 1543 500 707 17.68, SC18CNX.2 104H8866 5/8 244 384 531 689 747 863 1057 1273 541 682 17.68.
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