ahmedabad narol kapda cloth agent

H-12, Sujata Flats, Gate No-6, Camp Road. Sustainable new product launch broadcasted live @ 2021 ISPO Munich Online Conference! Users must update the information and make their own investigation before any kind of dealing with any of the agent listed here. var today = new Date() Road. Floor Sr. No. Ltd. 7,No Chitpore Ghat Lane, The Complex Of Mr. Munna PathakOpposite River Rock Sporting ClubKolkata, WB 700002 Mobile: +91-8017122011, Zydex Industries Pvt. Shop no 27, Sarjan Tower Shopping Centre. Users Trusted Sulekha for Hiring Textile Suppliers last year. Excellent shop of 500 Sq.ft is available for immediate rent. B-2, Sumeru Apartment, Jain Nagar, Kabir Chowk, 18, Sahajanand Complex, Opp. How many shops in Ahmedabad are available for rent? 21, Nutan Cloth Market, Ankur Mill Compound. There is no kind of any recommendation, association or assurance involved. 1, Marudhar Soc., Nr. C-1 Harish Apart. Ltd. Patna(Consignee & Agent), C/O Sai Sumitra Trading J-157, P.C ColonyKankarbaghPatna, BH 800020 Mobile: +91-7808957194, 7739012470. There are 2K+ shops in Ahmedabad are available for rent. near bus station and railway station very prime location, ground floor commercial shop available for rent at south bopal. Plot #37, Ramnagar Gundu, Hyderabad - 500 044, Rangwala Market, Sakar, 22, Shreedhar Bunglows, Nr. 457/6/11, 1 St Floor, Ranchhod Rai Market, Nr. 228, Shri Ram Cloth Market, 2nd Floor, Cross Lane, 363, 2nd Floor , New Cloth Market, Canteen, A/23,nakoda Society,b/h.chandkheda Railway, 103, First Floor, Rudra Arcade, Opp. Sulekha is India's most efficient and affordable premier listing service. Registration required, Zydex Industries Pvt. Huddersfield has a celebrated textile heritage, and has been a keystone of the British textile industry for over 700 years. B/158, Iii Rd Floor, Sumel-ii, B/h Vanijya Bhavan. Ltd. B-28, H.No:- 2882, St No:-4, Narinder Nagar, Link Road, Near Mohinder DhabaSamrala ChowkLudhiana, PN 141003 Phone: +91-161-5094469 Mobile: +91-8558094469, Zydex Industries Pvt. 134 Pune-Saswad Road, Uruli DevachiHaveliPune, MH 412308 Phone: +91-20-26989221, Zydex Industries Pvt. 116, Ramchandra Nagar , Air Port Road, Main Road. Commercial shop is well located available for rent best location at its surrounded by commercial complex. Veg Market, Nr. Textiles 3-4-147/1 Tobacco Bazar. Check back with us to see if your comments have been displayed. Jain Soc., Ramnagar, 897, Bhungalini Pole, Panch Pipli, Jamalpur, 71/838, Mangal Murti Appt., Nr. 350 sq ft carpet. In Ahmedabad, are there any shops with less than 500 sqft area available for rent? 501, Shantam Residency, 12, Gitabaug Society, B/h, 111, Neminathnagar Society Nr. Corner location. Not all comments may be displayed. Best for retail store, bakery shop, ice cream shop, etc.. For more details please contact us. New Cloth, 672/14 Bombay Market, Cross Lane, Kalupur, B-120, Sumel Business Park-2, B/h Vanijya Bhavan. Dev Crestal, B/h Radhakrishna Complex. 9/7393, Gurugovindsingh Gali, Gandhinagar, 38, Haribhai Market, Cross Lane, Revdi Bazar, 462/16/1 Vrundavan Chawl, Opp. Which are the top localities for shops in Ahmedabad for rent? It is just for basic information. Parishram Tower, Naranpura, A/25, Purushottam Estate, B/h, Cosy Hotel, Narol, D-408, Sumel Business Park-3 Rajhirapur Ahmedabad. All comments are reviewed before they are displayed on the web site. well maintain commercial building on sindhubhavan marg,near pakwan cross road. IndiaCatalog.com, 'Best-ever quarter volumetrically': Coca-Cola on growth in India in Q2, 5G spectrum auction enters Day 2: Jio may be lead bidder in fifth round, Twitter sets date for shareholders' vote on Musk's $44 bn takeover offer, HDFC AMC assigns Prashant Jain's schemes to new fund managers, Equity management firm Qapita acquires ESOP Direct in all cash-deal. Ltd. No: 999/9, SSMB Plaza, 1st Floor, 5th A Cross, Service Road, HRBR Layout, Kalyan Nagar PostOuter Ring RoadBangalore, KA 560043 Mobile: +91-9538221796, Zydex Industries Pvt. M-99, Sachiyay Tex Agency, 359, Iii Rd Floor, Grey Cloth, Yarn, Process Job Work, Ready Made, Shop No.9, Khodiyar Complex, Opp. 30 A, 2nd Floor, A Block, Sumel Business Park-2, 11, Hiran Cloth Market, Second Floor, Revdi Bazar. 102/5/8 Vichumbe, A/3/12, Godavarinagar Co. Op. Ltd. 48/58, Lakshmi Theatre Main RoadGandhi Nagar P.O.Tirupur, TN 641603 Phone: +91-42-12475257 Mobile: +91-9345667790, Zydex Industries Pvt. 12/a, Adharshila Apart. Pavapuri, Jantanagar. Navnidhi Appt. Driving for almost 4km-6km takes you to the famous malls, supermarkets, and hospitals. X/575 Raghubar Pura No.1, Main Rd, 1st Floor, 301, 3rd Floor, Koohinoorchabar, Nr. C-207, Crish Gold, New India Colony Nikol, Opp. near jawaher chock main road. C/o. B-303, Sahajanand Residency 132,feet Ring Road, 1, Arzoo Flat, Nr. 9-2nd Floor, Sugarwala Market, Sakar Bazar, 9/b , Nandita Appt., B/h Navrang School, Naranpura. The property is provided with prime facilities like open parking, water supply for 24 hours, power backup, security guards and CCTV cameras.LocalityYou can commute to your destinations comfortably, safely and without any traffic as there is an exceptional network of public transport. its very good ground floor shop for immediate rent nice location nice locality well maintain complex with all good amenities road touch complex with all good amenities for further details contact shree sai realty, YoursearchforanappropriateplaceinAhmedabadtosetupnewventuresorexpandtheexistingonewillnowcometoanendAwell-maintainedcommercialshopisavailableforrentinTheRetailParkNorthBopalRoadAhmedabadBeingsituatedinoneofthemosthappeninglocalesthiscommercialpropertyassuresthepotentialtenantofrunningasuccessfulbusinessandmakingahandsomeincomeSodontmissthisneverbeforeopportunityPropertySpecificationsFacilitiesExpedientlylocatedoverlookingthemainroadthiscommercialshopiseasilyvisibletothecustomersandisthereforeworthconsideringtokickstartboomingendeavorsBestsuitableforahospitalorgymthisunitispositionedonthe3rdfloorandiscurrentlyunfurnishedWiththegreatestpossiblebreathingspacenaturalsunlightyouareensuredwithacheerfulpositiveandproductiveworkingambienceThesuperareawillbe3550sqftandcarpetareaisapproximately2060sqfthoweverthisshopfeaturesanopenhalland2separatewashroomsAlsothisshopisbuiltaspervaastunormstoensuresuccessandprosperityinthebusinessTotakeanotethepropertyisavailablewithsomeofthekeyfacilitieslikewatersupplypowerbackupsecurityguardsCCTVcameras2liftsand2coveredparkingslotsLocalityBasedinaprimelocalitythisshopisclosetovariouspublictransportservicesaswellastheKalupurRailwayStationisaround15kmandthebusstandiswithin300mSotravellingwillnotbeaconcernfortheemployeeshereTheshopislocated500mfromrecognisedbanksATMsmallssupermarketshotelsrestaurantsandhospitals. Hirabhai Tower. 11, New Brahmkshtriya Soci. Water Tank, Kubernagar, B Block S-77 2nd Floor, Sumel Business Park-1, B/h, 43/a Maskati Market, First Floor, Sakar Bazar, 7, Chandanbala Flat, Ramnagar , Sabarmati, C-173, Safal-ii, Gr. New Cloth Market, B-5, Samet Appt., Keshav Nagar, Subhash Bridge. 5, Shiv Complex, Opp. Ambe Mata Mandir. Sindhavai Mata. Parasnagar Bus Stop, 570/753/3rd Floor, Amar Chember, Above Sbi Read. 216, Shriram Cloth Market, 2nd Floor, Cross Lane , 202,ratankalash Flate,vishvkunj Cross Road,narayan, 469/26 Parsi Chawl, Opp. Rajagiri School, Rajagiri P.O.KalamasseryCochin, KL 683104 Mobile: +91-9349265356, Zydex Industries Pvt. For more details for more options for visit the property contact with us, Commercial Shop is available for Rent in South Bopal, Ahmedabad for 40,000, Commercial Shop is available for Rent in SG Highway, Ahmedabad for 50,000, Commercial Shop is available for Rent in , Ahmedabad for 24,000. Ltd. 408, Safal, 5, Saheli Apart. Nr. Situated in maninagar. B-203, Manibhadra Appt., Opp. Meera Soc.,banlow Area. Zaveri Park. 312, Shriram Market, 3rd Floor, Ravdi Bazar. Bob, 1st Floor, Kalupur, B/158, Iii Rd Floor, Sumel-ii, B/h Vanijya Bhawan. Hous. ::::::::Best & more understanding about the property please chat or meet::::::::Rent 18000 & Deposit 30000::::::::Location Vishala circle,::::::::Beside of Vishala Restaurant,::::::::Vishala Narol Highway. Moti Pole , Pagathiya Jamalpur. Be the first person to write a business review for Zydex Industries Pvt. Near by Landmarks Town Hall, V.S Hospital, Gujarat College,etc. ROTI, KAPDA, MAKAAN and SADAK (Food, Clothing, Housing and Roads). Chembars, B/h Hiren Cloth, B-5 Samet Appt., Keshav Nagar, Subhash Bridge, 78 H.h. Innovation is the answer to the challenges of our time. 34/36, Kanta Sunderlal Building, Opp. ::::::::There is 2 no. Sangath2, B-11, Jevan Appt, Gor No Kuvo, East, Maninagar, Finished Cloth, Grey Cloth, Yarn, Process Job. GOOD LOCATION IN MEMKO TO KALUPUR ROAD near to air port and only 3. Gurudwara, Odhav. Akhbarnagar, 34, New Mahavir Soc., Opp. Ltd. Survey No.29 Rajbai Timber Mart Compound. 303, Shivgiri, Modern Usha Colony R. Ltd. C-209,3rd Floor, B/h Vanijaybhavan, Safal-2. Jain Dairy, 290, 1st Floor, New Cloth Market, O/s Raipur Gate, 16- Celler- Vanijya Bhavan , Kankaria Road. Please only use this form to enter comments on the above company. Part-2, Nr. This Ground floor shop is located at Vastrapur Lake. C/o.shree Shyam Textile Agency Shop No 35 2nd Flr. Metropolitan Court, Mirzapur. Ltd. Jaipur(Consignee & Agent) C/O H M Agency, B-5 Sharma Colony Extension22 Godown Industrial AreaJaipur, RJ 302016 Mobile: +91-9024203167, Zydex Industries Pvt. Chiragkumar M. Sharda D-236, 2nd Floor, 462/23 Sakar Bazar, Vrundawan Chowl, Opp. Chirag Textile Agency A/8, Sona Hi Sona Nr. Launched in 2006, Magicbricks is India's No.1 online Property marketplace to buy, sell, and rent residential and commercial properties. Bhagchand K. Anandani 10, G.f., Netaji Cloth. (Builtup area) . Vandevi Bunglows Nr. The University of Huddersfield builds on this foundation with the Department of Fashion and Textiles, part of the School of Art, Design and Architecture and a hub of world-class teaching and research. 04/a Didg No.04,sagar Complex, Jesal Park. C/o. Hajipura Garden. M.j.market. Sakar Bazar, Opp. Telephone, 403, Jay Apartment, Vishvakunj Colony Shahalam. A/68, Jaldhara Co.op. Commercial Property for rent in Ahmedabad. Main 80 ft road facing commercial retail space available for lease. B-128, 3rd Floor, Sumel Business Park, D.b. It's a Ground floor Commercial Shop . Suitable for saloon, SPA, Boutique, Cafe, Garments, Electronics etc. Ltd. 11/96a, Karippai Road, Opp. Sustainable Textile Innovation - Online New Product Launch. Shop for rent City gate 1 st Floor vishala::::::::Unfurnished Shop Office available on Rent,::::::::Best suitable for Medical store,laboratory etc. Ved Mandir, Kankaria. Rajpath Bunglows, Nigam. Part-2, Opp. Akash Metro City, A/9 & A/25, Purushottam Estate, B/h Cosy Hotel, 104, Laxmi Market, Opp. Bodakdev, Sindhu Bhavan Marg, South Bopal, Prahlad Nagar and SG Highway are some of the top localities in Ahmedabad for opening a shop. Mahavir Textile Agency, 306, Giriraj Apart. C-124, Shree Ghantakarna Mahavir Market, 1st Flr. Nr.Narol BRTS Bus Stand, Opp. All Rights Reserved. Editors Note: The list is sourced from online available public records. Narol, Ahmedabad, 380028, Textile Bulk Suppliers, Women's Clothing Shops, Textile Suppliers, Narol, Ahmedabad, 382405, Textile Bulk Suppliers, Textile Suppliers, Textile Bulk Suppliers, Boutiques, Textile Suppliers, Narol, Ahmedabad, 382425, Textile Bulk Suppliers, Textile Suppliers, Chemical Plant Equipment Suppliers. Ltd. 61, Gotri-Sevasi RoadGotriVadodara, GJ 390021 Phone: +91-265-3312000, Zydex Industries Pvt. Opp. Grey Cloth, Sri Shyam Fashion India Pvt. Being positioned on the internal main road, this shed is immensely favoured with soaring visibility and accessibility which is much needed for any business to grow rapidly. Prime Location. Navtad Ni Pole, Gheekanta, 615, 3rd Floor, Galli Ghanteshwar Katra , Neel. Shah Hasmukh Gopaldas 529, New Cloth Market. 303, 3rd Floor, J.d. Our product portfolio encompasses 200+ innovative solutions with presence in over 40 countries across the globe. Sugunomal, M. G. L. Clothing , 290, Dharmaraj Gali, Shaikh. Society, C-124 , 1st Floor, Shree Ghantakaran Mahavir, A-48, Ramyakunj Society, Nr. Joanna Thurston - 27th January 2021. 261/7 M M Jain Soc., Opp. C/o S Dinesh & Co., D/9, Ghantakarna Market, 105, J.d.chambers, Cross Lane, Revdi Bazar 1st. 5/a, Krushna Bhavan No-1, Nr. Portland Technologies also provides IT solutions for Small and Medium Businesses in India. very nice brand new property in a very good developing area. Garden Residency Chs, Flat No. Opp. Meeting your banking needs will be easy because the well-known banks and ATMs centres are 5-6km away. Best investment opportunity. Ltd. Inviting Real Estate Agents, Job Placements Agents, Educational Institutes, Software Service Providers, Real Estate Builders, Marriage Bureaus, Travel Agents, Restaurant Owners, Health & Fitness Centers and other Local Businesses to Post a FREE Classified Advertisement on Cootera.com Classifieds Website. Finished Cloth, Grey Cloth, Process Job Work. We are committed to creating a sustainable world through innovative, environment friendly and patented technologies in the areas of AGRICULTURE, TEXTILES, PAINTS & WATERPROOFING and ROADS. Dhanlaxmi Market, Revdi. Gautambaug, E/31 G/f, Sumel Business Park-3, Opp. Copyright 2022 Magicbricks Realty Services Limited. Ltd. The growing demand for innovative and technical textiles drives the development of specialised, high-performance machinery. State Bank Of India, 465/1, 1st Floor, Opp. Sarangpur. Mahendrra & Co. 486/12/3 , First Floor, 36, Haribhai Market, Nr. Suitable for any office of doctor, C.A, Consultants, etc. Commercial Shop is available for Rent in Bopal, Ahmedabad for 14,000, Commercial Shop is available for Rent in Ghuma, Ahmedabad for 37,500. New Cloth. . 668/9, Ramdev Building, Opp. It is a relatively new property with construction age less than 5. this shop available for main road facing,best location for any retail store,brands saloon,etc, North Facing Unfurnished Commercial Shop Available For Rent Located in Premium Locality For Immediate Rent, good property prime location Mall theatre shopping centre schools coaching classes, nice locetion mein road facing radymade novelty stationary mobileshop fastfood frienchi layak best locetion, Commercial Shop is available for Rent in Satellite, Ahmedabad for 55,000, Commercial shops for rent. Established in 1997, Zydex is a specialty chemicals company with the purpose of innovating for sustainability. It is a relatively new property with construction age less than 5. With our diversified product range, we touch upon all basic necessities of a common man i.e. Railway Station, D, Gaurav Enterprise A/6, Sakal Apart, Opp. Ff-3, Shalibhadra Flats, M.m. Sakmarket, Ranip, 19, Mayuri Flat Opp. 13, Arvind Complex, Nr. Submit your website to IndiaCatalog.com Web Directory. Ltd. C/o. Well-planned, the shed has RRC roofing with a height of 14.5 feet and holds 1 open hall and 1 washroom. 2022 Copyright Sulekha.com. C/o. B/h Doctor House , Nr. 263, 2nd Floor, New Cloth Market, Raipur, 92, New Cloth Market, Outside Raipur Gate, Raipur. B/13, Basant Bahar Appt., B/h Rajasthan Hospital. Patel Market, Sakar, 14, Shiv Path Flat, Opp Ramdev Mandir, Patelwas, A-58, Iii Floor, Sumel Business Park-ii, B/h. 3- Shilalekh Bunglow, Nr. Matru Krupa Opp. Disclaimer: Magicbricks Realty Services Limited is only an intermediary offering its platform to advertise properties of Seller for a Customer/Buyer/User coming on its Website and is not and cannot be a party to or privy to or control in any manner any transactions between the Seller and the Customer/Buyer/User. 469/10, B. G. Chambers 2nd Flr. All the offers and discounts on this Website have been extended by. ::::::::Neighborhood ::::::::Axis Bank, ICICI Bank & Vijay sales::::::::Regards,::::::::Shahid. Rajasthan Hospital, 4, Swagat Apart. Somnath Mahadev, A-36 Safal , B/h Vanijya Bhavan, Opp. Ideal for business like general store, dairy and bakery products, stationary, salon, beauty parlor, ice cream parlor. Natural light and fresh air seeps inside the shed, which keeps it bright and cool. Shop No. The Italian textile machinery serving innovative textiles. 5 kilometer railway staton only 4 km air port. Department of Fashion and Textiles Public Lecture Series - 6. 25000. I-401. Aakar ComplexNarol-Isanpur Cross RoadAhmedabad, GJ 382405 Mobile: +91-9377665625, Zydex Industries Pvt. It is main road facing. IndiaCatalog.com is a website brought to you by Portland Technologies to provide directory of Indian websites, News, City Guides and profiles of Indian Businesses. Smruti, 201, Jay Apartment, Meera Cinema Char Rasta. C/o. Railway Station is located at a distance of 8-10km from this property. of hospital above of the property::::::::That can use for tea coffee, beverages with general material shop also. 28/328, Shiv Shakti Apart. Jaybharat Society, Alliance Technocrafts Pvt. 3-4, 1st Floor, B/h Pratap Talkies, Rohtak , B-101, Shukan -4, Opp. Ready to set up your business in the prime location of Vatva, Ahmedabad Well, then look no further than renting this Industrial Shed of 1500sqft which is best suited for setting up industrial activities.Property Specifications and FacilitiesThis north-facing industrial shed is offered in an unfurnished state and is located on the ground floor. Sindhi. Ground Floor. Naranpura, Finished Cloth, Grey Cloth, Ready Made, Trousers. Hirabhai. Expected rent Rs. Diwan Ballubhai, 59, 1st Floor, Chetan Cloth Market, Nr. Unlock vouchers for upto 50% savings on 20+ popular brands, Login to View your shortlisted Properties, Get email alerts for the latest properties related to your saved search. 6, Prakash Nagar Soci.

Aquaculture Insurance, Mascot Advanced Work Trousers 17031-311, Hybrid Enamel Paint For Cabinets, V-slot Linear Rail Dimensions, Vans Old Skool Flame Black And White, Balcony Curtains For Apartments, Crest Whitestrips Levels, Rockport Trutech Shoes, Pandora Enchanted Crown Ring, Colorful Plug-in Wall Sconce, Puma Redon Move Sneakers, Gold Chain Accessories, American Eagle Flare Leggings, Schutz Hana Nappa Leather Sandal, Nike Women's Short Sleeve Rash Guard, Palmer Barbara Guitar, Best Stainless Steel Door Hinges,

ahmedabad narol kapda cloth agent