Multi-purpose metal polish for: brass, copper, stainless steel, chrome, aluminum, pewter, and bronze, Great to use on: car rims, stainless refrigerators/ovens/toasters/dishwashers, faucets, metal kitchenware and metal furniture, Metal surfaces: Car rims, faucets, metal kitchenware, metal furniture, brass door knobs and locks, stainless refrigerators, ovens, toasters. It has undergone very few changes in either composition or package design over the past century. Brasso has a very, very strong and all-pervading ammonia smell, and it is best to wear a mask and safety glasses when using it, especially indoors (which really is not recommended) and avoid breathing the vapours -- these are known to have an anaesthetic that can then lead to dizziness and respiratory distress. 1, Sheila Shine - Stainless Steel Cleaner (aerosol), Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polish (aerosol), Internet Order Policies, I've noticed they've tampered with the ingredients and now it's thin as water and doesn't go as far. Further details in the disclaimer. You probably have everything you need to make your own brass polish in your kitchen. You have to contninually coat let dry and do again. It is available either directly as a liquid or as an impregnated wadding pad. Its coloured water as I'm concerned. The plastic bottle is 50ml and is sold with a microfibre cloth. Apply a layer to your brass and leave it on for an hour. [5], The online data sheet for Brasso wadding in the UK lists the ingredients as C810 Alkane/Cycloalkane/Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Quartz, C1418 and C1618 unsaturated Fatty acids, Kaolinite, Aqua, Ammonium Hydroxide and Iron Hydroxide. The polish grew in popularity in England, eventually replacing the previous paste-style polishes. It cleans & polishes a variety of metals, providing a long-lasting smooth, polished surface and brilliant shine. Reckitt's appealed to the companies asking for the polish to be recategorized in the hope of reducing costs, but the railways disagreed. Then let it haze or dry. Whether youve picked up a vintage lamp or just replaced your cabinet pulls, heres how to make your brass items look their best. Let the haze dry, and remove with light rubbing and "Shazam" the belt buckle would gleam inspection perfect. Recently purchased brasso not as good as older previous purchase very thin now does not work- very watery I have a lot of brass objects I will just use tomato sauce, I will not buy it in the future. Read the other reviews,same problem, shouldve read them first, before wasting $10. Here's a list of what Sorenson and Hartman consider the best brass cleaners. Staying at home doesnt have to be a drag, even if youre isolating. Purchased in June 2020 at eBay for $4.99. Theres a surprisingly easy way to determine the lacquer-related status of your brass: If there is already tarnish on the brass, it probably has not been lacquered. Brass:True brass is an alloy of copper and zinc. if you put the rag used to apply Brasso into the washing with everything else (as some lost souls are wont to do!). I am amazed people are criticizing it. To revisit this article, visit My Profile, thenView saved stories. Use a soft, damp cloth to apply the soapy water, and clean it until all debris, dust, and dirt are gone. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. After a hearing lasting two days the commissioners decided in favour of the railway companies, and Brasso remained classed as a dangerous substance for the purposes of railway transport. Purchased in January 2021 at Woolworths for $10. and migrate to other things e.g. Just shouted myself a new can of this and cleaned taps in a kitchen newly painted two months ago and it took off the paint round the taps. Here are some electronics and appliance manufacturers who are starting to listen and make it more feasible for consumers to repair, rather than replace, their items. Brings luster to your home. Parish Maintenance Supply / T-S Holdings All rights reserved . The polish grew in popularity in Britain, becoming widely available, eventually replacing the previous paste-style polishes. The surface should be properly cleaned and waxed after this treatment. 2022. To remove discoloration, use a polish designed specifically for brass. Wipe down brass with this cloth and then buff it dry with a soft, cotton cloth or MicroFiber wipe. Apply a thin layer of that paste to the tarnished brass and leave it for an hour before rinsing with warm water and drying. Rinse with warm water and dry. When my wife insisted that I polish our brass lamps, the present product does not remove tarnish, nothing on the rag 'cept a gray residue. But if theres a thin, shiny coating that is coming off in places, then the piece has been lacquered and the only real option is to take it to a metal refinisher.. Our website,, offers constant original coverage of the interior design and architecture worlds, new shops and products, travel destinations, art and cultural events, celebrity style, and high-end real estate as well as access to print features and images from the AD archives. Ltd. All Rights Reserved. PS now my hands are stinging. Times [London, England] 22 May 1913: 22. locks, name plates, copper pots and pans, light fixtures, and much more! A water soluble oil then fills in the micro scratches to prevent them from immediately beginning to oxidize. In the US, the current Brasso product is not the same as the legacy product. Sometimes the beauty of an antique brass object is its tarnish, in which case Sorenson recommends leaving it alone. so runny it is difficult to keep off surroundings. Samples from Australian and US producers were then analysed by Reckitt's chemists, and by 1920 liquid polish under the trademark "Brasso" was being sold, initially to railways, hospitals, hotels, and large shops.[3]. Thats why its important to identify whether or not the brass is just a plating before you embark on any brass cleaning project. Purchased in April 2021 at Woolworths for $10. Brasso works by dissolution and abrasion, forming ammonia complexes with the tarnishing material, which its abrasive additive then removes easier than it would the pure tarnish. they quit that a few years ago and it's now very bad. Apply the paste with a soft cloth. Chances are it hasnt, because the point of lacquer is to prevent tarnishing, says Hartman. Slack, visited the company's Australian branch, where he discovered such a product in use. This product just doesnt work!! When you wondered how to clean brass, you probably didnt think ketchup would be involved, butsurpriseit is! It really does nothing! The National Trust recommend alternative cleaners.[7]. Be really wary of using this anywhere near paint, it is has affiliate partnerships. Let it dry. [4] However, the Australian version contains kaolin instead of silica for abrasives. What a waste! Please call us at: 1-800-HOME-DEPOT (1-800-466-3337), Please enter in your email address in the following format: Can you use this on rose gold plated watch? It has undergone very few changes in both composition and package design over the past century. The right to repair movement in Australia is calling for companies to make it easier for their products to be repaired. I use it on $4000+ aluminium car rims and the sheen is so utterly bright I can shave with the "mirror image" -- mind you, I have to get down and dirty to do so, which kind of defeats the purpose. How you apply Brasso will have a bearing on how well the polish comes up. Polishing: One of the best tools which provides just the right amount of oil onto metal is a "yellow" treated dust cloth. Your trust is our top concern. garage, shed etc.) Brasso has been used by watch enthusiasts to polish scratches out of acrylic crystals on watches. No longer the product it used to be. Then wash with warm water and dish soap. No cleaning taking place! If it doesnt stick, its brass. Might as well just use soap and water, or vinegar. Purchased in January 2021 at Your Home Depot. Brasso liquid lists a slightly different mix; C810 Alkane/Cycloalkane/Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Quartz, Kaolin, C1220 Saturated and Unsaturated Monobasic Fatty Acids, Aqua and Ammonium Hydroxide. Make your copper and brass looking bright and new again. I complained to Brasso customer service about how sorry it was, they sent me discount coupons so I could buy more sorry Brasso. The odour can persist around the application zone (e.g. Cleans, polishes and protects brass, pewter, chrome, copper, and stainless steel. There are plenty of store-bought brass cleaners that you can use. Strenuous rubbing and nothing happening! The fine abrasive cuts through the surface and allows the solvent into the wax and lacquer layer. Privacy Statement, Hand Sanitizer Dispensers, Manual, Touch-Free, Page All you need is warm water and mild dish soap. Copyright 1999 - The "new" formula is rubbish, doesn't remove ANY tarnish or even make the item look cleaner or polished. Leaves a smooth, polished surface and a brilliant shine. Because of the hydrocarbon components in the mixture it had a flash point of 72F (Abel Close test) and so was classed by railway companies as dangerous goods. Though Hartman rubs in polish with very fine steel wool, she warns that you should never use any steel wool thats thicker than grade 00, to avoid scratching the surface. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. Here, they reveal their favorite brass cleaners, how to make a DIY brass polish, and other key insights on cleaning brass. The new Beasso is HORRIBLE. Rub the lemon on the tarnished piece, squeezing it as you go to release the lemon juice. Also available are ingredients in a discontinued recipe for Brasso. Apply it according to the instructions on the bottle using a soft cleaning cloth (Sorenson prefers a knit-cotton material, like that of an undershirt). Purchased in January 2020 at Woolworths for $8.99. This page was last edited on 14 November 2021, at 13:47. Now, I bought the new plastic bottle of Brasso, and Lord I am shocked! Like many, I have used Brasso for over 40 years. Brass pops up on everything from lamps and vases to coffee tables and flatwareand while brass is in style, tarnish isnt. If the tarnish is heavy, let the piece sit with the paste on it for 30 minutes. Total waste of money. They should change the name to "arsso". I will use this forever. [1][2], In the early 20th century, Reckitt & Sons' senior traveller, W.H. Ad Choices, How to Clean Brass: 7 Expert Tips to Polish Like a Pro, Get gleaming with the best brass cleaners and polishes, Because you only get one shot at a first impression, Prime Day Instant Pot Deals Sure to Heat Up Your Kitchen. Worked fantastic & quick! Excellent for cleaning, polishing, and protecting metals in one quick step. Brasso Metal Polish is so gentle on most metals, it will not scratch or mar them, however, it is not recommended for use on aluminum. Polishing isnt necessary on objects that are only brass-plated, and, in fact, it could actually scratch the plating off. We turned to the experts to get their best tips on caring for brass: Teri Hartman, manager of Lizs Antique Hardware in Los Angeles, and Carl Sorenson, founder of Nanz, a New York company that produces custom-made solid-brass hardware. Its critical to know how to clean brass so you can keep all your brass items gleaming. Slice a lemon in half and cover the cut section with a teaspoon of table salt. The manufacturer, Reckitt Benckiser, has not produced the impregnated wadding version of the product for many years. I used Brasso for decades on my military badges, belt buckles, and watch crystals(acrylic) and this new formula version is a disaster and ruins everything with scratches. Use of this site is subject to certain Terms Of Use. And before you get started on polishing, always wash the brass before polishing it. Doesn't do what it is supposed to do. Worked the brasso in but just wouldnt work. Brasso Metal Polish quality has been around over 100 years. I won't be buying it again. History: Brasso has been in use for over 110 years, and originated in Britain in 1905, after a representative from the company Reckitt and Sons brought a sample of liquid metal polish from Australia. The photos are before and after. Low-abrasive formula. Moving on. microfibre and polish up vigorously. Too often I see what would be a wonderfully patinated item significantly degraded by a bad decision to restore it to a like-new state., 2022 Cond Nast. Quality for over 100 years. This is a public forum presenting user opinions on selected products and businesses, and as such the views expressed do not reflect the opinion of I'm gonna rob that greave! Big companies think less is more. My boyfriend bought me brasso (from the can) from Bunnings and it is a miracle product. Purchased in February 2020 at Woolworths for $8. Combine the juice of half a lemon with a teaspoon of baking soda and stir until it becomes a paste. Best to throw the rag you applied it with it out in the rubbish!! Make staying at home more enjoyable with these products and tips, How to be more eco-friendly when you're gifting this Christmas. All rights reserved. My Brasso I bought today from W.WIs like yellow water ,no matter how much i shake itDate on it says 2019I know Brasso to be a thicker substance correct?? Very disappointing they changed the recipe as previously it was wonderful. Time to mix home made chemicals. 2022 Pty. Christmas seems to go hand in hand with consumption, but that doesnt mean you cant be eco-friendly with your gift giving. Brasso originated in Britain in about 1905. Wiring, mechanical complexity, and lubricating requirements generally turn these types of projects into more than simple DIY chores, he says. A Rip Off now, for sure! You have to polish even harder to break through the first layers of tarnish. For functional elements, such as locks, hinges, hardware, or light fixtures, Sorenson suggests seeking the help of a professional. [6], Brasso is abrasive and will wear metal over time. A waste of money now. of Then use a clean cloth e.g. All Rights Reserved. Cans are often collected as a typical example of classic British advertising design. Rinse with warm water and dry. I am also a brasso fan from way back, however when I recently bought a bottle I found it to be a completely different formula. It has been used to polish CDs, DVDs, screens, and pools to repair scratches. What remained was a dull film that I can't seem to remove with a clean soft cloth? This is nothing but junk! t come off, no evidence of black tarnish on the clean, soft rag? Companies can't alter or remove reviews from Just brought this for $8.95 from Bunnings to polish up some tarnished / oxidized brass cattle ear tags within seconds they were better than new. The formula changed in 2008 to comply with US volatile organic compounds law, and the metal bottle was replaced by a plastic one. Don't bother. In 2010, Brasso brought out a new product, Brasso Gadgetcare. Strong smell but totally worth it. Liquid: C810 Alkane/Cycloalkane/Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Quartz, Kaolin and Ammonium Tallate. Purchased in April 2021 at Bunnings Warehouse for $11. This trace amount of oil in the cloth should not smear or discolor, especially after buffing. Brasso metal polish is packed in 8 ounce bottles sold individually or 8 bottles per case. Local store prices may vary from those displayed. To be fair, I purchased a second bottle or container thinking I might have just received a faulty lot, but no.I have used brasso for years having owned an antique business. Brasso Brass , Copper and Metal Polish - Wipes away tarnish on most metals quickly and easily, leaving a brilliant shine. 2022. These do not influence our content moderation policies in any way, though may earn commissions for products/services purchased via affiliate links. It used to work like magic.I believe the quality has been compromised to cut costs.Dont waste your money. Why did they destroy the product? The way to know whether or not something is fully brass is simple: Place a magnet on it. Ketchup, tomato paste, and tomato sauce all work equally well. Shake well, soak a clean cloth/sponge with Brasso and apply to metal. Handy liquid that will keep your metals shining. Railway And Canal Commission." It's been a few years since I purchased a can of brasso. to the item. Copyright 1999 - Water and finger prints caused a rusty and messy appearance. What a waste of $10. I threw them away. 13 Sept. 2018., Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. How can I get rid of brasso fume in my nostril? Gadgetcare is a versatile, non-abrasive gel that can be used on everything from LCD TV screens, laptop screens, computers, smart phones, and PDAs. It is a mild solvent and an extremely fine abrasive, so when applied to the reflective surface of the disc and rubbed radially (in straight lines between the edge and centre), it can smooth scratches and reduce their effect. For the historical county of the Kingdom of Hungary, see. The shine in the tags now is unbelievable. Please DO NOT use this Brasso, it's not like the original Brasso! I used the original Brasso for decades on my watches and military brassbest stuff ever, BUT Nooo! Brasso can help to polish: car rims, faucets, metal kitchenware, metal furniture, brass door knobs & locks, stainless refrigerators, ovens, toasters & dishwashers. As a result of this in 1913 the case was taken to the Railway and Canal Commissioners for a decision. The Times Digital Archive. Oftentimes its best to forgo the polishing process altogether, he says, noting that polishing antiques could significantly reduce their value. I personally wouldnt touch the stuff ever again. Products shown as available are normally stocked but inventory levels cannot be guaranteed, For screen reader problems with this website, please call 1-800-430-3376 or text 38698 (standard carrier rates apply to texts), Provides top quality shine and removes tarnish. THANK GOD FOR BRASSO. Clean metal surface, apply & rub Brasso, then buff with a cloth! Of course, you dont have to buy your brass polish. Then I retired and so did Brasso! With just a small dab of the product, the removed tarnish blacked the old, clean, skivvie shirt almost instantly. Wasnt really tarnished but my goodness, i wouldve got a better result using saliva. With the right products, you can still eat, drink, and relax as if youre on holiday, so that your summer staycation is something special. The label of Australian Brasso lists "Liquid Hydrocarbons 630g/L; Ammonia 5g/L", whereas the material safety data sheet for Brasso in North America lists: isopropyl alcohol 35%, ammonia 510%, silica powder 1520% and oxalic acid 03% as the ingredients. Purchased in January 2021 at Coles Supermarkets for $10. Screw the environmentalists. Clean every day and special occasion items for a long-lasting, brilliant shine. The Brasso today will leave scratches. To revisit this article, select My Account, thenView saved stories. It used to be thick and it used to work. Brasso is a metal polish designed to remove tarnish from brass, copper, chrome and stainless steel. FYI - I successfully polished (to my wife"s satisfaction) these same lamps for 34 years using the "Old Brasso." What you can clean: This polish is formulated to clean and polish copper & brass lamps, candlesticks, chandeliers, picture frames, planters, cups, bowls, tea kettles, chrome, most metal surfaces, stainless steel, copper pans, and more. It tends to oxidize (tarnish) quickly when exposed to air, which is a major reason why most brass is given a clear coating of lacquer to prevent this condition. You will you a bottle on 1 item. 2000-2022 Home Depot. Clean, polish, and protect in one simple step and keep tarnish away. Brasso has also been used to polish out scratches in plastics: Brasso has been successfully used to take minor (white) heat marks out of French polished wooden surfaces. Combine equal parts of all three ingredients to create a paste. This product should no longer be allowed to be sold on the market! Repeat if necessary. Use it on metal furniture, lamps, door handles, chrome and stainless steel trim, appliances, carpet rods, copper-bottom cookware, steel sinks, and more. Your ingredients will be all-natural, but fair warning: Hartman says, The procedure is the same, but it takes a lot more elbow grease.. Nothing more is needed, other than to stand back and admire the sparkle!! I am sure my Brasso i bought today at Coles has been diluted its not the same as it used to be.Its watery not thick as I remember.Is 19/3/2020 the use by date?Used it in Europa for many years having to polish all the ancient copper ornaments very disappointing.
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