Engaging online courses conducted by industry pros cover critical subject matter, with special ongoing attention to trending topics. Reycraft Books: Culturally Relevant Texts, Copyright BENCHMARK EDUCATION COMPANY 2021, Benchmark Advance Gr. It's A Frog!-The Best Nes, Use these booklets in class, as a literacy center or small group, or as homework for the CA Benchmark Advance Decodable Readers.Each booklet includes:comprehension questions,space to illustrate and label,opportunity to write words from the focus skill,instructions to find high frequency words in the book, andreading log with parent signature.Easy to use - just print and copy for each student!The booklets are EDITABLE so you can customize and make it your own!30 booklets are included, Running Records for Benchmark Advance First Grade Decodable BooksYou can use these running records to track student reading growth, form small reading groups, or evaluate student reading behaviors. Take-Home Decodable Readers with Parent Guides. Experience Decodable Readers with virtual samples of student texts and teacher support materials. Help students make sense of phonics: we learn phonics in order to read fun books. Access Decodable Readers eBooks on tablets, on desktops, or mobile through Benchmark Universe. These are great for independent practice, group work, as well as interv, This resource is a supplemental resource to go along with the decodable reader "Five Kittens" from Benchmark Advance Unit 6. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Teachers Pay Teachers is an online marketplace where teachers buy and sell original educational materials. To purchase Phonics Decodable Readers for your school or district, connect with your local Benchmark Representative or visit our website below. If you are looking for a way to bring continuity, clarity, and focus to your small group reading time then this is the product for you! For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Need a phonics intervention solution for older striving readers? Comprehensive Early Learning Solutions Build phonics skills through explicit and systematic instruction, while nurturing a love of readingat any distancewith high-quality phonics decodable readers. ComprehensibleText is natural-sounding and includes common English sentence patterns. Sixty decodable passages for phonics and foundational skills applications are delivered in a consumable format, allowing student annotations as they practice decodingaligned to 10 knowledge-building topics to build language comprehension. The complex made simple: great teaching, presented succinctly and visually, Expert Guidance in Multiple Formats Build phonics skills through explicit and systematic instruction, while nurturing a love of reading at any distance. Help students make sense of phonics: we learn phonics in order to read fun books. These are great for independent practice, group work, as well as intervent, *Please download the preview to see the list of the titles of the books and a look at the comprehension papers. These no-prep reading response journals will help your students work on their comprehension and reading skills and includes opportunities for writing in every pack. Evidence-based routines develop social-emotional and academic competencies. by Jan Hasbrouck. If you are looking for a way to bring continuity, clarity, and focus to your small group reading time then this is the product for you! Professional Learning Suite These no-prep reading response journals will help your students work on their comprehension and reading skills and includes opportunities for writing in every pack. If you are looking for a way to bring continuity, clarity, and focus to your small group reading time then this is the product for you! Take-home black-and-white Decodable Readers promote building phonics knowledge at home. These no-prep reading response journals will help your students work on their comprehension and reading skills and includes opportunities for writing in every pack. Build phonics skills through explicit and systematic instruction, while nurturing a love of readingat any distancewith high-quality phonics decodable readers. Everything you need to build students phonics skillsone bag at a time! Each paper. Helps students make sense of phonics: we learn phonics in order to read fun books. Print + Digital English + Spanish Grades K-6. Structured Pathway to Literacy Watch this video to see the full scope of what Decodable Readers offers. Mix-and-match modules support transfer and responsive teaching. Structured Pathway to Literacy Comprehensive Early Learning Solutions The complex made simple: great teaching, presented succinctly and visually, Expert Guidance in Multiple Formats In alignment with science of reading research, phonics instruction must follow a defined scope and sequence with ample review and repetition. If you are looking for a way to bring continuity, clarity, and focus to your small group reading time then this is the product for you! Some filters moved to Formats filters, which is at the top of the page. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. How can you be sure that youre making the right investment? The programs systematic, explicit instruction is organized into three levels, Comienza! If you are looking for a way to bring continuity, clarity, and focus to your small group reading time then this is the product for you! For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Quizzes with auto-grading, and real-time student data. Reycraft Books: Culturally Relevant Texts, Copyright BENCHMARK EDUCATION COMPANY 2021, Decodable Packages Gr. An easy and affordable way to reinforce the homeschool connection and support students beyond the classroom! Novice through Advanced levels. The Sound-Spelling Cards, in addition to the Frieze Cards, Picture Cards, Syllable Cards, and Letter Cards, reinforce students familiarity and automaticity with phonetic elements as they apply their learning to the authentic texts in this program.. Build phonics skills in a meaningful context, while nurturing a love of reading at any distance. Flexible Workshop Approach Classroom-Ready Resources and Strategies Literacy and language publisher Benchmark Education Company (BEC) released Fontica y gramtica, a new early elementary program that helps students quickly learn to read and write in Spanish. Arkansas). K Decodable Readers Single Copy Set - 30 Titles Print and Digital 1-Year, Spanish Decodable Packages Gr. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. The programs detailed Teachers Resource System is an invaluable tool for educators, providing explicit instruction at each grade for the optimal use of the components, as well as lesson plans, skills overviews, tips, and suggestions for each unit. Encourages students to "blend" and not guess unfamiliar words. Mix-and-match modules support transfer and responsive teaching. Allow students to experience immediate success. Practice phonics and high-frequency words in context while nurturing a love for reading. A wide variety of tools including virtual sticky notes, annotations, and the ability to assign books helps engage students with virtual instruction. At least 50% of a phonics lesson should be spent on applying a skill to reading and writing. Also included in:Benchmark Advance Small Group Reading Response Journals| UNIT 5 COMPLETE SET, Also included in:Benchmark Advance First Grade Small Group | Unit 1 COMPLETE SET. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Practice phonics and high-frequency words in context while nurturing a love for reading. Texts and tools build perspective and content knowledge. Print books, take-home books, and eBooks fit your back-to-school model. 1 Decodable Readers - 30 Titles Print and Digital 1-Year, Decodable Packages Gr. K Decodable Readers Take Home Book 25-Copy Set - 39 Titles Consumables 1-Year, Spanish Decodable Packages 2 Gr. Novice through Advanced levels. These no-prep reading response journals will help your students work on their comprehension and reading skills and includes opportunities for writing in every pack. Its in the application that the learning sticks. A wide variety of tools including virtual sticky notes, annotations, and the ability to assign books helps engage students with virtual instruction. Flexible Workshop Approach Texts and tools build perspective and content knowledge. These no-prep reading response journals will help your students work on their comprehension and reading skills and includes opportunities for writing in every pack. Students can engage with the materials again and again and play games to reinforce what they are learning. Authentic Spanish poems, stories, and nonfiction are linked to instructional materials and support. Associated lessons become increasingly complex as the students transition from phonics to grammar. Comprehensive print and digital resources for grades K2 support dual language and bilingual classes combining authentic new Spanish texts and online activities with traditional Spanish phonics sequence, Hybrid Logistics Project Learning Centers, Learning Counsel Expo Achievement Schools, Network of Expo Achievement Schools - Horizon Room Open Mic Sessions, Here's What to Look for When Evaluating an EdTech Resource, Reach for Responsiveness: Strengthening MTSS/RTI Efforts with a More Responsive Approach. Add highlights, virtual manipulatives, and more. 1 Decodable Readers - 72 Titles Print and Digital 1-Year, Skip to the beginning of the images gallery, Copyright BENCHMARK EDUCATION COMPANY 2021, 432 Decodable Texts (6 copies of 72 Decodable Texts). Use our Science of Reading Evaluation Checklist, created by Wiley Blevins, to help you select the right program or set of books for you and your students. Access Decodable Readers eBooks on tablets, on desktops, or mobile through Benchmark Universe. Flexible purchase options allow customers to purchase the program either as print only or print with online access. These are great for independent practice, group work, as well as interven, This resource is a supplemental resource to go along with the decodable reader "Earthworm's Soil" from Benchmark Advance Unit 9. If you are looking for a way to bring continuity, clarity, and focus to your small group reading time then this is the product for you! For Your School, District, Community, or Home. If you are looking for a way to bring continuity, clarity, and focus to your small group reading time then this is the product for you! en espaol Grade 4 Classroom Set, ACT Now! Fiction and nonfiction titles provide authentic, engaging practice with decodable text and sight words. Fiction and nonfiction titles offer authentic practice with phonics and sight words. Texts and tools build perspective and content knowledge. Structured Pathway to Literacy These no-prep reading response journals will help your students work on their comprehension and reading skills and includes opportunities for writing in every pack. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Decodable Readers offer authentic practice with phonics skills and sight words through fiction and nonfiction titles on high-interest topics with familiar storylines. An easy and affordable way to reinforce the homeschool connection and support students beyond the classroom! These are just the comprehension papers. These are great for independent practice, group work, as well as interve, This resource is a supplemental resource to go along with the decodable reader "A Cub is Fun" from Benchmark Advance Unit 1. Spanish Early Rising Readers: Creative Expression Single-Copy Set, Spanish Early Rising Readers: Science Single-Copy Set, Spanish Early Rising Readers: Social Studies Single-Copy Set, ACT Now! This product contains all of the high frequency words (HFW) and decodable words within the Benchmark Advance Kindergarten Curriculum sorted by unit introduced. These are great for independent practice, group work, as well as inter, This resource is a supplemental resource to go along with the decodable reader "One Cool Day" from Benchmark Advance Unit 9. * This is a supplemental resource. These are great for independent practice, group work, as well as interv, This resource is a supplemental resource to go along with the decodable reader "Get a Big Pot" from Benchmark Advance Unit 1. Novice through Advanced levels. Virtual PD courses and a community of educators sharing ideas and best practices. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Mix-and-match modules support transfer and responsive teaching. Take-home black-and-white Decodable Readers promote building phonics knowledge at home. Aligned with Science of Reading research, Benchmark Advance and Adelante are core language arts programs that provide a cohesive structure for the development of literacy skills and content knowledge. **This resource is not compatible with Benchmark Advance! Through the use of engaging instruction, enjoyable reading materials, and meaningful hands-on practice, students can thoroughly master Spanish literacy. Our Learning Groups on important tech topics and digital curriculum standards convene inside our social media site, Knowstory. Were also pleased to provide customized support. Virtual PD courses and a community of educators sharing ideas and best practices. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. These are great for independent practice, group work, as well as in, This resource is a supplemental resource to go along with the decodable reader "Painting in May" from Benchmark Advance Unit 6. Novice through Advanced levels. Pre-made digital activities. Wiley Blevins, Ed.M.Literacy Expert and Benchmark Education Consultant. Decodable texts are the critical application tool. Wiley Blevins. These task sheets will allow your students to apply and identify the phonics patterns of words while reading short stories. If you are looking for a way to bring continuity, clarity, and focus to your small group reading time then this is the product for you! Engaging online courses conducted by industry pros cover critical subject matter, with special ongoing attention to trending topics. Use as spelling and reading practice, homework, flash cards, centers, and even assessments. The complex made simple: great teaching, presented succinctly and visually, Expert Guidance in Multiple Formats Reinforces phonics skills taught in the classroom within the context of a story. Todays market is flooded with products that claim to support the Science of Reading. 1 Decodable Readers Single Copy Set - 72 Titles Print and Digital 1-Year, Spanish Decodable Packages Gr. Engaging online courses conducted by industry pros cover critical subject matter, with special ongoing attention to trending topics. Reinforce phonics skills taught in the classroom within the context of a story. If you are looking for a way to bring continuity, clarity, and focus to your small group reading time then this is the product for you! Digital and print formats fit any instructional model or budget. Comprehensive Early Learning Solutions The complex made simple: great teaching, presented succinctly and visually, Expert Guidance in Multiple Formats I have included both a colored and printer friendly version of all word list and flash cardsThe words included are from Units 1-10 and align with Dolch, Fry and Clay word lists. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. If you are looking for a way to bring continuity, clarity, and focus to your small group reading time then this is the product for you! The books are not included. K Decodable Readers Take Home Book 25-Copy Set - 30 Titles Consumables 1-Year. Available as bundles or sold separately. Encourage students to make reading a habit. These are just the comprehension papers. These are great for independent practice, group work, as well as interven, This resource is a supplemental resource to go along with the decodable reader "Toad's Big Boat" from Benchmark Advance Unit 7. These are great for independent practice, group work, as well as interven, This resource is a supplemental resource to go along with the decodable reader "Crops for Us" from Benchmark Advance Unit 1. Reinforce phonics skills taught in the classroom within the context of a story. Mix-and-match modules support transfer and responsive teaching. Evidence-based routines develop social-emotional and academic competencies. Writing analysis activities allow teachers to gauge their students understanding of the transfer from oral to written language. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. See the systematic scope and sequence developed by Wiley Blevins, Read decodables research and state criteria guidelines from Wiley Blevins, Click to learn more about Decodable Readers. These no-prep reading response journals will help your students work on their comprehension and reading skills and includes opportunities for writing in every pack. An easy and affordable way to reinforce the homeschool connection and support students beyond the classroom! Explicit, Systematic Phonics Support for Students Performing Below Grade Level. Access Decodable Readers eBooks on tablets, on desktops, or on mobile devices through Benchmark Universe. Access Decodable Readers eBooks on tablets, on desktops, or mobile through Benchmark Universe. Professional Learning Suite This resource is a supplemental resource to go along with the decodable reader "Mole City" from Benchmark Advance Unit 5. Fluency is the essential connection to comprehension.Support and assist fluency development with high-quality phonics readers and Teacher Cards that include differentiation scaffolds and lesson plans, making direct connections to the skills students are learning in their reading blocks and providing essential practice. These no-prep reading response journals will help your students work on their comprehension and reading skills and includes opportunities for writing in every pack. K Decodable Readers Single Copy Set - 30 Titles Print and Digital 1-Year, Decodable Packages Gr. The books are not included. These no-prep reading response journals will help your students work on their comprehension and reading skills and includes opportunities for writing in every pack. The combination of print with online access provides teachers with Spanish literacy resources in digital format to extend student learning outside of the classroom. If you are looking for a way to bring continuity, clarity, and focus to your small group reading time then this is the product for you! This resource is a supplemental resource to go along with the decodable reader "Our Town" from Benchmark Advance Unit 9. Decodable texts are the critical application tool. If you are looking for a way to bring continuity, clarity, and focus to your small group reading time then this is the product for you! In Sigue!, the decodable readers build upon that introduction by enabling students to engage with richer texts, providing meaningful contexts for practicing phonics skills. Contact us for assistance. Read more about using running records here: https://www.weareteachers.com/what-are-running-records/, This resource is a supplemental resource to go along with the decodable reader "Mark and the Stars" from Benchmark Advance Unit 8. A digital ePocket Chart enables teachers to demonstrate how to combine letters and syllables to form words and sentences on whiteboards and other devices. These are great for independent practice, group work, as well as interven, This resource is a supplemental resource to go along with the decodable reader "A Frog Can Jump" from Benchmark Advance Unit 1. (Grade 2). Reycraft Books: Culturally Relevant Texts, Benchmark Taller: Estudio de gramtica Minitaller, Reader's Theater Folktales Myths and Legends, Spanish Around the Clock Family Involvement Kits, Spanish BookRooms & eBookRooms Collections, Spanish Comprehension Strategy Assessments, Spanish High Frequency Word Vocabulary Kit, Spanish Reader's & Writer's Genre Workshop, Spanish Reader's Theater: Content-Area Concepts, Spanish Reader's Theater: Nursery Rhymes & Songs, Teatro del Lector: Folktales Myths & Legends, Copyright BENCHMARK EDUCATION COMPANY 2021, Lecciones ejemplares para la lectura atenta Professional Development Book, Spanish Decodable Packages 2 Gr. Take-home black-and-white Decodable Readers promote building phonics knowledge at home. Designed for Tier 1 and Tier 2 instruction, Benchmark Phonics is based on the latest Science of Reading research and the seven foundations of strong phonics instruction. Professional Learning Suite Encourage students to make reading a habit. Our mission-based organization was the first to develop a thesis of educations future based on technologys evolution -- and start helping schools advance systematically. The questions are aligned to 2017 First Grade Benchmark Advance weekly decodable story found in the teacher lap book, decodable reader books and the take home consumable readers. These are great for independent practice, group work, as well as interventio, *Please download the preview to see the list of the titles of the books and a look at the comprehension papers. At least 50% of a phonics lesson should be spent on applying a skill to reading and writing. Each level includes 10 three-week units and utilizes instructional resources, manipulatives, and authentic texts, including posters, teacher lap books, and decodable readers. Sound-Spelling Cards, Frieze Cards, Picture Cards, Syllable Cards, Letter Cards, and Work Mats are also available to provide meaningful, hands-on practice and instruction. These are great for independent practice, group work, as well as interventio, This resource is a supplemental resource to go along with the decodable reader "We Like to Bat" from Benchmark Advance Unit 1. Classroom-Ready Resources and Strategies Take-home black-and-white Decodable Readers promote building phonics knowledge at home. Structured Pathway to Literacy This product is comprehension practice for each weekly decodable reader. EngagingStories are fun and informative, and worth reading, talking about, writing about, and rereading to develop fluency. 1 Decodable Readers - 72 Titles Print and Digital 1-Year, Decodable Packages Gr. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. If you are looking for a way to bring continuity, clarity, and focus to your small group reading time then this is the product for you! The complex made simple: great teaching, presented succinctly and visually, Expert Guidance in Multiple Formats These no-prep reading response journals will help your students work on their comprehension and reading skills and includes opportunities for writing in every pack. Comprehensive Early Learning Solutions Engaging online courses conducted by industry pros cover critical subject matter, with special ongoing attention to trending topics. en espaol Grade 3 Student Consumable Book Set, ACT Now! In Avanza!, decodables are replaced with an anthology of passages called Mis lecturas. In this resource, students access longer text for meaningful practice with language and grammar in context. These no-prep reading response journals will help your students work on their comprehension and reading skills and includes opportunities for writing in every pack. 1 Decodable Readers Take Home Book 25-Copy Set - 30 Titles Consumables 1-Year, Spanish Decodable Packages 2 Gr. This innovative program builds on foundational Spanish literacy skills with students moving through three levels. Print + Digital English + Spanish Grades K-1. To purchase Phonics Decodable Readers for your school or district, connect with your local Benchmark Representative. Helps students experience immediate success. My team uses them for weekly reading comprehension homework, but can also be used for in-class work.Weekly Decodables:-Mr. Dan Has a Plan-We Can Fix It!-A Big Job-Get Well, Red Hen!-Big Bus-A Sled Club-Fran Grabs It-Stop! Our Large Selection of Decodable Readers: Practice phonics and high-frequency words in context while nurturing a love for reading. In Comienza!, students are introduced to the phonetic elements and authentic Spanish literature through engaging posters and decodable readers. Explicit, systematic instruction matches the traditional Spanish phonics instructional sequence. Novice through Advanced levels. The store will not work correctly in the case when cookies are disabled. Unit topics are designed to build vocabulary and content knowledge, with application to reading and writing emphasized. 2 Decodable Passage Book - 30 Copy Phonics Resources, Benchmark Advance Grade 2 Decodable Passage Book - 6-Copy, Decodable Packages Gr. Each Phonics Skill Bag provides all the materials needed to teach students an individual targeted skill over a five-day cycle: 158 ready-to-use, teacher-friendly, skill-specific units that include decodables, picture word card sheets, frieze cards, poetry posters, and moreresearch-based and proven effective in building a strong foundation in phonemic awareness, phonics, and word study. en espaol Grade 3 Classroom Set. Fiction and nonfiction titles provide authentic, engaging practice with decodable text and sight words. A wide variety of tools including virtual sticky notes, annotations, and the ability to assign books helps engage students with virtual instruction. Enables students to experience the joy of reading independently! Encourages students to "blend" and not guess unfamiliar words, Allows students to experience immediate success, Reinforces phonics skills taught in the classroom within the context of a story, Helps students make sense of phonics: we learn phonics in order to read fun books, Enables students to experience the joy of reading independently. K Decodable Readers Single Copy Set - 39 Titles Print and Digital 1-Year, Spanish Decodable Packages Gr. These are great for independent practice, group work, as well, Benchmark Advance - First Grade - Units 1-10, Decodable Comprehenion Questions, Benchmark Advance Decodable Readers Comprehension Booklets - EDITABLE, Benchmark Advance First Grade Running Records for Decodable Books, Benchmark Advance First Grade Decodable Reader | Mark and the Stars | Unit 8, Benchmark Advance Decodable Reader | Painting in May | Unit 6, Benchmark Advance Kindergarten High Frequency & Decodable Word List & Flash Card, Benchmark Advance Decodable Reader | Mole City | Unit 5, Benchmark Advance Small Group Reading Response Journals| UNIT 5 COMPLETE SET, Benchmark Literacy Phonics Decodable Book Comprehension Papers, First Grade Decodable Reader Task Sheets for Benchmark Literacy Phonics, Benchmark Advance First Grade Decodable Reader | Our Town | Unit 9, Benchmark Advance First Grade Decodable Reader| Way Up High | Unit 7, Benchmark Literacy Phonics Decodable Book Comprehension Papers {Kindergarten}, Benchmark Advance Decodable Reader | A Hat for Pete | Unit 6, Benchmark Advance Decodable Reader | Five Kittens | Unit 6, Benchmark Advance First Grade Decodable Reader| Toad's Big Boat | Unit 7, Benchmark Advance First Grade Decodable Reader | Pals Help | Unit 1 |, Benchmark Advance First Grade Small Group | Unit 1 COMPLETE SET, Benchmark Advance First Grade Decodable Reader | We Like to Bat | Unit 1 |, Benchmark Advance First Grade Decodable Reader | Get a Big Pot | Unit 1 |, Benchmark Advance First Grade Decodable Reader | A Cub is Fun | Unit 1 |, Benchmark Advance First Grade Decodable Reader | Crops for Us | Unit 1 |, Benchmark Advance First Grade Decodable Reader | A Frog Can Jump | Unit 1 |, Benchmark Advance First Grade Decodable Reader | One Cool Day | Unit 9 |, Benchmark Advance First Grade Decodable Reader | Earthworm's Soil | Unit 9, Benchmark Advance Decodable Reader | The Sounds of the City | Unit 10.
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