12 volt 20 amp power supply circuit

A web portal, where you will find shopkeepers and their products. Manual Switch between 110V and 220V Input. R7 to R10 are a parallel combination of 0.1 ohm 5 watt power resistors. Working Temperature: 0~40 Set the current through the transistor to equally. C5 and C4 are for high frequency decoupling, D7 is to prevent high voltage back EMF from damaging the IC and semiconductors. Once downloaded to your desktop or home folder and unzipped, it should work without problems. The bulk of the work is performed by an LM723 regulator. Check the current flowing through the transistor. LED indicator for power on L, N, GND: AC power input The supply is rectified by BR1, a 35 Amp bridge rectifier type MB356. The built-in DC fan allows the SP-240-12 to operate within temperatures of -20C to +70C and the built-in protections offer added assurances over the quality and reliability of the unit. A 12 Volt high current 20 Amp power supply. The error signal at pin 10 feeds a darlington combination made with Q1 to Q5. With progressively higher currents the output will be reduced further, but this design is for 20 Amps not higher. You can increase the current in a step by step, each step of 5A. DC Output: DC 12V , 0 ~ 20A. Load regulation at 14.4 V is shown below. +V / ADJ: fine adjustment of output voltage There seems to be a problem serving the request at this time, STMicroelectronics Other Electrical Equipment & Supplies, Adjustable 2 A Maximum Current Output Power Supplies, Adjustable 24 A Maximum Current Output Power Supplies, Agilent Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Pumps & Plumbing, B&K Precision Other Business & Industrial Equipment, Adjustable 20 A Maximum Current Output 240 V Maximum Voltage Output Power Supplies, {"modules":["unloadOptimization","bandwidthDetection"],"unloadOptimization":{"browsers":{"Firefox":true,"Chrome":true}},"bandwidthDetection":{"url":"https://ir.ebaystatic.com/cr/v/c1/thirtysevens.jpg","maxViews":4,"imgSize":37,"expiry":300000,"timeout":250}}, MEAN WELL AC-DC Industrial DIN Rail Power Supply (SDR-480P-24), Siemens 6ep1336-2ba10 Power Supply SITOP Psu100s 6EP13362BA10, B&K Precision 1688B 18V Switch-Mode Power Supply, 18v 20a 360w DC Regulated Switching LED Power Supply CNC With CE, Phoenix Contact QUINT-PS/1AC/24DC/20 Switching Power Supply, Eaton PSG480R24RM Redundancy Module 20a Power Supply, Siemens SITOP Modular 20A Stabilized Power Supply 24V DC/20A (6EP1436-3BA00). , The built-in DC fan allows the SP-240-12 to operate within temperatures of -20C to +70C, 12 volt DC Power Supply with a load Capacity of 20 Amp or 240 Watt: Start with a minimum currents rate of 5A. The regulation is excellent, the graph below simulates a varying load resistance of 0.5 to 1 measured across the output (Vs) in the circuit diagram. Posted in As device parameters vary, in particular, forward current gain hFEof a power transistor, R3 to R6 aid current sharing. The file12v20acontains the circuit, symbols for LM723 and potentiometer, subcircuits for the LM723 and potentiometer model and spice data for the semiconductors. Thisstarts to happen at 23 Amp, increase in load current now further the current limiting of the LM723. Author: Andy Collinson. 12 volt DC Power Supply with a load Capacity of 20 Amp or 240 Watt. Copyright 2017 - 2021 Majju. For North America the primary needs to be rated at 120V. C1 and C2 are the smoothing capacitors and the unregulated DC voltage will now be about 26V with no load. View cart for details. You can order any item on sale from different shops, we will pack it together and get it delivered to your door step. This PSU uses an LM723 as the regulator, 4 parallel connected outboard pass transistors and has current limiting above 25 amps. Humidity: 0~95% Non-Condensation. Once the voltage across pins 2 and 3 reaches 0.6 Volt the IC will go into current limit, limiting output current. Because there is the voltage drop across them as a ratio of the current flowing through each transistor. 12 volt DC Power Supply with a load Capacity of 20 Amp or 240 Watt: SP-240-12 is a 240W 12V 20A enclosed industrial style power supply offering full range AC input and active PFC. The preset RV1 sets the output voltage, R1 and R3 settingupper and lower voltage limits. The effective resistor value is 0.025 ohm and is connected back to current sense pins 2 and 3 of the LM723. Copyright 1995-2022 eBay Inc. All Rights Reserved. High Efficiency, Low Temperature. The output voltage is variable from 12.2 Volt to 14.4V so can be set for any device requiring voltage and current in that range. The secondary must be cable of supplying 20V AC RMS at 25 Amp. All rights reserved. AC input: 90-130V; 180-265V. Auto on/off cooling fan. High reliability. I have made a simulation model in LTspice. The input transformer T1 has a primary rating of 240V for the Uk domestic supply. SP-240-12 is a 240W 12V 20A enclosed industrial style power supply offering full range AC input and active PFC. 6A10 MIC Diode 6A 1000V Quality Silicon Rectifier, TTP223 Capacitive Touch Sensor Switch Module 223 Sensor, Push Fit Stop End 6mm Tube Plug End Connector S265, 3D Printer Driver Board Ramps 1.5 Controller Board for Arduino Mega, WH148 15X17mm 6mm Shaft Hole Plastic Potentiometer Amplifier Knob, 5V 20A Power Supply 100W AC to DC Switching Power Supply, Switching Adapter 5v 1a AC DC Adapter 5v 1a Power Supply, 5A 24V 220V AC to DC S-120-24 Switching Power Supply 90-240VAC to DC24V 5A 120W 199*98*42mm, 12V 1A Adapter 12V 1000mA Switching Power Supply AC DC Power supply Adapter. Over Load and Short Circuit Protection. + / 10% adjustable output voltage. Current regulation is also built into the circuit. -V: DC power output - The BD131 boosts current from the regulator at pin 10 and sources base current to the parallel connected 2N3055 power transistors, Q2 to Q5. Automatic Reverse polarity switch using Relay. Only when the load increases to 21 Amp does the output start to drop by 50mV. The output voltage is solid at 12.3 Volt, even at 20 Amp. LED1 shows the supply is healthy, LED2 shows that the regulated output is working. AC to DC, Voltage stabilizers, on 2015-09-10. Built-in EMI Filter. You can also measure individual device currents and voltages or modify the circuit. You can also choose to build a circuit size with output currents as you need. With RV1 at about 10% output voltage is about 12.3 Volts. +V: DC power output + The simulation circuit does not include the transformer or bridge rectifier and the circuit is shown below. And next step 10A, 15A, 20A, 25A and a maximum to 30A. Something went wrong. Signal Sources & Signal Conditioning Equipment, 1 product ratings - Hewlett Packard E3611A DC Power Supply, 5 product ratings - Mean Well 3000W Power Supply PRI: 200-240 VAC 20A SEC: 48VDC 62.5A RSP-3000-48, 1 product ratings - HP E3611A Dual Range Power Supply - Red Black Green Output (E3611A), 2 product ratings - BK Precision 1688B DC Switching Mode Power Supply 1-18VDC 20A ***NEW IN BOX***. Each transistor supplies up to 5 Amps of current into the load. Good protection circuitWhen the output short circuit or overload. Auto-recovery after protection. 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12 volt 20 amp power supply circuit