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High Hopes, do you remember anything? But The chief interrupted Capturing an insurrection colonel and a traitor to the UNSCOE wasnt the only objective. I skim through the books until I stumble upon one about a royal wedding with the picture of pink alicorn with A captain of the royal guard. Mendez boomed. Than again she was only a filly; what would you expect? Youll tell the innies you let into your attic five ponies from the UNSCOE? Or youll wish you could die.. I remembered Strikeouts ODSSs I had fought three days ago; if it werent for two of their deaths, I could have recklessly broken High Hopes foreleg. There are only two front seats and a flatbed in the back. I was also in tough spot, with my Ghost badly damaged from a hunters plasma cannon and my shields dangerously low. -------------------------------------------------------------------------. One of them, Greenhorn-065, however disobeyed and went back into the streets. The link of grunts looked up and jumped in domino fashion. In the classroom we learned History from the Lyra A.I., Math from a Bon Bon A.I., and Science from an AI Classified as "Derpy". Permission to take cover now, sir. November Flare whispered to Silverblitz. Take it to master Watts, now!. Greetings, present Silverblitz! Were in tight pickle now! Blades screamed, floating her assault rifle. I wasn't sure if he was using his magic to alter his voice like Halsey did, or that he actually was yelling the top of his lungs. Now in fear, I flew up to the warehouse ceiling but a bullet went into my blackleg. "Real me! When she looked up Celestia's smile faded, now replaced with the returning coldness. See! It was my fellow trainees only link to outside of complex, without being within a designated location for training (like Ghastly Gulch). My sister would kill me soon if I couldn't find that book. I was made to defend harmony and avenge spilled blood. Where I could be truly who I am: Destiny the pegasus. Enter your medication into the WebMD interaction checker, Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Fitness vs. After marching up some number of steps into a classroom (And being threatened with more exercises if we refused to go into the classroom.) So when I woke inside a phoenix-class dropship with a bunch of stallions shutting us up, I was only a little surprised. Halsey said that medicine was an old Zebra brew created by an equally old hermit. I couldn't sleep; that black mare kept coming back into my head laughing at me. Blades dropped the tags into my hoof without saying another word. Eager and enthusiastic, She may fit loyalty or laughter bestif she is a destined bearer, I take it back - this isn't going to be easy. One of them was Silverblitz the other was. At first I thought it was November Flare and Silverblitz, only to remember that we were still in Insurrectionist territory. I signaled for Lipizzaner and Blades to stay put, as I crawled out of cover, holding the crowbar in my mouth. Still unnoticed, Silverblitz chucked a fragmentation grenade into the rotor, seeing in roll further into the wraith. Go to each door and check you motion tracker be careful not to open it.I went for the front door, blades and Lipizzaner went for either on my side. Her ice blue eyes reminded me of crystal statues. Innies do nothing unless theyve got something to motivate them in the first place. You are to be deployed there scince you must succeed where the many have failed. The rest of us lay twitching on the light bridge. I bought you something." Thinking this was it, I used a weary hoof to push it up. The only thing that seemed in order was a unicorn guard at the entrance, armed with shotgun. By Mendez's request, Halsey Sparkle was able to fix my chip-tooth-problem via mixing various colored chemicals into a magical potion. You'rethat pony I was speechless, for this pony was the same mare who ordered the death of my brother twelve years ago on this world. My mind-reading doesnt work on him on this time, so I couldnt get any of that info squeezed out. My chilly bath only lasted two minutes. I lead my team down the hallway and into an intersection leading to three sealed doors on our left, right, and in front of us. Doctor Halsey Sparkle would be very impressed. Many people using this medication do not have serious side effects. After playing a board game we all decided to hit the hay, or rather the straw. My anger kept fuelling me to do more attacks, to the point I was able to land some hits on Sombra. Don't you worry, don't come undone-, *Youre gonna need a lot more firepower, Indigo. "Last time you asked me this, my answer has remained unchanged; We're only scientists, not gods. "You are already making them come of age from all the chemicals augmentations. Ill speak with you later, one-seventeen, Mendez replied, and then turned back to Skank. Once on the floor, two work ponies in the hanger started to hook a massive cargo crate to the back of the phoenix, partly blocking the loading bay. Uh, excuse me mister Lipizzaner asked the diamond dog with the scanner. His yellow eyes were dwarfed by his massive horns and pink-grey nose. Before the jackal could return fire on Blades, I used my wings thrusters to zip out from under Lipizzaners body (My armor listed her vitals were bad). Special forces; for your safety, you ought to come with us, colonel. Blades finished. We can alter their bodies to become super soldiers stronger and faster than normal marines. Gravy was puzzled; all the civilians in Colt dAzure were either dead or evacuated and it was filled with covenant and the UNCSOE in on-and-off street firefighting; so why head back there? Dash raised her head weakly to get a glimpse at her foe "How did..?". "This is what I want you to be punished with if aren't able to do as you say. Once skin is cleared , discontinue use, Your email address will not be published. A few minutes ago when we were scouting the road filled with dead soldiers, dead civilians, and some Pony and Covenant weapons, a shimmer in the air was headed towards us. Yes sir! Blades gave me a disapproving look though her orange visor. I asked, showing my big adorable eyes. Galaxy Glimmer, a cut OC that was set to appear in Book two and Three, "Alicorn party!" Good luck.". Looks like that grunt is going bring reinforcements. Lipizzaner shuddered, referring to the grunt. Pan Cake reacted quickly and pulled a lever, not knowing what it would do. "Their motto was 'Nos nunquam mori' or 'We never die'." This was part the Discord AIs doing. Robin Hood deployed me in because she thought you needed help getting something; The Crystal Heart at the Colt DAzure museum.. Twilight alerted quickly to Rainbow Dash. A stargazer? Silverblitz thinks Note to self; never give Destiny a chance to assassinate. Her name was Lyra; her cutie mark was a harp and her coat color was cyan. NERBY UNITS, PROTECT MASTER! Unfortunately, Chief Mendez caught us and sent us to sit in table in the corner with whatever we collected. In short, the story was of a royal wedding, family issues, and an invasion of shape-shifting bugs. Excellent. After a while, the 3-burst sound of Novembers battle rifle also joins the choir of my sniper-fire and rocket exploding around us. We buried the dead trainees in the field where we started doing our stretches in the morning of day one. She hadn't even bothered to use the fork to eat, or even take a crumb of it. The Eldora slammed her striped leg onto the table. BEFOREHAND! At Sky Mirror lake started at my own reflection. The winners receive a prize." I hope you know better what it means to waste troops. Mendez growled, his first sentence being sarcastic. When he left without saying a word I felt a little only a little shameful of what I was doing; He was trying to keep me safe now that he was a part of my team and I was committing myself to an unhealthy hobby. What if they discover that you hid secrets from them-". YOU KILLED HALF MY TRAINIEES! Mendez roared in his Drill-sergeant-voice. I ducked behind cover as more dog mercenaries began firing their assault rifles at the base of the statue where I hid. "I didn't learn from my failures, Doctor. Were on a mission in enemy territory; not on an olly-jolly vacation! Blades spat. I dont know I honestly answer All I know is that ponies have been through tough times before we can do it again., And if we cant win this? You didn't take the chance when you had one." I peek over Novembers shoulder, seeing High Hopes still saddened at her laptop. One was blue unicorn with saddle, a purple mane tied back in buns, and a pretty pink sunhat filled with flowers. November fired a three-round burst from his medic-edition battle rifle (or whatever names I could come up with it) at the elites head. I respond, I then hear Mal's regretful thoughts: No dearit ain't.I need to make it better or I'll regret it when I'm oldlike I do about so many things, "Maybebut if the Celestia and Luna wanted things to be perfect at first without any sort of negative feedback, then we wouldn't have a court and police officers." She happy rambled No kidding, I hate pears too! Thanks to Lyra hacking into Asskersons datapad, Celestia found out about his plot to over throw the Greenhorn program, his stinginess to any UNSCOE legion that didnt have any donkeys in it, and five megabytes of pornographic images. All Greenhorns-IIs were called to amphitheater on the other side of the complex for an urgent matter. Still, I could cover long distances with my wings anyday. Meanwhile, a red-eyed mare trotted up to camera. The water layer shined brightly and then flickered out. They were Destiny's favoritesas well as her brother's" Raysin pleaded, balancing a tower of several books on her back. Then I, Lipizzaner, and Blades tried to hog as much cider as we could. Now that the Spoon was blown up, its place is reclaimed. Destiny activates a nuke in the Composing Chamber of the warship, Killing Didact Sombra and eradicating his Shadow Army. ", "If it doesn't mean giving one bit of my credits to the dragons just to see insurrectionist blood spillthen yes." Her tank top's collar read BLADES 2-0-4. This was jolly great place for a vacation; Papa always said wed come here for one Blades sighed to herself in her mind. AND WE? He was a unicorn in an unblemished silver coat with horn longer than Bladess or Mendezs. He then strode casually over to my friends, who were still unconscious, ready to bring a painful end to them as well. Seconds later, two colts shiver their way to finish line, shooting dirty looks at Vector. Expecting confetti, bro? I was that little pony once. I guess there is no harm in showing it to all of you I shrugged, then I chimed softly to High hopes. After a few moments of reading, Vector splashed a bottle of ink at my visor for humor. She didn't want to bid farewell to the faces of representatives trying to study her next move. I can see an exit directly in front of me. Can you Frog-blast a vent core!?. Team indigo jumps ship off the Winter on Novembers pheonix and, with the help of Winter, breaches into the hull of the Warship, having to fight though many sections to get to the 'composing Chamber'. "What now, more of those mini-mongrels?" After evading a civil skirmish on the covenant Ship by going through the portal Destiny activated, Team indigo ends up on the burnt surface of requiem/Equestria (inside the ancient royal castle of the sisters)with an insurrectionist scouting party (led by night roamer) looking for a being known as Sombra of the crystal ponies . "Snapshot did you come across any hostiles on way?" The doctor wanted to kick her out, only to feel implied to let her stay when High Hopes raspberry hair plunged its depressed state. This was my homeMy dirt that I was so eager to leave for.I should have been hereI never thought I miss that dirt so muchmy dirt. Should I bring up the fact its my birthday? One white bone was even sticking out of his coat. November Flare growled So you were the one who broadcasted the invasion over our network and ordered-. My telepathy picks up the words in her mind If he's not MIA in his own base. Why do you want come? November embraced me tightly cheering to himself It Worked! A Jackal began to fire his plasma pistol repeatedly at the dancing and trigger-happy High Hopes. Keep all regular medical and lab appointments. Not wanting to risk getting spotted outside in New Manebassas streets, all us greenhorns could do was sit in the attic and wait for them, while High Hopes would leave for her shift in Beattlejuice Bar downstairs and then come back up when the day was ending, where we would play games and tell stories. We drew Straws. Both my friends were alright but the nukes control panel was melted away by the explosion caused byaplasma grenade. My response was that I didnt want to talk about it. The dogs saw that they couldnt keep sending out troops with rocket launchers to get snipped by me and November. Mendez always knows how to drill the word danger into our heads. Twilight Sparkle order to her team of six. They still havent made any renovations since my last visit Silverblitz observed as we got out of the taxi chariot. Kidnapped when you were a filly? THERE IS NO RESPAWN AND YOURE STILL ALIVE STILL ALIIIIIIIIIIVE!! A child that only a few knew they had. My wings snap to my back and soon we're a wave of ponies moving up and down, exhausted and sweating. The minotaur merc looked for Night Roamer for an order. "Deal. It's quite beautiful. No, beyond daft - an idiot! Blades hissed without thinking twice about what she had said. I'll show those innies that I'm tough and strong enough to kick their flanks! Before, I never was allowed to fly this fast. Her cutie mark is a set of twin blades cross in the form of an 'X' on a shield. Turning Fork asked. GUARDS FOUND DEAD IN BASEMENT! YeahwellII wish I was fighting alongside my brothers, *Youll get your chance* Keyes assured *You make a fine candidate for a hellprancer squad leader.*. *Master Chief Petty Officer Destiny, we received distress signal from friendly forces the colony Nieghtherland. After that, the dragons were forced to demilitarize and their society had weakened. "Doctor, change nothing you think? After five long seconds, she released her magic in the form of an electrical shockwave, shattering the glowing mold around her. Yet this new discovery was not celebrated with happiness. Lipizzaner and Blades were drenched, leading trail of water behind themselves. We were still bored. No more targets coming up. Never mind about it then, Could I look around for a momentI want to see if I can just craft something. November asked, for crafting was his way of making use of his intelligent mind. He wore the black ODSS variant of the equestrian marine armor, concealing his face behind a full helmet. At least the night? Lipizzaner wondered. > Mudd Sparkle was promoted to the captain of the Winter of Wrap. When I felt like eating during the lecture and the battle video, I all I find is my desk empty and a filly chewing on soimthing to my left. The greenhorns needed Team Indigo. Thats what the colonel was looking for when he was choosing his guard. Silverblitz replied, popping open the boxs top hatch. "Now, I will flip it. Before I can respond, Shank implants his hoof on my tail and Flakes leaps onto my back, locking my wings with his tattooed hooves. In the meantime I scrolled through some reports of the Covenant at Bronze Harvest trying to study each of their species, their tactics and other assumptions. I was handed a single-shot Designated Marksman Rifle (DMR) and a combat knife. He seemed more relived than irritated from Lipizanner's shot. This is great! One orange unicorn started to use his magic to help himself up on this thirty-first push up. "he's gone. Do not double the dose to catch up. The rest of their technology we are still studying. How are we going to dust off now? High Hopes wondered. Then his stomach grumbled loudly. Where are those who cant fight on? Her magenta coat was paling fast in the moonlight. Everypony else had their opinions about the others, yet they all loved Fluttershy. Halsey grumbled. No but I did. ", But this is what money looked like two-thousand years ago when Equestria was the only planet that everyone and everypony settled on.". S'il vous plat baser vos dcisions mdicales que sur l'avis d'un mdecin ou un professionnel mdical enregistr. I will have to arrive at first light." It was the last thing known thing Discord said to Fluttershy. A shy ghost, to be precise. The dog started to lead High Hopes, Lipizzaner, and Pan Cake into the fortress. Orbiting the planet was the wreckage of various UNCOE shipsand some frozen and dead Equestrians in space. Just when the UNSCOE feet were about to be defeated, out of the black of space came a Phoenix Dropship with a nuke, piloted by November Flare. You literally had an army and you failed" Halsey Sparkle pointed out. The Vulture started hover off the floor and its back engines began to rotate and light up. Blades and Lipizzaner were also similarly disguised as guards, taking a rifle and some parts of marine armor. Silverblitzs response was that it was classified information. Ah, Chrysalis grinned So that was why Ackerson has been absent from duty for a while., Thats not going to bring Mudd back. Halsey protested You werent there when he died., Feeling sorry for Halsey, Chrysalis wrapped her ebon hoof around Halseys ear and whispered, Maybe thats why Celestia gave you a second chance. "I told them the truth" Halsey stated. Doctor Halseys eyes widened, either in shock or hope. At the same time from below, my own augmented ears caught the sound of a jackal grumbling angrily from one of the buildings above. Eldora shook her head This is no speech made to fit our tongue. It broke through the Hagar ceiling, clearing off any dogs still clutching on to it. She now goes under the alias, Foresighter, >Eventually Celestia welcomes the covenant races into the Equestria council, >Lifestyle reverts back to a more classic style, >CASTLE military complex becomes a village, ".We have come to a place far from Equestria / Time long passed since we have seen the sun rise / A place where peace can finally come / A place where we can rest and laugh and sing and love in Harmony once more. Examples included capture the flag between two snow-capped mountains, a mock civilian outpost with training dummies, and crossing acres of grassland filled with landmines over the course of a day. I was so tempted to speak to him that I directed him to pull over. And trailing behind her were other dog guardsand all of them were pissed off. Blades and Lipizzaner nodded and explained to the changeling. Lugnut was swinging the warthog back and forth, trying to steer clear of the ghosts plasma rounds. No UNSCOE force survived that battle. I bought up. Next time get a plasma rifle, split-jaw! She had let Mudd enter the program because he found out and volunteered. And we didnt fail because we had help from fellow soldiers. His clothing was now breached in white. Blades sighed. But unlike the other fillies, her face seemed relaxed, patient, and ready. Then all of sudden, High Hopes poufy hair deflated, turning back into its straight form, creating the sound of a popped balloon. I protest. Blades was about to cast an overshield spell, but the Grunt came too close and exploded right in front of us. Im.he-ere, Des Blades coughed. Halsey bought up, though she doubted it would do anything. "I can." However, the insurrectionist fleets were more than ready. Surely there was more to it, so I persisted in him telling the whole story. "This is a library yah know? Judging by the other tattoos on their muscular bodies, one could easily identify them as Orbital Drop Shock Steeds, or Hellprancers, out of uniform. Avoid getting this medication into your eyes, inside your nose or mouth, on the lips, or on any areas of broken skin since it may cause irritation. November Flare became more dubious of Halseys actions as a result, yet was pleased that he was reunited with Destiny. November Flare then took over the controls while Pan Cake detonated explosives under that airpad that he had set during his reconnaissance. Silverblitz stared at the broker right in her green eyes, for he already noticed her straight raspberry mane, her freckles, and her hourglass cutie mark. Since I decided tp sleep out the entire trip, I got my first glimpse of New Manebassa in the flesh when the Phoenix Dropships loading bay opened. "Colonel AckersonShut. That was tough thing to refute with; Cogento liked it when I got angry he called it part of adrenaline. Just dont expect that youll get that chance., Halsey nodded, knowing that she was pretty close to life in prison on Lunas moon. Halsey stated, throwing on her lab coat. I later I would come to know both Silverblitz and High Hopes always held surprises for us. All the greenhorns were pegasi warriors in golden armor, even though Lyra said that other races of ponies were also in the greenhorn military. Whewthat was two-times-too close, even for me. High hopes breathed. NO SLACKING!". Mendez could see one lone recruit face down in the dirt and limp as dead. The magenta unicorn decided to grow out her mane after it was shaved. Must be special vacation Watts is having there. Blades magically lights the tip of my cigar and then lights her own. It means Spacewalk in Laymares terms, hick. she sneered. Blades stated. I almost tripped and wasnt sure at first which way I holding the knife in my mouth. Instead, it was now being repurposed to fight the impending threats of the Covenant. The Manticore challenged me, trying to shake me off. The soldiers in red and black take out their pistols with their right fore-hooves. I could not resist chuckling, following up with laughing out loud. "You bought me a camera, ma'am?" Even without her my mind-reading powers I know she actually going out on a date with her boyfriend. Still parrying from Night Roamers hoof swings, Silverblitz replied I dont know a spell for de- wait, you mean that cease-pulse spell, right?. "With all due respect ma'amWhat the hay were you thinking back then, Sparkle?!" Mudd Slinger called out, spraying bullets on more killer bunnies. Pan cake concluded. Because they were used in times of crisis, many thought that calling them the Elements of Hope would be better. But he hoped they would not bitch about it for the time being. Blades wasted no time in levitating a fresh clip into her assault rifle and use one more magazine to force the minotaur down onto the floor. My happy thoughts were broken by the sound of hooves violently striking the ground and coming closer. To help cover up our tracks, Blades used her own magic to levitate the Dogs corpses into an empty crate. The few customers who had seen the words on the TV screen resumed their grocery shopping. The aft seemed to be a smaller version of the central body, attached similarly like a spiders abdomen. I'm telling you, there is no book called The Illusive-". L'utilisation de ce site est soumis . Les opinions exprimes dans les enqutes prsentes sur le mdicament et d'autres pages de ce site sont celles des participants et non de Greenhorns!" Actually its me that should be forgiving. Halsey uttered. My white-tipped legs and wings felt like they were pushing into my ribs. Mendez commanded. Even the council saluted Mendez, who gave a long relaxed look. Thats not good occupation unless its something to put on a resume for a government job., Silverblitz replied Shes not even close to being a full adult like us two; but she said she would do anything just to help me when we bumped into each other.. Ahhope I didn't upset bossI couldn't find another job in years! "I take it that you're getting a promotion soon? But I could hear her thoughts briefly, as if she was behind me Yay! I look closer and see that these ponies were in poor condition. The orange sky was mixed black with smoke from all corners of the countryside; it was hard to tell if it should be dawn, dusk, or even midnight. Its time to put Watts into a real sleep. I started to hear Halseys voice again yet strangely her mouth didnt move. Oh, you just make yourself feel at home! Cryo sleep makes your mind literally rest; you dont even have dreams. A little rudely. Gravy called out to the unicorn, but Lugnut was probably deafened from the explosion; he kept limping away, the Hunter only a hoof behind him. But Halsey catches it, yet she gives sadden smile to the crowd. His speech was shifting between speedy and slow, as if he were a madmare. Do you have any last words to your trainees, Officer?She then gave a low nod to Mendez, who seemed to have aged so fast from the time he introduced me with a shock stick. And the entire book cover was in pink adding to its girly-ness. These powerful systems grant the user the following abilities and more: Flying faster, better braking, the ability to hover easily, and elimination of the need to flap wings. Halsey whispered to Mendez and tell Lyra to cancel sending us more chemicals from the Zebras; I cant risk more disabilities or another sabotage; augmentations are now fully over. ", Lyra sat awkwardly, thinking "Still, we can't do this to adults? "Princesscan we make a deal?" Quels sont les effets secondaires de Applefield Gel pour peau claire / Applefield Clear Skin Gel? Why are they-", "They're prototypes! Mendez barked, spiting saliva all over Vector's snout. ! Blades whined, "Move your flank out of the way, Destiny!" From were I was flying, a set of three ugly bunnies charged for Lipizzaner. Look at yourself! You're kidding right? We are! And they couldn't turn back and dump the program with three-hundred-and-three ponies that have now been drilled for months. She also wants to become the mess hall mare at CASTLE Complex., I didnt think you accepted in Hopes so easily; she not really the military type. I stated, Mendez then frowned that actually made me smile in my heart, because that was the good old chief Mendez Ive known I didnt plan on it, but when somepony keeps spamming your skipe inbox with emails for recruitment even five seconds I had to take that raspberry-mane maniac and her property on board., Socan I have my pictures back? Silverblitz pleaded It not fair that my personal items should be involved in this. November replied, studying the detail of the fire, like how it moved, how the embers that flicker off it, and it's base eating the blackening wood. November Flare went over to his locker and pulled out three M.M.Ms, a modified battle rifle with an underbarrel cartridge filled of used syringes, and his tactical visor covering his left eye. Isn't it, Corncob?". Her mane was messy and in sea-foam green highlights. I took this moment go amount the two and peek at High Hopes laptop. Hey, Mister! That's when I go way too far; I punch a thundercloud right behind me. You cant write locked in without three syllables! From its top to the forest floor, there were baskets and pulley systems large enough to fit three ponies into. Directions: Apply directly on the affected areas . ", Snapshot replies, "The last time I saw him was under the Manticore, bucking its nuts.". Ai,yai,yaiIs there any place the Covenant isnt? High Hopes questioned sarcastically. Other than that, I knew she would pull though. The other hunter bought his foot on Lugnuts head. In the holding bay of the phoenix dropship, I checked the safety on Designated Marksmare Rifle (DMR). But If I came across the word 'tea-party' then I was going to close it right away. The information; Where Colonel Bulb Watts is hiding. November specified. 'my little scientist'how dare she call me that! Except for Zero-Sixty-Five's team!" Lets do the math: Whats seven years to live minus eight years of chaos with Colonel Lames Ackerson?>. But were we going to become heroes of the galaxy? Errrlittle ponies! Gday, mate! Blades greeted giving Silverblitz a hoof bump. Lipizzaners heart stop and the dogs scanned the cargo from top to bottom. I didn't mean it though. Lipizzaner giggled lightly. It looked like it didnt need wings by hovering. I use all my strength to get up on one knee, and then the other. Yet they also inspired many heroes today, like firefighters, social workers, and us marines. Basically its a pony whotravels through time in a vehicle called the Tradis. I twirl the ponytail in my mane with my hoof "In the back? Lipizzaner came up to me and commented Thisis just like one of Mendezs excises; three fillies could do this mission alone. Griffon Lord 'Leo' Leonidas added twirling an end of his thick, brown, feathery, moustache. All of sudden, my memories as filly, memories that I forgot shoot back into head as I decide to wear it. The Planet Equestria still exists, ponies are the prominent race, Celestia and Luna remain as rulers controlling the sun and moon, but overpopulation has forced many of their subjects and other creatures to colonize other worlds.

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