stabbed by a palm tree thorn

The hardy orange (Poncirus trifoliata), also known as bitter orange and trifoliate orange, is a deciduous shrub often used in hedges. Brief content visible, double tap to read full content. Your link has been automatically embedded. . It's a love-hate relationship growing these things! Sago palms aren't just poisonous to people, but also to cats and dogs. People can fully recover from plant thorn arthritis with the correct diagnosis and treatment. I think the lingering pain from these is more due to actual material left in the puncture wound rather than any chemical or biological material on the spines. Palms have found ways to injure me in a variety of ways. Learn more about these serious fractures, how theyre treated, and what to expect. Plants that can cause plant thorn arthritis include plum trees,. The plant thorn fragments cause a localized inflammation reaction in the joint lining tissue that leads to swelling, stiffness, loss of range of motion, and pain. I was pruning my p.canariensis and stepped into one of the fronds on the ground - stuck into my ankle. Its a real thrill!". Man that wound bled! I lost my balance once while doing maintenance near the Acanthophoenix and put my hand on the ground hard to prevent a fall. Thorns are the main protective mechanism of the palm tree to eschew from the herbivores. Yearly Minimum - 26 (-4C). The vein collapsed and is now gone and the hospital still think I am a drug addict finding unusual places to inject. Clear editor. As many of my palms as he has killed with that damn lawnmower though, maybe this was a little revenge from one of them, lol. I am thinking of giving it back to him and completely avoiding armed palms in my landscape. (it's like a very small thorn)? 2004-2023 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. Me, just Phoenix pokes including under the nail, but I'm feeling lucky. True. How poison is the sago palm to human who was stuck by thorn? Never make assumptions about the safety of plants. Outlets and voltage differ internationally and this product may require an adapter or converter for use in your destination. Although thorn fragments may remain if there is no infection, they are likely to cause recurring discomfort. Carefull planning and placement can save a lot of work later on. about 95% of the time. and honey locusts (Gleditsia triacanthos), among others. Allright, I'm out of here. Current USDA hardiness zone 10a The spine came through the top of her foot! Nah, not really, it's a scene from a movie I posted about a few months back. Here's the link: I have one, too, and it's going to be either moved, or re-moved. Pets that get their mouths on sago palms, thorns or otherwise, often experience symptoms like depression, weakness, vomiting, runny stools, appetite loss, bruises, exhaustion, severe stomachaches, unusual thirst and bloody fecal matter. Find out what treatment options and at-home tips are available here. To treat plant thorn arthritis, people will typically require surgery to remove the thorn fragments from the joint. (Including some poor b@st@rd who happened to have a bomb filled with nails and pointy wood screws explode in front of him. (2008). Hot and cold Med. This sounds like the same 4th. As I brushed by a leaf (I'm pretty sure I was wearing glasses at the time), a leaf tip penetrated my left ear, puncturing the ear drum. To protect yourself while picking roses or gardening in general, wear protective clothing like gloves. The credits are the best, with the Build me up, Buttercup sing-along. Yup, been stabbed by every spiny palm in the yard. Blood started squirting into the air everywhere just from a tiny yet forceful prick! Yes, I've gotten stuck a lot. Bayside Melbourne 38 deg S. Winter Minimum 0 C over past 6 years. I've heard lots of gruesome CIDP stories. I didn't do anything, because I was convinced, well, you know I had an overactive imagination then. Wide mouth and large C-handle allow for easy, every day use. Managed to break the tip off under the skin too, had to dig it out with an exacto knife and tweezers. The seeds have. ), citrus trees (Citrus spp.) Diagnosis of plant-thorn synovitis by high-resolution ultrasonography: A case report and literature review. It was worth it. All of this sounds so familar, a wrecked back from dragging heavy pots around, spines under the fingernail, Chamaehrops spines in the scalp, punctures, scrapes and wounds. Scared me enough to be very careful but it seems no matter how cautios you are they still manage to poke you. I like the idea though of capturing a scene from any dvd movie. I saw a landscaper at my friends house with a CIDP spine that went into the cuticle of his finger and went like four inches right into his Middle finger, I just got goosebumps thinking about that. The fronds we have grow to 18' so when they're cut down they're awkward to lift and carry and getting stuck is easy. I usually get a few scratches from my Butias when I trim the old, dried fronds. Please make sure that you are posting in the form of a question. Without treatment, plant thorn arthritis may develop into chronic arthritis. And, Cleveageburg was overrun with Mafia types, who blew each other up from time to time. Poked by a thorn of the palm tree can cause severe tissue damage and lead to irritation, skin burns, swelling and infection. Date thorn is a modified leaf that ends in a spine of the palm tree, Phoenix anarensis, which is widely cultivated in the Middle-East countries.2 Penetrating injuries of the extremities by date thorn are common in Middle Eastern countries.2 Children are exposed to thorn injuries because of their contact with date palms in gardens or plantations. Mumsnet carries some affiliate marketing links, so if you buy something through our posts, we may get a small share of the sale (more details here). If anyone wants an avatar for themselves from a movie (if I have the movie) I'd be happy to capture something. Printed with superior ceramic inks that are fired on at a temperature of up to 1200 degrees. Easy, right?? The Coffee and Motivation Mug can be used for coffee, tea, hot chocolate, soup or any liquid of your choice. (0 members and 1 guests). I did NOT kill the offending palm. I was very carefully pruning off the rubbish from my CIDP and was about to cut off the spines (I insert them into a piece of polysterene and call it "art"). You have been given good advice..really watch it and if the pain will not stop then go to an urgent care or late night clinic in the morning or if it is really bothering you then go to the ER if you have great insurance. Those thorns are cruel. The accuracy or reliability of the data is not guaranteed or warranted in any way and I disclaim liability of any kind whatsoever, including, without limitation, liability for quality, performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose arising out of the use, or inability to use my data. Read on for more. link above. USDA 1990 hardiness zone 9B Date palm thorn injuries require a high level of clinical suspicion and careful management as they can lead to severe complications, such as tissue inflammation, synovitis, and extensive haematoma. Jim in Los Altos, CA SF Bay Area 37.34N- 122.13W- 190' above sea level. . You can learn more about how we ensure our content is accurate and current by reading our. And this seemed like a good way to find out. You cannot paste images directly. You may have to register Mycetoma occurs when these specific fungi or bacteria repeatedly enter the skin through a puncture, scrape, or cut. Dave, the old italians here in Cincy say it the same way. . The symptoms of both eumycetoma and actinomycetoma are similar. Resident of San Diego, CA and Pahoa, HI. Warning, it may differ from "your" opinion. Just-a kick-a heem', like a dees!" There can be bacteria on the thorns, if it is very painful and swollen you should get it checked out. . ), That poodle growled and grabbed my pants leg. A truly permanent imprint that will never fade or lose its glow. Substantial levels of it can lead to liver failure. i have just taken a thorn out of my palm? Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Sago palms grow close to the ground, and because of that are easy for the little ones -- kids and pets alike -- to access. My garden helper has a college degree, and he's really not a gardner, but he's a damn good worker when he's in the mood. Carlsbad, California Zone 10 B on the hill (402 ft. elevation). Sago palms are fixtures in rock gardens, sand gardens and lawns. Pasted as rich text. The progression of symptoms is typically the following: Its likely your doctor will prescribe a several-month course of antifungal medication, such as itraconazole. A blunt trauma injury can cause your spleen to rupture. And if Dick was a team player, he'd throw himself on the Tr Campestris to see if it works for that palm. Inflammation of a palm tree puncture wound requires medical treatment. A surgeon will make a small incision to perform keyhole surgery or use open surgery to remove part or all of the inflamed synovium. When my kids were young. Paste as plain text instead, Doctors may also prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to help reduce inflammation around the joint. As a precaution to it's dainty but spiny tips, I cut the lower dead fronds and cut a few more that were badly damaged from the cold we received. Get nailed every time I work with them, aka pruning dead fronds, but never badly. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. (Think it was synovitus from googling) He was v.poorly and he can't straighten his arm. i have just taken a thorn out of my palm? And, I punctured my palm with one. We have all been there. Thorn removal is one of the major headaches of commercial date culture. Yuck! We report the case of a 14 year old healthy boy, who was admitted six weeks after being injured by a palm tree thorn, with limping caused by pain and swelling in his right knee. It occurs when a thorn from a plant punctures a joint. While sago palms (Cycas revoluta) might look innocuous and inviting, the hardy plants are highly poisonous to both human beings and pets. The leaf did not move but my hand slid across the knife sharp petiole. My dad got gashed really good once from a Washingtonia petiole as he drove past with the lawn mower at an irresponsible rate of speed. Like ageing, palm culture is not for sissys. Well show you. I hated it obviously but it could have been way worse. In some cases, it may take surgery to discover fragments and reach a final diagnosis of plant thorn arthritis. Fortunately I held the end on, and the wound has healed, but I was really cursing when it happened , for the pain, as much for using the wrong tool for the job. 30-98 degrees, and 45-80deg. A small and painless pink, red, or purple bump forms where the fungus entered the skin. Ouch!). Currently, the only treatment for plant thorn arthritis is surgical removal of the thorn fragments and a synovectomy to remove the inflamed joint lining. What other palm related injuries have you guys had? If you have sago palms in or around your home, make sure your pets can't get close to them. November 24, 2014 in DISCUSSING PALM TREES WORLDWIDE. An ankle replacement is a major procedure that can take months to recover from. If this is your first visit, be sure to I have two large, seed bearing, T. campestris, but they are both set well back from foot trafficbut then I planned it that way. It took months before the pain finally went away. Here are eight foods to avoid and what to eat instead. Less lucky with the fire ants living on the palms, however. By joining Cureus, you agree to our Although Blackthorn or date palm thorns cause most reported cases of plant-thorn synovitis, the thorns of numerous other plants can cause it too. how can i take it out? is it just me or is trying to not get stabbed half the fun??? They're also often seen near entryways. A few months back my 15 yr. old son was sliding down an outside bannister without a shirt on, fell off into a Washingtonia that was about 4' tall. Of course it was the first day of a three-day weekend. If people are gardening or taking part in activities that may increase their risk of coming into contact with thorns, they may wish to take the following precautions: People should contact a doctor if they have any of the following symptoms, particularly if they know they have had an injury from a plant thorn: People should let a doctor know if they have had a thorn injury and the type of thorn they think it may be. Phoenix canariensis have always been kind to me, i have been playing among them since early childhood and never got anything but a pleasant feeling from it, ''To try,is to risk failure.To not try,is to guarantee it''. The other day I was taking a pic of a Carpoxylon, and grabbed the old dead leaf by the petiole to tear it off. You can post now and register later. Long Island, New York Zone 7a (where most of the southern Floridians are originally from), Summer Highs : 85-90f/day, 68-75f / night, Winter Lows : 38-45f/day, 25-35f / night, Extreme Low : 10-20f/day, 0-10f / night but VERY RARE. Doctors may take a biopsy of the synovial fluid, which is the fluid around the joint that lubricates it and allows smooth movement. Help! The accuracy or reliability of the data is not guaranteed or warranted in any way and I disclaim liability of any kind whatsoever, including, without limitation, liability for quality, performance, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose arising out of the use, or inability to use my data. Now my foot is throbbing! If he gets stuck he gets a bad infection and winds up at the doctors for antibiotics or something. Absolutely, one of the most dangerous palms around is Trithrinax campestrus. Stretch the affected skin area gently and apply an adhesive tape or a simple cello tape over it . (it's like a very small thorn)? Spines are similar to thorns, in that they feature internal vascular tissue, but they arise from leaf tissues, not shoots. Then there's the eye pokes from the emerging spears of Bismarkia, Rhopalostylis, Archontophonix, and Caryota. Clear editor. The symptoms of cutaneous sporotrichosis usually start to appear between 1 and 12 weeks after infection. Had a canary island date palm leaf fall from about 15 ft driving a spine in between two fingers going a couple inches deep. Sporotrichosis is a relatively rare infection caused by the fungus Sporothrix. Always make sure your tetanus boosters are up to date after a skin wound. It hurt like heck, and got real hot and was painful for 2 days! Most often, a ruptured spleen is caused by blunt force trauma. Find recent orders, do a return or exchange, create a Wish List & more.,,,,,,, It hurt like a needle going in but the pain went away quickly so I thought I was ok but then I noticed a lot of blood coming through my glove. I bent over one time and backed into a palm, OMG talk about a "thorn in your side". Nothing gruesome, but still worth sharing. His leg obviously hurts and he thinks part of the thorn is still in there. So, I learned a bit, including about being wary of stereotypes, but, well, some of them are at least partially true . Solid zone 9, I can expect at least one night in the mid to low twenties every year. But I couldn't just leave it half out of the ground so I finished planting it. The seeds, rather than the thorns, are the most dangerous parts. I've gotten lots of little spines from palms like Livistona, that embed themselves in your skin, then make little lumps, which eventually disappear as your body "eats" them. Far as I know, he was not any kind of goon himself (except when 'dat some-ba'-beech messed with-a heem). Plant thorn arthritis typically only affects one joint. 2019 I know that Dr. Oz does not want us using peroxide but who knows what to do. The pain usually last for a few days, and especially painful near the fingernail!! 1996-2023,, Inc. or its affiliates, Green Palm Tree Stabbed With Cactus Thorns Classic Mug. The knee is the most common joint affected, but it can also affect the hands, wrists, and ankles. It occurs when the fungus gets into the skin via a small cut, scrape, or puncture, such as from a rose thorn. I finally put the sylvestris in ground and was in the act of repositioning it, I tipped it forward one way and let it come back towards me- bam! Has anyone seen these tiny leaflet splinters on Phoenix? 1995-2023 QVC, Inc. All rights reserved. First of all, we need to remove this. Cycasin can irritate your digestive system. Get sneak previews of special offers & upcoming events delivered to your inbox. If this is your first visit, be sure to check out the FAQ by clicking the link above. Cart Please keep us posted. Bled profusely and off to the hospital I went. Those things don't mess around they dig in then snap off when you pull away and lodge into your skin. Privacy Policy It's specially designed with a large handle to provide you with a comfortable grip. The boy recovered fully. Some are very long and thin that it's hard to see them. Minor symptoms include neck pain and stiffness, but numbness and more, Medical News Today has strict sourcing guidelines and draws only from peer-reviewed studies, academic research institutions, and medical journals and associations. I decided to plant/transplant five 15-gallon sized plants on a Saturday last March all by myself. It happened to be right next to a Phoenix roebelinii. MS: Can the Mediterranean diet help preserve cognitive health? The seeds, rather than the thorns, are the most dangerous parts. Solid zone 9, I can expect at least one night in the mid to low twenties every year. By My hand started having spasms and I looked and saw a bloody entrance wound and then about an inch a away from that was a lump where my skin was raised from the back end of the spine that was lodged in my forearm bone (not sure which one). . check out the. If your joint is swollen, red, stiff, or tender, you should see a doctor. Good Gawd Y'all! It kept hurting but I didn't pay much attention to it. This penetration causes inflammation of the synovial membrane. Help! Upload or insert images from URL. I was fussing with my newest treasure - a Thrinax morrisii! Let's look at symptoms and treatments. Phoenix sylvestris spine that went right between my finger and finger nail. I might try and get something from "Castaway" next. This immune response to the foreign material (thorn matter) within the joint is referred to as a foreign body granulomatous reaction. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. "Genius is nothing but a great aptitude for patience.". Immediate, basic first aid should be performed on any puncture wound, and especially those from palm trees, to prevent infection. Also known as rose gardeners disease, rose pickers disease is the common name of sporotrichosis. I think there must be something toxic on the tip of the fronds. Here are the signs you may need to see a doctor. . To comment on this thread you need to create a Mumsnet account. Its great growing palms! The stab causes an acute local inflammation even if no part of the thorn remains in the affected tissue.2 Periocular date palm thorn injuries are relatively rare. I got stabbed with a palm tree thorn on my ankle at 11am and. We avoid using tertiary references. I got poked in the eye once by a Rhopalostylus baueri spear. Please note: heartbreak does not qualify. If you notice redness, swelling, itching, or other discomfort in the area of the thorn puncture after a few days, you may need to seek further treatment. Plant thorn arthritis can affect joints that come into contact with a plant thorn, such as the finger, knee, or ankle joints. . We describe a case report of an 18-year-old male . Is the ketogenic diet right for autoimmune conditions? Microwave and dishwasher safe for your convenience. Alot of times, they just break off in the skin and have to be removed. Plant thorn arthritis is a noninfectious inflammation of any jointa knuckle, knee, or ankle, for examplethat sometimes occurs when a thorn punctures the joint and a bit of plant matter is left lodged inside. Surgery, including amputation, might be necessary to remove infected tissue. Hope you recovered from the Royal mishap . 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stabbed by a palm tree thorn